
Chapter 225 He is not the real sex critic

Xie Wenjie narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the torn and bloody clothes on Xu Le and Xia Libo.

Xia Libo's appearance is very special, he is disabled and blind, so he can be easily recognized.

Compared to him, Xu Le seemed a lot "ordinary". Apart from being more handsome, there didn't seem to be anything special about him.

The thing that easily highlights his identity is probably the black staff he always holds in his hand.

"I have read the information record just now. The two of them should be Dr. Xia Libo and Mr. Xu Le, right? When the accident happened to the fruit before, both of them should have been present."

"Shouldn't it be Dr. Xu Le? Is my degree so worthless?"

Xie Wenjie:?

Looking at Xu Le, he wondered if there was something wrong with the brain circuit of the person in front of him.

In fact, when he was paying attention to Xu Le, Xu Le was also paying attention to him.

Judging from his appearance and behavior, the Xie Wenjie in front of him was in a normal state, at least not showing any stupid behavior.

Therefore, it can be judged with a high probability that Xie Wenjie should know his relationship with Alley. Even though he knew this relationship, he still spoke and behaved in such a slightly outrageous way, which was somewhat unreasonable.

After all, he already has a clear official status, but he has no position. He and Alley are a couple published in the newspaper, which makes Xie Wenjie's actions even more outrageous.

If you want to find a reasonable reason for Xie Wenjie's behavior, Xu Le can barely come up with two ideas.

First, he is a person in a high position but has no brains. This is unreasonable. Most people in high positions have brains. Maybe they are relatives and friends of those in high positions? This possibility cannot be ruled out.

The second is that he no longer cares about his current status and everything has become disposable, so he can do this as he pleases.

This sounds completely unreasonable, if he didn't have the ancient Yinduo secret language tag on him...

【? 】

That's right, this person's tag is a "?"

This is obviously not the state that normal humans should have. If they were normal humans, as long as Gu Yinduo was not involved, even a very advanced warlock, Xu Le would not be able to observe the secret words from Gu Yinduo's vision.

But the "?" on Xie Wenjie's body seemed very abrupt.

The question mark means that Gu Yin Duo Vision has discovered something suspicious, but some ability or characteristic of Xie Wenjie cannot be judged, or it has the ability to block Xu Le's Gu Yin Duo Vision.

No matter which result it was, it was very suspicious, especially when he stared at Ai Li, Xu Le felt that this guy didn't look like a good person!

According to the first principle of the free man, everything that cannot be determined to be a threat must be treated as if it is a threat.

So this person has been polluted in Xu Le's eyes, and a polluted person is considered weird by rounding off, so...

Xie Wenjie = Weird.

"Dr. Xu Le is really good at telling jokes."

"You wouldn't say that. After all, I'm too timid to talk to other people's wives like you." Xu Le lowered his head and picked at his fingers.

Xie Wenjie:......

Alley:? She just heard Xu Le say...wife?

Well, this title is not bad.

Ai Li cleared his throat slightly to stop Xu Le and Xie Wenjie from continuing to quarrel. There were many things going on at the moment, and such a quarrel was meaningless.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"Okay." Xia Libo also nodded, and he noticed the look in Xu Le's eyes.

In fact, Xia Libo also felt an unusual aura from Xie Wenjie, but Xie Wenjie pretended to be too good. He just felt something was wrong, but had no basis for judgment.

"Let's ask Xu Le later." Xia Libo thought.

The four of them came to an unmanned office. As the person involved in the matter, Ai Li quickly explained the situation of the battle to Xu Le and others.

Xie Wenjie nodded in agreement while recording some information that he thought was useful.

Xu Le and Xia Libo provided the content of their previous battles with Luo and the Seed of Pollution.

In this discussion, Xu Le felt that Xie Wenjie was completely redundant.

A few people gathered together and roughly understood the general situation of the matter. This was a premeditated Guyinduo pollution operation with an unknown purpose.

At present, they have two obvious goals.

Wang Man and Xia Libo himself.

"This is what happened. I think the top priority is to quickly treat Song Xiaojia and then interrogate him."

After the report, Alley put forward his own suggestions.

Xu Le pondered for a while and expressed some of his thoughts:

"What about Luo's wife? If you want to catch Warlock Luo, this woman can be considered an important clue."

"Her wife has been completely deformed. Although she has not been killed, necessary suppression and interrogation are still indispensable." Xie Wenjie said.

Xu Le frowned when he heard what he said. He should have reminded people in the law enforcer system before to deal with Warlock Luo's wife well.

Hearing Xie Wenjie's tone, something felt wrong.

"Did you attack Luo's wife?"

"Why are you looking at me like this? I am the person in charge of this matter. Naturally, I need to take responsibility for this matter. I also have to take responsibility for the people who died and were injured in the accident. I need to deal with Luo's wife and give an explanation to the dead and injured. How? Already?"

Seeing Xie Wenjie acting so matter-of-factly, Xu Le's suspicion deepened.

This action does not seem like taking responsibility, but rather like destroying the chain of evidence!

"Xu Le?" Ai Li, who was most familiar with Xu Le, wanted to ask Xu Le if he had any other discoveries, but Xu Le said directly:

"In this case, Doctor Xia, let's go talk to Song Xiaojia. After all, she is your colleague, and you should know her better than others.

Leave this matter to us, no problem, right? Mr. Xie Wenjie. "

Ai Li was a little surprised that Xu Le didn't come with her? What does it mean?

Meow! ~

Ding Ke also stuck his head out and shouted to express his dissatisfaction.

But Ai Li immediately held down Ding Ke's head, and then nodded to Xu Le.


Although Xia Libo was a little surprised by Xu Le's words, Xia Libo also chose to obey Xu Le's actions at this time.

"Okay, I think it's necessary to go see Song Xiaojia."

Finally, the three of them looked at Xie Wenjie together. Originally, Ai Li and Xia Libo thought that Xie Wenjie would stop Xu Le's behavior at this time.

After all, judging from his performance just now, it is quite normal to give Xu Le some shoes.

But what the two of them didn't expect was that Xie Wenjie nodded readily and agreed to Xu Le's request:

"Well, it is indeed a feasible plan, but you still have to be careful when interrogating Song Xiaojia, so as not to kill people."

"This is natural." Xu Le narrowed his eyes.

Making a decision, the four of them walked out of the room.

Ai Li and Xie Wenjie watched Xu Le and Xia Libo leave. When the two figures disappeared at the end of the corridor, Ai Li turned and walked directly towards Wang Man's ward.

Obviously, she didn't want to stay in the same area as Xie Wenjie, but she had no way to determine Xu Le's thoughts now and could only wait and see.

After Xu Le and the two left, Xie Wenjie still didn't give up. He chased after Ai Li and asked:

"Is Miss Alley alone later?"

Ai Li frowned slightly. The relationship between him and Xu Le had been made public, and this person's behavior was a little strange.

Would a normal person be so rude?

Regarding this question, Alley hesitated for a moment and then answered him:

"Wouldn't you be scared if I became half a human?"


The female law enforcer on the side quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing. Ai Li had never spoken in this way before, and she didn't know who she learned from.

Even Ding Ke, who was in Ai Li's arms, screamed slightly excitedly.

Xie Wenjie raised his eyebrows, took a deep breath, didn't know what he was thinking in his eyes, and continued to repeat the expression just now:

"I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow?"

"I don't know tomorrow, so I won't eat with tomorrow."

Ai Li had already walked to Wang Man's ward, but Xie Wenjie still followed him and asked:

"What kind of boys does Miss Alley like?"

Ai Li stopped when she heard this question, and even Ding Ke crawled out of her arms to think about this question seriously.

After thinking for a moment, Alley answered with certainty:

"I like the ones that discharge."

Meow! Ding Ke agreed.

Xie Wenjie laughed and moved his eyes, probably making a discharge gesture.

"Discharge? I really know how to do this."

Ai Li glanced at Xie Wenjie and said secretly:

"Retarded." Then she walked into Wang Man's ward and closed the door.

Xie Wenjie, who was standing at the door, looked at the ward number plate, took a breath with a slightly excited expression.

"Hiss~ha, it turns out to be here."

Xia Libo was pulled by Xu Le to the stairs on the 3rd or 4th floor and stopped.

"What happened just now? Is there something wrong with Xie Wenjie? I feel like there is something wrong, but I'm not sure."

Hearing Xia Libo say this, Xu Le's eyes lit up slightly:

"What a coincidence, I also feel like there's something wrong with him, but I can't be sure."

"Then why are you dragging me away?"

"Everyone's language, expressions, and even small movements can be disguised, changed, and deceived. When we face a pretender and cannot judge whether there is something wrong with him through observation, we must borrow some other methods. "

"Other methods? Be specific."

"Anima, Anima will not lie."

Hearing Xu Le talk about anima, Xia Libo nodded. After all, Xu Le was a Red Moon Warlock, and it was normal for him to have the means to detect anima.

"what have you found?"

"Although this person has sexual desire, his sexual desire is stable. Even when he looks at Ai Li, his sexual desire still does not fluctuate.

It was obviously abnormal to show frivolous behavior towards Alley, but his own anima remained unchanged. "

When this person looks at the dog, his heart stops. Do you think this is astringency? Have you asked him, a veteran?

Unlike him... Every time he is with Gouzi, he will think of his cultivation time, and then his lust will increase. This is the true manifestation of lust!

That Xie Wenjie is just a fake sex critic. He can deceive others, but he cannot deceive a senior person like Xu Le.

Of course, Xu Le didn't say what was in his heart later.

"You mean, his performance is a disguise?"

"I think his purpose...maybe not Alley."

"Who is that?"

"There is another important person in this incident, Wang Man. Song Xiaojia's previous move to take away Wang Man was very strange, but after Alley mentioned it, Xie Wenjie didn't even mention it. This was obviously wrong. "

Xia Libo thought about it carefully. Although he did not have as clear a mind as Xu Le's ethereal state, he was still able to clarify his thoughts quickly after Xu Le explained the order of things.

"You want to take action against this Xie Wenjie? But we don't have any evidence now."

"It's because there is no evidence that I asked you to wait here. After he takes action, we will strike with lightning and take him down in one fell swoop!"

Xu Le clenched his fists in front of Xia Libo, as if I wanted him to die today!

However, Xia Libo frowned slightly and said:

"But if we wait together like this, the follow-up of other clues will fall behind, such as Song Xiaojia. I really want to go over and ask her about her situation.

If Xie Wenjie never took action, the time cost would be too high for us. "

Seeing that Xia Libo was a little shaken, Xu Le quickly said:


Xu Le was convinced, and Xia Libo felt that there seemed to be some truth to it, but he always felt that Xu Le's purpose was not that simple.

"Xu Le, you are targeting Xie Wenjie like this... to solve the problem of the diamond pollution seed, right? You shouldn't have any idea of ​​​​revenge, right?"

When Xu Le heard Xia Libo ask this, he immediately became angry:

"Xia Libo, why do you have such misunderstanding of me? Others don't know what kind of person I am, don't you know?"

Xia Libo was a little embarrassed to hear Xu Le say this.

"Xu Le, don't get excited. I still have a certain understanding of your personality, but if you doubt him, we can just split up. There's no need for this."

Xu Le thought to himself: Nonsense, the dog is still injured. If I go up alone, what if I can't beat him?

"The more we encounter such big fish, the more we should concentrate our efforts."

"Then, okay." Xia Libo thought for a while and agreed to Xu Le.

He still felt that it was absolutely impossible for people like Xu Le, who could fight selflessly for Zion in the dark tide, to seek personal gain from public affairs.

Well, he must be overthinking it.

In the ward, Wang Man peeled an apple for herself, but after seeing Alley coming, she quickly handed over the apple in her hand.

"Sister Ai Li, this is for you."

Ai Li blinked. Although Xie Wenjie behind him was annoyed, Wang Man in front of him was really hard to get angry at.


Alley sat down beside Wang Man's bed. As a former senior law enforcement officer, Alley also had a very keen sense of cases.

She had obviously reported Wang Man's affairs just now, but both Xu Le and Xie Wenjie seemed to have ignored Wang Man intentionally or unintentionally.

Based on her judgment on the case, Wang Man should be an important figure in the case.

Therefore, even if no one told her what to do next, Ai Li's first reaction was to protect Wang Man, a slightly cute little girl.

Although this is the Zion Progressive Building, it is supposed to be a very safe place.

But what happened one after another before proved that even the Zion Progressive Building was not safe enough.

Personal protection is more effective than other actions.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she saw Wang Man picking up another apple and preparing to peel it. Only then did Alley realize that the apple in her hand was peeled by Wang Man for herself to eat.

"Let me help you."

"Uh, no need."

"Don't refuse, I'm a warrior."

I saw Alley picking up the apple and the fruit knife, holding the fruit on the tip of the knife and turning it quickly. Within a few seconds, a peeled apple appeared in Alley's hand.

"this is for you."

"Thank you, Sister Ai Li." Wang Man smiled, showing his little fangs.

The two women were happily eating apples when the door was pushed open.

Xie Wenjie's slightly discordant voice appeared at the door.

"Hello, Miss Wang Man, my name is Xie Wenjie, and I am the person in charge of this incident. Now I have something to ask you alone."

When Xie Wenjie spoke, he squinted his eyes and stretched his head forward. He looked a little strange!

At least Ai Li and Wang Man felt a little strange.

Ai Li is very familiar with certain creatures due to his previous profession. If he had to use an adjective to describe Xie Wenjie's current appearance, it would probably be... an incompletely transformed succubus?

Are there any male succubi?

No, at least Alley had never seen a male succubus.

Ai Li stared at Xie Wenjie and stood up with a serious expression:

"You should knock before entering a lady's room."

The kids will go to school tomorrow, so I should be able to write more, definitely not a painting (seriously)

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