
Chapter 182 The Taboo Whisperer (Revision)

"Now you know how powerful it is?"


"I am the Whisperer. I am really powerful..."

Ding Ke looked a little silly as he grabbed Xu Le and spoke. Xu Le hesitated for a moment before asking:

"What is the Whisperer...?"

"You come here to see me at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and I will tell you."

"But I still have things to do tomorrow. Senior Ding Ke, please don't do this."

Ding Ke ignored him. She leaned on Xu Le's arm and even rubbed it, seemingly falling asleep.

Xu Le felt a little numb. This action was a little too intimate, right? It seems that the only person he kisses on weekdays is his cat...

"Senior, where is your home? I will take you back."

Ding Ke didn't answer. After Xu Le hesitated for a while, he decided to take Ding Ke back to the studio.

He definitely has no intention of taking advantage of others. After all, he is a big boss. If he offends others, he may bring unnecessary trouble to himself.

But it's not like leaving people here, as that would also bring unnecessary trouble to themselves.

Just take it back and send it to the guest room to keep your distance.

Back in the studio, Xu Le carried Ding Ke to the guest room and placed him on the bed.

Ding Ke is very petite and light in weight, so Xu Le can handle it alone. There is no situation where he planned to hold the dog but couldn't actually hold it.

There was no outrageous behavior such as taking off Ding Ke's shoes, clothes, or taking a bath. After putting him down, Xu Le returned to his room to practice.

When Ding Ke saw Xu Le leaving, he slowly opened his eyes with a slightly dissatisfied expression:

"Am I that unattractive?"

Ding Ke opened his clothes and looked inside. After pondering for a while, he reluctantly put it down.

"Forget it, sleep."

After Ding Ke fell asleep, Xu Le continued to practice. He studied the advanced thunder fruit and the angel fruit.

Especially after confirming that there was no sign of the Angel Fruit contaminating the surrounding area, he felt a little relieved.

Ding Ke's words during the day still touched Xu Le a little.

Xu Le turned over his Guyinduo card, and the [White Card - Coin] had returned to its original appearance.

Even if he uses spiritual vision to observe it now, he still can't see anything special about this card.

This shows that the handwriting guidance he saw during the day was indeed created by Ding Ke's special divination ability, which is really a very outrageous ability.

"Can the lead of destiny clearly reveal the outcome of an event? If it is such an ability, it would be a bit too strong.

It can be used to judge the outcome of a battle. If the outcome is not good, wouldn't it be enough to just avoid the battle?

I don't know if there are any other restrictions. Such an ability should not be used unscrupulously. "

Xu Le divided the Guyinduo cards into three parts: black, red and white cards.

"Does each series have its own special abilities?"

He is a person who is very good at learning and analysis. The card [Coin] is the White Card. In other words, Ding Ke's Fateful Lead may be a special ability belonging to the White Card.

So what are the abilities of the Black Card and the Red Card?

Xu Le didn't know enough about the Red Card. Compared to the Red Card, he was obviously more proficient in the exposure and mastery of the Black Card.

"What is the ability of the Black Card?"

While studying the cards, practicing in the moonlight, and refining emotions.

Although dual-tasking is a very outrageous thing, for Xu Le, who has an ethereal state, the difficulty is a bit difficult, but it is not impossible.

Mu Yue and Smelting Emotions actually don't need to expend too much energy, most of his thoughts are still on the cards.

Maintaining the state of cultivation, Xu Le stayed up until about 2 o'clock in the night before washing up and going to bed. He glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned slightly:

"Even if Ding doesn't come back after all this, that woman's calculations aren't accurate!"

After some hesitation, Xu Le lay on the bed and gradually relaxed his body. He had already thought about it. If Ding Ke didn't come back tomorrow, he would continue to look for him.

But soon, a soft body pressed against Xu Le, and the dazed Xu Le naturally hugged him.

Xu Le wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids felt extremely heavy. He murmured:

"Ding Ke?"

Meow! ~

Hearing Ding Ke's pinched response, Xu Le said "hmm" and then fell asleep.

Ding Ke looked at Xu Le's face so close and smiled slightly:

"Good night, my master."

the next morning.

Xu Le's biological clock made him sit up from the bed suddenly. After seeing the black cat in his arms, his heart that had been hanging around finally dropped.

He grabbed Ding Ke's neck and picked it up:

"Where have you been?"

Meow! belch!

Dingke burped, and it smelled like alcohol. He quickly covered his mouth with his cat paws.

However, Xu Le still asked slightly suspiciously:

"Ding Ke, are you eating randomly again?"


Ding Ke behaved very honestly. Even if Xu Le grabbed Destiny's neck, he did not struggle or move.

Xu Le sighed and put it down again.

"Hey, forget it, just come back."


Xu Le briefly freshened up, then got some cat food for Ding Ke, and then quickly got up and went to the guest room to take a look.

Sure enough, the female Red Moon Warlock had left, and she left a note on the table.

[Thank you for taking care of me, and don’t forget the appointment at 10 o’clock tomorrow. 】

Xu Le glanced at the time. He had slept for a long time, and it was already almost 10 o'clock as agreed with Ding Ke yesterday.

After sorting out his clothes, Xu Le scratched Ding Ke's head and said:

"Stay at home. There are so many stray dogs and cats outside now. What should I do if I go out and get bullied by other cats and dogs?

If it's a human, I can still hit it twice, but if it's a cat or dog... I can't chase down a stray dog. "

Meow! Ding Ke nodded obediently.

Xu Le always felt that it was being bullied outside. Otherwise, normal Ding Ke would never be so obedient.

But it’s okay to suffer a little loss. Only when you suffer a loss outside can you know the good things at home.

"Okay, I'm leaving."


After Xu Le left, Ding Ke took a look from the window.

Then her body immediately grew bigger, and after turning into a human form, she hurriedly found another set of clothes from Xu Le's cabinet.

Yesterday's outfit smelled too strong of alcohol, so I definitely couldn't wear it.

Ding Ke put on his coat and picked up his pants that didn't fit at all, and walked out in a hurry.

Since it was an agreement, she naturally couldn't be late, at least not for too long.

Xu Le still came to the tavern. Although he was skeptical about Ding Ke's identity, he always felt that this woman was strange.

But Ding Ke gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

sound? Tone? odor? Even the figure...Xu Le seems to be a little familiar.

But he couldn't remember where he had met Ding Ke. This was the reason for his confusion.

However, Xu Le was grateful for Ding Ke's idea of ​​teaching her the knowledge of a warlock. He needed knowledge so much.

So, he came to the tavern on time, even 5 minutes early.

When he arrived at the tavern, Xu Le found that Ding Ke had not arrived. He took 10 yuan from home, but there was really no more.

Sitting here, he was too embarrassed to wait, lest the shop owner would be impatient, so he ordered two drinks.

Five minutes later, around 10 o'clock sharp, Ding Ke's figure appeared at the door of the store, but Xu Le's expression became strange as soon as he looked over.

"This woman's clothes...are they so similar to mine? The clothes she bought are exactly the same as mine. Why does she always like to wear such unreasonably loose clothes?"

Xu Ledingke's clothing evaluation is not very good.

Men's clothing and women's clothing are naturally different.

Ding Ke always wears such loose clothes, which makes his figure look very thin and has no sense of beauty.

Ding Ke naturally noticed Xu Le's strange eyes, but there was nothing she could do!

It was impossible for her to really spend money to buy some clothes. She spent all the money on chicken legs and meat and ate it. Xu Le didn't bring any money back, so there was no money left.

"Okay, stop looking. It's very rude for you to stare at a lady like this."

"Uh, sorry."

Xu Le apologized and then continued to ask;

"Senior Ding Ke, now that I'm here, can you tell me about the Whisperer and why you can use the Black Rod?"

Ding Ke nodded. It's normal for Xu Le to be curious about these questions. It would be weird if he wasn't curious.

"The Whisperer is a special state, and it can also be regarded as a special warlock level. It's too early for you to understand this now. You only need to know that the Whisperer is very strong, which means I am very strong.

Oh, by the way, don't call me senior, there's not much age difference between us, just call me Ms. Ding Ke. "

Is this considered bragging? Forget it, at least Xu Le thought so, and said nothing for a long time.

As for the title...what the hell is Ms. Ding Ke? Why do these women like to call themselves ma’am? Did they discuss it?

"I understand, but what about the black staff? To be honest, the black staff is a very special weapon of mine. Most people cannot use it. Why can Ms. Ding Ke use it?"

The full name of the Black Staff is [Ye Fury's Approval]. This powerful growth weapon, as can be seen from the name, is closely related to Night Fury, the son of Gu Yinduo.

Xu Le also tried to let Wang Shu and Gu Beichen use the black stick, but the weapon in their hands was just a black stick.

But it was different in Ding Ke's hands. She not only used it simply, but also changed the shape of the black staff.

Although the black staff has many combat forms, Xu Le has never turned it into an umbrella. This is a state that Xu Le has never remembered.

This means that Ding Ke even has his own understanding of the use of the black staff.

Seeing Xu Le's serious look, Ding Ke smiled meaningfully:

"You don't have to pretend to be so calm. If someone else can use your own special weapon, you really need to worry.

After all, this weapon... belongs to Gu Yinduo's son. "

Xu Le's pupils shrank, did he really know?

"Does Ms. Ding Ke also know?"

"I worked for her for a while."


"Yes, once, but now I have escaped and lived my own life. Although this life is not the life I want most, for now, it is not that bad."

Xu Le blinked as he listened to Ding Ke's words. He seemed to have heard something incredible from Ding Ke's mouth!

A person who had served Gu Yinduo's son could actually leave.

"Why did you leave? Is there any danger in working for her?"

Regarding the Night Fury's attitude, although Xu Le currently maintains the fierce and awesome status of his elder brother, he still has to worry about his own safety.

No one could ask before, but now there is.

"No, I don't know anything else. At least she won't pose any threat to you. The fact that you can get this weapon shows that she appreciates you.

You must have been in contact with her, right? She is a very calm adult who should have some understanding of her character.

Even if you make her angry, she won't punish you, she's really nice..."

Xu Le felt something was wrong as he listened. He had an indifferent personality? Yes, Night Fury is indeed very indifferent.

But it was wrong to make him angry. As the most handsome boy under the Night Fury, Xu Le felt that he had never made the Night Fury angry.

Every time he tells a story to Night Fury, Night Fury is always in a very happy state.

Judging from Ding Ke's tone, has she ever made Night Fury angry before?

Young people really don’t know how to live or die!

"Ms. Ding Ke seems to have had a very special experience with her. Since you think she is very good, why did you break away from her again?"

"Because I have become a babbler."

He is a babbler again. Is there any huge harm in becoming a babbler?

"What kind of side effects will there be after becoming a whisperer? Is it very harmful?"

This question was a bit in-depth, and Xu Le didn't expect Ding Ke to answer him. After all, it was related to the professional status of a warlock.

But he didn't expect Ding Ke to nod at this time and confirm Xu Le's question.

"Yes, becoming a whisperer will have extremely huge side effects, and it is a very bad state.

Whispering and gibbering will continuously release curses, spells, taboos, self-curses, and self-taboos, which can be considered a relatively minor condition.

What's even more frightening is that this state can inadvertently curse others, friends, or even herself, which is definitely not allowed. "

Xu Le frowned slightly when he heard this. Is this babbler in such an outrageous state?

Curse yourself? Curse the son of Guyin Duo?

If you can't even control yourself, it's better not to be promoted.

"Is it so hard to bear it? How long will it last?"

"This side effect will last for a long, long time. I don't know exactly how long it will last, because I haven't gotten rid of the babble.

Moreover, each attack lasts for a long time, and the talker does not wake up very often.

So Xu Le, you have to cherish the time we have together and digest what I teach you during this time. After all, I don't have much time to be awake. "

Ding Ke's words made Xu Le a little surprised, but he also felt a little sad for her.

If a warlock can't even keep himself awake, it is indeed a very bad state.

"Thank you Ms. Ding Ke for your guidance. I will cherish your teachings and study hard."

"Very good, the state of babbling is like a curse, so you must learn to avoid it."

Xu Le was still nodding his head before, but when he heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

He felt like something was wrong!

"What? I'm not a gibberer. How can I avoid it? Ms. Ding Ke is also very good at joking."

Xu Le laughed twice, but he soon stopped laughing because Ding Ke was staring at him intently, with a very sure and serious attitude.

This wave is a sudden silence + critical hit.

"Ms. Ding Ke... aren't you kidding?"

"Of course not, because I am also a forbidden warlock, and so are you. We are the same."

Xu Le was silent again. Although he had already predicted it in his heart, he still felt agitated for no reason after hearing Ding Ke's confirmation.

"I don't feel the whisperer state you mentioned right now, so... can I still be saved?"

Ding Ke suddenly laughed:

"Don't think too much. You are still very weak now. The state of the Whisperer will gradually become normalized when you become stronger.

Starting today, you will learn from me the taboos about taboo warlocks. "

"A taboo for a sorcerer?"

“The Taboo of the Taboo Warlock begins with sublimating an emotion and smelting an ancient Yinduo anima core.

The birth of the anima core is the beginning of the gibbering state. "

Xu Le's eyes narrowed slightly. He remembered that the last training content in the LV2 training manual left by Ding Ke was like this.

[After detonating my emotions once, I started trying to create multiple cores of ancient music (very dangerous)]

Did Ding Ke also warn him?

"So, what should I do now?"

Ding Ke looked at Xu Le and said seriously and solemnly:

"Explode your emotions once and create the core of Guyinduo."

Seeing Ding Ke's serious and heartbroken expression, Xu Le suddenly felt a little strange, and he began to mutter in his heart:

"Her name is Ding Ke, Ding Ke and Ding Ke!

She wears her own clothes, she is a forbidden sorcerer, she knows when the cat comes home, and she babbles in a delirious state every time.

Is there a possibility that she is the kind of person who can transform? "

Xu Le hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked:

"Ding Ke?"


"I'm going to change to some mustard-flavored cat food."

After Ding Ke pondered for a few seconds, he slowly said:

"Do you believe...I poisoned your food tonight?"

They both narrowed their eyes at the same time!

Big eyes stare at small eyes.

At the headquarters of the Zion Progressive Research Institute, Alley was explaining the contents of the previous tomb incident.

Especially when she said that she defeated a powerful and weird thing, it made other people look at her.

Because in Alley's confession, she was the main force in defeating Weird in the end.

Whether it was Zhang Nuoan or the other guards who left, they all felt the strange power of the beast. Although they did not fight in detail, the sense of oppression left a deep impression on them.

Is Alley so powerful now?

"Okay, Executive Officer Alley, you are very brave. Your bravery has preserved a relic. This time you will get the reward you deserve.

As for the other confessions you mentioned, we will consider them as appropriate. "

This official seemed to understand Alley's character. He was waiting for Alley's rebuttal and even requested a public prosecution against Zhang Nuoan.

Ai Li was very surprised and didn't do that. She said directly and affirmatively:

"Yes, I believe in the organization and everything will follow the organization's arrangements."

This attitude stunned the official for a moment. Is it because Ai Li couldn't let go of Zhang Nuoan and didn't continue to appeal?

In any case, Alley's lack of force is a good thing for everyone.

"Very good, Alley, you have matured a lot."

"Thank you, Minister, for your affirmation."

"You go ahead."


After leaving the minister's office, Zhang Nuoan seemed to want to ease the relationship between him and Ai Li. He was about to reach out to pull her, but was dodged again.

However, Ai Li did not leave. Instead, he turned around and looked at Zhang Nuoan.

This made Zhang Nuoan think that Alley was interested in talking.

"Alley, the situation at that time..."

"Director Zhang, the tomb is currently very well preserved, so please pay Xu Le's reward for his deciphering work."

Zhang Nuoan:?

"Alley, don't make trouble..."

"Stop talking nonsense, will you give it?"

Zhang Nuoan:? ?

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