
Chapter 230 I suggest clearing out all Gu Yinduo’s heirs

"Turning stone into gold is probably the charm of alchemy."

Xu Le injected a stream of ancient Yinduo spiritual energy into the ledger, and Warlock Luo's crystallized body was immediately destroyed.

A small piece of his skull was quickly transformed into gold under the erosion of Guyin Duo's spiritual energy.

Xu Le pulled off the small piece of gold on his head, and then Warlock Luo's body trembled violently as if it was in a self-earthquake.

Xu Le pinched the gold and said casually:

"The basic elements of the Trinity rule are that everything is three and everything is unified. But once the rule of unity is broken by some special effect, the Trinity rule will break and the magic will collapse.

After being called uneducated last time, I have actually read the Trinity Principle, so... break it into pieces, stone. "


The stone statue in front of him began to crack, and Warlock Luo's solidification was quickly eliminated. Then he looked at Xu Le blankly, and what greeted him was Xu Le's black sword.


Warlock Luo's legs were cut off directly by Xu Le. He had not fully recovered his human form and could not even feel obvious pain.

When Luo felt the pain, the black sword had already been inserted into his chest.

At this time, Ai Li, Wang Shu, and some mercenaries involved in the operation had arrived around Xu Le. When they saw the weird ancient sounds disappearing one by one around Xu Le.

Ai Li and Wang Shu were able to remain calm, but the mercenaries were still somewhat resistant and even fearful.

Until these weird things turned into white smoke around Xu Le and disappeared into the air.

Under the attention of everyone, Xu Le held his black sword.

"Feel the sadness."

Then, Warlock Luo started crying in front of him, with pure sadness...

He didn't just cry briefly, but kept crying until he was out of breath. He felt like he was about to burp, so much so that Wang Shu and Ai Li had to stop the bleeding in advance before he stopped.

And the reason he stopped crying was not because he had cried enough, but because Xu Le's fingers took off the black sword.

"Do you feel the pain?" Xu Le asked Warlock Luo softly.

Warlock Luo raised his head and looked at Xu Le. When he wanted to speak, his throat was choked with snot and tears.

Xu Le wiped his nose kindly and asked again:

"Do you feel the pain?"

Warlock Luo, who wiped his face, glanced at his broken legs, and then said slowly:

"I feel...people who can control mental energy are almost weird."

"Don't look at it. It's impossible for a level 3 warlock not to impose some restrictions. Cutting off your legs is already a more polite move. After all, warlocks rely on their hands to form seals.

As for saying I control anima, is this your rebuttal? "

"Just take it as a compliment. When we played against each other before, your abilities left a deep impression on me."

Warlock Luo mentioned the previous confrontation between him and Xu Le when they fell from a building together. When he heard what he said, Xu Le also nodded:

"The same goes for you. Your ability to replace the essence of objects impressed me deeply, so I made so many preparations for you."

Luo stared at Xu Le for a while, and then said:

"Your fighting style is not like that of a warlock. You don't have the pride of those warlocks. You frequently use firearms, explosives, warriors, summons, terrain, and even some despicable strategies."

"Tap, stop, stop, what did you say?" Xu Le interrupted dissatisfied.

If this person continues talking, his character as a good person will be destroyed.

"Did I use this despicable trick? It was him." Xu Le pointed at Wang Shu.

However, Wang Shu just turned his head and said dullly:

"I am an honest person, how can I say those things? He taught me all that."

Xu Le:......

Warlock Luo nodded, with a genuine expression:

"You have won, but you didn't kill me. Are you one of those Mark Hunters who call themselves Destiny?"

Xu Le listened to Warlock Luo's guess, raised the black sword in his hand, inserted it in front of Luo and said:

"Yes, but the hunter of destiny is too ugly. You can call us...death of destiny."

Ai Li raised her eyebrows slightly. She had heard this name before under the black tree.

It was the armored beast holding a black sword, but that guy's weapon was indeed very similar to Xu Le's weapon.

Wang Shu on the side had a bad temper, and Xu Le's level of naming...well, he was still such a show-off.

Warlock Luo stared at Xu Le:

"Is it originally called Destiny of Death? Why is it called this name?"

Because the name Treekeeper is not domineering enough...

"Because in the next period of time, I will send you the destined death one by one for you, the descendants of Gu Yinduo who have emerged."

Warlock Luo nodded.

"Great idea."

When Xu Le was about to continue speaking, he frowned and looked at the street in the distance:


Ai Li and Wang Shu also looked at the street in the distance at the same time. They both felt that someone was spying on them.

"I'll chase." Ai Li directly transformed into a moon dog. With her keen sense of smell, she is very good at chasing enemies in the complex environment of the city.

And Xu Le didn't stop him, he just warned:

"Be careful and protect yourself first."


Wang Shu still stands by Xu Le's side. Warriors need to protect warlocks. Even if Xu Le is not afraid of close combat, this protection is still necessary.

Distance is the warlock's greatest weapon.

"Are those your accomplices?" Xu Le looked at Warlock Luo.

But Warlock Luo just shook his head:

"I have no accomplices."

"Yes, after all, you are just an organization that has just been established. After all... your purpose is to find a certain son of Gu Yinduo who has been left in the world."

When Xu Le said these words, Warlock Luo's eyes flickered slightly. Because he was worried that his eyes would reveal his emotions, he always lowered his head so that Xu Le could no longer pay attention to his eyes.

But Xu Le's way of paying attention to Luo was never with his eyes, but with his heart.

"Your anima fluctuations have completely betrayed you. You really don't have to be so troublesome in front of me by pretending."


Before Warlock Luo could continue to ask, Xu Le interrupted him. The information he knew was all obtained from Wang Man and then deduced. If he continued to talk about it, he would be betraying the gang.

Maintaining a sense of mystery is the best approach.

"Your wife and children are still alive. What will they do if you die?"

Warlock Luo was silent for a moment, then lowered his head:

"My lover has turned into a monster. Even if Zion is very open, he will not allow a monster to appear in the human world.

In addition, we both have the mark of Son of Guyinduo on our bodies. Even if I can still stay awake as a human being, she, as a weirdo, cannot resist the will of Son of Guyinduo.

We are done, and we hope that the orphanage in Zion can take good care of our children. "

Xu Le frowned slightly after listening to Luo's words. This man was really sober.

He is definitely not a fanatic like Xie Wenjie. As a level 3 arcane warlock, he clearly understands the current situation of himself and his family.

He could even clearly understand that what he was doing was wrong, illegal, and not recognized, but he still did it.

What is the function of Guyinduo Seal? Is the control so strong? A sober level 3 warlock can't avoid it?

"Since you understand it, why do you still do it? Can the stone mark enslave your will?"

"It can directly distort us and become weird, because we don't want to violate the effectiveness of the mark and become weird. This is the power of Guyin Duo's mark. It gives us extra abilities and also gives us a layer of almost impossible to take off. shackles.

After becoming weird, I am afraid that even my own consciousness will gradually disappear, so I have no choice but to surrender. "

After hearing this explanation, Xu Le probably understood the situation of Gu Yin having many heirs.

They may have fanatics like Xie Wenjie, but they also have calm people like Luo.

The ancient Yinduo mark has the effect of turning normal humans into monsters, and even a level 3 warlock cannot compete with it.

Once they become weird, they will still be driven by the son of Guyinduo. In order to retain their own consciousness, they can only succumb to the will of the son of Guyinduo.

This is almost unsolvable.

After all, not everyone is like Xu Le, who has a big brother behind him.

"Gangshi, Forest, Rose, are you united?"

Luo didn't answer, but his anima had no fluctuations and had already given Xu Le the answer.

"It turns out that you are not united together, so it will be much easier to deal with."

Luo raised his head again:

"Do you like to guess other people's thoughts?"

"No, I like to analyze and judge based on factual data."

"Factual data?"

"Your anima has no fluctuations. This is the factual data."

Warlock Luo nodded.

"I understand, you can take action now."

"What are you doing?" Xu Le asked with a strange look on his face.

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

"I spent so much effort to catch you, not just for something as boring as killing you."

Xu Le said, and handed the golden bean to Warlock Luo.

"Do you know what this is?"


"I feel like your ability is quite special. I've seen you turn cement into water before. Can your substitution turn other objects into gold?"

When Xu Le made this request, the eyes of the surrounding mercenaries immediately lit up.

Stone turns into gold! Mr. Xu Le is really a warlock with ideas...

But Warlock Luo shook his head:

"If gold could be replaced, the world would be in chaos. Gold itself is a special metal and there is no way to do it."

Hearing what he said, Xu Le felt a little regretful:

"Metal that looks like gold is fine, as long as ordinary people can't see it."

Warlock Luo:......

"A moral warlock would not do such a thing. You keep me here just to make a lie?"

"of course not."

At this time, Ai Li had already rushed back and shook his head at Xu Le:

"Didn't catch up."

"It doesn't matter. It's most likely the other mark holders of Gangshi, or other descendants of Gu Yinduo. Let's go back first."

"What's next?" Alley asked.

When she asked about Xu Le, Xu Le turned to look at Wang Jing, the leader of the widow group, who was writing a document.

"Captain Wang Jing, have you finished writing your apology letter?"

"Well, it's done." Wang Jing handed a handwritten apology letter to Xu Le.

However, Xu Le shook his head slightly after reading the letter:

"Change it again, be a little more sincere, change it like this..."

"Okay, Mr. Xu Le."

Under the confused looks of Ai Li and Wang Shu, the group returned to the Zion Progressive Building with the seriously injured Warlock Luo.

In the office on the 8th floor, Xu Le threw Warlock Luo in front of Xia Libo.

"Dr. Xia Libo, the next thing I have to leave to you."

The yellow-green ball in Xia Libo's hand floated. After confirming the identity of Warlock Luo, he frowned slightly:

"He is a criminal, and no matter what, you should not send him to me."

"But except for you, no one can perform the surgery to remove the ancient Yinduo mark."

Xia Libo touched the unconscious warlock Luo. He always felt that Xu Le's purpose was not that simple.

This guy always talks nice, but the way he does things is so weird.

"Have you reported his information?"

"No, if he is discovered, we will be charged with harboring terrorists." Xu Le said truthfully.

"Are you...are you crazy?" Xia Libo didn't understand why Xu Le did this.

"Okay, Doctor Xia, you have to operate on him quickly. It's best to do it while he's unconscious. He has Gu Yinduo's mark on his body. Every time you delay, the chance of him being discovered by Gang Shi increases." It will be one point higher.

Dr. Xia didn't want an ambitious man to fall under the power of Gu Yinduo's son. "

"I understand, please stay and help me."

"That's not possible. I have other things to do, but Wang Shu and Ai Li can stay and help you."

"What are you going to do?"

"I sincerely apologize."

In Li Wen's office, he was looking through the letter of apology handed over by Secretary Liu.

[For this matter, Li Wen, as the head of the Logistics Department, should solemnly apologize to everyone...]

Although Secretary Liu's writing style was very good, he always felt that this apology letter lacked some flavor, but he knew that Secretary Liu's level was probably about this.

Secretary Liu saw that Li Wen was not satisfied and asked hesitantly:

"If the minister feels it is not good, I can revise it again."

"Forget it, it's just a formality. The general election is coming soon. It's better to be more simple."


There was a knock on the door, and after receiving permission, Xu Le walked in cautiously.

"Uncle Li, I sincerely apologize to you for my rash actions and the damage to the city of Zion. This is a written apology letter."

"Have you been caught?" Li Wen picked up his teapot.

"No." Xu Le answered decisively.

Li Wen:......

He almost lost his grip on the teapot in his hand. Xu Le and his group just walked in with less momentum than before. Their level of lying with open eyes needs to be improved.

Li Wen opened the apology letter in his hand and found a few sentences in it that he thought were very good.

[You are ashamed but not upset. It is all my fault. I should not be angry and make you worry.

I hope you will be happy and happy. I will see you tomorrow and accompany you to take care of you.

I'm so angry at you because I'm angry at you, I regret it too much!

I must think about it, change it, be diligent in my work, protect and love me to the best of my ability, live up to your trust, be sincere and sincere, and hope you will learn from it!]

It seems that no one can understand this sentence, but it also seems that he has a high level of competence.

There is also the following additional sentence, which also seems very sincere.

[The true meaning of an apology is that I admit that I was wrong and am willing to accept everyone's negative emotions, rather than, I have said I'm sorry, what else do you want from me... So, I was really wrong. 】

After closing the apology letter, Li Wen said calmly:

"The handwriting is good."

"Thank you, Uncle Li, for the compliment."

"It's different from what you used to clock in at work."

Xu Le:......

Li Wen put down the teapot in his hand and said:

"Guyin Duo's descendants have penetrated Zion very hard now. If you have any ideas, you can tell me."

Xu Le nodded.

"There are indeed some superficial personal thoughts."

"How superficial it is, tell me."

After getting Li Wen's approval, Xu Le's eyes gradually turned cold:

"I recommend clearing out all Gu Yin Duo's heirs."

Li Wen was stunned for a moment and was noncommittal about Xu Le's proposal. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said:

"It's indeed a very superficial idea. Do you have a clear plan?"


About 20 minutes later, Xu Le left the office. After Li Wen pondered for a while, he handed Xu Le's apology letter to Secretary Liu:

"Follow this and write another one."

"Just copy it?" Secretary Liu couldn't accept it.

"You think he didn't copy it? Write quickly."

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