
Chapter 171 Singing in the Dark

Ai Li's reaction was a bit loud, Xu Le waved to her quickly:

"Drive well and don't get excited. Driving irregularly will make your loved ones cry."

Ai Li frowned and didn't start the car in a hurry.

"So you went out this time to test the device you mentioned. Has it been made?"

The corners of Xu Le's mouth twitched. He really liked talking to smart people, but the kind of smart people he liked were definitely not people like Alley who liked to talk and guess, and his guesses were quite accurate.

"Um...the device is still in the testing stage, so we can't yet confirm whether it has any effect."

"Indeed, such a device cannot be used if it is not stable. After all, it is easy for people to become dependent on something like this that can block mental energy.

Once there is equipment dependence and the equipment fails in battle, it is easy to cause huge accidents, such as sudden distortion, or sudden abnormality of mental energy. "

The car started again, and Alley began to analyze seriously.

It was obvious that she was thinking about the issue from the perspective of a warrior, and the situation she mentioned was indeed worth noting.

Is there any chance that the anima shield will fail?

Xu Le felt that there should be some. The effect of Guyinduo's leaves on absorbing mental energy would weaken as the leaves withered, and it would only be a matter of time before they became ineffective.

The leaves of Guyinduo may wither very slowly, but they will still wither irreversibly.

"Is such that."

Ai Li actually had the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to test, but Xu Le didn't mention it, so she didn't speak.

The mission area is a plain and hilly area in Area 3. There are some vegetation and trees, but most of it is grassland.

The car stopped in front of a relatively fast river.

After getting out of the car, Xu Ting immediately started preparing wood to cross the river. Xu Le wanted to fly over with thunder and lightning at low altitude, but after taking a look at Alley and Wang Jing's mercenaries, he gave up the idea.

"Forget it, let's swim."

Of course, the fastest people crossing the river were Ai Li and Wang Shu.

As high-level warriors, they could jump across the 10-meter-wide river with a sprint, while Xu Le could only swim wetly.

Crossing the river, you will reach the endless grassland area.

The air was very fresh, and there were some animals such as cattle, horses, and sheep on the grassland, as well as some things Xu Le didn't recognize.

After feeling the breath of the grassland and taking a few deep breaths of fresh air, Xu Le asked a somewhat stupid question:

"Why doesn't this kind of wild animal cause weird refreshes? They shouldn't dig into wood to make fire, right?"

This seems to be common sense, but most people have no reasonable explanation.

Xu Le glanced at Wang Shu. Wang Shu moved his mouth, as if he knew, but didn't say anything.

Finally, their leader, the widow Wang Jing, explained:

"According to the research of some warlocks, the souls of animals are not strong enough, and their anima cannot arouse the gaze of darkness, so it doesn't matter if animals are in the dark."

A dark gaze?

This statement sounds a bit like describing darkness as a creature.

Just like what the puppet said before about destiny.

"With so many animals, there will always be one or two that are mutated, right? What about those with particularly strong souls and hearts?"

"Isn't that the Ancient God?" Xu Ting interjected.

"After animals mutate, do they become ancient gods... That seems to be the case. Hey Da Ting, come here."


"Take this."

Xu Le handed Xu Ting a psychic shield. After briefly telling Xu Ting its effect and how to use it, he began to enjoy Xu Ting's admiring gaze.

It feels good to be admired, but one cannot be inflated.

The other Xu Le was originally intended to be handed over to Wang Shu, but Wang Shu said that his anima power did not fluctuate much, so Xu Le could only be given to Ai Li for testing.

She is very interested in this thing, and Xu Le also knows it very well.

As for those mercenaries Xu Le is really worried.

A group of people hiked on the grass. Except for the strong moisture and the fact that they often stepped on the feces of various animals, their progress was hardly hindered.

By the time we reached 5 pm, the journey time had exceeded 4 hours.

During this period, they actually didn't encounter any monsters...

Under this situation, Xu Le couldn't help but want to divide his troops. He proposed the idea of ​​dividing his troops, but neither Xu Ting nor Wang Jing agreed.

Wang Jing's reason is that she needs to consider the safety of her team members.

Xu Ting felt that the unknown area was not suitable for spreading the group's force until it was fully developed.

“They are all unique ideas for each region!”

Since some people disagreed, Xu Le didn't force it.

Time soon came to night, and Xu Le and the others stopped in a hilly forest.

This forest is not the dense forest in the previous mission, but the kind where you can only see a tree from a few meters away.

The Widow and several mercenaries had already begun to set up camp on the spot. Their skills were also skillful, and the bonfire was quickly set up.

Xu Ting eagerly ran to Xu Le:

"Brother Xu Le, the mission was too easy. We didn't even encounter a beast... There's really no way to test the effect of this thing."

Xu Le glanced at the plains and hills and nodded.

"There's really no way to test it."

Without fighting and weirdness, it would be difficult for a warrior like Xu Ting to have strong mental energy fluctuations.

After pondering for a while, Xu Le didn't come up with any good solution.

"There's nothing I can do. Ms. Alley asked me to take on simple tasks before. Now it's difficult for me to handle this situation."

Xu Le's speech was full of complaints, but Ai Li just frowned and did not refute.

She wanted to take Xu Le to find Zhang Nuoan after completing the task as soon as possible.

"Only for simple tasks can I guarantee the completion time. Zhang Nuoan has no patience anymore. We must go back in four days."

"Who is Director Zhang? Is he a very big official? You are also an executive officer, right? Why do you obey him so much?"

When Xu Le asked this question, Ai Li had already stood up with an ugly face. She seemed not to want to say too much about Zhang Nuoan's question.

"I'm going to patrol to see if there are any weird things around, and by the way, I can help you test the psychic shielding device."

Looking at her expression, Xu Le knew that Ai Li was most likely a licker, the kind who couldn't lick her.

Licking a dog will not end well.

"Are you going to test? How to test?"

Under Xu Le's stunned eyes, Ai Li walked directly into the darkness alone.

Xu Ting sat aside and whispered:

"It's so arrogant to go looking for weirdos alone at night. This woman is particularly bad in the workplace. Brother Xu Le, you have to be careful."

Xu Le curled his lips. He had done something similar once before. That was when he had just successfully cultivated the Elemental Electric Fruit.

Now he has many ways to practice, and it is completely unnecessary to go into the darkness alone to attract monsters.

Taking out the dry food and water, Xu Le leaned against the tree and ate.

On a fruitless night, he would most likely have to rely on Mu Yue's practice to get through it.

At this time, Wang Jing, the leader of the mercenary group, took off the scarf he always wore, knelt in front of the bonfire, clasped his hands, and muttered something.

"May the light shine upon us, may the fire give us strength, may our courage dispel fear, may we be safe from mosquitoes."

Xu Le originally thought it was just a simple prayer, but after she finished reciting it.

He actually started to use moonstone powder to smear the curse seal formations on the ground. There were four formations in total.

First, a small light group rose up. This light was brighter than the flame. It stood on the treetops nearby, a bit like a hanging night light.

Then a burst of warm heat flowed into his body. Xu Le clenched his fists and felt that he had indeed become stronger. This was probably not an illusion.

The third spell should be courage? Xu Le didn't have the ability to fluctuate, so he didn't feel it either.

The fourth spell is the ability to repel insects? Regarding this technique, Xu Le only had one word to comment on.


After Wang Jing used the four techniques, Xu Le couldn't help but admire:

"Your captain is so awesome."

"Of course." Ge Sini was naturally very happy when she heard Xu Le praising her group leader.

"What ability does Ms. Wang Jing use?"

"Blessing spell, similar to the effect of blessing."

Hearing what Wang Jing said, Xu Le nodded slightly.

"I see."

Such an auxiliary character can improve the entire team, and becoming the team leader is indeed a matter of course.

But this is not the end of the story...

After releasing the blessing spell, Wang Jing actually took out a slightly heavy broadsword from her backpack and slowly swung it, seemingly exercising.

Xu Le:......

"Isn't Ms. Wang Jing a warlock? Why do you still use such heavy weapons?"

"I am a Tianrui Lifeng person, and Tianrui Lifeng people always need to learn some self-defense methods, because we have to fight against weirdos, even warlocks.

Warlocks will also lose the protection of warriors, and in the end they still have to rely on themselves for many things. "

"That makes sense." Xu Le nodded.

These mercenaries will do some exercise after eating, including Wang Shu, which is a daily routine for warriors.

Of course, there are also lazy ones. After practicing for a while, one of them took out a harmonica and started playing it.

The sound of the piano is a bit dry, and a layman like Xu Le can tell that the music is often out of tune.

But in the wild, it's nice to have someone playing the piano, and no one will ask for too much.

The fire and the lighting released by Wang Jing lit up the area. Some bolder wild animals also came over at this time. They got very close, and the warmth of the light and fire made them very curious.

Animals in the wild during the Dark Ages were not particularly afraid of humans.

Although some safe distance was maintained, they were already very close at this time.

Xu Le was also thinking about whether to kill two of them and get some game.

But suddenly, I don't know if it was because of the sound of the piano, but a melodious song sounded from the far end of the hill, as if in response to the mercenary's piano music.

Xu Le and Wang Shu were startled and immediately alerted:


"what sound?"

"Singing, a woman's singing, and some flute sounds?"

"What is she singing?"

"Can't understand."

Xu Le also frowned slightly. Although his English was not very good, he could still tell that the singing was not a language similar to English.

On the contrary, it resembles the accent of Southeast Asia in my previous life.

"What do you say?" Wang Shu looked at Xu Le.

"This distance is too close. If the singing continues, there will be no way to rest. Go over and have a look."

"A dark night operation? Isn't it too dangerous?" Wang Jing asked.

"It is a necessary action to eliminate danger in the safe area."

This operation was directed by Xu Le, and Xu Ting and Wang Shu were the only ones who followed his lead. Wang Jing's few mercenaries did not show any objection.

Several people turned on their lights and started walking in the direction of the singing.

When everyone stepped onto a hill, the melodious singing suddenly stopped.

After Wang Shu and Xu Le looked at each other, he quickly jumped up the hill and looked down.

"There is a pond."

Xu Le also followed at this time and looked in the direction Wang Shu pointed.

There was indeed a pond in the distance, and the moonlight reflected on the water was sparkling, as if something had been here before.

Xu Le used Gu Yin Duo's vision to scan around the pond, but found nothing special and did not sense Gu Yin Duo's aura.

"Is it human?"

If the difference in sound wasn't too big, he would even doubt whether the song just now was sung by Alley.

Xu Le drew an ancient sound card and directly performed divination.

“Are there any weird things happening in the pond?

Techniques - all - ancient sounds and many secret words. "

[Red Card-Flowers]

A small flower is blooming, breaking through the soil.

Positive: life, strength, full of hope.

Opposite: rebirth


Xu Le took out his black stick and walked forward first. Wang Jing behind him quickly shouted:

"Isn't Mr. Xu Le a warlock? Even if the Red Moon Warlock can predict the crisis, it is too dangerous to go ahead like this."

Wang Jing's reminder is considered a good intention, but among the current team members, the one with the strongest survivability is Xu Le himself, even though he is a warlock.

"Ms. Wang Jing is right. Brother Shu, please go first."

Wang Shu said nothing. He took the lead and walked to the pond, and then said to the two mercenaries behind him:

"Remake the campfire."

"Hey, Wang Shu, you..."

The two men were obviously unwilling to obey Wang Shu's orders, but the widow Wang Jing stopped them immediately.

"Shut up and follow orders."

"Uh, yes."

Ge Sini did not tell Wang Jing that Wang Shu and Xu Le were night watchmen, but Wang Jing was not a fool. She had already felt from the contact that Wang Shu's wild experience was extraordinary.

Wang Shu is only "one of our own" in name only. Xu Le and Wang Shu are obviously wearing the same pair of pants. It's better not to violate their agreement at this time.

The mercenaries moved quickly, and there was plenty of firewood here. It didn't take long for them to light a new bonfire by the river.

The bonfire illuminated the pond, but the reflection of the firelight made it difficult for everyone to see what was under the water.


There was a heavier blowing sound, as if some creature had just exhaled in the water.

The water vapor sprayed directly 3-4 meters high. Xu Le thought, even if it was a hippopotamus or an elephant, it wouldn't be so outrageous to blow. Is there a whale under the water?

"Brother Shu, go take a look."


The exchange between the two was very simple. After Wang Shu nodded, he came to the pond and squatted down.

He stretched his arm into the pond, and then a golden light lit up from Wang Shu's eyes.

The golden branches of light stretched out from the arms soon extended to the underground of the pond, and the light of the golden tree gradually illuminated the bottom of the water.

"Wow, what kind of ability is this!" Xu Ting asked in amazement.

"It's Brother Shu's fruit ability, an intermediate bioenergy tree, no need to make a fuss about it." Xu Leshaji'er explained.

"Oh! I'm so envious." Xu Ting was indeed filled with envy.

In fact, this was the first time even Ge Sini and the others had seen Wang Shu use Wang Shu's Golden Light Tree.

But this was not the first time they had seen it. When they first met Wang Shu in Tianrui Lifeng, Wang Shu could not control this ability at all, and the branches on his body often popped out, so they were not surprised.

Although the water in the pond was a little turbid, everyone was still able to see clearly what was in the water with the help of the light from the light tree.

A man, a woman, and a cow.

"Damn, it's really weird. I'll kill you with one shot."

One of the mercenaries had already taken out Tianrui Lifeng's barrel gun.

Even Xu Ting had already drawn her gun and was on guard. Xu Le felt a trace of heart energy flowing to him. Is this Xu Ting turning on the heart energy shield?

Or is Alley in the distance generating mental energy fluctuations?

He didn't know how much anima energy they produced, but the amount of anima energy flowing to him was only a small amount, which was almost negligible.

Judging from this ratio, the Xin Neng Sheng Wool Plan has a long way to go!

Xu Le waved to several others.

"Put it all down."

"It's weird. Don't you want to kill?"

Xu Le shook his head slightly, killing Weird was indeed a choice that most people would make.

Because many people make judgments about weirdness based on experience.

Many people can't distinguish between the weird types of abilities, whether it's Gu Yinduo, Hong Yue, Evil God, or Ancient God.

The only way is to kill all the weird things you see. This is also the safest way.

[Cowherd, level 1 weird, ancient god, a dead soul walking by the pond, accompanied by his cow. 】

[Ling Mo, level 4 weird, ancient god, a cow walking by the pond, accidentally drowned his own cowherd. 】

[Rain Girl, level 2 weird, ancient god, the god who summons rain, a shikigami loved by living creatures. 】

Except for the fact that Ling Mo drowned his cowherd to death, which was a bit funny, and the cow was a bit high-level, there was basically nothing wrong with these three ancient gods.

The Cowherd is just an ordinary young man in trousers, holding a flute in his hand.

The rain girl's body is covered with clothes made of lotus leaves, and she also holds a lotus leaf in her hand as an umbrella.

Lingmo is an ordinary cow, at most a bigger cow.

They had no murderous intent and no obvious hostility.

"They are three ancient gods. Don't get too excited. I'll negotiate first."

After Xu Le calmed down the mercenary, he slowly walked to the pond:

"If you can understand me, then come up here and talk to us if you don't want a fight."

Ling Mo's temper was obviously not very good. He seemed to hate Xu Le and others, especially the Golden Light Tree extending from Wang Shu.

However, Niulang comforted Lingmo at this time:

"Don't get excited, Niu, they are human beings. I'll go talk to them."

The Cowherd rode the cow and led the Rain Girl slowly out of the water.

When the cow actually appeared in front of everyone, they felt a strange level 4 oppression.

This cow... is so big!

It's as high as two floors and nearly 10 meters long, so outrageous.

Xu Le walked forward without any fear.

But before he could get close, Ai Li, who had been wandering in secret before, suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Xu Le.

"This kind of behavior is too dangerous, after all, it is wild."

"I have the ability to protect myself to a certain extent, and don't I also have you?"

Ai Li frowned, but still put down her hand, but she followed Xu Le.

Ling Mo looked at Ai Li with even more vigilance. He felt that this woman was very dangerous.

"Hello, my name is Xu Le."

When Xu Le walked to the cow, the cowherd jumped down very friendly and scratched his head.

"Hello, I'm Cowherd, my's been so long, I forgot it."

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