
Chapter 148 A new Guyin Duo Destiny Fruit

The [Black Card - Puppet] in his hand actually turned into a black card without injecting any Gu Yinduo energy.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people see the Guyinduo card as a card with a pattern.

Nothing extra.

From the perspective of ancient sound's multi-view observation.

Ancient Yinduo cards will be given a smart picture, just like a GIF.

And it will have both positive and negative meanings.

But once you enter the deepest state of a card, it is the state before the Guyinduo card is unlocked.

The pattern on the card will disappear.

The black sheep girl last time turned into something like a black hole.

The puppet on the front line has also transformed into something similar.

The pattern on the card has completely disappeared, replaced by a whirlpool of threads.

It is also the side text of the Black Card, and there are also whirlpools.

But the difference between the two is still obvious.

Xu Le didn't know if he would directly enter the world of puppets if he touched the card with the branch of the tree of soul at this time.

But he always had the feeling that the puppet was always looking for him.

In other words, the puppet has been guiding him to touch the card.

He didn't even try to unlock the Puppet card, some kind of Puppet's will, or the Puppet itself unlocked the card.

Hope he gets in.

"Besides being handsome, durable, not greedy for money, loyal, honest and trustworthy, I don't seem to have any other advantages, right?

What is it about the place that attracts the puppets? "

Xu Le couldn't figure out why the puppet wanted to see him so much, but he always felt that the puppet was a dangerous existence.

When he mentioned puppets, he would think of Gan's fate.


So...Xu Le still didn't touch the puppet cards and put them away again.

"Brother Xu Le, why do you always look at the cards? Especially that puppet, is there anything special about it?"

“Didn’t I say before that we are like puppets on strings?

These are all issues for warlocks. Don’t think about it too much. Do you want to eat rabbits? Give you half. "

"Okay." Xu Ting agreed with a smile.

When she sat next to Xu Le, Xu Le could even smell the sweat on her body.

It's not the legendary warrior aura, nor is it the fragrance of a girl, it's just the smell of sweat, which is a bit unpleasant.

After a day of contact, Xu Le still liked this cousin very much.

Be direct and decisive in doing things, open the way without ambiguity, have certain abilities, and have certain combat effectiveness.

Not pretentious, as a woman, these are rare qualities.

And she should be younger than me, maybe only 18-19 years old?

To become a level 2 warrior at this age is already very talented.

Li Qingcheng, who was standing aside, saw Xu Le and Xu Ting eating rabbits and lowered her head silently.

Of course I don't think it's cruel or anything like that. She is a level 2 warrior after all, and she has also had an experience in the wild, so she is not exactly a novice.

So when she saw other people hunting rabbits, she killed a rabbit and started grilling the meat as well.

Unfortunately her rabbit was completely burnt.

All the original ideas came to nothing, which was a bit sad.

After eating, the law enforcers had begun taking turns to watch the night, and Levi was even more exaggerated.

He summoned a wooden frame and slept in it.

Xu Le had no intention of sleeping, and the warlock's meditation could barely be regarded as a kind of rest.

There was always some uneasiness in his heart, and he couldn't tell where this uneasy feeling came from.

I can only stop sleeping.

Late at night, Xu Le felt extremely tired. This fatigue made him very uncomfortable and made him more vigilant.

Because Xu Le himself knows his own situation very well.

Before he came here to carry out the mission, he had recuperated his energy.

He is a veteran champion of staying up late. With his ability to stay up late, he will not feel sleepy even if he is not meditating.

But what time is it now? A little after 1 o'clock?

Going to bed at this time would have made me laugh at people who stayed up late on the Internet in my previous life.

So he knew very well that he shouldn't be sleepy.

This kind of sleepiness is problematic.

Have you been tricked?

Xu Le opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, clasped his five fingers and then released them. With the light of fire, he could see the red and white blood flowing on his palm.

My senses and everything are normal, I'm just simply sleepy.

Being unable to hold on.

"Xu Ting."

"Brother Xu Le, I'm here, what's wrong?"

Xu Ting has been on duty and has not rested until now.

Xu Le was also a little puzzled. Xu Ting had always been responsible for opening roads and drawing lines, and she was still on duty now.

What are Xu Lei and those people here for? On vacation?

"I might have to take a nap."

"Then you want to sleep? I asked you to sleep a long time ago, but you have to stay up late."

"It's not that simple. Some special situations may occur after I go to bed.

Don't panic or be afraid. If you encounter a problem, go to Levi's as soon as possible. Just tell me what I said and he will help you. "

"Ah?" Xu Ting was a little confused. He wasn't sure why Xu Le suddenly said this to him.

It feels like explaining the aftermath.

"Brother Xu Le, what's the matter with you? If you feel uncomfortable, just say it."

"It's not uncomfortable. Remember what I just said, did you hear it?"

"I know." In front of Xu Le, Xu Ting was particularly obedient. At least she listened to Xu Le's words more than she listened to Xu Lei's words.

After getting Xu Ting's affirmation, Xu Le finally couldn't stand it any longer.

He relaxed his tense nerves and fell asleep instantly.

Seeing Xu Le falling asleep instantly, Xu Ting suddenly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

At this time, a not too strong spatial fluctuation appeared around Xu Le.

The black hole like a thread appeared directly on Xu Le's body.

Pulled by the black hole of silk thread, Xu Le's body was stretched and rotated like a pixel, as if it was about to leave this world.

The fluctuation in space lasts only 2-3 seconds.

But in Xu Ting's opinion, it felt like a long battle.

"Brother Xu Le!"

She touched the air in front of her and finally confirmed one thing.

Xu Le disappeared.

Levis, who had been sleeping, suddenly woke up at this time. He looked at the empty fire beside him, then looked at Xu Ting, who was full of surprise, and asked:

"Where's Xu Le?"

"He just said that he might find something after he goes to sleep. He told me not to panic. If I encounter any problems, I will come to you as soon as possible, Warlock Levi."

After hearing Xu Ting's explanation, Levis breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, for warlocks, as long as there are omens, it is generally not a situation that cannot be handled.

Xu Le predicted that there would be problems when he slept, so he should look for a solution to the problem.

"The fluctuation of space, the potential of a planeswalker? It's really enviable, tsk."

Levis was amazed. It was not easy to become a warlock, but it was even more difficult to become a mysterious warlock.

Mystery Warlocks themselves require extremely high spatial talents, which eliminates a large number of people.

Then, before an arcane sorcerer can be promoted to level 1, he must memorize the law of "Everything is Three".

This thing is difficult to understand, but after reciting it, you may go crazy or even become directly distorted.

To be honest, if you don't really want to become an arcane magician, there is no need to take this risk.

It’s not that Levi doesn’t want to become a mystic warlock. With Yi Xiaoya here, what can’t he learn?

His problem is simple, he is simply stupid and has no talent.

So Yi Xiaoya kept saying that he was a waste.

"Warlock Levi, are you praising Xu Le?" Li Qingcheng, who had not slept, suddenly asked.

"Of course, Xu Le is a very good person, extremely good. Why, don't you feel it?"

Li Qingcheng nodded, not sure whether he was affirming or denying.

But Xu Ting said directly:

"I have always felt that he was very good, but it was a pity that he was driven away."

Xu Le opened his eyes suddenly, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is indeed a problem, but the current environment..."

Unlike the dark world that Xu Le entered before when he entered the Night Fury, the place that Xu Le entered now was very bright, like a picture scroll-like paradise.

There are a large number of toys scattered on the surrounding ground, most of which are dolls, both male and female, and they are all exquisite.

Not far from Xu Le, there is an apple tree. It is not big, but it is full of red apples.

Looking to the far end, there is a small house behind the apple tree.

A door, several windows, and a smoking chimney on the roof.

The picture in front of him gave Xu Le a very strong impression, like...

It's like the picture everyone would draw when they were young and just learned to draw.

There is a hut with a chimney, apple trees with apples, green grass, and there is a stream not far away, right?

Xu Le glanced farther away.

Well, it does.

Looking up at the sky, the red sun was printed in the sky like a fake painting. Looking at everything in front of him, Xu Le could only shake his head slightly:

"So true, but so fake."

Xu Le walked forward slowly, walked to the door of the wooden house, and knocked on the door.


"Come in!" A sweet voice appeared in the room.

Xu Le frowned slightly and pushed the door open.

What came into view was a girl who looked like a doll, sitting in front of the dressing table combing her hair.

Her hair is blonde and looks to have a very nice texture.

Her skin is also very fair, and it is a vivid color with a white and rosy complexion. However, Xu Le still found some doubts based on Gu Yinduo's vision.

There are no pores on this woman’s exposed skin!

She only has pores where her hair is.

"Puppet!" Xu Lexin said.

After he took a step forward, the door behind him was closed directly.

Xu Le sighed. Now that he's here, he has nothing to hide from.

"Hello, Master Puppet."

He is not stupid. The person in front of him knows that it is a puppet without even thinking. Even if it is not a puppet, it is still a terrifying existence that he cannot resist.

Calling "sir" won't make you lose even a hair, and you can also show your respect, so why not do it.

The girl in front of the dressing table slowly turned around. She was very beautiful, but also very fake, even to the point of being ridiculously fake.

Have you ever seen a person who first turns his head 180 degrees, then his upper body 180 degrees, and finally his waist down 180 degrees?

This is what the woman in front of me looks like.

She has unparalleled delicate facial features, bright eyes, perfect skin like jade, and golden silky hair.

But when these things came together, Xu Le had only one reaction.

A fake batch!

She successfully achieved the uncanny valley effect and did not make Xu Le feel beautiful at all.

The puppet stepped on a pair of pink high heels and walked up to Xu Le, smiling:

"Hello, Mr. Xu Le, we meet again."

"Again? I'm sorry, Master Puppet, I don't remember when I saw you."

Unlike the Night Fury, Xu Le saw the Night Fury clearly when he first activated Gu Yinduo's vision at the first moment of time travel.

When was the puppet? He was completely unimpressed.

"You have touched the fate of the puppet, so we have met each other a long time ago.

I'm paying close attention to you, but it's a pity that the thread on your body was taken away by the owner.

But fate is so exciting. I originally thought I had lost you, but it sent you to me again. "

Wait, wait a little longer, the amount of information is a bit big!

Xu Le turned on his ethereal state and quickly digested what the puppet just said.

The puppet said that he had touched the puppet's fate!

Is the so-called fate of the puppet the fate of Teacher Gan?

Because in Xu Le's impression, Teacher Gan is the only one who has ever been exposed to the fate of puppets.

Then there is the line that the puppet said...

Is it because of my divination about Gan that my body is stained with puppet strings?

If Gan has the mark of a puppet on his body, then his divination of Gan may indeed cause this to happen.

Then the thread was taken away by the owner.

If the thread represents the mark of the puppet, then the owner in the matter of the thread being taken away by the owner...

It can only be a Night Fury!

Only the Night Fury told him at that time that he had the mark of the puppet on his body and expelled it for him.

The Night Fury is the master of the puppets?

The story here is huge!

There is also the fate in the mouth of the puppet at the end. The puppet calls fate "it". This tone does not feel like a simple expression.

It's more like describing the existence of a certain creature.

Will fate exist like a living thing?

"Are you thinking about problems in a high-speed state of mind? Mr. Xu Le?"

"Uh, huh?"

Xu Le was stunned, fuck, can such a thing be seen through?

The ability of Gu Yinduo's son is a bit too outrageous, right?

"It doesn't matter, high-speed thinking is indeed a very useful ancient sound power.

Among my descendants, there are very few who can understand the existence of this level of rules. "

Xu Le was silent for a moment.

He captured an important piece of information, the power of ancient Yinduo, the rules.

Isn't the ethereal state his unique ability? But a rule-like ability?

"Master Puppet, what do you want from me?"

"Let me feel you."

The puppet gently stretched out his hand to Xu Le and placed it on Xu Le's chest. Xu Le subconsciously wanted to resist, but he held back.

The other party is the son of Gu Yinduo!

It is an existence that truly affects the world. The Night Fury is the source of the Night Demon. Can the puppet be any different?

So Xu Le didn't resist. It would be too stupid to resist.

The puppet's fingers seemed to have penetrated Xu Le's skin, bones, and flesh, and held Xu Le's heart.

Xu Le had a hard time breathing. He felt that it was not his heart that was caught, but his soul.

But it didn't last long, and the puppet retracted its finger.

She shook her head slightly:

"Your heart has changed into the shape of its master. It can no longer belong to me. It's really sad."

Xu Le:?

How is this described?

Xu Le looked at the troubled puppet and finally decided to ask:

"Is the master that Mr. Puppet talks about Mr. Night Fury?"

When he heard Xu Le call Night Fury, the puppet looked intoxicated:

"It's her, it's her, my master, the perfect son of Gu Yinduo, the most powerful God-slayer, the Night Fury who hunts gods.

I really want to, really want to... kill her!

I long to make her into a puppet and kill her sheep to make a quilt, so that the master can be with me forever! "

Xu Le:…………?

Xu Le didn't know how many times he was speechless.

She calls the Night Fury master?

Then her idea was to kill the Night Fury and make it into a puppet? Kill the sheep and make it into a quilt?

People who have such thoughts are definitely seriously ill.

Xu Le thought so, but he didn't dare to say it.

"Then, what does Master Puppet want from me?"

"I do have something very important to ask you for."

"Well, you say, I'll do my best."

“In the woods where you are, an ancient Yin Duo Destiny Fruit appeared.

I don't want it to be eaten by wild beasts again. Find it and give it to Zion's Enforcer officer, Alley. "

When Xu Le heard this request, his eyes instantly narrowed!

Gu Yinduo's destiny fruit?

I guess you heard it right?

According to Chi Xiao, only those who eat the Guyinduo Destiny Fruit can enter the realm of the Mother Tree.

The last Red Moon Tribulation was not long ago.

There were no casualties in the Mother Tree Realm, and seven people, including Luo Juya, were still alive.

Could it be that during this period of time, one of the people who shouldered the fate of Gu Yinduo died?

Or are these two ancient Yin Duo Destiny Fruits inherently different?

Xu Le doesn't know which situation is the reality.

But the most important thing now is, can he refuse the puppet's order?

Xu Le glanced around, at the sunny room and the puppets in front of him, and finally nodded.

"Okay, but my abilities are limited. The forest has completely turned into a maze, so I'm afraid I may not be able to complete Master Puppet's mission."

"Why do you think the woods turned into a maze? It's just some small tricks.

Of course I won't ask you to do things for no reason. That is not in line with our rules, nor is it in line with the rules of the mother tree.

I will help you, Mr. Xu Le. "

The puppet stretched out its finger towards Xu Le and lightly flicked it on Xu Le's forehead.


The world in Xu Le's eyes collapsed instantly.

After a burst of space fluctuations, he suddenly appeared where he was just now.

"Brother Xu Le? Are you back?" Xu Ting said in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm back."

Xu Le nodded, still thinking about what the puppet said just now.

"There is an ancient Yin Duo Destiny Fruit here..."

He suddenly remembered the help that the puppet said, so he took out the cards in his pocket.

[Black Card-Puppet]

Status: Unlocked


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