
Chapter 234 Angel’s Eyeballs

The white moonlight is like a veil, just like the full moon, the immortal veiled god that Xu Le saw before. Perhaps this white and hazy moonlight represents an unusual meaning in the world itself.

Xu Le looked at the moonlight and walked forward quietly. He didn't know why every time he came to another dimension, the thing under his feet was always water.

Whether in the realm of the mother tree, the dark world, or the land of colorful destiny, the space under your feet is water, thin water.

The same is true here and now.

Ahead is the endless moon. As Xu Le walks, it seems to be getting closer and closer. The distance is already close enough to be within reach.

What's within reach here can really be touched with your fingers, not just an exaggeration.

Xu Le did not hesitate. Since he had arrived here and eaten the angel fruit, he was naturally ready.

The fingertips touched the white moonlight, and the huge moon was gathered in an instant. All the moonlight flowed into Xu Le's fingertips, and then penetrated into Xu Le's body.

A hazy feeling appeared in Xu Le himself. Xu Le originally thought that he would see some other horizons and threads of destiny, but there was only endless darkness in front of him and nothing else.

But his surroundings did not become dim because of the disappearance of the moon. After a little observation, you can find that it is he himself who is shining.

Xu Le looked behind him, his eyes stretched continuously, and his eyes became trance-like.

At this moment, he didn't seem to have turned into a so-called angel, but into the existence he had once looked at.

God of the Immortal Veil - Full Moon.

And everywhere he looked, there were angels.


The world of the moon gradually disappeared, and Xu Le's consciousness returned to reality. Yan Luo stood in front of Xu Le very arrogantly, and then said:

"An angel still has a lot of energy. Try to control your flesh and blood to drive away the angelic energy that has been absorbed by you..."

Yama Balabala said a lot, but the strange thing was that Xu Le didn't seem to feel the radiating energy in his flesh and blood. He just felt that his physique had been changed.

Either he is simply strong, or he is fundamentally changed.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at? Why don't you move?" Yan Luo noticed Xu Le's hesitation, and from Xu Le's hesitant eyes, he also realized something was wrong.

"You didn't gain the flesh and blood power of an angel?"

Xu Le also frowned slightly and nodded:

"Yes, I don't feel the power of the angel's flesh and blood."

"It's impossible. This fruit is filled with the flesh and blood energy of the Dark Moon Angel. I can clearly feel it even through the skin. There is no way you won't have any reaction after eating it."

"It's not like there's no reaction."

Xu Le hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his palm and exerted slight pressure.

As Xu Le's palm squirmed, a mark like moonlight appeared in his hand.

"I probably have this extra thing." Xu Le said with some uncertainty.

Yan Luo looked at Xu Le in confusion, his expression gradually became serious, and this seriousness even brought some hostility. He was a little hostile to Xu Le.

It was like seeing his old enemy.

"You turned into a red moon?"

As if sensing Yama's hostility, Xu Le quickly explained:

"I'm still me, nothing has changed. I'm warning you not to touch me. Also, what is this thing?"

Yama also asked him to eat the fruit. Xu Le would not be happy if the blame was passed to him at this time.

Yan Luo looked at Xu Le carefully for a long time, then picked up his chin and frowned slightly:

"Hey, that doesn't make sense. Why do you feel like a red moon creature?"

"What are you asking me? I'm Zhang Yu, so I can't understand those profound knowledge." Xu Le complained.

"Okay, let me think about what's going on first, then you can go." Yan Luo waved his hand to Xu Le.

The corner of Xu Le's mouth twitched. This was obviously his place, but Yama drove him away like a guest. What's the point?

However, Xu Le did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood in front of the Tree of Soul. After thinking for a while, he said to Yama:

"Yam Luo, I may need your help with something next."

"Why should I help you?" Yama's reaction seemed very big. The matter of disobedience to discipline... well, maybe it's not a matter of disobedience to discipline.

However, Xu Le didn't care about his attitude and just said to himself:

"Next, I might break off a branch of the Soul Tree and use it outside."

"You are so presumptuous. Anyone who dares to destroy my lord's existence will be the first to be killed by me, and you are no exception."

Xu Le stared at Yan Luo, who looked very fierce, and shook his head slightly:

"But the tree of soul itself is something that belongs to me!"

Xu Le originally said something similar, but the last time Xu Le was killed by Yama Luo, after that, Xu Le almost didn't mention the fact that the Soul Tree was his own.

But it is undeniable that the Soul Tree itself is his thing, and he will use it sooner or later.

"I advise you to speak politely..." Yama Luo was still speaking harshly, and he even bent down and made a posture similar to fighting.

Xu Le still didn't care, he continued;

"Next, I will conduct a relatively risky experiment, which requires a very thick branch as an auxiliary, and the soul tree needs sufficient safety protection outside.

Without your presence, I am indeed worried that the Tree of Souls will be destroyed by someone with ulterior motives. "

Yama Luo, who originally had a cold breath, became weird again after hearing this.

"You want me to protect the separated Soul Tree?"

"Yes, I need you to protect the Soul Tree."

"Since there is a risk of harming my lord, why should we separate my lord? Can't we just stay here?"

Obviously, Yan Luo, who is used to staying in Xu Le's spiritual space, neither wants the mother tree to be separated, nor wants to run out on his own. Xu Le's place is quite good...

If it had been before, Xu Le might have delayed and compromised.

But it’s different now, Xu Le said with great certainty:

"This is a very important plan, and it is a plan that must be implemented. No one can stop me, not even you."

Yama's expression was hesitant, and after a while he asked:

"Where are you going to divide the branches of the Tree of Souls?"

"In a furnace."

"Stove? Are you mentally ill? What does this stove burn? Does it need a branch of the ancient Yinduomu tree to suppress it?"

Yama really thinks that Xu Le is sick, at least that's what it thinks.

“It’s useful for burning ancient sounds, and maybe it can also burn some weird things from the Red Moon System and other systems, but I haven’t tried it, so I don’t know yet.

The initial plan is to burn the ancient sounds and how weird they are..."

Hearing Xu Le's thoughts, Yan Luo's mouth twitched, because he also had a weird Gu Yinduo.

"Why should I help you?"

"You are not helping me, you are protecting the tree of Guyinduo. What a great thing this is. We should make Guyinduo great again."

Xu Le started to blame Yan Luo, but Yan Luo didn't accept this trick at all.

"Guyinduo has always been great and does not need to be great again."

"Since you are unwilling to help, there is nothing we can do. Anyway, I will definitely remove the branches."

Seeing that Xu Le had no intention of giving up, Yan Luo could only say:

"When does it begin?"

"Just for a few days."

Yan Luo nodded, not explicitly agreeing to Xu Le, but also not explicitly rejecting it. At least Xu Le didn't feel the intention to refuse.

So, this is considered a success?

If a level 5 lord serves as a guard, he should be able to deal with petty theft, right?

Exiting the world of the Soul Tree, Xu Le passed through the busy crowd in the factory and came to an open space in the factory alone.

Everyone has important things, but he doesn't.

That's the truth, there's really nothing he can do except stand guard.

Everyone is an elite in academia and a pioneer in scientific research. Xu Le is also a sensible person, so he doesn't go outside to give advice, like a clown.

So he was like a gangster and had been hanging around here for a month.


Ding Ke lay in Xu Le's arms, quietly accompanying Xu Le, feeling the rare full moon.

I don't know if it's because Xu Le bought Ding Ke Happy Fat Home Water today, or because he felt the unusual aura on Xu Le's body, but Ding Ke was in a very high mood tonight.

It continued to absorb the moon shadow in the moonlight, allowing its eyes to gradually return to a human look.

"The moonlight is so beautiful!"

"Uh?" Looking at the cat that suddenly uttered human words, Xu Le was also a little surprised.

"Yes, the moonlight is so beautiful."

Xu Le stuffed Ding Ke into his coat. It was already mid-February and the weather was still a bit cold.

However, Xu Le already has the Red Devil on his body. Xu Le doesn't know exactly how this thing exerts its power, but the most intuitive feeling is that he is really not very cold now.

"Xu Le..."


"Why do you smell like the moon?"

Hearing Ding Ke's sudden inquiry, Xu Le didn't know how to explain his situation.

But Ding is the person he trusts the most...well, maybe the cat. Naturally, such a secret can be shared with Ding Ke.

"I ate a very special fruit, and then I got the taste I have now."

Xu Le knew that the smell Ding Ke was talking about was probably the breath of the moon.

He stretched out his palm, and a faint mark of the moon appeared on his palm. The moon-white brilliance looked very beautiful.

But after Ding Ke saw this mark, the cat's eyebrows were raised.

"Full Moon Mark?"

As a gibberer, Ding Ke is naturally much more knowledgeable about forbidden things than Xu Le.

Hearing Ding Ke's surprise, Xu Le felt like he had found the organization.

"Do you know what this thing does? Is it dangerous?"

Ding Ke didn't answer immediately. He frowned and looked at it for a while, and then said slowly:

"Some high-level officials of the Red Moon Temple have similar marks. This mark will bring some full moon power to the holder, and will provide additional blessings to the spells, but I don't know much about the specific situation."

Ding Ke's answer was not detailed, and the information revealed also made Xu Le a little strange:

"Aren't you a member of Xiao? And it's a very high-level one. Don't you even have this mark?"

"Members of Xiao are not considered members of the Red Moon Temple. Xiao is an external force organization of the Red Moon Temple. To be precise, Xiao is more like a direct force organization serving the Red Moon Temple.

To put it simply, Xiao is the sword of the Red Moon Temple. "

With Ding Ke's simple explanation, Xu Le roughly understood the current relationship between Red Moon Temple and Xiao.

"I see...Have you ever understood how to use this mark?"

"That's not the case." Ding Ke shook his head, as if he was afraid that Xu Le would be disappointed. He opened his eyes wide. Yes, he was trying his best to be cute.

Whether as a woman or as a pet, this skill seems to be innate.

And it's obvious that Xu Le also likes this very much.

"Okay, okay, I don't know myself, so how could I blame you? Doesn't that make me look hopeless?"

Xu Le scratched Ding Ke and lay on the temporary scaffolding of the construction factory, looking at the moon in the sky and continuing to feel the tranquility that belonged to him and Ding Ke.

But what Xu Le didn't notice was that the full moon mark on his hand was imprinted on the scaffolding when he held it.

The mark on the scaffolding and the mark on Xu Le's palm are completely opposite.

When Xu Le was about to go back to sleep with Ding Ke in his arms, Xu Le suddenly stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Meow! ~

Ding Ke, who lost his balance, could only jump off Xu Le's shoulders. When he landed on the ground, he raised his paws in discomfort and stood up on his feet, hoping that Xu Le would hug him.

Because the ground is covered with dust, it is afraid of getting dirty.

While doing the gesture of asking for help, Ding Ke also patted his paws to get rid of the sand stuck on them.

But at this moment, Xu Le just covered his eyes, and a flash of red lit up at the same time in his right eye and the mark on the scaffolding.

Obviously, this is the power of Red Moon.

When Xu Le let go of his eyes, he found that the perspective on his right side had completely changed.

It became a scene in another direction, but right next to it.


Xu Le covered his head, then closed his eyes tightly and then opened them again. His right eye had turned red.

"Xu Le?"

Ding Ke, who was still cleaning his paws, noticed something was wrong with Xu Le's eyes and quickly jumped over to check them regardless of how dirty he was.

At this time, Xu Le's eyes were filled with the spirit of the red moon, and his vision was also transferred to another place.

Xu Le knew that the field of view was nearby, because there was not much difference between what he saw in the two fields of view.

But this feeling of being divided into two is really strange. It's like having two screens at the same time, and the displays of the two screens are not synchronized, which gives Xu Le a very weird feeling.

"I'm fine... I just feel like my eyes are a little strange."

Xu Le picked up Ding Ke, walked to the scaffolding, and looked at the location where the mark existed.

At this time, there was no mark on that place, but there was an eyeball full of bloodshot eyes.

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