
Chapter 178 Full Moon-Angel Fruit

Faced with this question, Xu Le hesitated slightly because he remembered that Chi Xiao's organization was called Xiao.

And Xiao is said to be an expatriate organization from the Red Moon Temple. Could it be that his behavior aroused Chi Xiao's hostility?

"Lord Chixiao, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Seeing Xu Le's cautious look, Chi Xiao smiled, waved her hand and said:

"Don't be so nervous. I hate angels too. In fact, I have wanted to kill a few angels for a long time. They are so ugly, how can they have the nerve to be praised every day?"

Chi Xiao's words made Xu Le frown slightly. Can she often meet angels?

"Can Lord Chixiao see angels often?"

"It's not that often."

"What kind of existence are gods?"

"I mentioned this again. It's best not to know things that you shouldn't know. Things that are beyond your ability will bring danger to you.

What happened at the lighthouse last time is the same as this one. Have you forgotten? "


Xu Le quickly shut up. In fact, Chi Xiao's words had some hints.

However, Xu Le didn't dare to think too much, lest he think of something he shouldn't have thought of and end up being hunted down, which would be stupid.

"I have other things to do, so I'll go back to Master Chixiao first."


Xu Le's mind at this time has turned to the ancient Yinduo tree.

Now that there is no one left, Zhang Nuoan ran away, and the angel died. Doesn't that old tree belong to him?

In this case, why not hurry up and lick the bag to avoid a long night and many dreams.

Having made up his mind, Xu Le quickly returned to the real world.

He first went to Ai Li's place to take a look. Gouzi was still in a coma, and Xu Le was a little worried about leaving her here alone.

So he asked a group of living corpses to carry Alley not far from the old tree.

Xu Le himself sat next to the old tree and began to think about what he should do with this large trophy next.

"With such a large size, there is no way to bring it back to the realm of the mother tree. Do we have to pull the leaves bit by bit? No, that would be too wasteful."

Xu Le thought about it and couldn't find any good way to deal with it.

He stood up and touched the ancient Yinduo tree with his fingers again, and this time the prompt made Xu Le frown slightly.

[The polluted Guyinduo tree. 】

"Is it polluted..."

Xu Le remembered that the last time he came here, the old tree seemed to have no such reminder. Why was it suddenly contaminated?

According to the previous record on the stone tablet, Guyinduo had been polluted a long time ago, so Joshua pushed the tree down.

When they saw the old tree, it was dead but not polluted.

So, the old tree has repaired itself during the years it has been sleeping in the tomb?

"That's not right. This tree is already dead. It would be fine if it were alive. There is no reason for a dead tree to have the effect of self-healing."

Xu Le once again sat cross-legged in front of the ancient Yinduo tree.

At this time, the stars on the zenith seemed to have reached a certain mature state.

A relatively large blue star suddenly fell from the ceiling.

It was suspended around the old tree, and the rich blue color began to radiate around.

Xu Le knew that these were pure ancient sounds, but it seemed too wasteful to scatter them like this.

So he began to try to actively absorb the energy of these ancient sounds, but relying solely on the fruits of ancient sounds was too slow to absorb the spilled energy.

This is just a star fruit.

Xu Le's absorption didn't last long. The second, third, and more star fruits fell from the zenith.


They release energy around the ancient Yinduo old tree, and the feeling is like a child trying to save his mother.

Thinking about it, these ancient Yinduo fruits that turned into stars are themselves the children of the old tree.

But with the injection of Gu Yinduo's energy, not only did the condition of the old tree not improve, but the black color on its branches became more intense.

Xu Le knew that this blackness contained the pollution of the Full Moon Goddess.

He had to do something, such as burning the old tree with fire, in order to completely block the angel's resurrection.

But looking at the blue light filling the sky in front of him, Xu Le was still a little reluctant to let go!

"It would be a shame if it burned. Can this energy be absorbed?"

When Xu Le hesitated, he took out the Gu Yinduo card from his arms:

"Can I absorb the ancient energy in this?

Techniques - all - ancient sounds and many secret words. "

Xu Le injected a lot of spiritual energy to slowly clear away the fog of fate in this divination.

[Black Card-Forest]

Endless forest, inextricable place, mystery

Front: A place that cannot be walked out of, a fog, a dilemma.

Opposite: Resources.

"Dilemma, resources!"

Xu Le did not hesitate for too long. The longer the energy was allowed to dissipate, the greater the chance that the angel would appear again.

He gradually concentrated his mind and stretched out his ancient sound.

As soon as the materialized branch appeared from Xu Le's back, the Guyinduo energy flowing around it flowed into the solid branch as if it had found a reasonable host.

Ke Xule knew that this was treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and he had made a dangerous decision.

Absorb old trees!

The [Black Card - Puppet] was drawn from the ancient Yinduo card.

Xu Le has already thought about what to do next. Once he is in danger, he will immediately use virtual reality to avoid the damage caused by absorption.

So, do it!

The branches of ancient sound pierced the trunk of the old tree.

In an instant, the black contaminated blood flowed to Xu Le's solid branch.

The blue Guyin Duozhiya was dyed black by the blood of these angels, and even entered Xu Le's spine along the solid branches and flowed into Xu Le's body.

Picture after layer appeared in Xu Le's mind. This was a vision of fate!

The scene in front of him gradually blurred, and Xu Le looked around. They were all angels crawling on the ground, and there were a lot of them.

He seems to have turned into an angel?

All of these angels are female or female, even Xu Le himself seems to be the same.

He looked at the two withered masses on his chest and shook his head slightly:

"What a shame!"

Xu Le's wings are covered with a large number of eyeballs, and there are many mouths on the body. The teeth are all sharp, and the fingers and toes have turned into sharp claws.

His current state seemed to be that of the Dark Moon Angel that he had killed before.

There are so many angels like them, and they look like low-level cannon fodder at first glance.

Are level 4 creatures just cannon fodder in the eyes of gods?

Xu Le looked back and found that there were a group of lower-level angels behind him.

Their bodies are not as white as the Dark Moon Angels, and their mouths and eyes on their wings are also much fewer.

Generally speaking, they are more like humans than Dark Moon Angels.

To put it another way, these low-level angels are not perfectly deformed, and they actually still look like humans.

Especially the skin, body, and appearance.

So Xu Le stared at the back for a long time, and even found a few big ones among the low-level angels.

"It's such a shame to be an angel at such a big age!"

Xu Le's mind moved slightly and he knew the names of these low-level angels.

Broken Moon Angel!

Xu Le looked back and looked forward again. The angel in front of him was uglier, but his body was stronger.

They have fewer characteristics as humans, except for the dense eyes on their wings and countless mouths on their bodies.

The senior angel also has two tentacles with eyeballs and barbs.

The eyeballs on these tentacles blink from time to time and seem to be able to communicate with other angels.

This kind of angel is called a crescent angel.

Further up is the more advanced half-moon angel.

The number of half-moon angels is already relatively rare.

They are even more ugly and deformed, and have completely lost most of their human physical features. In addition to having all the conditions of a crescent angel, their bodies are also covered with evil horns.

Xu Le didn't know the specific function. The distance was too far, and what he saw was a little unreal.

Further up is the Full Moon Angel.

There are 7 full moon angels in total.

Because the distance was too far, Xu Le could not clearly see their appearance, let alone guess their abilities.

At the end, there is the full moon, the immortal veiled god in the sky.

Unlike those full moon angels, Xu Le could see the appearance of the full moon very clearly.

It's just a ball!

A ball composed of countless rotating white eyeballs, a mouth full of sharp teeth, a brain with beating blood vessels, and tentacles full of barbs.

This ball-like creature is the god - the full moon.

Her tentacles were endless and scattered all over the sky. Her presence gave Xu Le a feeling of supreme majesty.

This sense of majesty and oppression made Xu Le think that he should kneel down and kowtow at this time.

But as soon as this thought appeared, the fear in his heart began to naturally sublimate.

Black energy flowed throughout the body, and the shadows of wolves and sheep actually appeared behind Xu Le again.

Xu Le stood up slowly, raised his head and looked at the full moon.

All the eyes on Man Yue also looked at Xu Le at the same moment.

The two looked at each other!

Xu Le also woke up at the same time.

"..." Xu Le was silent for a long time.

What happened just now? Inexplicably, he stood up and glared at Man Yue...

Isn't this tantamount to provoking a god?

Xu Le knew that the phantoms of the wolf and the sheep must be projections transmitted by the Night Fury.

It's not that he doesn't want to surrender, it's that the Night Fury doesn't allow him to surrender to the full moon.

Sure enough, the fight between the big guys will hurt Poujie invisibly.

Brother, I was wrong!

Xu Le was a little sad, but he didn't immerse himself in the sad atmosphere for too long. He came back to his senses and concentrated on absorbing the ancient Yinduo old tree.

This majestic energy completely filled Xu Le's level 2 spiritual energy, overflowing to the point where it was about to explode.

"Fuck, I wish I were level 3."

Gu Yinduo had more and more energy, and Xu Le felt like he had the same feeling of being unable to control his power when he received the approval of the Night Fury for the first time.

If this continues, not only will a lot of Guyinduo's energy be wasted, but it may also be dangerous to oneself.

Xu Le knew that if this continued, he would either split or explode.

He doesn't have a girlfriend yet, so he shouldn't be left alone in this ungrateful place. He needs to be guided!

"A normal warlock would use the spirit of the red moon to form a pool, but I don't have a pool... I only have trees.

But now the tree can’t eat anymore, so I have to get a pool too! "

These ancient Yinduo spiritual energy absorbed into the body gradually flowed to the branches and leaves of the Xule tree after being filtered by the Guyinduo Soul Tree.

The accumulation of psychic energy is increasing.

Suddenly, a drop of blue liquid dropped from the tip of a leaf.

This drop of liquid seems very heavy and completely incompatible with the rest of the spirit world.

It stopped next to the Tree of Souls and stayed there quietly.

After that, more and more leaves dripped spiritual liquid. The spiritual liquid was scattered around the tree of souls and began to gather towards the first drop of spiritual liquid.

These spiritual fluids that repel foreign objects begin to fuse with themselves, becoming more and more numerous.

What started as a few small water droplets gradually turned into small puddles, then into small puddles, and finally formed a small pool emitting blue light.

But even so, Level 2 Xu Le still couldn't digest the long-lasting power of the Star Fruit.

Xu Le's eyes almost glowed with blue flames, which was a sign that Gu Yinduo's energy filled every part of his body.

He walked to Alley's side and put his palm on Gouzi's forehead.

The dog whimpered happily.

Woohoo! ~

The injuries on her body began to recover quickly, which was the feedback brought about by Gu Yinduo's increased power.

Alley gradually wakes up from his coma.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Xu Le's palm in front of her pressing on her forehead, and Xu Le was using that weird branch to pierce the ancient Yin Duo old tree.

Ai Li was about to say something, but she suddenly realized that her condition was getting better.

In addition to the rapid recovery from injuries, the energy of the fruit is also gradually being strengthened.

But Xu Le's expression was not very good. He looked a little hard. Was it because he was treating himself?

Thinking of Zhang Nuoan, he looked at Xu Le in front of him.

Gouzi was suddenly moved, so she didn't dare to move.

However, during her observation, she discovered that the old Guyinduo tree, which had turned as dark as ink before, had gradually returned to its withered yellow color.

Although the withered yellow color represents the withering and death of the trees, compared with the inky black color before, the withered yellow color is much more normal.

Is Xu Le treating this old tree?

This kind of responsible attitude made Alley somewhat unacceptable.

Xu Le, who was absorbing Gu Yinduo's energy, didn't know that Gouzi had so many stories in his mind at this time.

He just felt that he felt much more comfortable with Gouzi sharing the burden.

The psychic pool grew very steadily, and he felt more powerful than ever before.

I just don't know how long this state will last. After all, his pool has its limits.

If this continues, the spiritual world will be overwhelmed.

After a long time, Ai Li already felt a little uncomfortable. Xu Le gave Gu Yinduo too much energy.

The injuries on her body are completely intact, and Moon Dog's abilities seem to have been enhanced.

It seemed that there was no need for her to absorb more Guyinduo's spiritual energy, so Ai Li reached out and grabbed Xu Le's palm, trying to get Xu Le to put his hand down.

After all, it is a very heavy burden to keep using Gu Yinduo's energy to save yourself.

But as soon as her hand touched Xu Le, Xu Le suddenly turned his head and said angrily:

"Why do you want to let me go? Do you want me to die?"

Alley:? ?

It seems like something happened that she doesn't quite understand?

Although he didn't know why Xu Le was angry, Ai Li didn't dare to speak anymore after Xu Le shouted angrily.

Her fruit energy had overflowed, and she felt very uncomfortable all over. Even every pore was helping to spit out Guyinduo's energy, and Xu Le had no intention of stopping.

After nearly 20 minutes, Alley couldn't help but said:

"Xu Le, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"It's okay, I feel more uncomfortable than you."

Xu Le didn't even look back this time.

"……All right."

After another five minutes, Xu Le retracted his palm, and the delivery of Gu Yinduo's power finally stopped, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

Ai Li breathed a sigh of relief, and Xu Le also let out a long sigh.

But after this, Ai Li suddenly discovered that Xu Le's skin seemed to have turned dark, and this darkness was spreading on Xu Le's body.

The spread was extremely fast, and Xu Le's skin had turned pure black.

This kind of blackness is not the kind of normal black skin, but the kind of blackness that corresponds to white.

"Xu Le, are you okay?"

"not so good."

Ai Li wanted to touch Xu Le, but Xu Le stopped him:

"Don't touch me, keep a little distance, I can handle it myself."

Xu Le's voice was hoarse, and Ai Li frowned slightly before choosing to retreat.

The warlock's affairs should be handled by the warlock himself.

Xu Le also knew that the last black color was the contaminated blood of angels sealed in the old tree.

They are rich and terrifying, and the pure black color has the most negative energy. This energy is purer than the Night Fury's fearful anima.

They are no longer simple animas, but evil!

Curses, massacres, bullying, etc.

However, Xu Le was not too panicked at this time, because he was the leader of the Soul Tree.

Guide the black contaminated blood into the tree of souls, and the rich black color begins to gather on the tree, becoming more and more numerous and solidified.

In the end, these black colors were like Xu Le's process of absorbing heart energy, forming a fruit on the tree of soul.

A black fruit.

[Guyinduo Fruit-Red Moon-Full Moon-Angel Fruit]

As the Angel Fruit formed, the black color on Xu Le's body also faded away.

He felt better than ever.

But when looking at this prompt, Xu Le felt a little strange, ranking Red Moon behind Gu Yinduo as an affix.

It feels... just like Gu Yinduo's bad taste.

Xu Le looked at the black fruit and couldn't help but wonder.

"What will happen if I eat such a fruit myself?"

"Xu Le, Xu Le? Are you okay?"

Ai Li's call made Xu Le wake up from his thoughts. He looked at Ai Li and suddenly found that she had released her transformation and returned to her female form.

So...the strips of cloth tied by Xu Le before seemed a little loose.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xu Le, who had just had his nose filled up, suddenly felt hot in his nostrils and quickly covered it with his hands.

While continuing to stare, he covered his mouth and nose and said:

"Oh, I didn't. It's okay. We can almost think of a way out."

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