
Chapter 247 The furnace is activated (Thanks to the leader of the trapped city)

"Uh!" Xu Le rarely made such a roar-like cry.

Although he is usually quite cheerful, Xu Le often maintains an optimistic attitude when facing difficulties and pains. In addition, he maintains his identity as the factory director, so he can tolerate bumps and bumps.

I couldn't bear to make such a sound this time.

It hurts, it hurts so much!

"Does it hurt?" Yan Luo squatted aside and stared at Xu Le, looking a little curious.

"It doesn't hurt at all. You didn't even blink when you looked at me." Someone blinked many times, tears welling up...

"What's going on?"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

The stings of the body and the mind overlapped, which led to a situation that Xu Le could not bear. The attempt to split the tree of soul was only halfway through, and Xu Le had to terminate it forcibly.

"This can't go on like this. People will be gone before they succeed."

After stopping the movements of his hands, Xu Le began to use his will to blend with the tree of soul.

Since the branch of truth is an extension of the tree of soul, and I can control the branch of truth, is it possible to break it with will?

"Separate." There was no response.

"Broken." Still no response.

"Can you stay away from me? You're affecting my performance by standing there." Xu Le said to Yan Luo, who was standing beside him with wide eyes.

"He's anxious, he's anxious." Yan Luo waved his hand and walked aside.

Although he expressed disdain for Xu Le's useless behavior, Yan Luo also knew that Xu Le really needed a more stable state now, so he still walked aside honestly.

"Okay, I'm far away from you, you can continue."

Xu Le:......

It was still uncomfortable, but no one was staring at him at close range anymore, which made Xu Le's psychological burden slightly lighter.

He began to use his will to touch the Soul Tree. This process was slow and clumsy.

However, the feeling of contact between the will and the tree of soul is very wonderful, giving Xu Le a very relaxed and pleasant feeling, as if his spirit has returned to a world that will not be rejected.

Instead of expressing it verbally, Xu Le used his will to express his thoughts about separating the branches of Gu Yin Duo Shi.

This move was gradually recognized by the Tree of Souls.

In other words, the Soul Tree has never denied him, but it just can't understand what Xu Le means.

The real branches extending from behind became longer. These branches no longer resisted and defended, but gradually separated from the mother body of the Tree of Souls in Xu Le's hands.

The tearing feeling is still there, but it's definitely not as strong as before.

But the branch that had just been separated showed a strong sense of weakness, and Xu Le felt as if it would die at any time.

He quickly looked at Yama:

"Hey, what should I do now? Why do I feel like the branch is dying?"

"It's true that I'm dying, you're right."

"What should we do?"

"I don't have a mother tree, how do I know what to do? You hurry up and figure it out yourself. If my master dies, I will send you down to meet him."

Xu Le:......

After receiving this answer, Xu Le suddenly felt that it was better not to ask. The separation of branches requires energy.

In this current situation, it is estimated that the real branch will die before he can insert the branch into the moon stone.

It requires spiritual nourishment.

Now that there is no psychic power, Xu Le can only rely on himself.

"Come on, my spiritual energy is still good."

Xu Le clenched the branch, and the spiritual energy in his body surged. Gu Yinduo's signature blue light began to spread on his body and gradually dispersed to the surroundings.

The spread of this spiritual energy is getting bigger and broader.

The steel door could not stop the spiritual energy from escaping. Ai Li, Wang Shu, and even Xia Libo who were standing at the door all felt something was wrong.

"Gu Yinduo?" A warlock at the door suddenly said. He looked at Xia Libo, but Xia Libo was not moved at all.

He used to be jealous of the many ancient voices, but now he even had a worried look on his face.

Feeling that these warlocks were looking at him, Xia Libo, who had always had a peaceful personality, suddenly became tense.

"Why are you looking at me? Don't you have to work?"

"But Lao Xia, there is Gu Yinduo's energy here, it's a bit too strong, the blue color is overflowing."

"It's just the paint evaporating." Xia Libo said without changing his expression.

Several other warlocks also twitched their mouths when they heard this reason. Is this the effect of paint volatilization?

Can you be more serious about finding reasons?

"The job is done."

"Shut up when the work is done. Zion Progressives have spent a lot of money, resources, manpower and material resources here. Don't blame me for making ugly remarks. Anyone who leaks out will be killed by me."

Xia Libo's words made other warlocks lower their heads. As builders, they knew that this project was a melting pot, not a so-called bright soap factory.

But no one has said specifically what the furnace is.

No one has mentioned what the core of the furnace is.

In fact, not only them, but also the chief designer Xia Libo still doesn't know what the core of the furnace is.

Xu Le just told him that he was going to plant a tree at the heart of the furnace.

In such a costly project, find a sizable area and plant a tree.

This sounds ridiculous, but in the dark ages, there was a kind of tree that was worthy of such treatment.

The tree of ancient sound!

"Could it be that one?"

Ai Li and Wang Shu didn't speak, they just waited quietly.

As for Xu Le in the room, the situation is not too optimistic. The psychic pool has been being drained. If he hadn't really been the kind of person who drinks too much and can't get enough, he would have burped long ago and would have been sucked by this branch. Not a bit left.

The branches have detached from the tree of soul, but they are wrapped around Xu Le's arm to absorb spiritual energy.

Xu Le did not refuse to absorb the branches.

He knew that if the supply of spiritual energy was interrupted at this time, the branch would most likely die in the air.

"Slowly, slowly..."

Xu Le's movements were very gentle. He slowly lowered the branch and gradually placed it close to the ground, allowing the branch and the moonstone in the center to gradually touch together.

The moment the branch touches the moonstone.

The branch instantly absorbed a large amount of Xu Le's spiritual energy, and then several rhizome-like branches re-grew from the location where the branch broke.

The rhizome pierced the moonstone, and then gradually took root inside the huge moonstone.

It didn't sprout, but it grew.

With the supply of moonstone energy, the extraction of Xu Le's spiritual energy by the Guyin Duoshi Branch gradually became less and less.

This made Xu Le breathe a heavy sigh of relief.

If the branches were allowed to absorb like this, he would either die suddenly or give up this plan.

Both outcomes are unacceptable.

But fortunately, the current situation is good.

Just when Xu Le thought that was enough, the huge moon stone started to vibrate.

"What's wrong?"


There was an explosion and the moonstone shattered.

Xu Le thought it was a failure, but what happened next exceeded his imagination.

The rhizomes of the branches pierced the earth and had begun to take root at the core of the furnace, while the broken moonstones were rolled up and absorbed by the branches of the branches.

After absorbing all the spiritual energy, it turned into an ordinary transparent stone and was ruthlessly thrown away by the branches.

Such behavior is like a robbery hidden in the room, the robbery of Red Moon by the Ancient Yinduo Tree.

"A small Guinduo tree eating a small moon?"

Xu Le immediately put away this somewhat dangerous idea. This was not something he needed to consider now. All he needed to consider was whether the furnace was successful.

Surging power and life erupted from the ancient Yinduo tree in front of him.

After absorbing all the 200 kilograms of moon stones on the ground, a real ancient Yinduo tree appeared in front of Xu Le.

What surprised Xu Le was that the tree was not as small as he imagined.

For example, it becomes a small sapling, or something like a small apple tree.

But now the tree has touched the roof.

After feeling the existence of the roof, it did not continue to grow upward and destroy the wall, but began to grow around, filling every corner of the room.

But it wasn't over yet. Later, some ancient Yinduo branches actually opened the ventilation ducts and energy ducts.

Extend the slender branches into it.

Especially for the branches of the energy pipeline, the Ancient Yinduo Tree actually actively smoothed out the original curse seal patterns, and then changed the shape of its own branches to replace these curse seals.

Xu Le watched all this silently until the tree was completely completed.

He slowly walked towards the Guyinduo Tree. The faint spiritual perception he had before did not become indifferent because of separation. Perhaps it was because this branch turned into a tree, and Xu Le's perception became clearer.

When Xu Le walked to the ancient Yinduo tree, the branches stretched down on their own initiative.

Wrapping around Xu Le's fingers, the sense of connected energy also appeared.

However, although the two were connected, Xu Le did not receive any spiritual energy feedback. The growth of the Ancient Yinduo Tree had consumed all spiritual energy.

Both parties are still in a state of losing money. It will probably take some time to absorb and make profits.

"The core of the furnace has finally succeeded."

Yama, who had been observing silently, also came over at this time. It slowly prostrated on the ground and knelt down to worship the ancient Yinduo tree as usual.

It's just that the way it kneels down looks a little crooked, and I don't know if it was done intentionally.

Xu Le let go of his hand, and Guyinduo Zhishu also let go of his hand obediently.

"Everything seems to be ready, what do you think?"

"What do I think?" Yama curled his lips, as if there were only trees in his world and nothing else.

There's no point asking about things it's not interested in.

Xu Le glanced at the Ancient Yinduo Tree in front of him, and after pondering for a while, he began to use his limited spiritual energy to form seals.

"Spell - Forbidden Summoning Formation."

The white smoke dissipated, and a living corpse appeared next to Xu Le. Xu Le and the Guyinduo Tree gradually communicated with each other.

Then took a step back.


The branch instantly penetrated the body of the living corpse!

About 20 minutes later, Xu Le quietly walked out of the room.

When they saw him coming out, Ai Li and Xia Libo were stunned.

"Xu Le, are you okay?" Ai Li stepped forward and checked Xu Le's body, touching up and down to see if there were any wounds. Of course, he avoided some key positions.

Xu Le felt very comfortable being touched and hummed from time to time.

"What are you talking about? Be serious."

Alley rarely used a scolding tone like this. It seemed that he was really worried this time.

Xu Le finally nodded, opened his hands and made a hug gesture.

"Yes, I'm fine."

But he didn't get a hug from Gouzi. Gouzi saw him reaching out, and then he stretched out his hand and gave Xu Le a high-five.

Xu Le:? High five? There is still no tacit understanding between the two!

But is there really no tacit understanding? Xu Le looked at Gouzi with suspicion, but Gouzi's eyes had already shifted.

Xia Libo quickly interrupted the two of them:

"Hey, hey, OK, OK, you're almost done, are you just going to come out like this?"

"What's wrong?"

"Where's the stuff?"


"That... furnace core."

"It's done." Xu Le said matter-of-factly.

But this time, Xia Libo's empty eye sockets were opened!

done? It doesn’t feel very grand. Is it missing a little sense of ceremony?

"That's it, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

"There's nothing else, such as the casting ceremony, and..." Xia Libo picked his head, but couldn't think of anything new.

"None of that nonsense."

Xu Le turned around and came to the door, knocked gently, and muttered:

"Project Crucible - Complete."


Something the size of a fingernail was pushed out from the crack in the door. Xia Libo had no eyes and could not clearly see what the small square thing was.

But in his perceptual world, he felt that the other party was a red creature.

"What is that?" Xia Libo asked.

"What is what?" Xu Le asked knowingly.

"I mean, what was that creature just now?"

"It's just a warehouse manager, no big deal."

"Treasury manager?"

"Warehouse manager, Zion Progressives should have many similar positions, right? Well, you don't need to worry about those insignificant things, the real value is this..."

Xu Le waved his hand and raised the small square the size of a fingernail.

Yama will always remain here as the last layer of insurance for the core of the furnace.

Maybe Xu Le will add more insurance here in the future, but now he doesn't have such abundant resources.

Xia Libo knew that Xu Le meant to change the subject, so he did not continue to ask.

After Xu Le raised the small square, he pinched the square with a puzzled look on his face.

When he pinched the cube, Xia Libo felt the pure and natural energy inside.

"I can feel it, it's blue, it must be beautiful, right?"

Xu Le did not speak, but looked at Ai Li and Wang Shu. Ai Li and Wang Shu, who were also staring at the small blue square, looked at each other and nodded:

"It's indeed blue, just like a naturally glowing gemstone. It's very beautiful."

"The pure Guyinduo energy has no strange and violent atmosphere at all. It is just like a gift from nature to us. This thing is simply a work of art... What is it made of?"

"Beautiful, isn't it? Made of living corpses." Listening to Xia Libo praising the energy block, Xu Le felt very satisfied, so he did not hide Xia Libo's intentions.


Xia Libo staggered when he heard that this thing was made of living corpses.

Because it is really difficult to connect this beautiful and pure energy substance with a living corpse.

"It's actually such an ugly thing as a living corpse..."

"A living corpse is ugly? I advise you to think about it carefully."

Hearing what Xu Le said, Xia Libo thought of some other kinds of weird, twisted deformities? A strange descendant who was completely corrupted by Gu Yinduo? Ghost species in various incarnations of terror?

Or maybe the Angry Demon, the Night Demon, or the Succubus are weird things that only belong to the son of Gu Yinduo?

"Well, living corpses are actually not that ugly."

"That's right."

He doesn't mind belittling other weird things, but Xu Le doesn't agree with belittling living corpses.

What is a living corpse? Living corpses are the fuel of the future, the firewood of Zion, and may even become the labor force of Zion one day... But those are far away, the technology has not been perfected yet, let's wait a little longer.

"Xu Le, what should we do now?"

Xia Libo, who had always been very assertive, was actually a little confused at this time.

As one of the founders of the furnace, after the core of the furnace was built, he suddenly felt like he didn't know what he should do.

I couldn't adapt, and I felt like I had lost my direction all of a sudden.

"Don't be so confused. We still have a lot of things to do next. The guidance area is not completed. Power conversion and other things are very superficial. There are many places that need to be changed. Why are you so confused?"

"You're right, you're right, then let's continue building?"

"Tsk, the core is out, don't you want to try it?"

Why does it feel like the temptation of the devil... Xia Libo thought to himself, but give the furnace a try!

"Think about it, how to do it?"

"We open the city gate at night, and then arrange psychic guidance to attract weird things to come in. At the same time, we notify the city defense department and interrupt some of the close defenses."

Although this step had already been included in the plan, Xia Libo still felt a little nervous when it came time to implement it.

"Let the weird ones come in. If we fail, then we are afraid that everyone will be beheaded. Even the graves of sinners will have to be stepped on a few times."

"Are you sure we will still have a grave if we fail?" Xu Le raised his finger.

"All right."

Xia Libo nodded, but he still agreed with Xu Le's idea and opened the door to release the monsters.

Although this move carries great risks, it is the only way for them to take it.

"Come on, tonight is a moment to witness history..."

Later, Xia Libo and Xu Le jointly reported to Li Wen, informing Li Wen of the completion of the furnace core and the request to open the city gate and city defense at night.

"You can rest assured to execute it. I will personally handle the city defense."

After getting Li Wen's approval, Xu Le and Xia Libo held another factory mobilization meeting to inform them of tonight's situation.

Many researchers are also curious about what will happen after the furnace core is opened. They do not have a clear concept of refining the weirdness.

Everything has to wait until the furnace is in progress in the evening.

Time passed by, and the area at Zion's 3-1 gate tonight was a little different.

According to the requirements of the Zion Council, the gate of 3-1 will be kept open tonight, and the council has notified the city defense to determine that there will be a certain amount of weirdness flowing to Area 3 tonight, where the Bright Soap Factory is located.

The city guards here confirmed the news repeatedly to their superiors, law enforcers, guard department, military department, and even the parliament.

After receiving unanimous affirmation, they gave up the move of closing the city gate.

They knew this was an experiment on Zion's Progressives, but they still didn't understand what these experimenters were trying to do.

The specific content of the experiment was not disclosed.

However, there was also news from above that if the situation became unstable or a distress signal was issued, the city gates would be closed immediately and a sweep would be carried out.

This also shows that this experiment has certain risks.

Therefore, the guards here are also very energetic, and of course some private criticisms are inevitable.

"You said the city defense is good. How do you use the gate to attract monsters?"

"I don't know. Those who do research are all crazy."

"One thing to say is that without the existence of these psychopaths, there would be no progress in Zion's technology."

There are debates about technology that arise in any era.

However, the scientific research atmosphere in Zion is generally very good, at least there is no such thing as criticizing science and technology as fancy tricks.

At night, it was about 8 o'clock.

Xu Le hung a fear fruit on the ancient Yinduo tree at the core of the furnace.

Although there are more fruits of lust, tonight's matter is too important, so it is more stable to use the fruit of fear.

After all, fear attracts all weirdness.

Xu Le gently touched the ancient Yinduo tree in front of him and whispered:

"Although I don't know what this kind of thing means to you, tonight is probably your first time fighting.

Well, maybe fighting is not suitable, labor seems to be more suitable? Labor is the most glorious, come on. "

The branches of the Ancient Yinduo Tree fluttered, as if in response to Xu Le, indicating that it could do a good job.

Xu Le nodded and gently touched the fear fruit with his fingers.

The spiritual energy at the fingertips instantly pierced the fruit, and the fearful spiritual energy instantly dispersed.

Not far from the city gate, some wandering weirdos seemed to feel some kind of fatal temptation and began to rush quickly towards the gate of Area 3.

Without the obstruction of the city gate, some weirdos passed directly through the 3-1 gate and came to the underground passage dug in advance by Guangming Soap Factory.

The underground passage is not spacious and can even be said to be a bit narrow.

The reason for this is to restrict the weird range of movement. The entire passage is made of enchanted steel.

It can be said that these are all money...

When a strange person rushed out of the tunnel and appeared in the furnace building, all the researchers standing on the second floor felt nervous.

It's a deformed species.

"finally come!"

According to the original design, Weird followed the guidance tunnel and began to run towards the core of the furnace in a circular fashion.

In the process of weird running, the transfer of kinetic energy will be guided. This is the first step, and then... there will be no more.

This deformed species did not convert kinetic and potential energy in the way they were originally designed.

As it ran, the mantra engraved on the guidance circle released some golden thunder and lightning.

These golden thunderbolts like threads passed through Weird's body, and then Weird quickly became weak. After running a few steps, he knelt on the ground and began to vomit blood.

Its life and energy were brought into the furnace by the golden current, and gradually dissipated in the guidance circle, becoming a torrent of energy, leaving no slag behind...

"It seems...successful?" A researcher looked at his companion.

"It doesn't feel right? It's not the same as expected?" The person who was asked also looked suspicious.

Weird didn't go very far?

What is golden current?

What's going on?

I have always wanted to write one more chapter and thank the leader, but I am too useless and I have failed after several attempts.

Sorry, but I promise to add an update to the leader

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