
Chapter 161 Ancient Ruins

Xu Le was completely stunned. When you want to get a correct answer, you only need to put forward a wrong point of view, and someone will give you the correct answer to refute you.

This is indeed the right choice.

But what if you accidentally provide a correct answer?

They will echo and say...ah, yes, yes!

Like now.

As for the black market, there really isn’t one in Zion!

"Really not?"

"No, I lied to you that I don't have a household registration book."

"Although he didn't lie to you, not many people in Tianrui Lifeng have a household registration book." Xu Ting reminded from the side.

Xu Le was a little unhappy when he couldn't find the black market. He glanced at the red light district not far away.

He glanced at Xu Ting next to him and Li Qingcheng, the follower behind him, and a feeling of dullness arose spontaneously.

"It's boring."

He sat dejectedly at the door of the convenience store, bought himself a few bottles of sparkling water, and drank it gloomily.

"Brother Xu Le, why are you looking for the black market?"

"I just want to know, is there any place in Zion where extraordinary items can be traded?"

"Yes, isn't it located in Zion Technology Trading Plaza?"

Of course Xu Le knew about the Zion Technology Trading Plaza, but it was an official location and transactions there needed to be registered.

But what is he trying to sell? It is the Guyinduo Fruit, and he can continuously produce fruits.

If part of it is sold, it will be fine the first time. It can be explained that I went to the wild and obtained an ancient Yinduo fruit.

But what if there is more than one?

What if he takes out one or several fruits for every transaction?

how to explain? How could an ordinary researcher, a level 2 Red Moon Warlock, possess so many ancient Yinduo fruits?

If we go to the official trading place under such circumstances, wouldn't it be like a self-destructing truck?

In that kind of formal trading place, even wearing stockings on your head is not allowed. Is that a place he can go?

Xu Le curled his lips and said cautiously:

"That's an official place. I personally don't want to go there. You know I'm a warlock. Warlocks always have some strange things and quirks.

These fetishes are shady. Is there a more private, unofficial place? "

A shameful hobby? This description is really strange. Xu Ting shook her head:

"I don't know about that."

Seeing Xu Ting shaking her head, Xu Le was a little disappointed, but he didn't see Li Qingcheng, who had been following them all the time, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

"If you don't, then you won't. I got an Anima Fruit during a wandering trip, and I also learned about the succubus' behavior of absorbing Anima. It's not a loss. Let's go back and study the cultivation method of the Fortune Teller."

Xu Le comforted himself and said to Xu Ting:

"Then let's go back."


While driving on the road, Xu Ting seemed to be still reminiscing about the previous battle with the succubus, looking a little absent-minded.

Li Qingcheng sat in the back seat and said nothing, while Xu Le sat in the passenger seat and thought about the pony-tailed girl from before... and the battle with the succubus.

He didn't care at all where the ponytail girl's tail was inserted.

As for why the lustful mental energy keeps growing? Xu Le felt that it had nothing to do with his random thoughts. The succubus must be too powerful. Well, that must be the case.

After Xu Ting sent Xu Le to the studio, Xu Le did not get out immediately, but stayed in the car and asked:

"Oh, by the way, Da Ting, let me ask you something."

"Brother Xu Le, tell me what's going on."

"Do you have any tasks there that pay relatively well and are not very dangerous?"


Xu Ting was a little speechless. If there was such a task, would it still be their turn? It has long been divided up by the people above.

After all, who doesn’t have some relatives?

After thinking for a while, he was about to shake his head, but Li Qingcheng interrupted Xu Ting at this time.

"Well, actually..."

Hearing her speak, Xu Ting said with surprise:

"Is there really such a mission?"

"Such a mission does exist, and the private trading venues you just mentioned actually also exist."

Xu Le was stunned and narrowed his eyes habitually.


Xu Le's eyes were a bit sharp, and Li Qingcheng felt like he was a different person, and he was a little panicked when he stared at her like this.

"What do you mean?"

"Missions and a place where you can do private transactions!" Xu Le frowned.

Li Qingcheng was glanced at, then she put away her panic and said quickly:

“Now, ancient ruins have been discovered in the northern parts of Zion Area 1 and Area 2, and some warlocks are being recruited there to decipher the remnants of the ancient ruins.

The permanent salary is 160 yuan a day, and if you complete the deciphering of the text or unlock the discovery, you will be rewarded heavily. "

"A big reward, how much does it weigh?"

"One decipher can cost tens of thousands."

Xu Le was a little shocked when he heard the number Li Qingcheng said.

The reward for such a mission, in terms of pure numbers, already exceeds the value of ordinary relics and fruits.

"So much? How about the safety of the mission?"

“You don’t have to worry about safety at all, because this is a secret job, and security is organized secretly by Zion officials.

The personnel sent for security are all extremely high-level warriors, and there will be no mercenaries from Tianrui Lifeng involved, so personnel safety can be guaranteed. "

Xu Le listened very carefully. Exploration and deciphering of ancient ruins?

Zion official organization? Are all the security guards high-level Zion official warriors?

"How high is this senior class you're talking about?"

"Ordinary security guards start as level 3 warriors. Each warlock will be assigned a special law enforcer officer as a bodyguard. The bodyguard must be at least level 4."

At least level 4?

This at least surprised Xu Le slightly.

However, he has seen warriors above the normal level 4 twice.

One was Bai Jing's final moment of advancement, and the other was the level of uncle Xu Weiwen. They should both be above the level of ordinary level 4 warriors.

As for the content of the task, Xu Le feels that he has high feasibility.

Maybe he himself is half a bucket of water, but he has the ability of Gu Yin Duo Vision, which is almost a cheating device. In terms of exploration and research, he is simply a killer weapon.

Especially for his understanding of the ancient Yinduo system, he can even be said to be better than those professors who have been studying it for decades.

Even if the knowledge reserve is not good, you can still recruit Levi, a really knowledgeable person, but you don't know whether to let people go.

Well, you can definitely try it for a few days, and if it doesn’t work, just leave.

Anyway, let Xu Ting do a good job in selecting field tasks, tasks that are simple and expensive, and then contact her and that's it.

The only thing that needs to be considered now is that there are no requirements for such a task?

After finishing thinking, Xu Le's expression began to become strange.

After all, his attitude towards Li Qingcheng has always been quite bad.

"Um, can someone like me join this mission you mentioned?"

Li Qingcheng looked at Xu Le, frowned and said:

“Such tasks are usually carried out by warlocks familiar to various officials. After all, things like ancient ruins are very important to major cities.

Although the security requirements are not high, the confidentiality requirements are high, so the candidates are all recruited internally. I can recommend you. "

A warlock familiar to the officials, an internal recruit!

From these two words, Xu Le had roughly judged Li Qingcheng's family situation.

Can we have access to the families of important officials in Zion’s internal affairs...

No wonder the original owner was bullied!

The most vivid memory of Zion is the scene of the original owner being bullied by relatives of Li Qingcheng's family, and the not-so-arrogant "good words" from Li Qingcheng's mother.

But in that case, what kind of blow would it be to a boy who was only 17 years old at the time?

I'd better stay away from such a family and such a mission!

Xu Le laughed, scratched his head, and said with a smile on his face:

"I see, let's forget it. I'm a loose-mouthed person, just like a trumpet. I'm afraid I won't be able to handle such a task that requires confidentiality."

Xu Le's refusal shocked Xu Ting.

Brother Xu Le didn’t even ask for money in order to stay away from Chengzi?

This is too cruel.

Li Qingcheng also didn't expect that Xu Le, who was very interested just now, would directly refuse after hearing his explanation. He must be very short of money, right? Why give up such an opportunity?

"Actually, Xu Le, you don't have to worry too much. Even if you join the mission, you won't meet me. I'm not strong enough to participate."

Xu Le shook his head slightly. Was he worried about Li Qingcheng? He was worried about owing a favor.

The road to officialdom is also slippery, and people's hearts are even more complicated.

After experiencing what happened to the lighthouse night watchman, Xu Le even knew how deep the water was.

He doesn't want to take on favors just because of a little money and a little opportunity. Things like favors are very complicated.

Xu Le is not the kind of person who turns away from others. He can't accept a favor and not return it.

So the best option is to give it a wide berth.

"A person like me is still not suitable for that kind of serious and formal place, so forget it."

"Well, well, what about private trading places? I know some places where you can sell items anonymously."

"Thank you, no need, I don't have anything to sell."

Hearing what Xu Le said, Li Qingcheng lowered her head in disappointment.

Xu Le got out of the car directly, and before leaving, he didn't forget to say hello to Xu Ting:

"Don't forget to apply for the Good Citizen Award for me tomorrow."

"Ah? Do you still care about that?" Xu Ting was stunned.

"Of course, I clearly remember that the Good Citizen Award has a bonus of 500 yuan. You can collect the certificate later and take it back to your uncle. I think he will be very happy.

As for the money, you can send it to me when you have time. "

500 yuan is not much, especially for someone like Xu Le who can kill a Level 3 polluter alone.

If reported for verification, the bonus is actually 2000-4000.

However, no one gave him proof, and no official personnel was involved except Xu Ting.

He didn't plan to declare the battle status and expose his strength, so he could only receive a 500 yuan good citizen award.

"okay, I get it."

Watching Xu Le go upstairs, Xu Ting said to Li Qingcheng, who had her head lowered:

"It's no longer possible Cheng Zi, he has eaten the weight and is determined to break up with you. Go home quickly and wash up and sleep."

On the other side, in the red light district where Xu Le and the others were.

A woman wearing business attire, gold-rimmed glasses, and blond hair was scanning the two places where Xu Le and Succubus had fought.

At the entrance of the alley, there is also a private room in a nightclub.

At this time, a warlock came to the woman with some blood samples collected by the guards.

"Miss Alley, if there are no test errors, this blood stain should be the blood of the succubus, but the body has been taken away by the District 5 law enforcers.

So now we have no way to confirm whether the corpse is a succubus. Do we need to apply for a transfer order? "

"No, by the way, call me Ms. Alley from now on."

"Yes, ma'am."

After opening the blood bag and smelling the blood, Alley's face immediately turned red.

Even with her current strength and will, she would still be affected by the blood of joy. The product of Gu Yinduo's son was indeed too powerful.

Being able to kill the succubus by himself, the guy named Xu Le is quite capable.

She pushed up her glasses to calm down the heat in her heart.

The blush on his face gradually disappeared.

In fact, Alley is very young, she is only 23 years old, but youth is not an advantage in many cases, but a disadvantage, especially in the professional field.

That's why she puts on her hair and glasses and lets others call her Ms. Alley.

This will make you look more mature and stable, or simply put, more old-fashioned.

She took out a few photos. These were photos of Li Qingcheng following Xu Le and Xu Ting. The shooting angles were very tricky.

Seeing Li Qingcheng's slightly humble look, the corners of Ai Li's mouth raised slightly.

Then she looked at the close-up of Xu Le, thoughtfully.

"Let's go back."


Alley took a car and stopped next to an inconspicuous building inside Zion. He went upstairs and walked around a few times before arriving at the door of a room on the fifth floor.

There is a slightly tattered sign next to the door with the words "Zion Progressives" written on it.

The name Zion is used by many people and studios, so it doesn’t attract too many people’s attention here.

The door was opened with a relatively primitive large iron key.

The "squeaking" sound of the door seems to tell others that this thing is quite old.

But after opening the door, the scene inside was completely different from the shabby appearance outside.

A large number of red moon detection instruments came into view, as well as many people wearing blue Zion Progressive Researcher uniforms.

Most of them are busy, but their eyes are full of enthusiasm and drive.

It seems that this... is their ideal workplace.

Ai Li passed through each researcher and each individual research room, and finally arrived at the innermost room.


After knocking on the door, a very warm and magnetic voice came from inside.

"Alley? Come in."


"Come here, how is the situation this time? I heard that you returned empty-handed?"

The man whom Alley called director leaned lazily on his chair. The words "Technical Director: Zhang Nuo'an" were displayed on the work badge on his chest.

When Alley was asked whether he returned empty-handed, he did not defend himself, but simply nodded:

"Yes, this time the succubus was killed in advance, and the body was taken away by colleagues in District 5. I could only return empty-handed."

When he heard that the succubus had been killed, Zhang Nuoan's expression was obviously surprised.

"Have powerful mercenaries appeared again? There are no research materials available during this period, which is really annoying.

Have you done any research on people who do it? "

Ai Li's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he took out a few photos.

"It's impossible to tell who actually did it. There are too many mercenaries in Tianrui Lifeng and they are very vigilant. I can't conduct too detailed an investigation.

However, the members of the law enforcers arrived quickly, and Li Qingcheng was also among them. "

These photos are all traces of the battle at the scene, as well as the scene after the arrival of law enforcement members.

Li Qingcheng, Xu Ting and several other law enforcers were included, but there was only one missing person's photo.

Zhang Nuoan raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw Li Qingcheng's photo.

"I didn't expect Qing Cheng to be here, still on duty so late. I really don't know what she is planning."

Ai Li looked at the photo expressionlessly until Zhang Nuoan looked away from Li Qingcheng's photo.

"I asked you to establish a good relationship with Li Qingcheng during this period. How is it going? Has she had any new ideas recently? Is she tired of being a law enforcer?"

Alley took a deep breath, as if adjusting his mood, and then said:

"The relationship between Li Qingcheng and I is already very good. There is no need to build a good relationship. If she has any news, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Seemingly seeing the dissatisfaction in Ai Li's eyes, Zhang Nuoan smiled.

"Ai Li, Li Qingcheng is Li Qiming's daughter and is a very important part of our development plan.

It’s now this time, and we shouldn’t act emotionally. We are doing this for our better future and for the future of Zion.

This is all going according to the original plan, don't be so stubborn, okay? "

Zhang Nuoan said and wanted to grab Ai Li's hand.

But Ai Li's expression was a little sad. When she was about to be grabbed by Zhang Nuoan, she suddenly pulled away and avoided it.

"Noan, this is not a peaceful time. I have been waiting for you for almost 6 years. I am almost 24 years old. Will we really be together?"

"Of course we will be together, why do you ask so suddenly?"

"If you are willing to announce our relationship now, I will give it to you tonight."

Zhang Nuoan narrowed his eyes. He wasn't quite sure what stimulated Ai Li today to make such a request.

Announce relationship?

What relationship can there be between them if they are innocent? Do not make jokes.

"Alley, you should know that all my thoughts are focused on research. Humanity itself contains great secrets.

Before we achieve our ideals, I really don’t want to spend too much energy on matters between men and women. "

Is this the same rhetoric again...

Ai Li felt helpless, but she quickly put away her previous weakness and returned to her previous cold and aloof appearance.

"I understand, Director. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."


After leaving the building and returning to the car, Alley drove to the artificial dam in Zion, and then took out some Xu Le's information from his coat in the car.

These were originally intended for Zhang Nuoan. As long as Zhang Nuoan gave her a positive answer, these things would be handed over to him without reservation.

Unfortunately, there is not even an answer.

"Don't want to spend too much time on men and women? Who is Li Qingcheng? Ha..."

Ai Li looked at the photo that was not given to Zhang Nuoan, which was the photo of Li Qingcheng following Xu Le's butt.

Then, she balled up the remaining photos in her pocket, lit them on fire, and watched quietly as they burned away.

He picked up Xu Le's information and lit it on fire, ready to burn it.

But she stopped suddenly, wiped out the flames with a sweep of her fingers, picked up Xu Le's information and looked at it carefully.

"Dengdao studied abroad for 2 and a half years and got a bachelor's degree in alchemy and bioscience research. I came back to build Zion...

The process and teachers of becoming a level 2 Red Moon Warlock were not mentioned? Self-taught?

Judging from Xu Le's resume, he does not have the conditions to kill the succubus at all. How did he do that? "

With doubts, Alley drove to Qiangwei Studio where Xu Le was located.

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