
Chapter 207 Forbidden Warlock LV3-Pretender

Gu Yinduo's branches began to grow behind Xu Le. From the very beginning of a root tip bud, it gradually became a thick branch.

Different from the dry and bare branches of the previous branches, the tree of souls now actually grew leaves.

These leaves exude a faint Guyinduo energy, seeming to lure the wandering souls around, but once these wandering souls get close to the Guyinduo leaves.

This leaf will instantly extend a little, wrap around the ghost body, and then...Gah!

Xu Le's body is still sinking downward, sinking deeper and deeper.

The monsters in the deep water seemed to be staring at him. Xu Le felt that a giant thing was swimming towards him, and his small eyes shining in the dark raised slightly.

But as the two sides got closer, Xu Le realized that it wasn't the other party's eyes that were raised, but that the other party opened his mouth.

"Fuck! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..."

Xu Le drank a lot of water continuously. He wanted to escape, but he was carrying a tree on his back and couldn't swim at all.

As the other party got closer, Xu Le finally saw the other party's appearance clearly.

A huge fish.

Its mouth is like an inverted waterfall, but those white curtains are not water, but its sharp and long teeth.

Xu Le originally thought that he was very close to it, but the picture in front of him was still zooming in and out.

It was so big that Xu Le could avoid its sharp teeth by turning sideways, and he was swallowed in one gulp.

There is only endless darkness in the fish monster's mouth.

The only thing that shines is the branches and leaves of Guinduo on his back.

The faint blue light was not enough to illuminate the mouth of the fish monster, but Xu Le felt as if something was swimming towards him.

After getting closer, Xu Le could barely see what this thing looked like. It probably looked like a large loach? eel?

It's a gray-black thing with only one eye on its head. It's a pretty good-looking aquatic creature!

[Soul floating, level 1, outer god-faceless. 】

[Soul Wanderer, Level 2, Outer God-Faceless. 】

"Outer God has no face? This thing is quite cute... ha, ha ha..."

Xu Le laughed twice in his heart and then stopped laughing, because a soul floated and opened its mouth.

The ring-shaped sharp teeth made Xu Le understand that if he was bitten by this thing, even if it wasn't cold, a piece of meat would be lost.

Black sword sweeps across!

The water flow greatly slowed down Xu Le's movements. He was not an underwater creature. There was no way he could exert his full strength in this environment.

But it was just a slash with a sword that didn't look like much.

The ancient sound energy brought out by the sword's edge instantly tore the floating soul into pieces...

The blue psychic energy that spread out even tore apart the level 2 soul wanderer.

Xu Le was stunned when he saw this scene.

【Am I so strong? 】【Am I a god? 】【Am I the legendary alien hunter? 】

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and Xu Le subconsciously swung the second sword.

Guyinduo's spiritual energy burst out again...

This sword consumed a lot of Xu Le's spiritual energy, but Xu Le himself couldn't understand the slashes he swung.

A blue crescent moon flew out along with the black sword blade.

Wherever he passed, whether it was a ghost body or the strange alien gods in front of him, they were all swallowed up by the strong ancient Yinduo spiritual energy.

They screamed and fled, struggled, and were finally torn apart by the blooming blue psychic energy.

After this sword strike, Xu Le's surroundings became safe again.

"Is it because I am very strong, or is it because Gu Yin Duo's spiritual energy here will be increased? Or is it because the outer gods are afraid of Gu Yin Duo's energy?"

Xu Le felt that he was able to create such an effect because he was very strong, and perhaps because of Gu Yinduo's energy and amplification, but those were the icing on the cake.

The most important thing is because he is very strong, well, that must be the case.

Then, this energy slash hit the fish monster's belly, wine-red blood spurted out instantly, and the fish monster let out a deafening cry.

The surrounding water flow began to change again, seeming to be directed outward.

Xu Le thought it was the fish monster trying to spit him out?

But what happened next surprised Xu Le.

The branches of Gu Yin Duo Shi suddenly grew, and a large number of branches pierced the flesh wall of the strange fish's body.

The swallowing sensation of layers of flesh and soul flowed along the branches to Xu Le's back.

As it was devoured, the branches of the Tree of Souls became thicker and thicker, and the fish monster's screams continued continuously.

During this process, Xu Le felt something strange.

That's when the previous feeling of wanting to breathe gradually disappeared.

The body seems to be getting enough oxygen again? Well, he didn't even know if the world was breathing oxygen.

As time went by, the screams of the fish monster became smaller and smaller, and finally became silent.

The fish monster's mouth had already opened, and Xu Le saw the faint lights.

The moment he saw the light, Xu Le felt that his body was floating in the direction of the light.

"Is this spontaneous? No, it's buoyancy..."

Only then did Xu Le remember that a tree had grown from his body. Although he didn't know what the soul tree was made of, the tree after it materialized was more or less buoyant.

These buoyancy forces are carrying Xu Le upward.

Xu Le knew that as long as he maintained this state, he should be able to float to the river in a short time.

Keeping calm and continuing to wait, Xu Le discovered some changes. The branches of Gu Yin Duo Shi, which were still growing freely before, gradually settled down after swallowing a large number of ghosts.

They changed their original tree branches and turned into soft branches, slowly floating around Xu Le.

At this time, Xu Le did not use his mind to control the real branches, but he still felt the existence of these branches.

They seem to have become like limbs and can be manipulated by Xu Le at will.

It's like an extension of Xu Le's body and arms.

"It's a bit like... wings? No, such a heavy thing can't fly at all."

Xu Le moved his arm, and the branch on the right twisted with the movement of his arm.

This process of controlling branches should require some practice. Xu Le felt that he was still a bit cumbersome at this time.

Quietly waiting to float, Xu Le moved his gaze to the white velvet thorn on his chest. This velvet thorn had pierced into his body, injecting the soul of chaos into his body.

But fortunately, all those chaotic ghosts were absorbed by the Tree of Souls, so he was fine.

"this thing……"


Xu Le pulled the velvet thorn out of his chest, and the blue light flashed.

The chest injury was gradually repaired by substitutes.

When the velvet thorn was held in Xu Le's hand, it was still swimming, as if it was alive.

However, after feeling its movement, several ancient Yinduo branches immediately rolled up, and the small branches entangled the soul thorns, and then tightened.

With the limitations of the branches, the velvet thorns can no longer twist.

This also gave Xu Le a chance to observe. Xu Le's first reaction when he saw this kind of thing was to wonder if it was some powerful and weird item.

Is it the son of Gu Yinduo? Like puppet strings?

But after careful observation under his nose, Xu Le felt that this thing didn't look like puppet strings.

He has seen the puppet lines many times. They are just thin lines. The thinner the better, it is best to hide them in the physical world.

The velvet thorns in front of me are different. Compared with the thin lines of the puppet, they are already very thick.

It is covered with fluff and moves.

There are barbs and hooks at the bottom of the velvet spines, which penetrate into Xu Le's skin and can be fixed under Xu Le's skin. This is the reason why.

This thing can absorb the surrounding spirits and inject it into the body of living creatures, creating an effect similar to the infinite rebirth of the Mother Tree Realm.

To put it bluntly, the effect of this thing is still very powerful.

As long as you are connected to the soul river, doesn't that mean you are invincible?

Xu Le felt the thread. According to his current habit, after seeing any powerful extraordinary item, his first reaction is whether he can use it.

If it can be used, keep it. If it cannot be used, he will enter the second level of thinking.

Can this thing be sacrificed?

If he couldn't even make a sacrifice, then he would enter the third level of thought.

Take it apart and see what's inside.

Now it is basically certain that this velvet thorn is an unusable item, and the Soul Tree does not respond to it, so it is basically certain that it cannot be used as a sacrifice.

So there is only one final result, which is to dismantle it.

"This is an idea that belongs to fate!"

Xu Le waved his finger gently, and the Soul Tree began to pull the velvet thorn.

When Xu Le tried to destroy the velvet thorn, a strong shock of consciousness appeared in his mind, and Xu Le suddenly became confused.

"This feeling is darkness? Is it Big Brother?"

This time in Zion's internal turmoil, a large number of Night Familiar appeared, as well as soul ferrymen, soul-stirring singers and other weird things.

If anything, they might all be subordinates of the Night Fury.

If it were a Night Fury...

Xu Le felt a little uncomfortable thinking about it.

If it was really his elder brother who did it, then what he felt just now was that his elder brother was warning him? Are you really going to run away?

If after running away, he met the son of Gu Yinduo, a god, or something else very powerful, he would not be able to stand without his elder brother!

Many thoughts came to mind, but what Xu Le had decided in his heart would not change at this time.

Take it apart, take it apart.

Several branches were pulled suddenly, and the thorn was finally torn off by the branches of the tree of souls.


Xu Le felt that what he had torn off was not a velvet thread, but something very important.

He felt boundless anger, but he didn't know where this anger came from.

After the velvet thorn broke, a silver thread appeared in front of Xu Le...

Xu Le has seen this kind of thing countless times, and even touched it many times.

Guyinduo - the thread of destiny.

"Is it my silk?"

Xu Le glanced at the bright light above his head, and after thinking for a moment, he touched the thread with his fingers.

The vision of fate once again dragged Xu Le into that void world.

The red moon was almost touching the earth, and the huge Guyin Duomu tree behind him.

This time, Xu Le stood in front of the Ancient Sound Tree, which was different from the last time.

There are no dense threads of fate like last time. There are only two threads in front of Xu Le at this time.

One is blue and one is red.

"What Ding Ke said, seek the answer to promotion in the red moon, fate will explain it to this what you mean?

But she didn’t tell me that I needed to choose? What did she choose? "

It’s no wonder that Xu Le hesitated. In the future, guidance from the Taboo Warlock will most likely require Ding Ke to wake up and become Ding Ke.

Teaching with a teacher and teaching without a teacher are basically two different concepts.

If you make the wrong choice and take a different path, then...

Xu Le glanced at the Ancient Yinduo Tree behind him, then glanced at the red moon in the sky, and muttered:

"Blue and red, blue should be Guyinduo, and red is Red Moon, there is nothing to distinguish.

Are the paths of Gu Yinduo and Hongyue... completely different directions, ha! "

Although the red moon represents the power of the warlock.

But his foundation, his development, his talent, everything about him is biased towards Gu Yinduo.

There is no need to choose at all.

Although everyone is looking up to the red moon, going against the masses is a very dangerous approach.

But Xu Le had no choice, his body had turned into the shape of Gu Yinduo.

Can not go back.

After hesitating, but not for too long, Xu Le reached out to Gu Yinduo.

When Xu Le touched the blue silk thread, there was not much information flow. One by one, ancient Yinduo secret words like proverbs appeared around Xu Le.

[Forbidden Warlock-LV3-Pretender, promotion ritual method. 】

Condition 1 - The spiritual power is improved to the perfect state of LV2 stage, which is marked by the growth of the ancient sound multi-psychic energy embodiment.

Condition 2 - Unlock an additional Guyin Duo Destiny card.

Condition 3 - Make at least 3 real statements to cause people to misjudge and misunderstand your situation.

Condition 4-Disguise yourself and enter another life trajectory.

Condition 5 - Make a grand appearance as a pretender to complete the promotion.

[Wrong people, wrong things, wrong choices. Since fate has made you choose the wrong one, make it a mistake. 】

Condition 1 Xu Le has already completed it, and it has been exceeded. In addition to the tree of soul as the main body, he even grew a lust branch, which goes without saying.

Condition 2 has also been completed, and he unlocked [Black Card-Puppet]

As for condition 345, wrong judgment and cognition, disguising yourself? Entering another life trajectory?

Making a grand debut as a pretender? What makes a grand debut?

Why does this sound more and more weird?

And the last motto, isn’t it too abrupt?

Xu Le could understand the previous destiny mottos about promotion conditions, but the last sentence...

He felt that it was not a display of Gu Yinduo's destiny, but rather something added by someone else.

Who can be the person who can add a hint of ancient Yinduo secret language in his destiny motto?

Ding Ke?

No, if Ding Ke knew that Xu Le would encounter this scene, she would definitely tell herself in advance what she would choose next and arrange the path.

So the motto here is definitely not left by Ding Ke.

Xu Le felt that although his strength was not great, his strength was definitely enough.

He was able to contact Gu Yinduo and feel the power of Red Moon.

It can enter the realm of the ancient sound tree, and it can also swallow the spirit of the red moon under the moonlight.

In this world of destiny that represents the confrontation between Hongyue and Guyinduo, Xu Le can't see any trace of other people.


"Wrong choice? Just make it wrong."

On the ground, a large red psychic arrow fell from the sky, seemingly from the center of Zion.

When Yama felt the big arrow, he suddenly jumped into the air and rushed into a row of houses while carrying a round of artillery fire.


Veteran Luo Ning frowned.

The situation just now was very strange. Yama was already on the verge of distortion and promotion, but at the last moment of promotion, it forcibly interrupted its breakthrough.

And after that, Yama's own situation also changed.

After the promotion was interrupted, Yama's injuries no longer recovered, which was a good situation.

But then, its sanity seemed to return.

At this time, Yama would actually dodge and move in mid-air, and would quickly move behind the chariot to avoid bullets and artillery fire.

Now there are even some people who turn around and run away when they find that they are unable to defeat them from the front.

It is definitely not possible to continue like this. A wise lord, Weird, will undoubtedly bring huge destruction to the entire Zion.

They must kill Yama on the spot.

The veteran spit out a pool of blood to make himself feel a little more comfortable, and then ordered:

"All the remaining low-level law enforcement officers and guards are staying here to appease the people, treat the injured, and contact the council to let them deal with the aftermath.

All other warriors above level 3, and warlocks above level 2, follow me in pursuit. "


After the veteran Luo Ning chased out, Ai Li and Wang Shu also stopped. Both of them had seen the previous battle.

But in such an artillery battle, even level 3-4 warriors would not be able to directly intervene.

Even high-level warriors cannot resist the dense artillery fire.

Looking at the craters on the ground, the two of them glanced at each other, both shocked by such a tragic battle situation.

"Such a battle has never happened inside the city of Zion. Alas..." Alley sighed.

Wang Shu nodded. He had no feelings for Zion, but the tragic situation in the city also made him feel a little emotional.

But the top priority is to find Xu Le.

"Look for Xu Le, I feel he is nearby."

Alley raised her head and sniffed the air with her nose. Then she ran on all fours and reached the bottom of the largest crater in the center of the battlefield.

There are some blood stains scattered here, all of which were left by Yama.

But in some of the bloodstains, Alley smelled something different.

"There is the scent of Xu Le in these bloodstains."

"Can you smell this?"

"That kind of breath... is very unique." Ai Li didn't know how to describe it. It couldn't be said to be astringent breath, right?

Every time Xu Le practices with her, he will exude the same aura, which she is all too familiar with...

Wang Shu was stunned. This bomb crater...could Xu Le be killed?

"he died?"

"No, this aura is far away, maybe it's on that weird red-haired person,"

Since Ai Li could confirm that Yan Luo had Xu Le's aura on him, they had to chase him and take a look no matter what.

Although it is impossible for Xu Le to transform into a level 5 lord.

But Ai Li feels that this Yama and Xu Le must be related. This is the only clue now.

"Let's go after him and have a look."


Ai Li is extremely fast, and she is very good at running in her moon dog state.

Now that she had made a clear judgment, she did not wait for Wang Shu this time. After the distance between the two gradually widened, Ai Li said to Wang Shu behind her:

"I'll take the first step."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

The white dog under the moon rushed quickly and soon met the army led by veteran Luo Ning.

And in front of them was Yama who was running.

Alley, who was running, shouted directly to Luo Ning:

"Lord Luo Ning, I am Zion Progressive Security Officer Alley. I will assist you in the battle."

Ronnie glanced at Alley who was running. He had also heard of the name Moon Dog in the army.

The legendary Alley is very good. She has shown outstanding qualities since she joined Zion's military system, which is why she became a level 4 warrior at the age of only 22 years old.

Simply a genius among geniuses.

But later Luo Ning heard that Alley was very unself-reliant and actually quit the law enforcement official army system for a warlock.

He transferred into the law enforcement security system, became an executive officer, and began to work for Zion Progressives.

They would not approve of such a genius becoming a security captain and a pawn of a certain warlock researcher.

At that time, the military felt sorry for this for a while, and even Luo Ning himself couldn't help but secretly scold Alley for his love-mindedness...

I didn't expect that they would meet at this time. This Alley didn't seem to be as bad as he thought.

"Very well, Ms. Alley, the weird thing we are chasing is level 5, suspected to be a lord, with a weird half-orc form and an unknown name.

It is strong and agile, and is good at using a heavy sword. Its fighting skills are very powerful, and it is definitely not an ordinary monster.

Although it has been seriously injured at this time, its combat power is still terrifying enough to frighten people. Please be careful when fighting. "

After hearing Luo Ning briefly describe Yama's abilities, Ai Li also frowned slightly:

"I understand. Thank you Lord Luo Ning for reminding me. I will stop it for you."

"Stop? Wait, little girl..."

Before Luo Ning could finish speaking, Ai Li had already rushed forward. Her speed was faster than Luo Ning and the others.

And Ai Li also saw that Luo Ning was seriously injured at this time.

If this kind of battle with high-level monsters turns into a street fight.

There is a high probability that the warrior will need to personally intercept and risk his life. After all, there is no way to use heavy weapons in street fighting. That would be a really bad and even difficult to handle situation.

Now everyone is running on the road. If Yama can be stopped and the fight is resolved on the street, that will be the best result.

Ai Li ran on all fours, her expression gradually becoming more ferocious. Her muzzle began to grow longer, and her ears became longer than usual, but the hair on her body began to become shorter, making it more suitable for running.

At this time, her speed had been increased to the extreme, and she caught up with Yama in just a few breaths.


Yan Luo turned to look at the dog on his left, frowning slightly. Is he another human who has mastered the power of the ancient gods? Like the old man before?

Yama ignored Ai Li's intention and continued running, but Ai Li on the side suddenly shouted:

"Can you understand what I'm saying? Where is Xu Le?"

Xu Le? I don’t know him, I don’t even know what this human being is talking about.


Yama roared wildly at Alley, but it had regained its composure at this time. There was no anger in this roar, it was just a simple release of fear, hoping that the human would retreat.

But Ai Li obviously couldn't understand what Yama meant, or in other words, neither party could understand it.

"Forget it, it's more straightforward to do it."

Ai Li suddenly stepped on the ground, and the pavement under his feet was shattered.

She took off her earrings in mid-air, and the earrings quickly enlarged in her hands, and then, there was a blow that broke.


Yama raised his hand to block the mace, and both sides were surprised by the power the other possessed.

Ai Li was surprised that Yama's power was so great. Her full blow was so easily blocked by the opponent.

What surprised Yama was that this human being could actually have the power to compete with it? interesting.

In any case, Alley's heavy blow had a decisive effect.

Especially her attack really made Yama stop, so that veteran Luo Ning and the others could catch up.

Yan Luo glanced behind him, turned around and was about to run again, but Ai Li, holding a mace, dodged back and blocked it in front of it.



Another heavy blow, Ai Li incorporated some energy of the red moon spirit into his weapon to increase the power of the stick's blow.

However, her attack was easily blocked by Yama again.

But this time Yama's expression was not very good-looking. It seemed to hate the power used by Alley.

"The power of the moon spirit? Warlocks who blasphemed my Lord, you all deserve to die."

A big sword like a door panel suddenly swung over. Alley jumped to dodge while distinguishing the trajectory of the strike.

Her attack by Yama can be easily blocked, but Ai Li can only dodge Yama's attack and cannot resist it with weapons. This is something she knows very well.

Just now, veteran Luo Ning would have suffered severe internal injuries when he fought against Yama in his giant form.

The giant is already an advanced biological fruit. The veteran Luo Ning is rich in experience, and his development of the fruit is definitely much higher than hers.

It was definitely impossible for her to resist an attack that even Luo Ning couldn't resist, so she could only dodge.


Yama's anger rose again, and he kept swinging the door panel sword in his hand, and the heavy blows were dodged by Ai Li again and again.

Ai Li has plenty of physical strength at this time, so this level of dodge is nothing to her.

The main thing is that the giant sword wielded by Yama seems to be getting faster and faster as its anger rises.

After dodging several times, Ai Li was forced into a corner, with a residential building behind her.

Feeling the concrete wall behind him, Alley glanced at the clothes drying pole on his right and frowned slightly.

"Forced me into a residential building with continuous blows? Was it intentional?"

Just when Ai Li was shocked, Yama suddenly stabbed her!

She could only dodge in this position. If she blocked it head-on, she would definitely be killed.

But if you avoid it... there is a residential building behind it.

"Ms. Alley, back off."

Ai Li was stunned, grabbed the clothes drying pole and jumped up directly.

Yama Luo underneath him was repelled by continuous heavy gunfire.

Some bullets had penetrated its skin and some muscles, but the level 5 lord was too strong, and most of the bullets were unable to penetrate the surface of the muscles.

Yama shook his body, and the bullets fell.

The veteran Luo Ning had transformed into a giant again, and he also swung the giant mace in his hand.


Yan Luo fought with him, but the pressure from the old man in front of him was far less intense than before.

Yama suddenly exerted force, and the giant sword on the door panel pushed the mace to spin in a circle in the air.

This action stunned all the warriors present.

This is a very common technique in combat skills to release force or remove the opponent's weapon, but this technique is usually only used by humans!

The veteran Luo Ning had rich experience. In order to prevent the weapon from falling out of his hands, his arm followed Yama in a circle.

But his attention was diverted to the weapon in his hand, and he didn't notice the cruel look in Yama Luo's eyes at this time!

It simply threw away the weapon in its hand, grabbed the spiked mace by force, turned its left hand into a claw, and stabbed the veteran in the heart with a heart-grabbing strike.

Yan Luo was already fast, and Luo Ning wanted to defend, but it was already too late at this time.

Just when Yama's fingertips pierced Luo Ning's sternum and was about to grab his heart, another mace fell from the sky and hit Yama's finger.

The finger was bent and twisted instantly, and it looked like it was broken.

ah! ~

Yama screamed, even if it was strong, it would not be able to withstand the full blow of a level 4 fruit warrior with its fingers.

While roaring, Yan Luo snatched the mace from Luo Ning's hand, and then kicked Luo Ning away.

He grabbed the mace and threw it at Alley who had just landed.

In order to save veteran Luo Ning, Ai Li had just accelerated his attack to block Yama Luo's attack.

But now that she had just fallen from the air, she had no way to dodge. In the current situation, she could only withstand the blow.


The two iron rods swung at each other, and Alley, who was unable to retreat, withstood the blow.

The ground beneath Ai Li's feet collapsed, and the hair on her body was dyed red almost instantly.

This is the full blow of Yama's anger.

Such a blow caused all the capillaries in Alley's body to burst at this moment, dyeing his hair red.


Ai Li spat out a mouthful of blood, and then was caught by Yama again.

The blow collided, and she was unable to fight back, or even move.

Just like what she had just thought, even the effect of the Moon Dog Fruit could not make up for the gap in strength between the two sides.

She could only dodge Yama's attack, but had no way to block it.

Once blocked, she would definitely suffer serious internal injuries.

The current situation also verified the idea just now, except that her internal injuries were more serious than previously expected.

"Is this the end..."

Looking at the giant monster in front of her and feeling Yama's fingers getting tighter and tighter, Ai Li suddenly felt reluctant to let go, but she didn't know what she was reluctant to let go of.

Logically speaking, being able to sacrifice one's life in battle can be regarded as a fulfillment of life.

So, what is she not letting go of?

On the verge of death, Ai Li suddenly felt her body loosen up. Did Yama let her go?

No, their feet are empty.

When she was surprised, the ground turned into corrugations so that Yama could not stand still and fell directly into the river of souls.

Then, Alley seemed to fall into the water, and a pair of slender hands was holding her...

Alley glanced at the hands subconsciously. Although the position of the palms was a little wrong, they were indeed very slender...

"Gulu gulu gulu..." Xu Le forced himself to express a few words.


Countless branches pierced the ice-like surface of the lake, carrying Alley out of the river of souls.

Yama, on the other hand, was struggling in the river of soul. While struggling, he looked at his body.

"Mother River?"

Then it looked at Xu Le fiercely, the look in its eyes was no longer anger, but hatred.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Its mouth said something, but to others it was just a roar.

Only Xu Le understood what it meant, it was cursing...

[Another bastard who steals the power of Mother River! 】

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