
Chapter 191 Son of Darkness (2 in 10,000 words)

As if he felt that Xu Le was looking at him, Xia Libo turned his head towards Xu Le. He couldn't look, but the yellow and green ball in his hand had a special sensory effect.

"Is Mr. Xu Le looking at me?"


Xu Le tried to excuse Alley, but this argument was useless.

"Mr. Xu Le, the contamination of Gu Yin Duo's heirs cannot be explained verbally. You should also know that we should wait for the results of the inspection."

"All right."

Xu Le was helpless. Xia Libo's businesslike manner left him helpless and had no reason to refute.

Alley in the examination room also frowned.

She covered her shoulders, obviously feeling the reaction of Gu Yinduo's energy.

Then he looked blankly at the window, where Xu Le and Xia Libo were.

Only then did Xu Le finally understand what the device that released point-shaped ancient sound energy was for...

Normal people cannot absorb the energy of Guyinduo. Only those with fruit abilities can absorb part of the pure Guyinduo, and then it will be directly converted into fruit energy.

But the extra part will be naturally rejected by humans.

Of course, if human beings absorb the energy of Guyinduo, there is a high probability that they will directly enter the state of Guyinduo pollution and become weird.

People who have the mark of the Son of Ancient Yinduo on their bodies will steadily absorb this small amount of energy, and then their mark of Guyinduo will glow and assume a dominant state.

As Alley looks now, this is how the mark of the puppet appeared.

"It seems that Miss Ai Li's body is indeed contaminated by Gu Yin Duo's heirs. I'm sorry, Mr. Xu Le, you can leave, but she can't."

Xia Libo said with his eyes closed, while Xu Le pondered.

He didn't panic at this time. There was no point in thinking about it. Solving Ai Li's problem was what he had to do next.

"Judging from Dr. Xia's tone, this shouldn't be the first time you have encountered this situation. What would be the final outcome of the previous polluters who had many descendants of Gu Yin?"

Xia Libo frowned slightly, showing a thinking expression.

"Does Mr. Xu Le know that Gu Yin has many heirs?"

"Well, I have some understanding, but I don't know if my information is correct. After all, I am only a half-way sorcerer."

Xu Le said truthfully that he had quite a lot of contact with Gu Yinduo's son, but he didn't really know much about him.

In most of the negotiations with the two sons of Gu Yinduo, he was in a state of thinking that the eldest brother is really awesome, the eldest brother protects me, and the eldest brother saves me.

Just blow it when you're squatting at home. It's better to keep a low profile when you go out.

Xia Libo nodded, as if he was not surprised by Xu Le's statement.

Normally speaking, it is impossible for an ordinary warlock to know too much information about the son of Gu Yinduo. If he really knows a lot, it can only be said that this warlock is not ordinary or has problems.

"Every son of Guyinduo is different. Their personalities, expressions, ways of doing things, and even the marks of Guyinduo they release are all different."

Xu Le's expression gradually became serious as he listened to Xia Libo's words. He had already entered an ethereal state and was quietly taking notes in his mind.

It would be best if you could learn about Gu Yin Duo's son from other people's mouths.

"Dr. Xia, can you talk to me about these things in detail? If not, it doesn't matter."

"Of course, Mr. Xu Le is now a member of our Zion Progressives. Many people have compiled the investigation, case files, and information about Gu Yinduo's son and put them all in the guild library.

Members can check it at any time, but the taboo files cannot be checked casually, but let me briefly tell you about the situation of Gu Yinduo's son. "

"Okay, please tell me."

"There are 7 sons of Gu Yinduo that have been identified so far, namely Night Fury, Puppet, Light Cast, Rose, Forest, Dragon, and Gangshi."

Sure enough, it corresponds to the black card, Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly.

Some names and cards are the same, while others are slightly different. The host of the succubus is Rose, and their manifestation is a spider.

Therefore, the corresponding Guyinduo card should be [Black Card-Spider], and the same is true for Stone and Dragon.

"Then what's different about these sons of Guyinduo?"

"Of course, just like every human being has a different personality, even twins will have personality differences, and the same is true for Gu Yinduo's son.

The Red Moon Temple divides the sons of Gu Yinduo into three categories. "

"Category three?"

"The militants, the neutrals, the conspirators."

After hearing Xia Libo's classification, Xu Le immediately said:

"Do puppets belong to the conspiracy faction?"

"Yes, Puppet belongs to the conspiracy faction, and so does Rose. She and Puppet are both conspiracy faction.

The sons of Guyinduo from the conspiracy sect behave very strangely. They are not explicitly aggressive, but they can manipulate people's hearts and devise all kinds of tricks and disasters.

He is a very annoying son of Gu Yinduo. "

"What about the militants and the neutrals?"

“The Neutral faction is simply a neutral creature, among which Lightcast, Dragon, and Gangshi are all sons of Guinduo of the Neutral faction.

They don't have much desire to actively attack humans, provided of course that no one provokes them.

Travelers and powerful sorcerers, many have seen Dragon and Stone, which roam the entire Deep Blue Continent.

As for Lightcast, no information about him has been revealed for a long time. "

Xia Libo brought a lot of important information to Xu Le. Perhaps he can now check this information in the guild library, but with Xia Libo's integrated notification, it will undoubtedly save a lot of time and be more accurate.

But Xu Le was not so happy at this time, because as expected, the Night Fury should be assigned to the militant faction!

"Then the militant faction is the Night Fury and the forest?"

"Yes, the militant faction only has two sons of Gu Yin Duo, Night Fury and Lin Lin. These two sons of Gu Yin Duo are crazy and warlike. This is something that all cities know very well.

Among them, the forest is slightly better. Its main attack target is the lighthouse, and occasionally it will actively attack the Red Moon Temple.

But the Night Fury is different. The Night Fury will attack all human strongholds, all humans in the wild, and even other types of weird left and right creatures, and even other sons of Guinduo.

Overall, the Night Fury is crazy. "

The corners of Xu Le's mouth twitched. Does the eldest brother have such a bad reputation outside?

The eldest brother is being scolded outside. Should the younger brother go up and argue?

"Um, is the Night Fury so scary?"

Xia Libo's expression became a little strange, as if Xu Le's question was stupid.

"Mr. Xu Le, I think as a warlock, we should not be so ignorant. We have no way to perceive or describe the terror of Night Furies, because everyone who has seen Night Furies has died.

According to legend, it is a wolf that can cover the sky and even the moon. There are many descriptions of the Night Fury in ancient documents, so I won’t go into details.

But one thing can be confirmed, all night demons are obeyed by Night Furies, and the existence of Night Furies is the label of the Dark Ages. "

Although Xu Le wanted to say that Night Fury was an easy-to-talk little lolita, Xu Le had no way to refute Xia Libo's other remarks.

Yes, all night demons are obedient to night demons.

The number of killings caused by the Night Stalker can be said to be the most bizarre of all.

Once humans lack light, night demons will appear.

Once humans fall into fear, night demons will also appear.

And what’s even more outrageous is that the premise word human can even be replaced by other weird things...

There is really no way to wash such a big brother.

"I'm just following my brother to survive in the cracks. Well, just keep your heart."

Xu Le comforted himself, and then thanked Xia Libo:

"Thank you, Doctor Xia, for telling me so many things. If no one told me these things, I might not know about them for a long time."

Xia Libo seemed to realize that his attitude just now was a bit strong, and then he laughed again:

"Sorry, I got a little excited just now. It's true that Son of Guyinduo is too harmful to the world, so I get excited every time I mention Son of Guyinduo. I'm really sorry.

Now that you have joined the Zion Progressives, you have the right to know these things. "

Xu Le nodded, ended the topic, and continued to ask about Alley:

"Then will Alley be... killed?"

Xu Le made a gesture of wiping his neck, then realized that Xia Libo might not be able to see, so he added another sentence.

After finishing speaking, he stared at Xia Libo, hoping to get a good answer.

Xia Libo seemed to know what Xu Le was thinking. He nodded slightly and said:

"The pollution of Gu Yinduo's son manifests itself differently in each host. Some people will not have a strong reaction in their lifetime, but some people will have some very bad changes.

Under the influence of Gu Yinduo's son, the thoughts of many infected hosts will change subtly. This is the most important point.

Miss Alley's specific condition still depends on her performance after the examination, but she is mentally healthy, which is a good thing. "

Do thoughts change subtly... Xu Le doesn't know if his thoughts have been changed.

But he always felt that his thoughts had not changed much. He just wanted to live and live well. If the living conditions could be better, that would be better.

"Does a healthy mind mean that the mind has not been affected by the son of Gu Yinduo? What will happen if it is affected? Killing innocent people indiscriminately?"

Xu Le was actually asking about his own affairs, but Xia Libo shook his head:

"I can't answer you right now, Mr. Xu Le. This kind of thing requires a long period of observation."

"What if Alley's condition is dire?"

"If it is very vicious, of course he will be executed, but with Miss Alley's current condition, the worst result is life imprisonment." Xia Libo said truthfully.

"Is this so..."

Xu Le suddenly felt very regretful and powerless. Ai Li was very talented, conscientious and capable, and his character could not be said to be bad.

It would be a huge waste for Zion if such talents were imprisoned or imprisoned.

"I understand Mr. Xu Le's feelings, but in fact you really don't need to worry so much. After all, I am here to solve your problems."

Xu Le was suddenly startled when he heard what Xia Libo said. Can Gu Yin Duo Seal be solved?

"Can Guyin Duo Seal also be solved?"

"Generally speaking, it is not possible, but we in Zion have mastered the surgical method to remove the marks of Gu Yinduo. This operation has been performed 6 times, and 5 of them have been successful.

And the host of the surgery is me. "

Xu Le paused, blinked a few times and then suddenly held Xia Libo's hand.

"Dr. Xia, your surgery... has a high success rate?"

"There are too few cases, but currently they are still very high. The previous loser was also severely polluted."

"If you had told me earlier, Alley could be saved now."

Xu Le patted his chest. If Gu Yin Duo's mark could be surgically removed, would he be able to run away with a bucket if the situation of the Heavenly Night Evil went bad?

Although his eldest brother is treating him well now, people have to leave some escape routes for themselves, right?

"Okay, Mr. Xu Le, I know you care about Miss Alley. Let's take a look at the test results first."

"Okay." Xu Le nodded.

Ai Li's examination ended quickly, and the duration was even shorter than Xu Le's previous examination.

After she walked out of the examination room, Xu Le clearly felt that there were a few more law enforcers and guards than before, and the way they looked at Ai Li had changed significantly from before.

In the past, these warriors simply admired and worshiped Ai Li.

But now there is a look of suspicion in their eyes. After all, Ai Li has now been labeled as suspected of being polluted by Gu Yinduo.

Xu Le could see this change, let alone a keen warrior like Alley.

However, there was no obvious change in her expression. After looking around, she said to Xu Le

"There are so many law enforcers and guards, I can't leave, can I?"

Xu Le was silent for a moment. He didn't know how to comfort Ai Li at this time, but Xia Libo on the side smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Miss Alley, Zion Progressives will not dispose of a talented person at will.

The contamination of Gu Yinduo's heirs is not necessarily bad. Your thinking seems to be very clear now, so please cooperate with my surgery. I will try my best to treat you. "

Alley was stunned:

"Surgery? Okay, I will definitely cooperate."

Later, Ai Li was taken to the seventh floor by Xia Libo. As soon as he arrived here, Xu Le saw someone he didn't want to see.

Zhang Nuoan!

At this time, Zhang Nuoan had already put on a white coat and gloves on his hands. It seemed that he was also involved in what happened next.

This is not a good situation for Alley.

"Is Director Zhang Nuo'an here too?" Xu Le asked after hesitation.

Zhang Nuoan looked at Xu Le and smiled slightly, but did not answer.

Xia Libo on the side seemed to sense the hostility between the two, and quickly said:

"We will next carry out detailed tests for the contamination of the offspring, and even dismantling work. It is best for the two of you not to have obvious fluctuations in your mental energy, so as not to arouse the covetousness of Gu Yinduo's son.

Even if it is a projection, it is not something we can handle now. "

Xia Libo also told the truth and dealt with business affairs. Xu Le still expected him to cure the dog at this time, so he nodded and apologized:

"I'm sorry Doctor Xia, I promise not to emit any fluctuations in my mental energy in the coming time."

But as soon as Xu Le finished speaking, Zhang Nuoan on the side suddenly interrupted:

"This is the decontamination work of Gu Yin Duo's descendants. Participants need to have detailed research and understanding of Gu Yin Duo's descendants. Not everyone can participate. It is better for those who are idle to go out and wait."

Looking at Zhang Nuoan, Xu Le was a little irritated, but fortunately the soul tree absorbed all his rising anima.

Xu Le had already noticed that he was doing it on purpose. Zhang Nuoan was deliberately irritating him.

Xu Le is not sure whether the fluctuations in mental energy will cause the puppet to covet him.

But if there is a quarrel at this time, the one who will be affected must be Ai Li. Zhang Nuoan was bitten by Ai Li, and now he is afraid that he wants Ai Li to die...

After calming down a little, Xu Le said with a smile:

"Has Director Zhang forgotten about Joshua's Tomb? If I don't know much about Gu Yinduo, then Director Zhang should go out."

"This is a place where only Zion Progressive members can come." Zhang Nuoan pointed to his badge.

"I am an official member of the Zion Progressives? Is there any problem? As for the work badge... I will ask Uncle Li to send it to me later."

Xia Libo once again felt the tit-for-tat between the two, and once again raised his yellow-green ball:

"You two, there is no point in arguing, but what Mr. Xu Le said just now is right. He is now a member of the Zion Progressives.

There are no academic problems, and he himself is a Level 2 Red Moon Warlock, and he successfully passed the pollution inspection just now, so it is completely okay for Mr. Xu Le to participate in the removal of the ancient Yinduo mark. "

After Xia Libo opened his mouth, Zhang Nuoan gradually stopped talking.

Although this person is very arrogant, he is still very convinced of Xia Libo and Zhang Nuoan.

Not only was Xia Libo physically disabled but mentally strong, but more importantly, Xia Libo himself also had many academic achievements, especially his research on Gu Yinduo's son, which was almost unique in the guild.

"Miss Alley." Xia Libo turned to Alley.

"Please tell me, Doctor Xia." Ai Li nodded quickly.

"In the next period of time, I can only ask you to stay alone for a while. Mr. Zhang Nuo'an, Mr. Xu Le, and several other members will carefully study the detailed plan of this operation. During this period..."

"I understand." Alley nodded.

She has great trust in the Zion government, so after arriving at the Progressive Headquarters, Alley will try her best to cooperate with almost all requests and research and development.

Before leaving, Ai Li glanced at Xu Le, but she didn't say anything.

Xu Le didn't speak either. There was no point in speaking nicely at this time. It would also attract Zhang Nuoan's attention, which was not advisable.

After Alley was taken away and imprisoned, Xia Libo said:

"Okay everyone, let's study the removal of the ancient Yinduo mark on Miss Alley's right shoulder."

The group of people was brought to the research room by Xia Libo. There was a large amount of information piled up here, and the information was arranged neatly by the nurses.

Even if Xu Le, a layman, could look at it, he could see something famous.

Xia Libo sat in the host's seat and said:

"The research on Miss Alley's removal of the ancient Yinduo mark has officially begun..."

For nearly an hour, most of the Zion Progressive researchers headed by Xia Libo discussed the problems that may be encountered in the process of removing the imprint of Gu Yinduo.

What should I do if there is distortion during surgery? Should he kill Alley immediately, or observe it?

What if there is no distortion in the operation, but it arouses the covetousness of Gu Yinduo's son?

The will of the son of Gu Yinduo, who was coveted and wanted to be divided, came, and the descendants made a surprise attack.

The whole process was a bit complicated for an academic novice like Xu Le. Whenever Xia Libo asked for his opinion, Xu Le would always say:

"I think Dr. Xia's plan is very good. The more times like this, the more our opinions should be unified, so that there will be no mistakes..."

His answers were all very similar. Although they were very clumsy, it was obvious that this was Xia Libo's favorite way of echoing.

Who would hate someone who always praises you?

Xia Libo is also a human being, so he doesn't hate Xu Le either.

"Mr. Xu Le and Miss Alley are good friends, right? If Mr. Xu Le also thinks the plan is feasible, then with Miss Alley's consent, we can almost start the operation."

"Okay, hurry up, so as not to have long nights and lots of dreams." Xu Le added.

He couldn't say he was disgusted with the puppet. The puppet's behavior was a bit weirder than that of the Night Fury. Working under her hands, the long nights and dreams were more likely to be real.

"Okay, then let's go ask Miss Alley herself. If she has no objection, we will proceed directly to the operation."

Arriving at the safe house where Alley was imprisoned, Xia Libo handed over the surgical plan to Alley.

There is no anesthesia for this kind of surgery, and the recipient must remain awake throughout the procedure in order to combat possible contamination of ancient sounds.

Therefore, the details of the operation need to be confirmed by Alley himself.

After Ai Li took a brief look at the surgery plan, he nodded:

"Just follow Dr. Xia's arrangements."

"Very good. Since there is no problem, we can perform the operation now."

Soon, everyone involved in the operation came to the safe house wearing protective clothing, including Xu Le.

He knew that he couldn't be of much help at this time. He didn't know enough about seals, curses, and runes.

But he has to come, and his role is very simple. He can confirm the mental energy of those present and keep the mental energy of these people stable. It is always useful to Alley.

Alley changed into a white hospital gown and lay on the operating table, with his whole body trapped by iron ropes. It was obvious that if distortion occurred during the operation, Alley would be killed immediately.

Xia Libo slowly stretched out his hand, and the yellow-green ball in his hand slowly floated above the room.

The peaceful aura shone on everyone, and Xu Le immediately understood the function of this thing.

It should be something to soothe emotions and keep people calm.

"let's start."


Zhang Nuo'an was the first to act at this time. Xu Le glanced at Xia Libo and saw that he didn't say anything, so Xu Le fell silent.

Zhang Nuoan's expression was quite calm, and there was no obvious fluctuation in his mental energy. He seemed to have no obvious malice.

He poured moonstone powder and some strange materials into a bottle of reagent, then stained some with a cotton swab and began to rub it on the puppet's mark.

With this wiping, the imprint of Gu Yinduo in Xu Le's perception gradually disappeared.

"Is it isolated? What a clever trick!"

Next, Xia Libo directly pulled out a scalpel and said to Alley:

"Miss Alley, please bear with me."

"Doctor Xia, please."

As he spoke, the sharp edge of the knife had already cut through Ai Li's skin. Xia Libo stabbed very deeply. The depth of the knife edge... Xu Le felt that it had at least sunk into Ai Li's shoulder blade.

His fingers were very steady, but every time he cut a certain distance, Zhang Nuoan would sprinkle the medicine on the scalpel.

The other two older warlocks created a barrier in the room to isolate external energy and anima.

Soon, Xia Libo dug deep into a large puppet mark on Alley's shoulder.

Xu Le just breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought it was over, but Xia Libo and Zhang Nuoan seemed to have no intention of stopping.

Xia Libo stretched out his hand, and a warlock immediately handed him a talisman sheet.

This surgery is very risky, so even the assistant must use a warlock.

Xia Libo carefully attached the thin slices to the bones under Alley's wound, one after another. Xu Le counted 13 slices in total.

The spiritual energy in Xia Libo's hands never stopped, and a faint aura appeared on Ai Li's wounds.

This process seems to be a bit painful. Even with Ai Li's will, his body is shaking slightly, which should be in a very painful state.

"Does Mr. Xu Le know the sealing technique?"

"Will do."

"Then let's go together."

Facing Xia Libo's invitation, Xu Le was slightly stunned:

"To the wound?"

"Yes, we need to do the final sealing work."

"Okay, the technique - Feng Xie."

"Spell - Shadow Pressure."

The evil-sealing seal of the anima soon appeared on Ai Li's wound, and then a layer of faint black spiritual energy sealed the Xu Le seal, and Ai Li's wound entered a double seal state.

However, Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly:

"His psychic powers...are very similar to Black Mist."

After doing all this, Xia Libo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The operation was successful, at least during the operation, Miss Alley did not have any special reaction.

The observation period is 48 hours. If Miss Alley does not show any distortion in the next two days, then there is really no problem. "

"Thank you, Doctor Xia." Ai Li sat up and said to Xia Libo.

Then, she looked at Xu Le again with questioning eyes, but she suddenly found that Xu Le was not looking at her, but was distracted.

"Xu Le?"

"Um? Are you ready?"

Ai Li frowned slightly. She was not the kind of delicate woman. She would think about why Xu Le didn't look at her at this time. Do you think he doesn't pay attention to her anymore?

After discovering that Xu Le was distracted, Ai Li's first reaction was that something was wrong, so she just said calmly:

"Thanks to Dr. Xia."

"Yes, thanks to Dr. Xia." Xu Le also echoed.

Ai Li looked at Zhang Nuoan. At this time, this guy's attention was attracted by the piece of meat dug out of his body.

That piece of meat with the imprint of Gu Yinduo.

Zhang Nuoan was even bargaining with several warlocks:

"Perfect, a perfect and vivid ancient Yinduo imprint, its value is inestimable."

"Don't look at it, you can only get 10% at most."

"No, I want at least 20% of this piece of meat. 30% must belong to Xia Libo. The remaining 50% is enough for you to share..."

Seeing Zhang Nuoan and a few others happily dividing meat, Ai Li didn't know whether he should be sad or happy.

At this time, she was in a very calm mood. At least she was free of it, right?

"Should she continue to stay here or return to the ward?" Xu Le looked at Xia Libo.

"Just go back to the ward to recuperate. In fact, after the mark is safely removed, there is no need to worry too much. Generally speaking, there will be no major problems."

"I understand, thank you Dr. Xia."

Xu Le thanked him and then extended his hand towards Xia Libo:

"I'm going to take the liberty of asking, what kind of warlock is Dr. Xia? I just felt that your psychic powers were... very special!"

Faced with Xu Le's inquiry, Xia Libo still smiled as always.

"I am a Level 2 Shadow Warlock, Shadow Spell Warlock."

Hearing Xia Libo's answer, Xu Le nodded.

"What a coincidence, I am also a level 2 warlock."


Is this a coincidence? Xu Le seemed to be looking for something to talk about.

"Yes, there are always many coincidences in fate." Xia Libo said.

"Then, let's go back first."


Xu Le has no intention of leaving. It is now around 6 pm.

Even if Alley has a 48-hour quarantine period, there will still be about 6 hours until the red moon after he is released, which should be enough.

Let's stay here until we make sure the dog is okay.

Back in the ward, Xu Le stood on the window sill and pinched his chin.

It was around 6 o'clock when the sun had just set, but some shadows of the moon could already be seen.

I don’t know if it’s because the red moon is approaching, but the moon tonight is very big and redder than last night.

Ai Li saw Xu Le didn't speak and didn't bother him at this time.

Xu Le stood like this for half an hour. After holding it in for a long time, Xu Le could only say one sentence:

"That doesn't make sense!"

"What are you struggling with?"

Seeing Xu Le keep doing this, Ai Li couldn't help it anymore.

"Xia Libo said he is a level 2 shadow warlock."

"What's the problem with this? You've been struggling with this for a long time?"

Xu Le shook his head slightly, suddenly stood up and walked towards the door:

"Wait for me here for a moment, I'll go ask something."

"Okay." Ai Li nodded.

Xu Le quickly arrived at the monitoring station, borrowed the nurses' communicator, and contacted Li Wen.

The person who answered the call was Secretary Liu. He asked directly:

"Does Dr. Xu Le have anything important to do? If it's a business-type question, you can tell me directly, such as querying a person, querying the specific process of an incident, etc."

Xu Le was slightly startled. Secretary Liu...did he guess what he was thinking?

Is he mentally agile, or does he have some special ability?

"Well, I want to ask about the cloakroom case from before."

"go ahead."

"Then what are the professions and levels of a warlock?"

"Disaster ice, level 2, do you have any other questions?"

Secretary Liu seemed to be very busy. Xu Le could hear him flipping through documents and writing rustlingly through the communication, but he still did not hang up the communication actively, which made Xu Le a little flattered.

"Can Secretary Liu give me a detailed file on the cloakroom case tomorrow, as well as information on Dr. Xia Libo?"

"Xia Libo? This is a bit inconsistent with the rules. Let's do this. I will assign you the position of a weird temporary investigator. When you get the information tonight, sign it."

"Thank you, Secretary Liu, wait? Tonight?" Xu Le was slightly stunned.

"You must be in a hurry, right? I'll have someone send it to you now."

What is professionalism? What is speed?

"Thank you, thank you very much."

After hanging up the call, Xu Le hurried back to the ward. He always felt that the dog was still not out of danger and needed his protection.

"I'm back!"

Alley ignored him and just stood by the window looking at the moon.

Xu Le had the impression that Ding Ke often did this.

Seeing that Ai Li ignored him, Xu Le became anxious. He was waiting for Secretary Liu's information.

Soon, Zhao Bin, the law enforcer who sent them here before, appeared at the door of the ward.

"Mr. Xu Le, I am delivering the information as requested by Secretary Liu."

"Thank you, Law Enforcement Zhao."

"You are welcome."

As agreed, Xu Le signed a job report as a temporary investigator and then got the information he wanted.

When Xu Le took the information, Ai Li also walked back unknowingly.

Although she didn't say it, she was obviously curious about Xu Le's concerns.

"Previous cases and Dr. Xia's information? Are you doubting him?"

Ai Li felt a little unacceptable. Xia Libo had just saved her. How could Xu Le suspect Xia Libo in this matter?

"It's not that I doubt him, it's just that there are some things that I can't figure out. Please let me read the information first."


After reading it, Xu Le closed Xia Libo's information and shook his head slightly.

This Dr. Xia's resume stands out for one outrageous thing. Not to mention his physical disability and strong will, his past and current achievements could fill a book.

Xia Libo was born in the Red Moon Temple. Because his eyesight was so disabled, he was thrown into the trash can as soon as he was born.

Later, in the aftermath of the black tide, he was picked up by a weirdo, and two fingers and a leg were bitten off.

When he was almost dying, he happened to meet the Tianrui Lifeng mercenary. After being rescued by the mercenary, Xia Libo was taken to Zion.

Zion's good welfare system ensured that although Xia Libo was in poverty, he would not starve to death.

The education and training in the orphanage allowed him to grow slowly.

Of course, it is very normal for such a defective child to be bullied and bullied, but even so, Xia Libo did not complain at all against Zion.

He has always been grateful to Zion, and has determined to become a powerful warlock and researcher since he was a child, and to contribute to Zion.

At the age of 18, Xia Libo was admitted to Zion University of Science and Technology as the top student in the same year. In the same year, he completed the warlock promotion and became a shadow warlock.

At the age of 19, he was directly recruited by the Zion Progressive Team due to his outstanding performance.

At the age of 22, he standardized the ordering of the sons of Guyin Duo, but this was done jointly by him and the warlocks from other city-states.

At the age of 25, he summarized the dangers of Gu Yin Duo's sons in detail and foresaw the riots that Gu Yin Duo's heirs might cause in advance. This is meaningful for the defense construction of Zion.

At the age of 26, he proposed the surgery to remove the mark, which is the kind of surgery he performed on Alley.

He is 27 years old this year. At the beginning of this year, he happened to propose the theory of light and shadow.

"Wherever there is light, there must be shadows. Can you be in darkness but have a heart for the light? Dr. Xia's past is legendary..." Xu Le murmured.

Ai Li frowned slightly when looking at Xu Le. If Xia Libo had no problem, Xu Le would not express such emotion.

Gouzi frowned, his expression a little strange:

"Why are you paying so much attention to Xia Libo? Do you think there is something wrong with him?"

Xu Le pondered for a while. He was not sure how to answer this question.

After organizing the conversation for a while, Xu Le said tactfully:



"Is there a possibility that the problem is not him but us?"

"What do you mean? I never thought there was anything wrong with me. I swear to be loyal to Zion to the death!"

Xu Le looked at Ai Li's slightly murderous look, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Do warriors only have muscles in their minds?

"That's not what I meant. Alas, it's too complicated. You are a warrior. You don't understand even if I tell you, so I won't tell you anymore."

Xu Le was a little depressed. He really didn't know how to explain to Ai Li about the imprint of Gu Yinduo's son.

The Ancient Yin Duo Seal is indeed a great source of instability for every city-state. Even if everything is done by Xia Libo as he suspected, is Xia Libo wrong?

His purpose was to solve the hidden dangers in Zion, and he even helped Alley remove the mark...

When Ai Li saw Xu Le sighing and unwilling to explain clearly, and despising himself as a warrior, Ai Li's mood suddenly became bad.


She returned to the window again, transformed into a dog and prepared to practice.

Seeing this, Xu Le quietly knocked a moon stone into powder, then sat on the bed and waited for Gouzi to invite him to practice...

However, Gouzi ignored him today, which made Xu Le very helpless. After twisting and turning for a long time, he still sat down next to Gouzi with his butt tilted.

"It's such a coincidence that you also practice?"

Gouzi still ignored him, and Xu Le tilted... and fell to the ground.

This pulling made Xu Le feel like there were ants crawling on his body.

However, with his perseverance in moving, he was finally able to rest on the dog's hair.

Soft and comfortable.

Just as the two entered the rhythm of practice, Xia Libo was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in the opposite room in the distance.

The yellow-green ball floated beside him, and Xia Libo slowly stretched out a hand.

As his fingers twisted slightly, the curtains around him also twisted.

Then, he turned to the desk next to him and moved his fingers a few times again. Several documents on the table began to move crookedly.

In the end, these scattered documents formed a paper man, but the paper man did not last long before it suddenly fell apart.

Xia Libo suddenly clenched his fist, and the paper behind him turned into a fist.


The fist of paper hit the glass, making a heavy trembling sound. It was hard to imagine that something like paper could cause such a huge impact.

However, the glass in front of me was marked with a curse, and this level of physical attack still failed to break it.

Xia Libo opened his fingers again, and some silver threads shone on his fingertips, like some kind of special thread.

Xia Libo turned to the moon, and twisted words like the ancient Yinduo secret language actually appeared on the surrounding walls.

[Ancient Yinduo Imprint-Puppet]

In the darkness, Xia Libo suddenly opened his eyes that had been closed.

His eyes can be opened, but there are no eyeballs inside.

There is only darkness and emptiness.

I feel that this chapter is not suitable for splitting. I will check the status tomorrow and think about the plot. If the status is good, I will update it in 2 chapters. If the status is bad, I may only update it in one (5K words)

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