
Chapter 146 What Lao Se Pi wants

On the other side, mercenary Lao Wu has found the place where the female bear died.

Looking at the blood stains scattered on the ground, Lao Wu slowly squatted down.

Because quite a while had passed, the blood on the ground became a little thicker. He kept touching the blood with his fingers and smelled it carefully.

He repeated this process until he touched a pool of relatively fresh blood, and then he stopped.

"Human blood?"

Lao Liu had the elemental ability of mud, so he wouldn't be hurt even if he was caught by a ghost bear.

No one was injured in the previous battle here, so this blood stain was most likely left by Lao Qi.

"The seventh child was injured by the sixth child? How could the two of them take action in this place?"

Just when the mercenary Lao Wu was confused, Lao Liu was supporting Lao Qi and walked towards him.

At this time, Lao Qi was holding his stomach, and the white gauze was stained red with blood. Lao Wu immediately asked:

"What happened to you? How did she get hurt?"

Lao Liu scratched his head in embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, Fifth Brother, I was sick at the time and I was injured."

"What kind of serious illness have you committed again?" Lao Wu was a little angry.

But at this time, the injured Lao Qi spoke up and acted as a peacemaker:

"Forget it, fifth brother, it's not the sixth brother's fault for this matter."

"Then tell me what's going on?"

Lao Qi covered his abdomen with a taboo look on his face. After thinking for a while, he slowly said:

"I think we will see illusions in this jungle..."


"Yes, Lao Liu also saw an illusion. He thought I was another person, so he shot me."

After hearing Lao Qi's explanation, Lao Wu's face looked better.

"Then let's go back and treat your injuries."

"Hey, wait a minute, Brother Five, if you can't see the illusion clearly, you won't be able to get out, and the same goes for the team.

Now that Lao Liu and I have found a way to see the illusion clearly, have you ever thought about those people..."

Lao Qi made a gesture of wiping his neck, while mercenary Lao Wu narrowed his eyes.

"You can try it."

While the mercenary Lao Wu was talking, an injured woman was hiding in a tree not far away.

It was Lao Qi.

She was covering her stomach with one hand and her legs with the other, trembling all over.

She didn't move, didn't even dare to make a sound.

The sixth brother wanted to kill her, and now the fifth brother also wanted to kill her, and everyone wanted to kill her.

She had to hide and hide to survive.

Just as she was thinking this, a bloody hand rested on her shoulder.

Team here.

Xu Le glanced at Xu Lei and then at Levi's beside him. While feeling confused, he took out the Guyinduo card again.

He wanted to use divination to determine something.

Psychic energy had begun to be injected into the cards, but suddenly, a slender finger took away Xu Le's cards.

Xu Le subconsciously wanted to get angry.

He thought it was Li Qingcheng who was looking for trouble again, but when he looked at his fingers, he quickly covered his mouth and tried not to laugh.

Poof! ~

If he couldn't help it, he wouldn't laugh, but he couldn't help it in the end.

Because in front of him... stood Tifa.

"Xu Le, don't you want to do divination at this time?"

While Tifa was talking, she was still swinging her skirt in front of Xu Le.

The woman in front of me is very real. The movie is only 1024*768, but the human eye has 576 million pixels.

This woman's every frown and smile are countless times clearer than in the film.

Xu Le could even see her eyelashes one by one, the pores on her skin, and her breathing.

Of course, he also paid attention to his breasts.

Still so big.

So Xu Le felt an unprecedented reality.

"Why can't you tell fortunes?"

"I'm already here, why do I need to do divination? We can..."

The Tifa in front of her looked pitiful and her expression was serious.

To be honest, Xu Le was a little excited. If this was a place like the Mother Tree Realm where he could be resurrected infinitely, maybe he would have taken off his pants.

Unfortunately, not here.

Xu Le glanced in the direction of the other teammates at this time. Those few people were no longer there, replaced by young ladies with different styles.

"Huh? Have I ever had so many favorite characters?"

Seeing this scene, Xu Le shook his head. This illusion was very real, but...

This illusion did not understand him.

In other words, this illusion is flawed, and very flawed.

At least it doesn't understand what a senior color batch wants most.

Xu Le took a deep breath. The ethereal state was always maintained, and the tree of soul continued to absorb his growing desires.

He waited for a while, and when two and a half lust fruits grew on the soul tree, Xu Le showed a satisfied smile.

He actually took the initiative to enter a state similar to sage mode without rushing.

So at this time, it was okay for Xu Le to say that he was pure in heart and had few desires.

"Two and a half pills, I'm so stuffed..."

Xu Le's anima fruit has been growing very slowly. I wonder if he had too much online experience in his previous life, and watched too many horror and action movies.

Because he had too little experience in this life, he always felt that his anima fruit was growing very slowly.

But this wave can only be said to be profitable.

Xu Le gently pushed away the young ladies who were almost clinging to him.

Start thinking about how to remove the illusion.

Or to think about it another way, how did he enter the illusion state?

Xu Le ignored the few pimples that were almost crowded on his face, ignored the voices of those girls, and while maintaining his sage state, Xu Le opened up his vision of Guyin.

Every girl is chattering to herself.

But he knew that everyone who spoke was not a real person.

This is the world that belongs to Guyinduo and Hongyue, and it is impossible for a creature like 2B to appear.

Xu Le took a deep breath and used Gu Yinduo's vision to feel the clues of everything in front of him.

Everyone's appearance in their own field of vision has been changed by something.

"An expectation? Or something you want?"

No, at least not completely right. Xu Le knew very well that what he wanted now was money.

Money is definitely the most important thing right now.

His desire for money is very practical, so now he just wants to make money.

But what the fantasy gave him was not money, but a bunch of girls, and girls that were impossible to appear.

In other words, the illusion is conditional.

There are a total of 6 people transformed by these illusions, and there are also a total of 6 teammates.

Is it certain that the illusion is based on reality? And these people are real people.


"Spell, a strange formation, a taboo summoning formation."

After a burst of white smoke, Xu Le felt a little hopeful.

Then he covered his face.

"Brother Xu Le..." A charming pink-haired woman leaned against him.

Xu Le has forgotten which movie he saw her in. After all, pink hair is not uncommon.

But the problem is, he clearly summoned a living corpse!

It would be great if the ability to summon living corpses to turn into girls could be brought into reality.

But seeing his living corpse turned into a pink girl, Xu Le was sure of one more thing.

The people in the illusion are not necessarily human beings, maybe they just need to be in human form...


Is the human form okay?

After Xu Le hesitated for a moment, he summoned the thorns again.

When he saw a girl with a green algae head rolling on the ground, he overturned what he had just confirmed.

It seems that it doesn't need a human form.

As long as it is alive, this is basically certain.

Because except for the people here and his two summons, no one else has turned into a girl.

"Why did they become girls?"

Is it because he has always wanted a girl?

Is some hidden desire deep inside being amplified?

"Don't crowd, don't crowd."

Xu Le pushed away some people around him and continued to close his eyes and think.

Why don't you open your eyes?

Too much, too big to open.

Moreover, his head was being knocked around, which was not conducive to thinking.

"If the girl appears because of some desire in my heart, then this desire should be regarded as a kind of anima, right?"

Can't even the Tree of Souls absorb this hidden anima?

Xu Le pondered for a while, and then began to inject more spiritual energy into Gu Yinduo's vision.

More and more, more and more swelling.

His eyes even emitted blue light in the air. In this state, it was as if he had been contaminated by some ancient Yinduo power.

The strongest form of Guyin's multiple visions.

The thread of destiny.

Xu Le didn't know if this state was useful, but he had discovered light-forged offspring in this form before.

Looking at Tifa, she was the closest to him before the summons.

So her real identity is most likely Levi's.

Xu Le shuddered when he thought that the woman in front of him wearing a tight-fitting black combat uniform was Levi's nerd who secretly played with puppets all day long.

nausea! nausea!

But when he observed the other party carefully, he finally saw something different.

Silk, or thread.

There is a kind of thread on their bodies. This thread is not the thread of fate, but is connected somewhere deep in the jungle.

Just as Xu Le was about to reach out and cut the thread, his fingers suddenly stopped.

"If these people have threads, do I have them too?"

Xu Le slowly stretched his hand to the back of his neck and touched it casually, but didn't touch anything.

After a slight hesitation, Xu Le injected Guyinduo's spiritual energy into his fingers, and then his fingertips turned into golden thunder.

A faint golden light flashed away.


A sound of metal wires breaking appeared in Xu Le's ears.

After the thread broke, Xu Le looked at the others. He didn't want any details to be missed in his eyes.

Sure enough, the originally ambiguous and warm world now became colder.

In fact, the surrounding scenery did not change significantly, but it was like the warm tones of the camera suddenly changed to cold tones.

The contrast in tone even gave Xu Le a cold feeling.

Although he was thankful to have returned to reality, Xu Le felt that he had also lost the eight young ladies he once dreamed of.

Suddenly, he glanced at Levis who was twisting his body.

I imagined him and Tifa overlapping each other.


"If you lose it, just lose it."

At this time, everyone else was looking around in confusion. It was obvious that they were all trapped in an illusion.

It's just that some people are intoxicated and some people are sad.

It seems that everyone's hidden desire to be controlled by threads is not the same.

"Hidden desires that cannot be absorbed by the Soul Tree can be manipulated by people with threads and form a state of illusion. What a powerful method."

To be honest, this is the first time Xu Le has encountered Gu Yin Duo's Soul Tree, which is completely ineffective.

He walked to Levi's side and used Golden Thunder to cut Levi's silk thread.


Levis, who was dancing, sat down in despair, the light in his eyes almost disappeared...

This made Xu Le wonder if he had done something bad.

But Levis suddenly said:

"I'm under an illusion."

"Do you know that you have fallen into an illusion? Shouldn't I let you wake up? After all, after you wake up, you won't be able to see your Sha."

Xu Le didn't know who Weiss was talking about as Sha, but he knew that Levi's No. 1 doll, the beautiful maid doll, was named Sha.

This old pervert is really too much!

Although he also wanted one, he still had to scold him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's not that I didn't try to wake up from the illusion just now, it's just that I couldn't find a reasonable way."

Seeing that Levi was still arrogant, Xu Le spread his hands and began to lift the illusion for others.

Xu Lei and Xu Ting woke up one by one.

When they returned to the real world and saw Xu Le, they were obviously stunned.

"Xu Le, were you the one who got us out?"

"Yes." Xu Le did not deny it.

Now the situation has changed. Regarding the team, he wants to gain as much control as possible.

From the oral accounts of several people who woke up, we learned that they all knew that they were trapped in a fantasy, but there was no way out.

After hearing this statement, Xu Le frowned slightly.

This shows that although the ability of the illusion controller is very rough, its power is very powerful, so powerful that these people have no way to resist.

This is a bit troublesome.

Xu Le walked up to Li Qingcheng and cut off the anima strands of desire for her. Li Qingcheng woke up calmly.

She looked at Xu Le standing in front of her and seemed a little happy.

But Xu Le didn't speak, and turned around and left, leaving her standing there silently.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of talking, Xu Lei felt a little relieved.

"Xu Le, tell me about what happened just now. We don't know how we were tricked."

"To put it simply, a certain being can control an unexploded inner energy in our hearts through a special thread in this jungle, which can also be said to be a hidden desire, forming an illusion."

"Hidden desire?"

"That's probably it."

Xu Le briefly explained the principle of the illusion.

For him, as long as the intensity of the illusion does not continue to increase to the point where it is completely impossible to cut the thread.

Then there is no threat to him, but it is different for others.

They don't have golden thunder, nor do they have the ability to cut the thread themselves.

After listening to Xu Le's statement, Li Qingcheng frowned slightly:

"When you put it like that, this ability sounds like the control technique of a puppet warlock. It treats us as puppets."

When Xu Le heard what she said, his eyes instantly narrowed and he looked at Levis.

But Levis also nodded.

"There are indeed some similarities, but the Rune Warlock's control technique does not have such a large range effect.

Moreover, controlling spells is a very delicate job. To establish a contract, you need many superimposed conditions of heavy spells. In short, it is very complicated. "

Xu Le didn't know if Gu Jianuo's previous control of the puppet was a type of control technique.

However, he had experience and knew the complexity of that technique.

There is a big difference between that kind of control and the current illusion control.

He experienced a total of 6 times of divination guidance before he was completely tricked and entered the control state of the puppet, mastering vision, hearing, damage, and control.

That is complete control, this is an illusion, the two are definitely different.

As for the puppets Li Qingcheng mentioned.

After Xu Le hesitated for a moment, he took out the Guyinduo card from his pocket.

He rummaged through his stack of cards and suddenly discovered something very nonsense!

[Black Card-Puppet] is gone.

Xu Le was very sure that he did not use the fate trick to burn an ancient Yinduo card.

One of my cards is indeed missing.

Not only is his mastery of ancient Yinduo cards, he is at least absolutely familiar with them.

This deck of cards was newly bought by him, how could it be missing one card?

Does it really matter?

Xu Le is a person who likes association very much.

He clearly remembered that Night Fury once said that she, Puppet, and Lightcast were on the same level.

If it is an existence at the level of Guyin Duo's son, then its level of power is likely to exceed that of the Soul Tree.

That's why there is an energy that cannot be detected by the Soul Tree and can be controlled by some kind of force.

Are there puppets in this jungle right now?

No, this power is not strong, it should be a descendant of Gu Yinduo who was contaminated by puppets.

Gu Yin has many descendants - puppets.

"Huh! These are just speculations. Maybe I think too much. I should calm down at this time."

Xu Le took out a piece of candy from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

Sweeteners themselves are the brain’s best placebo.

Although Xu Le did not have mental fluctuations, after eating a piece of candy, the sweetness made his brain, which was a little tired from thinking, feel a little better.

Xu Lei saw the strange color on Xu Le's face and asked:

"Xu Le, are you okay?"

"I'm OK."

"Shall we set off now?"

If you count the time with Ghost Bear, Xu Le has taken action twice to solve the team's difficulties.

The first battle could be said to be a joint effort by everyone to kill, but this time they fell into an illusion. If Xu Le hadn't taken action, many of them would still be looking for their mother in the illusion.

Once a person's strength is reflected, his voice and status in the team will naturally increase.

So Xu Lei had to ask Xu Le about the next direction of action.

Xu Le pondered for a moment.

"It's better to draw the line and leave as we said before. If we enter the illusion again, I will find a way."


With a clear reply, the group began to take action.

They didn't bring paint or anything like that, so they had to mix the weird ashes with water and then draw a thin straight line on the ground.

Although the line is very thin, it is enough to guide everyone's action direction.

This time, even Xu Le didn't feel the problem.


After drawing the line for almost two hours and walking for more than two hours, everyone saw the line in front of them.

This situation can only explain one problem.

The straight line they drew, curved.

It became a circle.

Xu Le squatted on the ground and looked at the line left before. He really didn't feel the deflection of the angle, even in Gu Yinduo's vision.

Taking out the Guyinduo card, Xu Le prepared to do some divination again.

But as soon as he took it out, a card fell to the ground.

Is this a mistake?

How could Xu Le make such a low-level mistake?

He picked up the cards on the ground.

[Black Card-Puppet]

The original picture of this card was a puppet controlled by threads showing a mechanized smile.

But at this time, the puppet actually tilted its head towards Xu Le and waved his hand.

It was very difficult to write today. I was planning to take a day off.

I was stuck until 2:40 in the night, and then I felt like I had diabetes, and I wrote the second chapter.

I was scolded for a long time yesterday, and I was autistic for a while

Fortunately, many book friends advised me to just write according to my own ideas.

This book has an outline, an outline with many words.

Therefore, I will not change the book in the future if the plot is not particularly outrageous and controversial.

Unless it is an obviously problematic chapter or the description is not in place, it will be changed.

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