
Chapter 243 The Road to Promotion (6K)

The sudden heart pain made Ai Li feel strange. Her physical fitness and her ability to control her body were very strong.

Not to mention heart pain, even if there is a problem with any muscle fiber, she can predict and feel it in advance.

This sudden pain is obviously abnormal. Was there any external interference? Warlock's move?


Looking at the thread of flame flying along the way, Ai Li, who was affected by his heart, did not dodge as promised. Gu Beichen seemed to feel something was wrong. Was such a blow about to hit?


Seeing Alley being blown away, Gu Beichen also chased him into the alley of the red light district.

The two sides seemed to be having a fierce battle in the alley. Explosions and vibrations were heard continuously. The specific situation was unknown, but the movement was quite loud anyway.

These explosions were reflected in the eyes of Zhang Pei and the others, causing them to look at each other with suspicion.

"You felt it, right? Zhou Di took action just now."

Sanyu said nothing, and she felt a little unbelievable. According to her understanding of Zhou Di, he would never act so rashly under normal circumstances.

Zhou Di is a very vigilant person, something is wrong.

"Shangyu, Zhou Di has already taken action, and I want to ask you something."

Even though he said that, Sanyu still hesitated.

She looked from a distance towards the place where Zhou Di and Noi got off the car, only to find that the two of them had disappeared.

After hesitating for a few seconds, San Yu looked at Gu Qi.

"Where is the result of your divination?"

As if he had already guessed Sanyu's question, Gu Qi took out an ancient Yinduo card and handed it to Sanyu.

Sanyu opened it and it was [Red Card - Angel].

"Angel, you mean the right thing?"

Sanyu often works with Zhou Di, so he naturally knows the meaning of most of the divination cards.

"Yes, so why are you hesitating? At this time, go over and help Gu Beichen. If you finish the task early, you can go back and collect the money.

When the time comes, we will return directly to the Red Moon Temple. The laws of Zion will not be able to control us. Only with money can you get married and truly be together.

Sanyu, you don’t want to drag Zhou Di along like this, right? "


Perhaps because of Zhou Di's action, perhaps because of Gu Qi's final divination, or perhaps because of his thoughts about his emotional destiny, Sanyu finally chose to compromise.

Led by Zhang Pei, the three warlocks quickly approached Xu Le and the others.

However, they did not stop when they crossed the alley where Xu Lehe was exploding, but rushed straight towards the location where Xia Libo and Wang Shu escaped.

Gu Beichen and Ai Li were entangled, while Wang Shu and Xia Libo escaped.

This equals an excellent opportunity.

3 vs. 2, they still have three warlocks, and it is obvious that the advantage is on their side.

Until the three of them followed the scent of Wang Shu and Xia Libo and arrived at the door of a nightclub.

Nightclub girls in twos and threes and all kinds of prostitutes were all walking in this area. The atmosphere of chaos was very strong, but as a Red Moon Warlock, Gu Qi felt something was wrong.

Something is wrong with the anima.

Normally this is a nightclub area, and the lustful energy should expand to the point of explosion.

But the people around them are very dull, even calm. This is definitely not a normal situation.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and Gu Qi, who had always been enthusiastic about this task, seemed to have been suddenly doused with cold water, and murmured:

"These people are likely to have problems."

But Xia Libo and Wang Shu were right in front of them, especially Xia Libo who sprained his foot due to the prosthetic leg and fell to the ground. This was a perfect opportunity to take action, but did he really want to take action?

They are not making any offensive moves now. If this is a trap or a trap, it is still too late to stop now.

"Wait a minute." Gu Qi finally stopped him.

Zhang Pei was a little confused. He was originally worried that Sanyu would stop them. After all, Sanyu had never been in favor of this action.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the one who hesitated was Gu Qi, who had always been with him before.

"The person is right in front of you, what are you doing?"

"There is something wrong with these people. I don't think we can take action. There may be a trap here."

"Are you mentally ill? You don't want the money anymore?"

Zhang Pei was a little dissatisfied. At this moment, Gu Qi actually wanted to back down.

Isn’t it okay to just kill them and leave? Really convinced.

Hearing the word divination, Gu Qi obviously hesitated, and finally he shook his head:

"No matter how important money is, it is not as important as life. The people around me have no mental fluctuations. Their steps are strong, their breathing is steady, and there is no smell of contraband, which means these people are not clients or prostitutes, absolutely not.

I wasn't calm enough just now, I was bewitched, not just money, there must be other things bewitching me, I don't know what happened just now.

But I can confirm that this is not right, and it is not too late for us to stop now. "

I don't know if he got rid of the confusion of greed and desire. At this time, Gu Qi finally regained the calmness that a true level 3 warlock should have.

His serious look surprised Sanyu. She was originally a conservative, so giving up at this time would naturally mean nothing to her.

I just don’t know what’s going on with Zhou Di.

After hearing Gu Qi's explanation, Zhang Pei glanced around. He was not a Red Moon Warlock, and he was not as sensitive to the telekinesis as Gu Qi.

He just frowned and said:

"We are all here. Isn't this the result of your own divination? If you had said no at the beginning, I would not have agreed to come here, and Zhou Di also took action just now."

What Zhang Pei said was correct. Zhou Di had already taken action just now... The confirmation of the two Red Moon Warlocks, if there are still problems, it would be a bit unjustifiable.

However, Gu Qi, who had calmed down, still shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"What if the divination turns out to be wrong?"


Denying the results of divination is tantamount to denying oneself. The Red Moon Warlock's self-denial will cut off the path to promotion.

The fact that Gu Qi could say such words meant that he had already made a decision, and it was a very decisive decision.

At this time, Sanyu seemed a little dazed. She thought of Zhou Di's ambiguous words before.

"Gu Qi, are you serious?"

She had asked Zhou Di before what would happen if the fortune of divination was interfered with and why, but Zhou Di never gave a clear answer.

Generally speaking, Zhou Di and she would never hide anything, but the situation just now always made Sanyu feel a little uneasy.

Gu Qi sighed. He found that while they were talking, the prostitutes and clients who came and went had not changed.

They are always the same people.

If you don't observe carefully, you can't be sure, but if you pay attention, you will find the doubts.

In this regard, he further confirmed his previous judgment.

"Yes, I am serious. I was wrong, and the results of the divination were also wrong. If you are wrong, you must admit it. Even if you bear the price of not being able to continue to be promoted in the future, you cannot continue on the wrong path."

After hearing Gu Qi's firm confession of his mistake, Zhang Pei's frown relaxed.

In fact, they have not taken action now. Even if they evacuate, they will not lose anything. It is just a waste of time.

"Forget it, you said so, why don't you kill me, let's go." Zhang Pei spread his hands and agreed to evacuate.

At the same moment, on the roof of a certain building, Noi looked at Zhou Di beside him strangely.

This place is far away from the nightclub area, and it is already somewhat out of the combat area.

Zhou Di had already taken action just now. If he didn't join the other three to take action at this time, why would he bring her here?

"Why did you bring me here? Even if you want to have something happen with me, it's not right now. Your little girlfriend is still at the nightclub. Why don't we go there? You don't want the money?"

Noi pursed her lips and chuckled, but Zhou Di's response was only indifferent:

"I never said I wanted to go there, nor did I say I wanted to attack those mission targets with you."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"This place can see the overall situation. It is a good observation position. I originally thought that I only need to watch the show, but now it seems... Gu Qi has already felt it. It seems that he is not very stupid."

Noi felt something was wrong, but she failed to understand what Zhou Di was talking about.

"Zhou Di, what do you want to do?" Noi's goal was always money. If Zhou Di's idea was to give up the mission, it would refute her original intention.

"The Red Moon Warlock cannot deny himself, otherwise he will never be able to advance to level 4. If he makes a decision but thinks it is wrong, he must find a new path."

"What's the meaning?"

"People of the Red Moon believe in fate, but fate is outside the Red Moon. When we are deceived by fate, the Red Moon Warlocks don't even have a chance to resist.

It will only care for what it wants to care for, and it will only get the results it wants. "

As a disaster warlock, Noi didn't understand what Zhou Di was talking about, but she felt the danger.

"You mean, we were deceived by fate?"

Looking at Sanyu from a distance, Zhou Di's eyes showed some regret. He took out the ancient Yinduo card [Red Card - Angel] from his pocket, and then whispered:

"In the ancient Yinduo taboos, there is a sacrificial ritual, which is to hand over your lover to fate and use her life to forge a new path. In fact, I... really love her!"

As Zhou Di spoke, his fingers began to form seals quickly:

"Spell - Lin, soldiers, array, formation - the art of destiny, summoning."

A large amount of spiritual energy was extracted from Zhou Di's body, and [Red Card - Angel] instantly burst out with violent energy.

The shining spirit of the red moon began to gather around Zhou Di, and these spiritual powers combined with the ancient Yinduo cards gave him a real angel.

But this angel is just a low-level angel. She still retains the beautiful appearance of a human and her curvy figure.

Chi Guoguo's body was covered by long white hair, and he was far less domineering than the Dark Moon Angel that Xu Le had seen.

Under Noi's surprised gaze, Zhou Di pointed in the direction of San Yu and Zhang Pei.

Under Zhou Di's guidance, the angel stretched out his hands and made a bow and arrow gesture.

A great bow appeared under the angel's arm.

After making this preparation, Zhou Di took out another Guyinduo card.

【White Brand-Four Leaf Clover】

"Spell - Lin, Bing, Line, Formation - The art of destiny, luck, kill a law enforcer."

Zhou Di's words made Noi even more stunned, but by this time, she had vaguely understood some of Zhou Di's methods.

Apart from being surprised and shocked, the only thing she knew about Zhou Di was ruthlessness and determination.

"Zhou Di, you..."

Then, the red moon bow in the angel's hand was pulled to the full moon and released.


A red moon arrow flew into the sky, and in an instant it had arrived where Sanyu and the others were.

Whether it was Xu Le and Xia Libo, or San Yu, Zhang Pei, and Gu Qi, they all felt the arrival of the angel's arrow.

But it was too late to stop it at this time.


A law enforcer who was disguised as a prostitute was instantly pierced by the red moon arrow, and his whole body was nailed to the ground.

The exploding moon spirit swallowed up his body almost instantly, and half of his chest was blown to pieces.

This scene stunned Zhang Pei and the others for an instant, and also caused the Zion law enforcers who were preparing an ambush to react in advance.

"Discovered, attack."

After a senior law enforcement officer gave the order, the surrounding law enforcement officers disguised as prostitutes and nightclub girls responded quickly. They all took out the large-caliber firearms hidden in their crotches.

They fired at Zhang Pei and the other three.

Da da da da da!


The dark curtain directly covered the bodies of the three people. No matter whether it was a shotgun, a rifle, a pistol, or a bullet, there was no way to penetrate this psychically wrapped dark curtain.

Sanyu was already stunned. Gu Qi was right in front of her. The only person who could summon the angel and release the red moon arrow was Zhou Di!

"Why are you still dazed? Let's go!"

Although Zhang Pei was very radical before, this time he also showed his responsibility as a leader.

After releasing the dark curtain, he almost dragged Sanyu back.

However, the firepower of Zion's law enforcers was too fierce, and they could only rely on the cover of the dark curtain to reluctantly evacuate to the place where they came from.

Unfortunately, the place had already been cleared by law enforcers. As soon as they took a few steps back, Wang Shu blocked their way.

He slowly stretched out his finger, and the golden tree of light suddenly stretched out.

These branches were not used to attack or entangle, but instead rolled up dozens of Zion's iconic X-1 grenades and floated towards the three warlocks.

Although the warlocks of the Red Moon Temple are arrogant, they are not unable to recognize such simple and crude items as Zion grenades.

Level 3 monsters can't resist, let alone warlocks like them.

"Sanyu, disperse quickly."

"Zhou Di betrayed us, we didn't do anything at all..." Sanyu said suddenly.

Zhang Pei suddenly smiled and said:

"I know that greed will only lead to disaster. After all, it is still my fault for this matter...Run, whoever can run is one."

Zhang Pei pushed San Yu away, and then released a large amount of black screen, covering all the grenades that Wang Shu rolled over.

"A mere warrior..."


Before Zhang Pei could finish speaking, Xu Le shot his leg off and he knelt on the ground.

Warlocks were too dangerous, let alone a group of three level 3 warlocks. From the very beginning, Xu Le had no intention of letting these people go, let alone talking to them.

Although Zhang Pei had one of his legs broken by Xu Le, he still forced himself to complete the technique. The grenade wrapped in shady entangled with the branches of the Wang tree and exploded.

boom! boom! boom!

Xu Le stood beside Ai Li, frowning slightly and said:

"It's a bit wasteful to use explosives like this."

However, Alley explained:

"Zion will produce a large number of weapons, many of which will not be used. Most of them will be sold to Beacon and Tianrui Lifeng. These are obsolete, so feel free to use them."

Xu Le nodded after hearing Alley's explanation. After all, he was still rich and productive:

"Kill all three."

"Okay." Ai Li also spoke concisely and rushed towards Sanyu.

The current battle situation has gradually become different.

Xia Libo and Wang Shu surrounded Zhang Pei, while Xu Le and Ai Li dealt with Chang Yu.

As for the remaining Gu Qi, they were being surrounded and suppressed by law enforcers sent by Li Wen.

When Sanyu saw Ai Li rushing over, he took out a bottle of potion from his arms and drank it without much hesitation.

Then her body quickly expanded and twisted, and then began to transform.

Spikes, scales, sharp fangs, and often a lizard tail.

Especially the spikes on her fingertips were very familiar to Xu Le, Gu Jianuo's demon form!

It's just that the Sanyu in front of her is not as exaggerated as Gu Jianuo's. At least her right arm is still flesh, unlike Gu Jianuo's, which has completely turned into a combination of mechanical body and biological body.

Of course, this may also be because Gu Jianuo's teacher, Xiong Zemo, forged the mechanical arm and spine for her.

"Ai Li, her current state is called a demon form. She has very strong physical strength and attack power. She can even suppress level 4 Gu Yinduo's descendants instantly. However, this state can only last for about 3-5 minutes. You have to be careful."


When Sanyu transformed, Alley also transformed at the same time, with snow-white hair covering his whole body, and collided with Sanyu who had transformed into a lizard demon form.

Alley, who was originally very confident in his own strength, actually flew backwards under this collision.

Xu Le knew at a glance that she had misunderstood the power of the devil.

Xu Le saw the demon form in person.

Bai Gui was so powerful at that time, and even in that state he would be suppressed by the demon, so Sanyu in front of him should not be underestimated and must be dealt with carefully.

"Spell - Forbidden Summoning Formation."

Bai Chan suddenly appeared and caught Gouzi, but Xu Le had already raised his gun and pointed it at Chang Yu.

At this moment, Xu Leruo looked at the tall building in the distance with emotion, where Zhou Di was.

The distance between the two sides was too far, but he could feel the fluctuations caused by the angel. When Xu Le looked at Zhou Di, Zhou Di was also looking at Xu Le.

Even though they were far apart, their eyes still made some contact.

Zhou Di bowed slightly to Xu Le and made a gesture of invitation, as if Sanyu and the three of them were his gifts to Xu Le.

Then, he turned and walked towards the stairs.

Xu Le turned to look at Chang Yu and said hesitantly:


On the high building, Zhou Di stopped again when he was halfway there. He looked behind him and said to Noi:

"What are you still looking at?"

Nuoyi looked at the companions who were fighting with the law enforcer and Xu Le below. His eyes flickered and he clenched his fists.

Suddenly turning around, Noi punched Zhou Di in the face.

However, she was relatively good at close combat among warlocks, but she was grabbed by Zhou Di and pushed to the ground.

Noi wanted to struggle, but Zhou Di's strength was far greater than hers. Noi couldn't move at all when he strangled her neck.

She could only lie on the ground and said unwillingly:

"You have felt it a long time ago, you have known it was wrong... No, from the very beginning when you asked me to follow you and Sanyu to follow Zhang Pei and Gu Qi, you were already carrying out this plan to kill them. ,Is it right?"

"Yes, I have known about it for a long time, and I have made judgments and plans long ago." Zhou Di nodded calmly.


"I have said before that the Red Moon Warlock's self-denial will cut off his path to promotion, but fortunately, I have read a lot of taboo classics, and I happen to know a destiny-delivered sacrifice technique.

The new path will bring me new strength and allow me to reach a higher level. In order to embark on the new path, I can only sacrifice Sanyu..."

"Sacrifice Sanyu, sacrifice Sanyu, why bother with Zhang Pei and Gu Qi?"

"If I were to simply sacrifice Sanyu, it would be difficult for me to find such an opportunity, so I could only ask her to follow Zhang Pei and Gu Qi, and told her to watch those two people and tell them not to act rashly.

Sanyu trusts me very much, so she will do this well so that she can meet my conditions. "

Zhou Di's tone was very calm, but Noi couldn't accept it.

Noi never felt that she was a good person. She even felt that she was bad, greedy for money, bad, arrogant, and self-indulgent.

But these are her own problems. At least she has never targeted her companions or those whom she recognizes.

Who is Zhou Di? He is not simply bad...

"Why is this happening?" Noi was a little confused.

Zhou Di was still calm. This time he did not answer immediately, but analyzed seriously:

"Because we believe too much in Guyinduo's destiny and divination, but Guyinduo's destiny itself belongs to Guyinduo's power. It does not belong to the Red Moon. It is dangerous.

This time is probably the punishment for our reliance on fate. We survived the bewitchment of fate. Don't you feel very lucky? "

"Lucky? If you had warned us before, we would not have participated in this mission."

"It is you who have been blinded by greed. If you had done a comprehensive investigation and restrained your greed, you would not be in the current situation.

And what do you think a warlock is? Warlocks are the hope to break through the darkness. This journey is full of setbacks and sufferings. In order to reach the highest position, we must remove all obstacles in front of us. "

"What about Sanyu? Is she considered an obstacle on your way forward?"

Zhou Di looked down at Noi on the ground. After pondering for a while, he smiled slightly and said:

"She is the beloved who forged a new path for me. I will remember her throughout my life."

"You've been pretending, you're a lunatic."

"Thank you for your compliment, Warlock Noi."

Seeing that Noi gradually calmed down, Zhou Di put his hand into Noi's clothes. Noi did not resist, but just cursed:

"You scumbag..."

"Don't say that. This is the reward you promised me."

"People died and no money was received. Our mission was like a joke."

"It's not like that. This mission is still rewarding, and it's a huge harvest." Zhou Di laughed again.

Noi didn't quite understand why Zhou Di said that. She hesitated and said:

"What a huge gain?"

"This mission itself may be a trap, and maybe the airship merchant Wang Xi is still happy because of our stupidity.

But this trap also made me see some things clearly, such as what fate is and what fate likes...

Another example is that I have clearly seen the path to promotion and touched it.

I'm going to meet Wang Xi later. I feel like he will give us some new surprises. "

I think it was probably Thursday. I couldn't sit still, so I opened the chat list and saw that everyone was sending V me 50.

I don't understand why people treat others like this. I can't stand it and don't want to see it. It's probably because it's hard for others to help. There is no need to mention what happened today because we don’t have enough money.

I write a letter to a book friend and ask for a monthly subscription. The reason why I say it is a letter is because if it is called borrowing money, it will have a bit of a low-key taste. I don't think so. No one is a saint, I am just a glutton for KFC.

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