
Chapter 232 This is Guangming Soap Factory


Li Wen muttered for a while.

"It sounds quite high-end. What is the specific project content? Tell me about it."

"Actually, it's just an ordinary stove, well, ordinary."

Li Wen didn't say anything, just stared at Xu Le with squinted eyes for a while.

After being watched like this by Li Wen for a while, Xu Le knew that if he didn't come up with something tangible, Li Wen might not be able to approve the resources.

After all, the implementation of the furnace project is not just a matter of money. Reliable researchers, a huge and safe site, and even the stationing of some troops are all necessary.

At this point, Xu Le handed Li Wen a plan that he and Xia Libo had just worked out in the past few days.

Secretary Liu on the side wanted to pick him up, but Xu Le did not let go. It was obvious that he didn't even want Secretary Liu to know about this matter.

While Secretary Liu frowned, Li Wen had already walked over.

"give it to me."

"Yes." Secretary Liu nodded and stepped away.

Li Wen took Xu Le's plan himself. When he saw that the content of the project was about the release, combustion, and utilization of Gu Yinduo's energy, he suddenly closed the plan.

"Are you brave?"

Xu Le lowered his head and tilted it slightly to the side.


Li Wen glanced at Secretary Liu next to him and waved.

"Go and do other things."

"Understood." Secretary Liu walked out calmly. He would not refuse Li Wen's order.

When only Li Wen and Xu Le were left in the office, Li Wen reopened the document submitted by Xu Le.

"It's good to be able to come up with such an idea and have a specific plan. At least you are not blindly arrogant because of your previous success, and you are vigilant enough."

Is this a compliment? Feeling that there was still some criticism, Xu Le poured himself a glass of water unconsciously, and then rubbed the glass back and forth a few times.

"Of course Secretary Liu and Uncle Li are different. I don't know him well."

"I don't think you know much about me." Li Wen smiled.

"Indeed, but your status is different. Uncle Li is in a position where he no longer needs to interfere with me to gain benefits, but Secretary Liu cannot, so we need to treat him differently." Xu Le said truthfully.

Hearing Xu Le's words, Li Wen, instead of being angry, nodded with satisfaction.

"It's really good that you think so. In fact, most of the time, the people around you are the ones who don't want you to be nice."

"Uh? Why do you say that?"

Hearing Xu Le's question, Li Wen's eyes gradually became blurred, as if he was recalling certain things in the past.

“No one is plowing the wasteland, and there are people who fight for the plowing. They think you are poor, are afraid of your wealth, hate you for having, and laugh at you for not having. Sometimes even your parents will not sincerely bless you.

So if you want to succeed, you have to understand that when you do anything, when you want to make it public, it is best when the results have bloomed. "

Listening to Li Wen's words, Xu Le nodded in understanding.


"I will find a way to get you a piece of land. Do you have any good ideas?"

"I have no idea. I will go wherever Uncle Li arranges for me, as long as Uncle Li can protect me."

"You really don't think about your next development?"

Xu Le raised his head and said with a righteous look:

"I am doing this all for Zion and will never seek personal gain."

"That's really nice to say. Please say a few more words."

"I don't know how to design, manufacture, or develop. I only have passion. All of this is to make Zion greater..."

"Okay, okay, I'm getting goosebumps. I'll transfer the funds and basic researchers to you."

Li Wen waved his hand to stop Xu Le from continuing. He did not expect Xu Le to be so shameless.

Seeing that Li Wen was about to relent, Xu Le quickly asked:

"Uncle Li, it's best to bring in more troops or something, otherwise I won't be able to defend myself if something happens..."

"I don't think these are what you want." Li Wen said expressionlessly.

"Huh? What?" Xu Le said he didn't understand.

"You want me to die." Li Wen said again.

"This really doesn't happen."

"Okay, you go back and wait for the notification."


After Xu Le left, Secretary Liu Shanshan came back and prepared new tea for Li Wen.

"Don't ask about the project just now." Li Wen suddenly said to Secretary Liu.

"The minister will tell me if necessary."

"Ha, couldn't you guess it?" Li Wen smiled.

Secretary Liu pondered for a while, then walked up to Li Wen with some solemnity:

"It's too dangerous, minister. If it fails or a major accident occurs, the news will definitely leak out. At that time, the Red Moon Temple will definitely send someone to intervene, and you will be pushed out..."

"But it is undeniable that this so-called melting pot is also very profitable, and it may be able to break the monopoly of the Red Moon Temple." Li Wen narrowed his eyes.

"Why does the minister trust Xu Le so much?"

"Trust? Except for the belly button swallow and the skin swallow, that guy is full of tricks. Who dares to trust him?"

"Then why..."

"Maybe he's very brave."

"What's the meaning?"

"Courage is one of the most precious qualities of a human being. When he dares to stand against the son of Gu Yinduo, it doesn't matter what secrets he has."

Many white lanterns have been hung in Zion at night to pay homage to those who died in the Black Tide battle.

The originally scheduled performance by the Zion Arts Troupe has been completely cancelled, and has been replaced by several slightly boring singing programs.

The projection project was arranged, but Wang Man, who was sitting on the rooftop, was not happy at all.

Of course, she didn't go to the rooftop just to jump off the building or anything like that. She is a very optimistic person, and she came here just to see things more clearly.

Wang Man put a few bottles of juice on his hand. He originally wanted to buy beer, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

"Aren't you happy?" a female voice asked softly, it was Wang Man's leader, Sha.

"The programs have been cancelled, they have all died, and a year of hard work has been in vain. Can Sister Sha be happy?"

Wang Man's expression was a little bitter, but her bitterness seemed to be more than just career setbacks, and Sha also saw this.

So, she hugged Wang Man into her arms and comforted:

"In dark times, this is something that everyone goes through, and we can only become stronger for it."

"Sister Sha is right." Wang Man also hugged the person who had always been like an elder sister to him.

"You said last time that the flowers in Jiming Temple were blooming, so where is the person you are waiting for? Isn't he with you?"

"He already has a girlfriend..." Wang Man's expression was a little downcast, but where Sha couldn't reach her, something strange shone in Wang Man's eyes.

"He's not like you...well, I didn't expect this to be the case. What's his name?"

"His name is Xu Le." Wang Man whispered.

Sha didn't notice Wang Man's eyes, and after comforting Wang Man for a while, she asked again:

"Have you and Xu Le been playmates since childhood? What kind of person is he? If you don't mind, you can tell me about him."

Wang Man narrowed his eyes, as if recalling those happy things in his childhood. After a while, he said:

"Yes, Brother Xu Le and I have been playmates since childhood..."

Wang Man began to slowly tell about Xu Le's past, until he went to the lighthouse, his personality changed drastically, and he became a warlock.

"Although the story between you two is short, it is indeed very tortuous. It may be his loss that he is not with you."

"Haha, thank you Sister Sha for comforting me."

"Okay, then you have a good rest, I have to go back and work overtime..."

"Sister Sha, walk slowly."

Watching Sha leave, Wang Man slowly clenched her fists, and her eyes gradually glowed.

The light here is not just eyes, but real white light.

"Perhaps like what Xu Le said, few people in this world are sincere at all. Most people have goals, and the same goes for Sister Sha..."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city.

In the city center of Zion, Xu Le and Ding Ke sat in the center of Zion People's Square looking bored.

Ding Ke had already eaten all the food in front of him, and even drank half of the happy fat house water.

As for why Gouzi is not here, it is mainly because Gouzi needs to be on duty today.

Civil servants responsible for security do.

While everyone is enjoying the holidays and annual meetings, someone has to be responsible for the safety of the city.

Ding Ke, who had eaten and drank enough, was already lying in Xu Le's arms, making meowing sounds.

"Thousands of lights are shining, but it's a pity that there is no place for us."

Meow! ~

"But it will be available soon."

Taking Ding Ke with him, Xu Le waited until it was already past 12 o'clock when Ai Li got off work.

Ai Li accompanied Xu Le to eat the most expensive meal at a roadside stall, spending as much as 11 yuan.

It is quite a strange situation to be able to eat so much at a roadside stall.

After eating, Ai Li sent Xu Le home...

Xu Le felt strange, but there was nothing he could do. The warlock really had no reason to send a warrior home.

In the days that followed, a lot happened in Zion.

The first is the outer area of ​​Area 3 in the southernmost area. Zion law enforcement officers carried out an anti-pornography and anti-illegal work for about a week.

Almost all nightclubs here have been cleared within this week, no matter who is behind you, what kind of background or energy they have in Zion.

Some of them even involved parliamentary interests, but they were all eliminated in a very short period of time.

Under the surface calm, there is an undercurrent surging in Zion City. Many people know that this is a force gathered by Li Wen, but they do not know why a veteran like Li Wen offends so many people.

This is not in line with his usual absolutely neutral style.

But what is certain is that Li Wen has made up his mind to clean up the periphery of Area 3.

The three-year parliamentary election will be held soon. By then, three members will resign and three new people will take office. Therefore, no one wants to offend Li Wen, who seems to be a little crazy at this time.

After all, as a person who can intervene or even directly decide the research and development projects and funding materials of Zion Progressives, no one in Zion can ignore it.

On the third day after the cleaning work.

A very strange factory project has been approved in Area 3.

【Guangming Soap Factory】

It sounds very strange to use the light to establish a soap factory project, especially the decoration of the sign at the entrance of the factory, which is very tasteless like the Jiangnan Leather Factory of a certain era.

And what happened next was even stranger.

A cordon was actually set up around this soap factory, and what was even more outrageous was that Zion law enforcers actually planted landmines here.

This was something that would have been impossible to allow, but this soap factory did it openly.

And there are also signs set up around the factory.

[There are landmines ahead, please do not risk death. 】

Some people who wanted to come over and have a look at their mouths also twitched at the corners of their mouths after seeing this slogan. How could anyone do this?

Some people think this is fake. The dense barbed wire fences, minefields, and some guards who don't look like mercenaries here have all discouraged anyone who came to ask for information.

This is not the most outrageous, there are even more outrageous situations.

That is, the city gate area where Guangming Soap Factory connects to the outside has been renovated. Part of the factory site is connected to the city gate, but the specific building has been extended underground. No one knows what is underground.

In short, factory construction has started in full swing since then.

"Why do you call Guangming Soap Factory such an unpleasant name?" Xia Libo asked.

"This is not the name I chose." Xu Le was also helpless.

"Who started that?"

"It's Mr. Li Wen..."

"..." Xia Libo also fell silent. He could understand Li Wen's idea of ​​keeping this place very low-key, but could the current scale of the factory really keep it low-key?

"Xu Le."


"I didn't expect that you were so powerful that you could actually find this big ship Li Wen. What is your relationship with him?"

"Well, there doesn't seem to be anything to do between me and him." Xu Le thought about it carefully and found that there was indeed nothing to do between him and Li Wen.

On the contrary, because of Li Qingcheng's existence, the relationship between the two is actually quite embarrassing in detail.

However, Li Wen's help and support to him were real. If we insist on talking about the relationship between the two people, they are both practical.

The pragmatist is not just a hard-working person, but also needs to be tactful when doing things. This is what Bai Jing taught him.

After all, not everyone in this world follows the rules.

"It's okay to help you like this? You're not his illegitimate son, are you?"

"Fart, are you slandering me?"

Seeing Xu Le's anger, Xia Libo immediately changed the topic.

"How big do you think the main body of a furnace should be?"

"About this big?" Xu Le bravely gestured for a distance of about 3-4 meters, and then lowered his head with evasive eyes.

The true nature of a scumbag is exposed!

After Xia Libo asked, he regretted it. With the contact between him and Xu Le, he already knew Xu Le's academic level.

A noob, the ultimate noob.

Xia Libo evaluated Xu Le as a guard who was not as good as Zion's progressives.

There is certainly no problem in letting Xu Le come up with ideas, but it is best to ignore him when implementing them.

"Xu Le, tell me the truth, what major did you study before?"

"I'm good at law, philosophy, and humanities, and I can also tell stories." Xu Le said dully.


Xia Libo turned to look at the others. Xu Le and Xia Libo were not the only researchers present. In addition to the people in their department, Li Wen sent many R\u0026D personnel over.

They say they are basic personnel, but in fact there are many experts.

Xia Libo asked these R\u0026D personnel:

"Everyone, what do you think is the actual layout required to build a furnace? Please put forward your own ideas and plans as much as possible."

The researchers below were silent for a moment, and then one after another they put forward their own ideas.

"We need a rotating kinetic energy guidance device, and that requires some physics people."

"I can." Someone immediately raised their hands.

Later, someone continued to suggest:

"We need to guide the turbine..."

"The location of the anima device needs to be determined and guided. It cannot be done in a fixed position, otherwise the weirdness will attack the device..."

"The final Guyin multi-energy decomposition chamber needs to maintain absolute stability and not explode. This is the most important thing."

A group of researchers came up with their own theoretical ideas, and the way the furnace was designed was changed again and again.

In the end, Xia Libo drew a behemoth with a diameter of 151 meters and a height of 13 meters.

When Xia Libo found Xu Le with the drawings, Xu Le once again lamented the gap between himself and these high-tech talents.

If you don’t, you won’t. It doesn’t mean that if you come up with a theory, you can practice it yourself.

"Do you have anything else to add?" Xia Libo asked.

Seeing Xia Libo's serious look, Xu Le gave up the idea of ​​making a joke to calm his mood.

He pointed to the center of the furnace and said:

"Leave me a piece of land in the middle."

"The middle? That is the core position of Guyinduo's decomposition. What are you going to do?"

“I thought we could plant a tree on it and decorate it.”

Xia Libo:......

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