
Chapter 153 Wang Shu comes to life again

Wang Shu looked at Ge Sini and pondered for a while before nodding.

"Yeah, I've never been in a car."

"Then you need to get to know these ghosts in Zion. The people here are pretty good, but the weapons and equipment are really good."

Ge Sini said and sat next to Wang Shu. She was young, beautiful and energetic.

When he sat next to Wang Shu, Wang Shu felt the youthful breath approaching, but gave in.

He took out his broken knife and placed it between his hands.

He has not had any income since joining the mercenary group called Black Spider.

Food and drink were given by the widow, the leader of the mercenary group, and he also owed the widow a sum of money.

The widow was very kind to him, and Ge Sini was very kind to him, but Wang Shu still subconsciously rejected these people.

Of course he didn't find a better place to go, he just instinctively didn't want to come into contact with other people.

After leaving the lighthouse, he didn't even need to do the most basic emotional disguise. He didn't have any clear pursuit anyway.

This feels pretty good.

"What does the mission look like?"

Wang Shu, who didn't want to chat about personal matters, asked Ge Sini about the content of the mission.

Speaking of the mission, Gesini took out the report she prepared:

"It's just that something happened to the regular Zion enforcer team. The target area is a jungle, areas 5-13.

The specific reason for the rescue is still unknown.

However, if you are unable to go out in the jungle area, it is most likely that you have encountered something strange that you cannot contend with, or your movement is restricted and you cannot come back.

Their team configuration is the standard 5+3+2, and it was like this when I went there.

I don’t know if there are any casualties now. Ha, I guess there are some people who are so good at this. "

Wang Shu nodded. What Ge Sini said was indeed a bit inappropriate and her attitude was a bit bad.

The quality of Tianrui Lifeng's mercenaries is indeed uneven.

Even in their team, there were many people he couldn't stand, that was inevitable.

When he is away from home, he has no way to ask these people according to his own standards, and it is even less possible for him to ask the captain.

However, in addition to their unparalleled quality, these people also have very strong personal professional skills.

Regardless of their strength as warriors or their thinking as mercenary warriors, these people are all of a very high level.

Even if he is not as good as a night watchman, he is not far behind. He is definitely much stronger than an ordinary lighthouse guard.

Wang Shu looked through the mission report and asked his own question:

"Are there any hard requirements in the mission, such as rescue, or characters cannot die?"

Wang Shu asked all the key points. Ge Sini frowned slightly after listening:

"You, a newcomer, actually know how to ask these things. Ashu, were you really a gatekeeper before?"

"Yes." Wang Shu lied without blinking.

“Okay, this kind of rescue mission usually has additional requirements for casualties.

After discovering the rescuers, we need to preserve their lives as much as possible, and we must not cause harm or abuse to the rescuers.

Zion’s approach is quite humane, isn’t it? "

"Is there any specific character information and target location?"

"Yes, these people are Xu Lei, Xu Ting, Li Qingcheng...and Xu Le, ten people in total."

Wang Shu didn't take any extra action, but took the initiative to take the mission report from Ge Sini's hand.

He browsed through the information of rescuers normally and looked at everyone's photos. These were the notes he left before setting off on the mission.

When he turned to Xu Le on the last page, his fingers and eyes didn't pause at all.

He just commented lightly:

"It's really cool for these people to ask for help right after they go on a mission."

After saying that, Wang Shu actually took out a pack of hand-rolled cigarettes from his chest and lit one for himself.

What Ge Sini didn't notice was that Wang Shu's finger when lighting the cigarette was shaking.

"Ah hahaha, it's true that people in Zion are bad."

Gesini's beautiful eyes were wandering, and she had been staring at Wang Shu because she thought Wang Shu was a treasure.

From the conversations just now, she had already judged one thing, that is, Wang Shu was definitely a person with rich mission experience.

What will his past be like?

It’s a bit curious!

On the other side, in the jungle area No. 5-13, Xu Lei sat dejectedly beside the remaining bonfire.

In the end, a law enforcer died, Xu Le and Levis were also separated, and their lives and deaths are now unknown.

If the mercenaries of Tianrui Lifeng die, they will die, but if the law enforcers die, they will be held responsible.

And Xu Le and Levis...

"Hey!" Xu Lei sighed deeply.

After hearing him sigh, Li Qingcheng's expression became more tangled. She felt almost the same as before. She couldn't do anything and couldn't help.

They are both level 2 warriors, but the gap between her and Xu Ting is too big.

The only one who is not very anxious is probably Xu Ting.

In fact, it was not that she was not worried, but she was willing to believe in Xu Le. Judging from his previous performance, Xu Le had many hidden abilities and amazing strength.

Especially the scene where three shots almost destroyed a level 3 fruit warrior had a very strong impact on Xu Ting's senses.

But she didn't tell Xu Lei or Li Qingcheng about these things.

So Xu Ting felt that Xu Le should have a way to come back.

"One of you is sighing and the other is sighing, acting as if Brother Xu Le will never come back. Can you have some confidence?"

"But that weird one..."

Li Qingcheng hesitated to speak. She felt that the weird one was too strong and the entire team was no match for it. It was really inappropriate to leave Xu Le alone.

Xu Lei's expression wasn't very good either. They finally reunited, but Xu Le was left behind...

Xu Lei looked at Xu Ting and found that his sister was still in the mood to braise rabbit at this time, and he was not angry at all.

"Xu Ting, what time is it, are you still in the mood to roast rabbit?"

"Do you know how long I have been running with oranges? My breakfast didn't taste good, and I can't eat it now?"

Xu Ting is not spoiled by Xu Lei at all.

According to her temper, if she could be transferred to other posts, she would have been transferred to other posts. Her own brother's level is not good!


"What am I? Xu Lei, please stop focusing on training camp. Have you made any progress since level 3? Really."

Hearing his sister say this about him, Xu Lei's expression became even more uncomfortable.

But at this time, Xu Le's voice unexpectedly appeared not far from the jungle, interrupting the quarrel between the brother and sister.

"Oh, I'll have roast rabbit when I get back. It looks like I'm lucky."

"Xu Le?"

"Brother Xu Le, since you are back, I know you can do it."

Seeing Xu Le come back, Li Qingcheng next to Xu Ting was also a little excited, but she couldn't be as enthusiastic as Xu Ting, so she could only rub her hands and stand aside carefully.

Xu Lei's expression became complicated after seeing Xu Le come back.

He really thought that Xu Le would never come back...

"Xu Le, where is Warlock Levi?"

"Brother Li is back home. You also know that warlocks always have some special ways to save their lives. I have some, and Brother Li also has some."

Is it a way for warlocks to save their lives?

Hearing what Xu Le said, Xu Lei nodded.

He didn't ask about those mercenaries, but he still needed to ask about Zion's warlocks.

After confirming that Levi's was fine, Xu Lei looked at Xu Le again.

"Xu Le, the blue light over there has disappeared, that ancient Yinduo fruit..."

Xu Le almost laughed out loud when he heard Xu Lei's question.

This cousin of his is really the best. He looked at Xu Ting again. They should have been born to the same parents. How could the gap be so big?

"I got the fruit!"

Xu Le said, taking out a pink fruit from his back.

"This thing can probably be sold for a lot of money. It seems like I'm getting rich, ha, ha!"

Xu Le's smile was fake, and Xu Lei also felt it, but when he stared at the pink fruit, he always felt that something was wrong.

When they looked at the Ancient Yinduo Tree before, they didn't see the specific appearance of the fruit.

But what is certain is that it is definitely not pink!

Moreover, the state of the blue awns in full bloom before was amazing, but this red fruit was ordinary and felt a little out of place.

Xu Lei hesitated for a moment before asking:

"Xu Le, do you know what fruit this is?"

"Of course I know, the Guyinduo fruit - lust, the pure anima fruit, is an extremely valuable thing.

But I'm afraid I can't part with you guys. Do you have any objections? "

Although something felt wrong, Xu Lei was not at the scene, and he didn't know if there was something wrong with the fruit in Xu Le's hands.

The value of the Lust Fruit can only be said to be average. Since Xu Le risked his life to get it back, they had no reason to ask for it.

"Of course I know this. I just think the color of this fruit is a bit different from the fruit under the tree at that time..."

"Brother, what are you talking about?" At this time, even Xu Ting couldn't stand it anymore, she said loudly.

After Xu Lei was stopped by his sister, he lowered his head in embarrassment.

However, Xu Le's mentality and thoughts had changed at this time. He looked at Xu Lei and said with a smile:

"It's okay. I know my cousin is also concerned about my safety. I will prepare well after I go back this time and then visit you again."


Cousin is a fact, but it is not a title Xu Le often uses.

It can even be said that Xu Le has never called Xu Lei brother even once in the past.

Xu Lei and Xu Ting also had complicated looks in their eyes, but they were very happy to hear that Xu Le would come to visit after he returned.

"That's great, the old man has always kept your matter in his mouth..."

Xu Ting was very happy, but she glanced at Li Qingcheng and then calmed down a little:

"If you want to go to my house, the old man will be very happy. He even wanted to play chess with you before."


Xu Le smiled and nodded. He never addressed Xu Ting and Xu Lei's father.

Because he didn't know whether it was an uncle or an uncle.

Judging from Xu Lei's age, the possibility of uncle's death is higher, but there is no need to take risks.

Contacting the law enforcer system is a very important and meaningful thing, just seek stability.

The episode about Gu Yin Duo Fruit ended, and everyone waited quietly for the arrival of the rescue team.

It was not until around 3 p.m. that Xu Le and others finally heard the rescuers shouting:

"Captain Xu Lei!"

"Captain Xu Lei!"

Hearing the shouts of the rescuers, Xu Lei stood up in surprise.

"We are here."

Although he was calling for help, Xu Le subconsciously picked up the black staff. Xu Ting on the side was stunned for a moment and then also picked up the weapon.

The two people's quiet and guarded look was a bit out of place with the other three.

However, Xu Le was slightly relieved when he saw the arrival of personnel wearing law enforcement uniforms and rescue armbands.

Seeing this, Xu Ting suddenly laughed and said:

"It's not an enemy. Brother Xu Le, don't worry now."

"I'm just a little tired. The cane is just for walking, there's nothing else."

Xu Le's explanation was pale and weak. Xu Ting just smiled and said nothing. As a member of the law enforcers, she had to report to the rescue team.

"Then I'll go over first."

"Well, go ahead."

After Xu Ting left, Xu Le's eyes suddenly froze.

That dark green cloak over there... looks a bit familiar!

Everyone boarded the rescue tank, and Xu Lei kept recounting the mission to the rescue workers.

This is a mission report of necessity.

Xu Le and the others also accepted inquiries from rescue workers.

But after the inquiry, Xu Le inadvertently looked at the people in mercenary uniforms and asked:

"Aren't they Zion's law enforcement and rescue team?"

"Well, no, they are temporarily recruited Tianrui Lifeng mercenaries."

Xu Le nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"Why do you need to recruit mercenaries for a rescue mission like this?"

“Right now, Zion doesn’t have enough manpower. Before the next black tide, we need to open up an additional ring area in the war zone.

Therefore, too many manpower were allocated to carry out the pioneer mission, and naturally there were not enough rescue personnel. "

Xu Le's identity is a Zion researcher. Even if he is a wild warlock, he is a genuine Zionite, so the people in the rescue team have a good attitude towards him.

After hearing the rescuer's explanation, Xu Le smiled and nodded his thanks:

"Sorry for asking so many questions, thank you!"

"You are welcome."

After returning from an unsatisfactory mission, everyone returned to the law enforcement hall. Xu Le signed and returned from the law enforcement hall.

He walked to a noodle shop opposite the law enforcement hall and sat at the outermost seat. He ordered a bowl of plain noodles and ate it slowly.

At the same time, the Black Spider mercenaries who Wang Shu and others were also walked out of the law enforcement hall.

Wang Shu glanced at the surrounding small restaurants, and finally stopped at the noodle shop opposite.

He said to Gesni beside him:

"Has the money for the mission been settled?"

"It's settled, what do you want to do?"

"Give me some and I'll go over to the other side and have a bowl of noodles."

Hearing Wang Shu ask for money, Ge Sini raised her eyebrows.

"First of all, your previous treatment cost 2,000 yuan, and this money was advanced by the team.

Then this is your first mission and you have not experienced combat, so there are no additional subsidies.

The share of the rescue mission is 340 yuan, minus..."

"Don't bother me. Just give me 100 and I'll pay the rest."

"Um... ok, do you want me to go with you?"

"Aren't you going shopping with the captain and the others? I can just go by myself."

Ge Sini felt something was wrong. Wang Shu seemed to talk too much all of a sudden. In the past, he rarely made requests and would eat whatever he wanted.

Why do you suddenly want to eat noodles today?

But he wanted to eat, and since it was a noodle shop across the street, he had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, then go ahead."


Wang Shu walked to the other side of the road under Ge Sini's gaze.

He didn't even have a certificate on him, and the temporary Tianrui Lifeng mercenary certificate was obtained for him by the widow, the leader of the mercenary group.

A person like Wang Shu, who has no specific identity at all, is most likely an exile or a fugitive criminal in a certain city.

Therefore, Ge Sini felt that Wang Shu would not run away for no reason.

When he arrived at the noodle shop, there happened to be no seats, so Wang Shu could only "reluctantly" sit across from someone.

"Boss, bring me a bowl of noodles and fill it with meat."


"I have a mine at home, so I eat so much meat." Someone said sourly.

For this development mission, someone basically spent the 900 yuan on some conventional weapons and equipment.

He didn't take away any of the night watchman's equipment. It was only when he bought it that he realized that many of the items were quite expensive.

For example, things like dark searchlights, outdoor types, range from ten yuan to dozens of yuan.

For combat uniforms, regular ones cost dozens, and bulletproof ones cost hundreds or even hundreds.

Of course Xu Le also thought it was expensive, but when he thought about how an expensive suit cost several thousand yuan in his previous life, he felt relieved.

Although firearms, ammunition, wound medicine, etc. are cheaper than the lighthouse, the new weapons are also very expensive.

Therefore, 900 yuan is not useful at all for a level 2 transcendent.

In addition, the mission failed again this time, causing someone to become completely bankrupt, and he could only eat vegetarian noodles. It was a miserable misfortune.

Wang Shu glanced at someone's plain face and curled his lips:

"Although my family doesn't have mines, I can still afford some noodles with meat. How come you are so poor?"

"I call this saving, not poverty." Someone was still arrogant.

"Could Xu Lei and Xu Ting in the rescue mission be your relatives?

I remember that you were originally from Zion, and now you have become a Zion researcher with a bright future. "

“If you have a bright future, you don’t have to eat some noodles here.”

"It seems that you are also struggling. Didn't you make any money?"

"We are all the same age. If you don't have money, do I have it?"

"Well, it seems that we are not doing well."

Wang Shu's tone was still indifferent, but Xu Le felt that in addition to indifference, there seemed to be some decadence, which was not quite right.

Xu Le took a few pieces of meat from Wang Shu's bowl, then sprinkled some soy sauce into his own bowl, and started talking about business:

"Why are you hanging out with mercenaries?"

"I am a warrior, and I have no reasonable status. There is nothing else to do in Tianrui Lifeng except becoming a mercenary."

Hearing what Wang Shu said, Xu Le nodded silently.

"Did you wake up after I escaped last time, or before I escaped?"

"When I woke up, you were still a pile of scraps."

"That must have been before I escaped. I didn't expect that the effect of the light potion would be so strong that it could even save such fatal injuries.

After chatting with you for a while, I feel that your mind is quite clear and there are no traces of distortion. It seems that you are really alive, Brother Shu. "

[Wang Shu, level 3, red moon, god-illumination. 】

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