
Chapter 238: Heaven does not create useless people

Destined death? This name sounds so arrogant, and Gu Beichen thinks it suits his taste.

But now he is a completely new person, so naturally he won't fart at this time.

The other members of Xiao seem to be working on their own and don't seem to know each other. However, Gu Beichen is also a little confused. Is this loose member management method really okay?

Don’t we need some captains to lead the team?

"Death by destiny? This should be a slogan mentioned by the Destiny Organization, right? I heard in the past few years that Red Moon Temple, Lighthouse, and Tianrui Lifeng all have similar organizations."

After hearing the name "Death of Destiny", a member of the Xiaoxiao said slowly.

The chubby Wang Xi nodded slightly:

"We have also investigated matters related to the fate of death, and the results we obtained are very complicated. Some people say that they are a group of people hunting the descendants of Gu Yinduo, but some people say that the death of fate belongs to Guyinduo."

"It doesn't matter whether it's the hunter Guyinduo or Guyinduo itself, just leave it to us."

"Although I say that, I still think this may be a new organization. The way they do things and their behavior may be different from what you know before. It's better for you to be careful."

Wang Xi felt that his reminder did not have much effect.

The people of the Red Moon Temple are notoriously arrogant, and their arrogance is engraved in their bones.

And they do have the capital to be arrogant. The other three major city-states, except for those idiots from Tianrui Lifeng who dare to confront the Red Moon Temple, Lighthouse and Zion both have the intention of being suppressed or even dominated by the Red Moon Temple.

But Wang Xi didn't care, he just needed to get rid of those who blocked his steps.

"If it was a new organization, it might be easier to deal with than before. Hey, we will pay attention to what you said. Do you have any information about them?

You can't just give us a name and let us find it, right? "

After someone requested information, Wang Xi asked his subordinates to bring several documents and delivered them to Gu Beichen and others.

“There are not many people I can identify right now, especially since some of their information is protected by Zion Progressives.

After being put under information protection by the Zion Progressives, it was still a bit risky for me to investigate them. However, there was one person I could confirm. He was not from the Zion Progressives, but he was around that group of people. "

Gu Beichen looked through the information. The photos on the information made his eyes narrow instantly.

Wang Shu!

Wang Shu in the photo was bald, which was different from the one he met just now. However, this was a photo, not a portrait. Gu Beichen could clearly confirm that this person was Wang Shu.

Then the second photo is of a half-human, half-monster guy.

Judging from the appearance, it should be a white werewolf? The one with tattoos on his face, a beast fruit user?

Oh, fortunately I am a noble elemental fruit.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Beichen turned to the third page of the information. There was a blurry photo on it. There were many people in the photo...

Well, if you look carefully, you will find that these are not people at all, but living corpses, and the one with the horns is the bull demon.

Aren't these things Xu Le's summons?

"Why are Xu Le and Xiao Shu causing trouble everywhere, so that others have to spend money to find them? No, we have to notify them..."

Gu Beichen's rare seriousness made Lorna on the side a little strange:

"I've rarely seen you so serious and interested in this case?"

"Huh? There's something wrong with what you said. I've always been very serious." Gu Beichen raised his head slightly.

Luo Na looked at Wang Shu on the information and shook her head slightly.

"They are only level 3 warriors. Even people who are not as good as us can handle it. Besides, there are a total of 9 people here this time. You don't have to worry too much."

What should I say under normal circumstances? Such warriors cannot be underestimated.

But Wang Shu is Gu Beichen’s iron brother, so...

"Yes, warriors are all rubbish. This bald man with oil paint on his face looks like a fool from Tianrui Lifeng. What do you think?"





Regarding the views and attitudes of warriors, Gu Beichen's statement received unanimous praise from everyone.

Warriors are all rookies, this is the unanimous view of the Red Moon Temple people.

After receiving everyone's approval, Gu Beichen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do I have to face this kind of tiring thing every day? It's all because of this idiot Xu Le. Xiaoshu definitely listens to him."

While the two were talking in low voices, other Xiaoxiao members already asked Wang Xi:

"What if we find them? What to do?"

Wang Xi pondered for a moment. He was originally hesitant about how Xu Le and the others dealt with it because it involved the protection of Zion's progressives.

Although Zion Progressives are not absolutely united, if they want to touch the people they protect, they are naturally on the opposite side of Zion Progressives.

“If it can be captured, that would naturally be the best result, and I can pay twice as much.

But if it's inconvenient, just solve it on the spot. After all, getting yourself burned is a troublesome thing. "

"no problem."

Next, Gu Beichen received some weapons and mission funds from Wang Xi, and then returned to his residence.

As soon as he came back, Wang Qing came over quietly.

"How are you two? Did you gain anything?"

Gu Beichen raised his head in a somewhat profound manner and looked at Wang Qing condescendingly:

"I've found the person."

Gu Beichen's words made Wang Qing and Luo Na beside him stunned. Found it? this……

Although Lorna was wondering what Gu Beichen was doing before, Gu Beichen didn't say anything, and she didn't ask. It was a very good result that the Zion Progressives could let them go in the building.

It would be great if she could come back safely. She no longer forced anything else.

But now Gu Beichen has actually completed additional tasks? Was my previous judgment of him... really accurate?

"Isn't Gu Beichen really a fool? Has he been hiding himself all this time?"

Not only Luo Na was shocked, but Wang Qing was also shocked. Because he had no manpower, he spent a lot of money looking for Xiong Nuoan.

Although he doesn't care much about the amount of money, he does care about his energy, and time passes very quickly.

There is only half the time left before the next Red Moon Tribulation.

Moreover, after the next Red Moon Tribulation, there will be a parliamentary election.

If Wang Xi really becomes a member of parliament in this election, it can basically be said that he will never turn around.

"Mr. Gu Beichen...have you really found him?"

"Leave your communication number and he will contact you later."

Well? Although this request sounded a bit excessive, Wang Qing agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, my private message is..."

Wang Qing named a number, and Gu Beichen quickly wrote it down, and then he left with Lorna.

"Wait for my news."

Watching Gu Beichen leave, Wang Qing's expression was a little dull. The owls in the Red Moon Temple were indeed top-notch masters!

I didn't expect that the problem that I couldn't handle would turn around so quickly.

Just as Wang Qing was about to go back to his room for a drink and chat with the two sisters from the club, a fat figure stopped in front of him.

"Brother." Facing Wang Xi, Wang Qing lowered his head.

"Who are you looking for?" Wang Xi was rubbing a pair of walnuts in his hand. This was something he brought back from the lighthouse trade. Although he didn't know what the walnuts were for, he thought it was very fashionable.

"I'm looking for a friend."

"Friends? Looking for a friend who doesn't need to use the Red Moon Temple? Isn't it a bit too much?"

As he spoke, Wang Xi pressed his palm on Wang Qing's shoulder with such force that Wang Qing himself staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Wang Xi on the side quickly supported him and took the initiative to apologize:

"Hey, it's a bit trivial for me to take action. Qingzi, don't take it personally."

"How could that happen? Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Tell me about the person you are looking for? Who is that Xiong Nuoan?"

Looking at Wang Xi, Wang Qing still had a playful smile on his face and said slightly exaggeratedly:

"This Xiong Nuoan is amazing. You know our last gathering was just the small circles we usually play in.

As soon as Xiong Nuoan arrived, he showed off his clairvoyance ability, which shocked us.

Brother, you said it would be so cool if you brought this kind of ability to a literary club where you show off your skills but not your body! "

Wang Qing still looked exaggerated, while Wang Xi quietly looked at his brother.

"Qingzi, don't just play with women all day long. You have to do something to help the family. The future of this family depends on you."

"Ha, brother, what are you talking about? It's not as fun as playing with women when doing business. What's the point of following a group of big men every day?

As for the things at home, don't you have the eldest brother? Sooner or later, I will take over dad's properties. When this parliamentary election is over, brother, you will be a member of the parliament. When the time comes, I will follow you to enjoy life, isn't it? So cool? "

Wear it a thousand times, but flattery never wears it.

Perhaps the relationship between their brothers was very complicated, but when he heard this kind of praise, Wang Xi felt more or less proud in his heart.

Congressman, this seems to be within reach for Wang Xi today.

Thanks to Zion's political system, "philanthropists" like him have the opportunity to touch such a supreme position.

"Haha, don't say that, Qingzi. Heaven doesn't give birth to useless people, and the earth doesn't grow nameless grass..."

Wang Qing, who had never refuted Wang Xi, suddenly interrupted him:

"Hey, there's a problem with what brother said. If heaven doesn't create useless people and the earth doesn't grow nameless grass, then how did a waste like me come about?"

Wang Xi:......

"So, brother, what I said is not what Yan Jin said. People like me will naturally have wealth and wealth in their lives. Brother, don't you think so?"

Wang Xi narrowed his eyes and nodded.

In fact, what Wang Qing said was what he wanted to say, but when Wang Qing said these words himself, he sounded different.

"Okay, everyone has their own ambitions, but women should play less to avoid contracting the disease."

"I know, don't worry, brother." Wang Qing waved his hand, indicating that he was in control of his situation.

After watching Wang Xi leave, Wang Qing sat on the stone bench in the yard with a smile on his face.

He put his fingers under the stone table and pressed it quietly, expressionlessly, not knowing what he was pressing.

But if you squat down and look under the stone table at this time, you will find that the original stone table is already densely covered with fingerprints, all of which were pressed by Wang Qing.

Withdrawing his fingers, Wang Qing blew the dust off his fingertips and said lightly:

"You're not a member of parliament yet, brother!"

In Guangming Soap Factory, Xu Le brought a little girl to the factory. Warlock Luo, who was working, suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked behind him as if he had something to say.

When he saw the little girl beside Xu Le, the little girl who had been looking around also shouted to Luo:


Xu Le let go of the little girl, and she rushed towards Warlock Luo like flying.

Luo was stunned for two seconds, then threw away the tool in his hand, directly picked up the little girl who was flying towards her, and held her tightly in his arms.


It may take some time for the emotions between father and daughter to be released. Xu Le quietly left here, turned and walked outside.

Ai Li, who was standing at the door, looked at Xu Le:

"Don't you need to keep a lookout? What if he escapes?"

"Now he really has no reason to escape. Give them some time."

After hearing what Xu Le said, Ai Li also nodded.

"Do you want to have a rest?"

Ai Li's words were somewhat tentative, mainly because he promised Xu Le to make some breakthroughs in cultivation last time. Well, he didn't specify what kind of breakthroughs they were, which made her a little nervous.

Xu Le smiled at first, but then shook his head:

"Although I would also like to do some interesting research on cultivation with you, we can't do that today. We have to go to Li Wen's place."

Hearing Xu Le say this, Ai Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She always felt that Xu Le had been looking at her strangely recently...

"Okay, then I'll go with you. Do you need to call Wang Shu?" Ai Li asked.

Logically speaking, the combination of her and Xu Le can handle most situations, but as a protective warrior, Ai Li still thinks that the 2+1 combination is better.

That is a combination of 2 warriors + 1 warlock.

This is a standard combat combination in the dark world environment. One warrior protects and one pursues. The warlock can stay in place or strike from a distance.

The 2+1 combination is the safest. Even though Ai Li is very confident in her own strength, she always asks Xu Le before going out.

However, Xu Le glanced at Wang Shu who was practicing and shook his head slightly:

"Forget it, let Brother Shu practice here. Just the two of us can go."

"Okay." Since Xu Le had no intention of bringing Wang Shu with him, Ai Li would not force it.

After going to the warehouse to prepare the car, Ai Li took Xu Le and drove away from Guangming Soap Factory.

At this time, Xu Le was holding some documents and information in his hands, which he needed to hand over to Li Wen in person. Even Secretary Liu couldn't rest assured.

Many things are core secrets about the furnace.

Especially since the progress of the furnace was nearly halfway through, and in the final stage, he had to consider the planting and survival of ancient Yinduo branches.

How should the ancient Yinduo tree survive without roots? Xu Le felt...he needed energy, enough energy.

What is energy? It's money.

Although he has no money, Li Wen does, so he can only go to Li Wen to solve the problem!

As the car drove on the road in the dark night, Xu Le's heart suddenly tightened, and the feeling of the technique of substitution also appeared.

This made Xu Le frown slightly, and he immediately said to Ai Li:

"Someone has activated divination on me, now drive towards a crowded place."

Ai Li also frowned. The current position... She suddenly turned the car around and immediately drove towards the nightclub in Area 4.


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