
Chapter 151 Mirage like a jellyfish


Almost everyone, including Levis, looked towards Xu Le.

Although they also wanted to know how Xu Le was sure of what happened before, they were still more curious about things like fruits.

"I guess the fruit you are talking about must not be apples." Levis said.

When Levis said this, the atmosphere in the team became even weirder.

Although Xu Lei considers himself an upright law enforcer, for things like fruits...

"Xu Le, is the fruit you are talking about the Guyinduo fruit?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"No, it's nothing, I'm just curious." Xu Lei waved his hand.

"Guyin Duo Fruit, it should be a very valuable thing, right?" Xu Ting couldn't help but ask.

"Mainly because it's rare."

"How about we go over and take a look?"

"But we applied for rescue. What if the rescue team arrives and can't find our location?"

"The time we applied for rescue was yesterday afternoon, and it's only 5 o'clock in the morning. Can we come back before the rescue team arrives?"

Several team members would say a few words from time to time, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Xu Le didn't interrupt and just watched their discussion. It wasn't until the team became quiet again and looked at him at the same time that he spoke:

“I feel relieved to see that so many of you want the Guyinduo Fruit.

Just now I saw that you were silent, and I thought it was because I was too greedy for money, but it turns out there is nothing wrong with my thinking. "

Xu Lei had just said before that Xu Le had a problem with his thinking, and Xu Le's teasing made him a little embarrassed.

"But we still have to wait until these wolves leave, otherwise it will be meaningless for us to say this."

"They will leave soon." Xu Le sounded certain.

"How can you be sure of such a thing..."

Before Xu Lei could refute, he was slapped in the face again. The werewolves and wolf beasts on the ground started to move towards the direction of blue light after howling.

The entire wolf pack was in order, giving Xu Le and the others the feeling of being some kind of weird army.

After seeing this scene, Xu Le's first reaction was that this method of action was a bit like the weird siege during the Kuroshio.

It’s also the same order of silence. Are the two related?

"They have left. Let's keep our distance and follow them to have a look."


Xu Le and others also got off the tree one after another and followed the wolves.

Just like what was said before, they kept a distance from the wolves and gradually moved towards the place where the blue light was.

However, the wolves move very quickly. At this speed, it shouldn't take long to arrive.

While walking on the road, Xu Ting suddenly looked back.

Xu Le is not a maniac about details, but he will still care about this very obvious extra move.

"What are you looking back at?"

He had always maintained Gu Yinduo's perception state and found nothing, so when he saw Xu Ting turning around, he asked directly.

"No, it's nothing."

Hearing Xu Ting's uncertain tone, Xu Le frowned. He didn't like this uncertain way of answering:

"If you feel any obvious surprise, just say it directly. The intuition of extraordinary people is usually very accurate.

Whether we are a warlock or a warrior, the improvement of our strength will give us extraordinary intuition.

Keeping this intuition and treating it objectively can prevent us from many dangers. "

Xu Ting also didn't expect that Xu Le would pay so much attention to her brief feeling, and even talked to her about it.

Xu Ting pondered for a moment before saying:

"I just... felt someone staring at me."

Xu Le nodded without saying anything, but looked at Levis.

Levis also remained silent, but he immediately understood what Xu Le meant.

Scorpion, the No. 9 puppet, had crawled over silently, and Xu Le also silently used a spell to summon a level 1 thorn.

"Okay, maybe this is not strong enough, but it should be enough as an alarm."

"Why does Brother Xu Le summon Gu Yinduo so weirdly?"

"Well, actually that's not Gu..." Xu Le wanted to make a quibble with himself.

But Xu Ting didn't do that at all.

"Although I am a warrior, I have studied for several years. Brother Xu Le should think carefully before speaking of such nonsense."

"It's the effect of the relics. In fact, these weird ancient sounds were all summoned by me using the relics. Yes, that's it."

Although Xu Ting didn't quite understand whether Xu Le's words were true, she felt that Xu Le was lying when she saw Levi cover his mouth and chuckle.

"Brother Xu Le is better at lying to people than before, especially to women."

"This... why do you say this?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling."

Xu Le was speechless.

"I'm being honest, but you misunderstood me."

As he spoke, he took out the necklace that Lao Wu had left behind.

Although there are some other equipment at Lao Wu's place, those equipment are not very valuable, and most of them are conventional heavy weapons suitable for warriors.

He is a warlock and it is completely unreasonable to use it.

Only this necklace is special. Xu Le thought it was a relic before, but after getting it, he discovered that it was not.

【Red Moon Shield】

Red Moon Creation-Level 1

Effect - Large Shield: After charging, you can press and hold the back of the necklace to activate it to form a large red moon shield. Each charging requires 4.5 grams of moon stones, and can be charged up to 12 times. The cooling-off period is 1 day, and it has been charged 9 times.

Introduction: One of the standard equipment of the Red Moon Paladin.

"This thing... is the equipment of the Red Moon Temple? This thing seems to be an artificial item.

Each use actually consumes 4.5 grams of moonstone, and there is a limit of 12 times and a one-day cooling off period. "

Xu Le's first reaction was that this thing was useful, but it was very expensive.

Its defense is really strong, at least to the extent that it can withstand a frontal blow from the Killing Lord.

Of course, judging from Lao Wu's condition at the time, the impact of the bullet was unstoppable.

But if this kind of thing is man-made, it is still very strong.

What kind of place is the Red Moon Temple?

Xu Le felt that the Soul Tree seemed to want this thing very much. If the Soul Tree wanted it, it was essentially certain that the Mother Tree wanted it.

This thing is a product of Red Moon. The mother tree really wants a product of Red Moon? What's the reason?

"Brother Xu Le, what is that necklace?"

"A piece of armor from the Red Moon Paladin. I think this thing will be of some use. I'll ask the price later and give it to you at half the price."

"Actually, it's not necessary." Xu Ting scratched her head.

"Brothers must also settle accounts. Uneven distribution of benefits is actually the root of all problems."

Xu Le's attitude was very insistent, while Xu Ting nodded in understanding.

"I understand, Brother Xu Le."

At this time, Levis suddenly looked at the two of them.

"Xu Le, Scorpion captured someone, that woman, mercenary Lao Qi."

"Caught?" Xu Le was stunned.

These three mercenaries should be very powerful. Levis wouldn't have caught them just by sending a doll, right?

"bring back?"

"Already brought it back."

Soon, Scorpion dragged the mercenary Lao Qi over. As for why he was dragging... because the mercenary Lao Qi was almost out of breath at this time.

She had an obvious gunshot wound to her abdomen that appeared to have been left untreated for a long time.

In order to avoid being chased by Lao Wu and Lao Liu, she never dared to make a sound.

After spotting the enforcer's team, she followed them.

And because her calf was pierced with a sharp weapon, her mobility was greatly restricted.

So in the end, she was almost crawling with the team, and then she was discovered by Levi.

Xu Lei and the others also noticed something unusual at this time and walked over to take a look. When they saw the mercenary Lao Qi, he also frowned.

"How do you think we should deal with her like this?"

If Xu Le was the captain, he would definitely...

But he was not the captain and had no command authority, so he did not speak.

Others also remained silent when faced with Xu Lei's questions.

Even a somewhat silly person like Li Qingcheng did not take the initiative to say anything about taking in Lao Qi.

There is a certain difference between a fool and a fool.

"Just bandage it and leave it here."

Xu Lei's approach was quite humane, but after hearing what he said, Lao Qi actually forced himself to get up.

"No, don't leave me behind. I won't cause you any trouble. I can go by myself and I won't fall behind. Just let me follow you."

Xu Le narrowed her eyes. The mercenary Lao Qi was so seriously injured, but her thoughts were very clear.

He continued to stay here despite being seriously injured, let alone human factors and the like.

Just say that those beasts that smell the smell of blood may cause harm to this level 3 warrior.

She lost too much blood, and without treatment, she might not be able to survive for long.

When he heard Lao Qi say that he would not cause trouble or fall behind, Xu Lei actually looked at Xu Le.

As a captain, it is actually a very bad thing to be unable to make your own judgment at this time.

But Xu Le also understood what he meant, Xu Lei wanted to refuse!

But as a righteous law enforcer, some emotion in his heart prevented him from saying no.

So he hoped that Xu Lelai would refuse this matter.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Xu Le, don't you have anything to say?"

Xu Le curled his lips, Xu Lei had mastered the skill of swaying blame at a young age, and he was a good candidate for becoming an official at first sight.

"Oh, since she's so pitiful, let's just let her follow."

Xu Lei:?

Xu Ting:?

Li Qingcheng:?

They all thought that Xu Le would refuse directly, because Xu Le's performance in some aspects was actually similar to that of a mercenary...

Why did she suddenly transform into the Living Virgin?

The seriously injured mercenary Lao Qi looked at Xu Le with a grateful face. Perhaps she did not expect that Xu Le would be the one to take care of her.

Xu Lei also looked at Xu Le with a complicated expression and couldn't help but ask:

"Xu Le, are you serious about asking her to follow?"

"Of course I am serious. I am a Red Moon Warlock. I do good deeds every day and avoid disasters every month." Xu Le affirmed.

Of course, he was not the reincarnation of the Living Buddha. The Holy Mother's heart exploded, and the reason why Lao Qi stayed was very simple.

Because she is very weak now, a weak warrior is much easier to deal with than a warrior who is in perfect condition.

As for the real reason for her to stay, Lao Qi's body was wired.

Puppet strings.

The thread behind the law enforcer was cut off by Xu Le with golden thunder, so he never knew what was on the other end of the thread.

At this time, Lao Qi also had a thread on his body, and the direction of the thread happened to be where Gu Yinduo's light shone.

This reminded Xu Le of something. The puppet was worried that a certain creature would eat the Fruit of Destiny. Could it be this creature that could control the puppet's string?

If his judgment is correct, then if he keeps Lao Qi, he can catch the hidden thing through the thread.


Xu Le had said so, and Xu Lei had no reason to continue to refute. He said dryly:

"Then since Xu Le agrees, you can follow."

"Thank you, thank you." Lao Qi quickly thanked Xu Le.

But Xu Le just narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

The thread has always existed, which means that the illusion of Lao Qi may have always existed.

So what could she be seeing?

Will the status of these people in her eyes be completely real?

How curious!

Next, the group of people followed the wolves for about half an hour. At a slightly high hill, the wolves stopped.

Facing the hills, they began to lean down and let out low-pitched roars.

But it seemed like he was afraid of something.

Everyone looked in the direction of the wolves and saw a tree emitting light blue light near the waist of the hill.

It is the tree of Guyinduo.

It is still emitting a dazzling blue light into the sky.

It's only around 5 o'clock in the morning, and the sky is not completely bright yet, so the blue light emitted by the ancient Yinduo tree is particularly dazzling.

Around the tree, a group of rotten monsters that had appeared next to Lao Wu were crawling.

There are not many of them, maybe 10-20, which is incomparable to a pack of hundreds of wolves.

Xu Le certainly wouldn't feel optimistic because of the numerical gap between the two sides.

On the contrary, he had begun to feel faintly worried.

"Things that can have such a gap in magnitude and need my help... Tsk!"

After the wolves howled for a while, a stronger wolf jumped on them first.

Xu Le's eyes were fixed on the wolf beast. When he saw the wolf beast knocking down a rotten monster, a red and transparent tentacle suddenly stretched out from the ground, directly piercing the wolf beast and throwing it to the ground. on the ground.

"what is that?"

"have no idea."

The wolves did not stop because of the death of the leader. They rushed forward one after another, with red transparent tentacles extending from the ground. There were 6 in total, and they were killing these wolves quickly.

But there are too many wolves, although these red transparent tentacles are very powerful and can kill wolves instantly.

But when hundreds of wolves pounced on the fruit trees, these tentacles could not resist them.

Just when the wolf beast was about to touch the ancient Yinduo tree,

A strange red creature like a jellyfish emerged from the hills.

[Mirage dragon, level 4 weird, ancient god species, ancient sounds are polluted. 】

Is this thing an ancient god? Contaminated?

After confirming the strange attributes, Xu Le reminded others around him:

"The Mirage is a level 4 ancient god. Its specific abilities are unknown, but its tentacles should be able to penetrate the ground and launch attacks. Just keep a distance."

The whole body of the mirage was bright red and transparent. From Xu Le's perspective, it looked like a jellyfish and had nothing to do with dragons.

After its body trembled for a while, it sent out a circle of circular ripples, which began to spread outward with its jellyfish-like head as the center.

This circle of ripples made no sound, but when the ripples penetrated these wolves, a large number of wolves howled miserably, and then bled to death from the seven holes.

"Some kind of sonic attack, back off."

After all, it is a level 4 monster. Even the weakest monster like the Ancient God is enough to have a crushing effect on the surrounding level 1 steppen wolves.

It surrounds the tree of Guyinduo. I don’t know whether it is a kind of protection, or it itself wants the fruit of Guyinduo.

Xu Le looked at Lao Qi aside and saw that her expression was cold and she did not show any emotion.

It feels like a disconnect.

Xu Le walked quietly behind Lao Qi and looked along the puppet string behind her.

It is indeed towards the direction of the mirage, but... this direction seems to be a little skewed.

Moreover, the ancient sounds on the mirage dragon are very polluted and very suspicious!

Is the initiator someone else?

"Xu Le, what do you say now?"

Xu Le felt that his cousin was somewhat irresponsible.

We’ve all come, and everyone knows what they want, so what’s the point of asking?

"Level 4 Ancient God Seed, those wolves are still fighting with it. If you have any ideas about the fruit, just use long-range attacks."

"If we kill the mirage now, what will the wolves say?"

"How can a level 4 weirdo be so easy to kill?"

Xu Le curled his lips, thinking about coincidence and good intentions, but also thinking that the old donkey would not eat grass.

"Okay, get ready to shoot."

After hearing what Xu Le said, others raised their guns.

At this distance, if he wanted to draw a gun, he could only use the Killing Lord.

Xu Le has no intention of attacking now. Even if he needs to kill the lord, the black staff can change at any time.

The situation is unclear now, so it would be better for him to observe first, and then examine the power of the firearms of these Zion law enforcers.

When facing the ghost bears before, the power of their firearms had shocked Xu Le once, and he wanted to see it again.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets were shot out one after another, hitting the mirage's body. Every bullet that hit would make a small hole in the mirage's body.

Firearms themselves are the most powerful thing about human beings.

Zion's firearms can cause significant damage to level 4 monsters, Xu Le can already confirm this.

The surrounding wolves came one after another, and the mirage kept releasing a red halo.

The spread of the halo is a massacre for the wolves.

Level 1 weirdness is like cannon fodder in front of level 4 weirdness.

In just 2 minutes, Mirage withstood the team's massive shooting and killed all hundreds of Steppenwolves.

It has no eyes, but the team members all know that the mirage has locked onto them.

Seeing that the wolves had been slaughtered, Xu Lei immediately ordered:

"Prepare the alchemy bullet."


The members of the law enforcement team, including Li Qingcheng, took out a special ammunition with an alchemical reagent from their ammunition bags and loaded it into the shotgun.

Prepare for a volley.

At this time, the mirage had suddenly rushed in, and the law enforcement team also opened fire at the same time.

"Fire alchemical bullets."

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as the mirage approached the crowd, its jellyfish-like body was blown to pieces by the terrifying alchemy bomb. It was blown to pieces. It seemed that it died on the spot.

But when Xu Le looked at the puppet string behind the mercenary Lao Qi, he found that the string was not broken.

And it has been determined that the other end of the line is not on the Mirage Dragon.

Xu Le looked at the corpse of the mirage and vaguely saw many threads running through the minced meat of the mirage's corpse. He immediately shouted:

"Danger, retreat!"

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