
Chapter 216 It’s protecting the tree (2 in 1)

Xu Le returned to Xu Ting and Li Qingcheng while thinking about how to blast Xia Libo next time.

Over the past few days, the international students in Ruilifeng were standing there anxiously.

When facing Xu Le, they were not so nervous, but the two women in front of them were law enforcers. The law enforcers are the most intuitive extraordinary administrative unit in Zion. They have the power to arrest, take in, and even directly apply for deportation. .

Especially the shorter woman, the muscles on her body were so big that it was scary to look at.

"Sorry for the wait."

Xu Le, who returned, nodded slightly to Li Qingcheng. Xu Ting was his cousin, so she didn't need to be so polite.

"It's okay." Li Qingcheng shook her head. Neither she nor Xu Ting knew exactly what Xu Le was doing with the Ruilifeng people these days.

But then Xu Le didn't make it too mysterious. He took the people to a place with seats and stopped, ready to ask some questions about Tianrui Lifeng.

Xu Le leaned on his seat, put himself in a slightly comfortable position, and then looked into the panda eyes:

"Ms. Ding, you don't want to be sent back to Tianrui Lifeng just like this."

Ding Chuyao was stunned. Is this trying to threaten her? If it was a threat, then she would have no choice but to give in.

With this thought, Ding Chuyao secretly glanced at Xu Le and said in a slightly decisive tone:

"If you want, find a place where no one is around."

Xu Le:? ? ?

Is there something wrong with this woman? Has she always been so confident?

"Ms. Ding, you can question my character, but you should not question my taste."

"Well, then you come to us..."

"I came here to ask you what the situation is like in Tianrui Lifeng now. You are called the old man by your classmates here. In other words, you are the heirs of the former ruler of Tianrui Lifeng?

Since he has such a status, he should know a lot of inside information, right? Let’s talk, remember, tell the truth. "

Ding Chuyao couldn't hide her disappointment when she heard that Xu Le was asking about Tianrui Lifeng's situation instead of asking her to sleep with him.

Yes, it's disappointing.

If she could get involved with a man of a certain status like Xu Le, or even get married, or even become a mistress, it would be a matter of great significance to her.

"We, the children of officials and students studying abroad, are actually not in a good situation..."

Ding Chuyao began to talk about their current situation.

The current status of these expatriate veterans is actually very embarrassing.

Tianrui Lifeng is undergoing reform. If there is reform, there will be people who will be dragged down.

They no longer have the help of the old forces in Tianrui Lifeng. They are in a foreign country and it is impossible to form a decent armed organization.

All we can do is form a small group and bully the students here.

The actual situation is that there are only two places, Beacon and Zion. The Red Moon Temple will basically not receive nominal old forces like them.

In short, it meets one evaluation, Yi Lao.

Seeing Ding Chuyao's tearful words, Xu Le just smiled casually. Are these people pitiful?

In his opinion, they are not pitiful at all. Although they have lost the power of the family, they have come out and can completely abandon the past, start studying hard again, and become real international students.

Considering Zion's economic level, you can find a decent job after graduating from Zion University of Science and Technology.

Not to mention the glory of the family, there is no problem at all just living a normal and healthy life.

The Zion Council government will also protect the citizens here.

But these people don't have that choice. They can't let go of the past, can't let go of others' admiration, and can't let go of their own arrogance. Naturally, they can't face the future.

Xu Le is not interested in the situation of these elderly people at all. What he is interested in now is the current political structure of Ruili Feng.

"Stop crying, let's talk about the political system of Tin Shwe Lifeng. Didn't it say that it has been reformed? Now the king of Tin Shwe Lifeng is gone?"

Hearing Xu Le's question, Ding Chuyao's expression obviously hesitated, which Xu Le immediately caught.

"What are you hesitating about? It's already now, and you still want to hide it from me?"

"No, it's not...I'm not trying to hide anything."

It can be seen that people like Ding Chuyao are really afraid of being deported. What will happen to people like them if they are deported to Tianrui Lifeng?

Political criticism? Or shoot him on the spot or something?

"If you don't want to hide it, just tell it."

"Actually, the king of Tianrui Lifeng is not dead. He has also absconded. Now it is said that he has sneaked to the Red Moon Temple for political asylum, but no one knows his specific location."

When Xu Le heard the news, he was still a little surprised. The king of Tianrui Lifeng was not dead?

"How do you know he is not dead? Your status is not high enough to contact the king, right? Even if he is a king who has taken political asylum..."

“He announced it himself, and every once in a while someone will contact us and say don’t give up, he will definitely make a comeback.

In the past, we still had expectations, but as time went by, everyone knew what was going on. "

The king of the old era made cakes for the remnants of the old era. This is indeed easy to attract the approval of people like Ding Chuyao.

From this point of view, it seems that they can be forgiven for forming small groups or something like that?

"Then who is in charge of Ruili Feng now? The news coming from those mercenaries is very confusing. Do you have any inside information?"

"The current main controller of Tianrui Lifeng is Qi Yun."

"Qi Yun? Do you know anything about this person?"

"Yes, Qi Yun is now their reformist leader, and he is a very powerful warlock. I only know that Qi Yun is a student who was expelled and hunted by the Red Moon Temple. I don't know anything else.

Now Qi Yun has received the support of Tianrui Lifeng's military headquarters, and he is now the undoubted actual controller of Tianrui Lifeng. "

"So Tianrei Lifeng is still in chaos now?"

"No, in fact, Tianrui Lifeng is no longer in chaos now. Most of the people who ran out are people who cannot accept the new rules.

There is a popular saying among them.

The king forces you to kneel down with hereditary authority and false reputation, and Tianreli Feng wants you to stand up and fight for your own glory and courage.

It was this seemingly simple sentence that completely shook the foundation of Tianrui Lifeng's royal power.

Qi Yun and the others are indeed a group of extraordinary people, and now Tianrui Lifeng itself has rebuilt order from chaos. "

Xu Le was slightly surprised. He did not expect that Ding Chuyao had a very high opinion of Tianrui Lifeng today.

Has order been reestablished in chaos?

Xu Le nodded:

"Okay, your answer is still very satisfactory. Is there anything else you want to add?"

"No, no more."

Xu Le glanced at these people. Although they were all the same age, he seemed to be completely different from these people.

He has found his own direction, while these people are still confused.

To put it simply, he has enlightened, but these people have not.

"If you want to go back, study hard and go back as a truly useful scholar. Since they have rebuilt order from chaos, they will definitely accept you."

Listening to Xu Le's sudden words, Ding Chuyao was obviously stunned for a moment. She really didn't expect Xu Le to say that.

But regarding Xu Le's statement, she just shook her head slightly:

"Ah? It's impossible. How can people like us have the nerve to go back?"

"If you go back just to show off your power and become the second generation, then naturally you will not be welcome. After all, hatred of the rich and power can happen everywhere.

But if you take it as your responsibility to truly build your own home, it will be different, at least your identity will be different. "

"Identity? What's the difference?"

"You can become...children of aristocratic families who strive for a new era."

"Children of aristocratic families fighting for the new era!" Ding Chuyao was stunned.

After Xu Le finished speaking, he let these people go. He had no intention of embarrassing these international students, there was no need.

As for the final reminder, just think of it as a reward for the information.

If these people can realize something and really achieve success in their studies, they can indeed return to Tianrui Lifeng in such an identity.

"Okay, the task of inviting the mentor has been completed, let's go."

After leaving the school gate, Xu Le looked at the two people:

"I'm going back to the Zion Progressive Headquarters later. Are you going back to the Enforcer Hall next?"

"No, we have to report back to the Zion Council. After all, this mission is issued directly by the Council."

"That's just right. You can give me a ride."

Xu Le took a ride with the two of them, and Xu Ting kept chattering along the way. From her own cultivation level to what she had seen and heard in recent times, she seemed to have to tell Xu Le all over again.

Xu Le had nothing to do and kept chatting with her.

We kept talking about Xia Libo.

"Hey, Brother Xu Le, is there something wrong with Dr. Xia Libo's brain?"

Hearing Xu Ting's question, Xu Le looked surprised. How could there be something wrong with Xia Libo's brain?

This guy is someone that even he can't defeat easily. His level, mentality, and way of doing things are all remarkable.

If there is something wrong with such a person's brain, then Xu Le won't be able to find a few normal people.

"Why do you think so?"

"Before you didn't come, this Xia Libo was so strange. He found me and Chengzi and said he wanted to touch Chengzi's hand."

"After Orange touched him, he said some very strange things."

Hearing this, Xu Le's eyes immediately narrowed.

"Weird words? What did he say?"

Li Qingcheng was driving. When he heard Xu Le and Xu Ting talking about him, it was obvious that the speed of the car had slowed down.

However, she did not interrupt at this time, but quietly waited for Xu Ting to recount the previous events to her.

Xu Ting pondered for a while, then began to imitate Xia Libo's tone and said:

“That’s what the guy said at the time.

This young lady's life experience is full of twists and turns, which is really amazing. You must have experienced a lot of hardships.

But being able to stand here means that you have overcome these hardships. This is probably the favor of our Lord, and you will get better and better in the future. "

After Xu Le listened, he looked at Li Qingcheng, his expression slightly serious.

The suffering we have experienced, the favor of our Lord!

Li Qingcheng's life experience is very good, so when did the so-called suffering happen?

Is Xia Libo talking nonsense? Xu Le doesn't think so.

According to his character, there is absolutely no need to do such a boring thing.

Since he did it and wanted to get acquainted with Li Qingcheng, he must have a purpose, and he mentioned another thing.

My Lord!

What is Xia Libo's master? Destiny?

If it is fate, then what is Li Qingcheng who is favored by fate?

Although her family background is good, it seems that she has always lived a peaceful and stable life. Although she is a level 2 warrior, the level of a level 2 warrior is really not excellent.

So can such a person cause any trouble?

Forget it, just keep paying attention in the future.

"Dr. Xia may want to make friends with Li Zhihua. He is a very polite person, and his medical skills and character are also very trustworthy, so you don't have to worry too much about him. He should not be malicious."

Xia Libo was about to become his collaborator, so naturally he wanted to make a splash at this time.

Of course, Xu Le wasn't bragging, he was just telling the truth.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, that's it."

While chatting, the vehicle had arrived at the Zion Progressive Building. Xu Le said to Li Qingcheng:

"Just park here, thank you."

"You're welcome." Li Qingcheng looked slightly embarrassed.

In fact, no matter what Xu Le called her, his words, or his actions, it made her a little embarrassed. He was too polite.

The two of them were lovers before, but Xu Le was so polite that Li Qingcheng felt a little inferior.

Especially after Xu Le became better and better.


The car door had been closed. Xu Ting lay on the car window and looked at Xu Le who was walking away and said:

"What's he doing getting off the bus here? Buying fruit?"

"It should be to visit Lord Alley."

"Ah, the two of them are really in love. Cheng Zi, you should hurry up and find a partner."

"Stop talking about this, we should go back and report."

"I feel like my brother is pretty good. He's not Brother Xu Le, but my own brother."

"Shut up."

Xu Le bought some fruits from the fruit shop and then came to the Zion Progressive Building.

He took the repaired elevator to the 8th floor. As soon as he went out, he saw Alley boxing slowly in the empty corridor.

Alley played very slowly, a bit like Tai Chi, but not really.

Xu Le did not bother, and Ai Li had no intention of stopping.

It wasn't until she finished practicing that she breathed a long sigh of relief, and Xu Lecai said with a smile:

"Looks like he's recovering well."

"Well, the fruit works very well, thank you."

Although Ai Li's voice was still as cold as ever, Xu Le still heard some tenderness in it.

Don't ask how you heard it, just ask it.

"It seems like it won't take you more than a month to move around freely."

"Yes, Dr. Xia told me before that I can move freely during the day, just don't do anything."

Ai Li seemed to be in a good mood, and even Xu Le's mood became cheerful.

"Now that you can move around during the day, let's go have a meal. I happen to have something to ask you."

Hearing Xu Le say this, Ai Li was a little strange.

Although her extraordinary level is much higher than that of Xu Le, Xu Le, as a very powerful warlock, often performs very amazingly.

This makes people forget the gap between the two.

"Do you also need to ask me something?"

“Of course, I want to learn and ask anyone who is worth learning.

For me, there are no enemies along the way, only friends and teachers. It’s just that the way they educate me is different. "

Hearing Xu Le say this, Ai Li was slightly startled.

Maybe Xu Le really experienced something that he couldn't forget when he was at the lighthouse.

"The enemy is also a teacher?"

Hearing Alley's question, Xu Le thought of Gu Jianuo and Xiong Zemo, a madman trapped by ideals, and a powerful and ruthless scavenger.

Gu Jiano was right or wrong, Xu Le was noncommittal, but she did die for her ideals in the end.

As for Xiong Zemo...he is really a powerful monster.

Xiong Zemo was the one who really made Xu Le realize that there was a huge gap in strength between warlocks of different levels, a gap that could not be bridged.

But they went all out, racked their brains, and even managed to kill a Xiong Zemo puppet when all their trump cards were exhausted.

In fact, the first Fat Man Puppet had already wiped out two Night Watch teams, the Golden Light Distortor, and Gu Jianuo, a level 3 warlock.

When the second puppet appeared, Xu Le felt only despair.

That's not even Xiong Zemo's trump card.

This is the difference between warlocks!

"Yes, enemies are also teachers. They taught me a lot." Xu Le walked to the window. Start remembering the past.

As if aware of Xu Le's depressed mood, Ai Li took the initiative to come behind Xu Le, held Xu Le's finger, and said in a rare gentle tone:

"The past is in the past, don't think about it, let's go eat."

When Gouzi took his hand, Xu Le's heart trembled.

There are different concepts between holding a girl's hand yourself and a girl taking the initiative to hold your hand.

This leads to a situation.

Bang hard!

With this kind of performance, he is a bit hopeless, but a hot-blooded virgin like Xu Le is indeed like this.

"Um, it'll be a while! I'm going to use the toilet first,"

Xu Le bent down slightly to prevent himself from being exposed. He washed his face a few times on the pretext of going to the toilet to calm down.

"Okay, let's go."

The two walked downstairs and looked at the busy streets. Xu Le suddenly asked:

"Does this count as a date?"

Ai Li tilted her head and thought for a moment, she didn't know about this kind of thing, and she had no experience in this area.

"I don't know, I guess."

"Then what do you want to eat?"

Ai Li raised her head again. Although she had almost no requirements on the type and taste of food, as long as it was nutritious, that was when she was alone.

When she was with Xu Le, she couldn't help but want to relax and eat some things that couples should eat:

"Don't always ask girls what you want to eat. Ask, guess what we are going to eat later, got it?"

When Xu Le heard what Alley said, he nodded thoughtfully:

"Then...what do you think we are going to eat later?"

Hearing that Xu Le had entered the rhythm of an ordinary young couple, Ai Li was still a little nervous, and her heart was pounding.

"Let me guess, let's go eat hot pot?"

"Ha, you guessed wrong." Xu Le said proudly.


Ten minutes later, Xu Le sat honestly in the hot pot restaurant.

What can be done? I couldn't beat him again and again, so I had no choice but to obey.

He refuses to eat hot pot in his heart. Although many people in his hometown also like to eat hot pot, he is really not good at it, especially he can't eat spicy food.

Mandarin duck pot is Xu Le's last stubbornness.

"So you can't eat spicy food."

"I...yes, I can't eat spicy food." Xu Le originally wanted to say something harsh, but gave up after thinking about it.

If Alley replaced this with a red oil pot, he would have to spend the night on the toilet.

Ai Li ordered a lot of vegetables and meat. As a warrior, Xu Le was not surprised that he had an amazing appetite.

And the food he chose was a lot more rubbish than Alley's, which focused on health and nutrition.

He ordered all kinds of fried food, fried chicken, fried rolls, and potato chips.

Anyway, his weight is very embarrassing, and it doesn't matter if he gets a little fatter.

However, after seeing Xu Le ordering so many fried foods, Alley couldn't help but remind him:

"It's unhealthy for you to order so many fried foods. Eating like this lacks vitamins and nutrients."

Hearing what Alley said, Xu Le asked:

"You know what happens to your face if you eat fried food a lot?"

"Pimples coming out?"

"Yes, there will be a happy smile on your face."

"..." Ai Li was speechless.

"Alley, you are so indifferent on weekdays. Have you ever thought that it is because you eat too little fried food that you are not happy enough?"


Faced with Xu Le's various lies, Ai Li still gave up.

She ate a few pieces of fried chicken, and unexpectedly felt that it tasted really good.

"How about it, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

The two of them had a pleasant meal, and there was no embarrassment that Xu Le had worried about before, nor was there any awkwardness that Ai Li thought.

Maybe their relationship has become very special from a long time ago, but neither of them noticed it.

After eating and drinking and taking a short rest, Alley wiped his mouth and asked seriously:

"You just said you wanted to ask me something. Now tell me, what is it?"

Xu Le pushed up his glasses and became serious:

"Do you have any quick close combat or martial arts skills? The kind that can fight against beings much stronger than yourself."

This idea actually took shape when Xu Le withdrew from the spiritual world.

The matter of the black tree really needs attention and investigation, and Yama itself is a clue.

Although Zion Progressive Leader Li Wen will also follow suit, Xu Leke has not forgotten that he is also a member of Zion Progressive Leader.

And the red fruit on the tree of souls needs to be dealt with anyway.

In the spiritual world, he has no way to use elemental abilities. With the power of that little Yama, as long as he gets close, he will almost be killed instantly, without any exception.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of that little Yama, you must make tactical arrangements in advance, and he must have certain defensive capabilities.

The most basic requirement is to not be instantly killed at close range when elementalization is impossible.

"Instant fighting martial arts skills? How can there be such a thing? Everything a warrior needs to persevere."

Seeing Xu Le nodding in disappointment, Ai Li couldn't bear it.

"Did you encounter any difficulties? If there is anything you need to fight, I can help you!"

"You can't go to that place, so you can't help me. This is a problem for warlocks."

"I can't go to a place where I need martial arts skills?"

"It's mainly defensive skills. You can dodge, block, parry, etc."

Xu Le's request made Ai Li more and more strange. What trouble did Xu Le encounter?

"There are really no instant martial arts skills, but if you want to learn combat defense, I can give you some targeted training."

Hearing what Ai Li said, Xu Le's eyes lit up!

Targeted training is really good in this area.

He could have recorded several of Yama's moves, and then Alley would imitate them, and then come up with targeted solutions.

As a top warrior, Ai Li's understanding of fighting must far exceed Xu Le's own.

As long as Xu Le can roughly tell Alley about Yama's actions, maybe Alley can really work out a countermeasure for Xu Le.

After eating, the two of them walked around the street for a while.

However, it was different from the shopping mode Xu Le had imagined. Alley took the initiative to take him to the Zion Heroes Cemetery, where the monument is located.

The Lighthouse has something similar, but Zion does it better.

Every law enforcer, soldier, and guard who died will leave his or her name here.

Their life stories are written on it for people to remember.

Standing in front of the largest monument to heroes, Alley stood up straight with solemn eyes, and then saluted.

Xu Le is not a soldier, and he has never learned the military posture here, so he just bowed deeply to express respect.

"Okay, let's go back." Withdrawing his hand, Ai Li said.

"Well, it's time to go back."

Returning to the hospital with Alley, Xu Le locked the door when returning to the ward.

Ai Li doesn't know what he wants to do. Is he going to practice? It’s only around 4 p.m. now. Isn’t it too early to practice?

And I always let him use the excuse of cultivation to rub against me. Isn't it a little bad?

But this time, Alley really had a different idea. After Xu Le returned to the ward, he said solemnly:

"Next, I will enter some special cultivation states. If anyone comes, please remember to wake me up in advance."

A special state of cultivation? Although Ai Li was a little curious, he still nodded in agreement;

"okay, I get it."

Afterwards, Xu Le found a chair and sat down, slowly closed his eyes, and sank his consciousness into the spiritual world.

Coming to the spiritual world, Xu Le looked at his soul tree.

The current situation is a bit complicated. He has no way to get close to the soul tree. As long as he gets close to the red fruit Yama, it will automatically activate.

It turned into a small Yama and killed randomly in his mind.

Although he can also use his spiritual tentacles to control the Soul Tree, Xu Le still feels that if there is no way to get close to the Soul Tree, it will also be a hidden danger for future cultivation.

Xu Le knew that this thing was the result of the active absorption of Gu Yin Duo Shi Zhi that day.

But is its function just to kill yourself in your own mind every day?

Xu Le did not accept this result.

And Xu Le also wanted to know which son of Gu Yinduo was hidden that night.

If this Yama is related to the previous Yama and still retains some previous memories and consciousness, maybe he can ask some questions from Yama's mouth.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you can deal with this Yama.

Xu Le turned the black staff into a shield and slowly walked towards the Tree of Souls.

Gulu! ~

The red fruit squirmed, and in a very short period of time, the fresh fruit quickly turned into a small Yama of about 2 meters.

The first thing it did when it woke up was to lock, discover, and rush towards Xu Le.


The huge fist hit the black shield. Such a blow directly broke the bones of Xu Le's hands, and his body hit the border of consciousness, and he fainted on the spot.

When he woke up, Yama turned into a fruit again.

Needless to say, Xu Le also knew that he had been raped by Yama again just now!

Damn it!

Xu Le was angry. When something like being killed instantly even when blocking with a shield happened to him, he understood one thing.

The so-called defense has a critical value. If the opponent's strength exceeds yours by too much, then your so-called defense is completely meaningless in front of the opponent.

Just like many people wearing body armor will be killed by the kinetic energy of bullets.

Xu Le calmed down and began to think about how he should deal with Yama?

The first thing is to test the boundaries of the activated fruit.

Then, be prepared for battle outside the boundary of the fruit's activation, at least with a short-term restriction or control effect.

In this way, the two sides have the possibility of negotiation, otherwise it will definitely not work if they continue to die like this.

As for why it can't be dealt with in a more powerful way, such as using Little Sun in advance, setting a CD to blast Yama, or something like that.

The main reason is that Xu Le feels that it is a stupid thing to blow up oneself in one's own mind.

What if he really blew himself up?

Xu Le then died three more times, and he more accurately confirmed the location where the fruit was activated, which was a point next to the psychic pool.

Subsequently, he withdrew from the spiritual world.

As soon as he woke up, Xu Le looked at Alley who was resting:

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Probably a little over an hour."

Xu Le nodded. From this point of view, if you die in the spiritual world, you will lose consciousness for about 15 minutes.

Although you won't really die, it is far less powerful than the effect of the Mother Tree Realm.

After organizing his words a little, Xu Le said:

"The opponent's strength and speed are far greater than mine..."

Xu Le said, took out the black staff and turned it into a shield form, then put it in front of Ai Li and made a gesture.

"The height of that guy is about 2 meters. When I hold a shield to defend myself, it can break my hand bones with one punch and knock me out. How to solve this situation?"

Ai Li was stunned for a moment. With such a disparity in strength between the two sides, there was nothing to teach him.

Even if you hold a shield and you are instantly killed, that means there is no room for error!

"Are there any other additional conditions? For example, your elementalization or something like that."

"Elementalization cannot be used, but the warlock's ability can be used."

"Can I escape?"

"There are regional restrictions. It is probably a circle with a diameter of about 15 meters to 20 meters. I have not measured it specifically." This circle is probably the size of Xu Le's spiritual world.

Hearing what Xu Le said, Ai Li pinched his chin and began to analyze.

"There are environmental restrictions, ability restrictions, and the opponent's speed and power are in a crushing state... It's really tricky. Can you use summons?"

Xu Le hesitated for a moment and shook his head slightly.


It's not that it can't be used, but that he is afraid that the summoned object will pollute the spiritual space.

So it's best to use more basic abilities to solve it.

"Then can you be injured in that special environment?" Ai Li asked again.

This reminded Xu Le.

"It's okay to be injured."

"Then I suggest you use a luring injury play to buy yourself some time and space."

"How to do it?" Xu Le asked.

"That's probably it..."

With Alley's simple teachings, Xu Le returned to the spiritual world and reactivated the Yama Fruit.

The black staff turned into a shotgun.

At the moment when Yama transformed, Xu Le pulled the trigger.

Bang bang!

Yan Luo staggered a step, and when he raised his head again, Xu Le had already taken the initiative to sweep over.

Yan Luo's first reaction was to grab Xu Le's legs.

But its actions were completely different from Alley's judgment. He originally thought that it would break his legs and throw him to the ground.

The actual situation was that after Yama grabbed him and was about to throw him to the ground, he hesitated after seeing the spiritual pool on the ground.

Then he threw Xu Le far away.

Then, Yan Luo swooped again and stabbed Xu Le to death with one claw.

After waking up again, Xu Le did not blindly activate it, but started thinking on the spot.

"It's not attacking? But it's protecting... the tree?"

Kavin, sorry for being late today

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