
Chapter 275 Excessive Rewards

"Such an approach is obviously against the rules. The risk to Guyinduo's son is still too great. The fact that they created something like Guyinduo's energy core is already a very dangerous thing in itself.

If they are allowed to extract Guyinduo's energy again, it may cause even more unpredictable situations. "

The old man talked a lot, but Yi Xiaoya paid no attention to him.

"Jiejie! Hidden danger? Risk? Isn't that just something that hasn't happened yet? Why should we worry about something that hasn't happened yet?

Boy, you are thinking too much. If you want to talk about the research and development of Gu Yinduo's son, isn't it much more serious in Lighthouse than in Zion? They all regarded the light-forged heads as light bulbs.

If you are so careless, you might as well go to the lighthouse and give them a stern warning. "

To call an old man over 100 years old a boy is probably something only an old man like Yi Xiaoya can do.

After all, her age is almost impossible to determine. In the era when Zion was just established, she almost looked like this.

Now more than 100 years have passed, and her appearance still hasn't changed at all. She's still so coquettish, and still so... old!

"Master Yi Xiaoya, I am discussing business matters with you, but you are here to make excuses. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"Isn't there nothing wrong? These children have done a good job. If you give them the light-forged heart, maybe you can research something better, Jie Jie Jie."

"But they already made it clear just now that they want to extract the energy of the heart..."

"Isn't that good? Didn't you listen to what the young people said? It is our duty to fight against the darkness of Gu Yinduo!" Yi Xiaoya said, clenching her fists.

"My generation? Everyone of your generation has already been buried."

Although the old man was very dissatisfied, he didn't say anything more.

The night passed, and Xu Le sat on the wall at the gate of Area 3 with Ding Ke in his arms.

According to the past situation, after the Kuroshio ends, all personnel involved in the battle can get 2 days of mandatory rest, and the cleanup work will be carried out by personnel in the city who have not participated in the Kuroshio defense work.

Usually it is direct fire.

But this time the situation is different, and it can even be said that the gap is huge.

Not only did Zion not have a direct holiday, but the people left behind were allowed to work overtime here, and some ordinary factory workers in Zion were even recruited, as well as Tianrui Lifeng mercenaries who were idle outside.

The requirement for them to come over is also very simple, which is to conduct a simple examination of the corpses left on the plain battlefield.

If there is a lot of energy left in Guyinduo, these monsters need to be dragged to the cargo delivery vehicle and transferred to the gate of area 3.

They need to discern the size and energy retention of these bizarre corpses.

If it is too big, it will not fit through the door. If the energy is too little, there will be no investment value.

These people didn't quite know what Zion was doing by gathering these corpses, but in terms of the stability of Zion's city defense and the earth-shattering sound of artillery fire last night, Zion had done a good enough job.

They did not let any civilians participate in the battle and successfully defended Zion. This is indeed a brilliant result.

With such results, the people will almost no longer have any objections to what the Zion Progressives do.

"What a pity those giants..."

Meow! ~

Xu Le stared at the giant's body with a regretful expression.

That thing is a Level 5 weird thing, and its size is very huge. If it can be stuffed into the furnace, it will definitely be able to convert a lot of soap.

When the time comes, he holds soap in his hand, bombards the new giants with space-based cannons, and continues to turn giants into soap, a perfect positive cycle.


"You guys can keep watch here for a while, I need to take a rest, about 4-8 hours."

Xu Le blinked, and Wang Shu immediately understood.

Although Ai Li on the side didn't know what the two men were flirting with, after a night of intense defense work, it was understandable that Xu Le should take a rest at this time.

"You go ahead, my condition has not changed and you can continue to supervise me here."

Faced with Alley's work requirements, Xu Le did not refute anything.

After all, she is a level 4 warrior, and during the Black Tide this time, there were no too dangerous battles. Unlike last time, she needed to face the enemy Yama alone.

There is nothing wrong with staying and continuing to work at this time.

"Well, then you continue to stay here and supervise, and we will come back after taking a rest."

Ai Li watched Xu Le and Wang Shu leave arm in arm, thinking back to what Xu Le said just now.

"Let's take a break...isn't it a little too intimate?"

Returning to Guangming Soap Factory, Xu Le returned directly to the core of the furnace, while Wang Shu went to find Gan who had entered retirement life in advance in the factory.

Gan Mingming was only in his 30s, but during this time he lived a 60-year-old life.

Xu Le didn't force him to do anything. Gan had already done a lot for them, and the thread of fate wrapped around Gan was very complicated. Xu Le finally managed to get rid of the shackles of the thread of fate with the help of others.

Before you have enough strength, it is better to reduce your contact with Gu Yinduo's thread of destiny.

Returning to the core of the furnace, Xu Le placed the cat on the tree, and then leaned against the tree of Gu Yinduo's soul. Before closing his eyes, Xu Le also warned Yama.

"Master Yan, please help me pay attention."

Yama:? He was Lord Yama before, but now he is Master Yama, right?


Yan Luo worked hard to deal with the ancient sound energy crystal. The harvest of the ancient sound energy crystal last night was simply unimaginable. If converted into soap, how much would it be?

1000? even more?

1,000 bars of soap, if converted into a space-based cannon, can even fire 83 cannons.

What is the concept of 83 space-based cannons? If it were fired at Zion City, it would probably be almost even if it could not level Zion City.

After explaining Yama, Xu Le slowly closed his eyes, put on a mask, and let himself sink into the realm of the Dark Mother Tree.

Because there were a lot of things to explain every time, Xu Le didn't come too early.

When he crossed the dripping pavement of the Mother Tree, the other six were already there.

But the current situation is a little different. Although there are six people, there is one person who is different from last time.

The old man who often bickered with the dwarf disappeared, and was replaced by a girl about the same age as Chi Xiao. When she looked at Xu Le, her eyes were a little curious.

This time Chi Xiao was the first to speak:

"The old man is gone. She is a new member. Someone has explained the specific situation to her, and she has already introduced herself. Her name is Duo Lei."

"Hello, Miss Dore."


Chi Xiao nodded and continued:

"The old man is dead. From today on, you are the sixth man. Please introduce yourself."

Xu Le:......

What does it mean that he will be the sixth child from today on? Is this title serious?

"Um, hello, my name is Xiong Nuoan."

After Xu Le introduced himself, several other people couldn't wait to say:

"Let's start, let's start. After knowing that I can choose the fruit, I can't wait..."

After the last experience, these people are looking forward to their choice of fruits.

According to the increased intensity of the Red Moon Tribulation and the battles and killings they experienced during the Red Moon Tribulation yesterday, they were already full of expectations for the fruits that would appear.

Will there be advanced fruits? This is what everyone is looking forward to.

"Very good, let's get started." Xu Le smiled and was about to start checking the fruits for them.

At this time, Chi Xiao said to Duo Lei beside him:

"He is a very important person who will become more and more important in the future."

"How important is it?" Duo Lei asked curiously.

"His existence is so important that we can no longer reject it based on personal preferences. To a certain extent, everyone here has to get close to him and even please him."

"Why? Isn't the choice of fruit an equivalent exchange?"

Duo Lei already knew Xu Le's abilities from the previous conversation.

In her opinion, in this model of equal exchange, everyone just gets what they need. There is no need to go around and around, let alone please. However, a strong man like Chi Xiao can actually say such a thing, which makes her Dore felt strange.

Chi Xiao shook his head slightly, he was too naive.

"Do you really think this is an equal exchange of equals?"

Duo Lei wanted to say yes, but after thinking about it carefully, she realized that it didn't seem to be the case, because the initiative was in Xiong Nuoan's hands.

“He can see it, but we can’t, so it’s all based on what he thinks. The fee he charges is not expensive, but he can give us wrong answers and make us suffer greater losses.

But his own losses are almost negligible. Is that what you mean? "

Dore is not stupid, but she is not too smart either.

She only thought of this after being prompted by Chi Xiao, while the others had already thought of their relationship without any hint at all.

Especially the importance of Xiong Nuoan, no one mentioned it at all. When they met this time, everyone was already brothers.

"Brother Xiong Nuo'an, do you need anything this time? If you need anything, just ask." Scarface said first.

Others also echoed:

"Yes, if you have any needs for fruits, just ask us and we will give you priority."

Hearing the praise and praise from these people, Xu Le felt as clear as a mirror, and he did have requirements.

Only when guanxi is used is it called guanxi. If not, it’s just bullshit.

"I do need something. I need a longevity fruit. If one of you appears and is willing to give it to me, I am willing to buy it at a price that is twice the market price, that is, three times.

This choice is free, and the next choice will be free too. "

"Okay, no problem, I'll give it to you if the longevity fruit comes out."

The longevity fruit was prepared for Old Moen. Considering Old Moen's financial resources, three times the market price was nothing at all.

And what price did he pay? It's free this time, which is a loss of a material or relic, and then it will be free next time.

Xu Le's favorite thing to do is overdraft benefits.

This thing is similar to Huabei, but overdraft is actually a kind of asking. It is not clear whether these people will be alive next month. Promising free next time and forming a good relationship, what does it mean?

Moreover, as long as the fruit recipient does not need the fruit urgently, it is also in his interest to get a longevity fruit that costs three times the price.

People here have actually eaten the fruits. If they get other fruits, they will most likely sell them for money or exchange them for resources.

So there is no problem at all with this kind of transaction.

Moen gets the fruit, Xu Le himself gets Moen’s reward, and the trader gets 3 times the price gain. It’s a win-win situation. Why not?

Xu Le, who was surrounded by people, said something to me.

Seeing such a scene, Dolei felt even more ridiculous about her previous so-called principle of equal exchange.

"These people are so proactive just to win Xiong Nuoan's favor..."

"No, they're doing it for their own benefit."


"The Kuroshio this time is very powerful, and their respective harvests should be good, so in order to ensure their own interests, it is necessary to stay absolutely close to Xu...Xiong Nuoan at this time."

Chi Xiao doesn't like the name Xiong Nuo'an very much. It's too long and convoluted.

Xu Le here has already started to use Guyin Duo Vision to check the fruits for others.

Longevity, intermediate element-ice, mystery-dream, advanced creature-white deer in the sky...

The rewards of the Guyinduo fruits that appear to these people are various, and they are all of extremely high value.

The person who got the longevity fruit was Fatty. According to Xu Le's previous demand, Fatty handed the longevity fruit to Xu Le with a smile. His strength was not particularly strong, and his channels were not very stable.

So being able to sell a longevity fruit at three times the price is a profit for him.

"This is my contact information. When Brother Xiong Nuoan comes..."

"Don't worry, Zion's Moen Trading Company will give you the money when the time comes. If I deceive you, no one here will be willing to believe me in the future.

It’s not worth it for a longevity fruit, you should know this. "

"I know it, I know it."

The fat man's attitude was much better, and the situation of the other people was similar.

Fatty was free, and Xu Le got an ancient Yinduo relic from Scarface, Shorty, and Luo Juya respectively.

A ring, something that looked like a leaf, and a woman's skirt.

He didn't have any rigid requirements for remuneration, but this time everyone was very sensible. No one gave any more materials. All they gave were relics, and they were all polite.

"Everyone gave us the relics. How can I be embarrassed?" Xu Le put them away without looking at them carefully. He was unambiguous when collecting things.

"It should, it should." These people said one after another, feeling a little sad.

After everyone finished their choices, Xu Le looked at Chi Xiao, and she pursed her lips:

"You first."


Xu Le did not refuse and came directly to the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

Then, a strong feeling appeared in Xu Le's heart.

The thick branches brought a total of 5 Guyinduo fruits, among which Xu Le had seen the strong Guyinduo energy for the first time in Chixiao.

[Guyinduo Fruit-Longevity]

[Guyinduo Fruit-Lower Element-Earth]

[Guyinduo Fruit-Mysterious-Yellow Spring]

[Guyinduo Fruit-Intermediate Element-Evil Flame]

[Guyinduo Fruit-Advanced Creature-Kirin]

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