
Chapter 278 Reincarnation of Hell

After Deep Blue went through the reincarnation of trees for tens of millions of years, countless civilizations were born and destroyed.

The red moon has arrived.

It was not originally called the Red Moon, nor was it the Red Moon. Its original meaning, existence, and name seemed to be beyond study.

It emits scarlet light, which can also illuminate the earth.

Some humans and creatures who have not been illuminated by Guyinduo's light gradually accept the power of the red moon.

This was a relatively peaceful period of time, lasting about 100-200 years.

The humans living in the red light gradually moved towards the Ancient Yin Duomu Tree, and the humans who believed in the Gu Yin Duomu Tree started a war with it.

The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, but the humans who believe in Guyinduo are losing ground.

Moreover, after the power of Hongyue and Guyinduo were intertwined, human beings who produced desire, that is, anima, began to undergo certain distortions.

Until Guyin Duomu Tree noticed this.

It finally took action.

The ancient Yinduo tree took in a puppy that was abandoned by humans.

A little white dog.

Its fur was dirty and filthy, and it was abandoned in a garbage dump. Without the protection of its owner, many creatures, including humans, had bullied it.

The only companion it has is a dirty doll.

The Guyinduo Mother Tree blessed it and gave it new strength.

At this point, White Night was born.

The picture in his consciousness was broken, and Xu Le felt that there should be other follow-ups, and he didn't know what happened next.

How were the other sons of Guyinduo born, and what was the final battle with Hongyue like.

For now, humanity is in danger, Hongyue's condition is not very good, and the roots of the ancient Yin Duomu tree are rotten.

The world is in dire straits, and humanity is almost on the verge of destruction. The son of Gu Yinduo has been sealed and dismembered.

Judging from the current situation, there is no winner at all.

It seems like everyone loses, which is embarrassing.

However, Xu Le still obtained a lot of useful information from it, such as...

"It turns out that the eldest brother is a dog. Hey~ there are so many people calling her the giant wolf that devours the world. Bai Ye, tsk tsk tsk."

Xu Le tilted his head and made strange sounds in his mouth.

Then he thought of the doll that accompanied the Night Fury.

"That dirty doll is probably the second son of Gu Yinduo, a puppet.

There is also a story between her and her eldest brother. She was once his favorite toy? I don’t know why they parted ways.

This is a game with no winner, and no one knows how to end it. "

But until now, Xu Le still doesn't know why he came here. Is it just to know these secrets?

Xu Le subconsciously looked back at Yan Luo, only to find that Yan Luo had already run far away.

It left time and space to Xu Leheshu, as if it was not allowed to enter this area.

Xu Le had no choice but to look back at the rotten tree roots in front of him.

What do the tree roots hidden in the underworld want to express?

At this time, the Guyin Duo Soul Tree in Xu Le's spiritual space began to sprout and grow, and it automatically extended from Xu Le's back to the roots of the tree.

And the regrown rhizome also let go of Xu Le and became entangled with the branches of Gu Yin Duo Shi.

The rhizome withered again, but this time it gave Xu Le an unusual power.

Xu Le didn't know how to describe this power:

"Trading the old for the new? Well, it seems that shouldn't be the term. If the force level is higher, it should be reincarnation in the underworld?

Well, that's probably what it means. "

This kind of information transmission is ordinary. It is a rule ability and a rule use method.

As for the most basic Guyinduo psychic power, Xu Le actually has a psychic pool all the time, so using Huangquan Reincarnation does not require additional power.

All it takes is the teachings from the roots of the Guyin Duomu tree and permission.

After possessing the power of the rhizome, Xu Le finally heard the voice transmitted to him by the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

"Bring it back for me."

When Xu Le heard this information, he narrowed his eyes instantly.

He knew what the mother tree meant without even thinking about it.

The son of Guinduo's power comes from the mother tree, and now the roots of the mother tree have rotted, so it needs to repair its own.

Therefore, it requires the son of Guyin Duo himself.

"I'm afraid I can't do this kind of thing because of my meager strength."

Xu Le is not the kind of person who will fight without thinking and fight against the world when his brain gets hot.

The policies and ideas he pursues are always people-oriented.

His idea of ​​using Gu Yin Duo's energy and recruiting Gu Yin Duo's weirdos as a labor force was basically to do things for human beings.

In this case, let him fight Guyin Duo's son?

Not to mention that they have a bunch of Gu Yin and many heirs, and they have developed Ma Zai for hundreds of years.

As for the son of Gu Yinduo himself, Xu Le cannot touch the porcelain by himself. He still needs to rely on Yesha, so how can he stand up and take away Yesha.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"I know you are good to me and always helpful, but I am very weak. Shouldn't this kind of thing be left to more powerful people?"

Xu Le's successive words were not answered. He thought that the mother tree would no longer respond to him.

Moreover, the rotten rhizome has disappeared. He can feel the power, but he has to go back and study it carefully on how to use it.

So he was ready to leave.

Just as Xu Le turned around, the message from the mother tree appeared again.

"If I die, the world will rot."

Xu Le:? ? ?

Xu Le turned around and looked at the Guyinduomu tree.

The mother tree is the source of absorbing all mental energy, strength, and souls. He cannot feel emotions from the other party.

So there is no need to check whether the mother tree has anima fluctuations.

And judging from the negotiation process between him and the mother tree, the mother tree has never had a threatening attitude. To put it simply, the mother tree looks quite dull.

It is not as smart and thoughtful as Guyin Duo's son.

So what it says... is probably true.

"The world will rot when you die?"

5 minutes later.


This was a successful exchange, but it took a little long.

But if this is the case, it will be troublesome!

What does the mother tree mean by rot?

The kind that turns into smelly meat?

He suddenly thought of something, turned around and looked at the sunken ground, the rotten rocks, and the smell of death. Xu Le suddenly realized what the so-called rot of the mother tree was.

"If the mother tree dies, will the vitality of this world disappear... It's so troublesome!"

Xu Le was speechless. If this kind of thing really happened, no one would be able to escape.

Now it's not the previous life. Now he obviously has a relatively good life, with a woman, a career, and everyone's attention. It would be a big loss to show off under such circumstances.

After the world is destroyed, Xiao Qian cannot find Xiao Bei. How can this be done?

"I see."

Nowadays, Zion Progressives still has half a heart made of light. Xu Le feels that that thing should be something that can be returned to the mother tree.

What the mother tree needs is rules, the power of information it spreads out.


"I will turn around and drain the light-cast heart, and then come down to honor you."

Xu Le talked about a serious issue in a philistine way, thinking that this would reduce the burden on his heart.

But the mother tree is not the kind of being that will respond to it.

So Xu Le really left this time.

"Then, I'm leaving."

After leaving the land of hell, Yan Luo looked at Xu Le with hope, as if he was looking at a treasure.

"Have you communicated with the mother tree?"


"Have you really communicated with the mother tree?"

Asking questions with similar meanings twice in a row made Xu Le feel that something was wrong with Yan Luo. However, when he saw the look in Yan Luo's eyes, he couldn't say those derogatory words.

Maybe it hasn't sensed the message, sound, or call from the Guyin Duomu Tree for a long time.

Yama is the creature that lived under the light of the ancient Yinduo Mother Tree in that memory. The warriors guarding the underworld, their tribe is Yama.

It has the most loyal belief in the Guyinduomu tree, and this should be the case.

After the split of Guyinduo's son, Yama should no longer be able to feel the sound of the mother tree, so it became confused and crazy.

That's why it calmed down when it saw the Soul Tree.

"Well, I communicated with the mother tree."

After hearing Xu Le's positive response, Yan Luo was a little excited and at a loss.

"Sure enough, you can indeed hear its voice, and you can indeed get its recognition and response. Then, what did it say?"

Yan Luo was as excited as a child, and Xu Le couldn't bear to neglect it anymore.

"The Mother Tree asked me to kill all the sons of Guyin Duo and then save the world."


"Wait, save the world? You? Did you hear the voice of the mother tree? I'm serious, no kidding."

Seeing the disdainful expression on Yan Luo's face, Xu Le knew that this guy didn't believe what he said at all.

This bastard looks down on people!

Today you are indifferent to me, tomorrow...

Forget it, I can’t beat him tomorrow.

"Really, the mother tree really asked me to save the world, Xu Le affirmed seriously again."

"Forget it, it's meaningless to talk to you like this. You can't even beat me, and you still want to save the world. You should just go to sleep."

Xu Le: %#@!

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing, I just think people can become stronger."

"That's true."

Xu Le and Yan Luo returned to the Gate of Underworld again.

Standing here, Yan Luo was ready to take action, but this time Xu Le stopped him.

"Let me try this time."

"Okay, you try."

In front of them was the river of souls. Xu Le stood under the river of souls and stretched out his palms.

Ancient Yinduo branches appeared from his fingertips, and after touching the long river of souls that symbolized the nature of death, the river showed no reaction.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't be impatient."

Xu Le felt a little embarrassed about the ability to trade in old items for new ones...

No, it should be the ability of Huang Quan's reincarnation. He can't say to master it at all. It's actually normal that he doesn't use it directly now.

He knew that the rhizome of the mother tree had left that power in the tree of soul, and once again injected Guyinduo's spiritual energy, opened the ethereal state, and felt the isolation between life and death like the soul river.

Xu Le then tapped the Soul River lightly.

Just like the world between the dead and the living is forever separated, life and death can never touch each other.

The river of soul immediately unfolded outwards, showing a brand new path for Xu Le and Yama, the path to the normal world.

"You actually really mastered it. You mastered it just after meeting me once." Yama Luo said with a little emotion.

"Don't you even know this ability?"

"What does it mean that I can even do it? I am my lord's most loyal warrior, and I am born to be able to open the land of hell. You are different."

Xu Le nodded. In fact, he already understood why the underworld fruit was so ordinary.

That fruit is actually a key to information.

If you choose and eat that fruit, you will have the ability to step into hell.

But this is just the beginning. There is no Yama to guide the way, and there is no illumination from the black rod.

Even if you eat the Underworld Fruit and break through the Soul River, you will only be lost in the darkness of the Underworld Road, and you may even fall into a big rotten pit.

But even if you do all these things right and come to the roots of the ancient Yinduo mother tree, you still need to be recognized by the mother tree and make a commitment and exchange before you can gain the power of the underworld.

Xu Le seemed to have obtained it in an ordinary way, but in fact, the whole process met too many conditions.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to do it.

So even if he doesn't eat this fruit and sells it, others may not be able to get the power of Huangquan.

“It’s like it’s just for me.”

"Yes, this is indeed what it's made for."

Returning to the core of the furnace, Xu Le took a deep breath. He had already wasted a lot of time heading to Huangquan Road, so next, he was going to the Land of Colorful Destiny.

Gather some information, make friends normally, and see if you can get something useful.

For example, the fruits of Gan, the fruits of the king tree, and the fruits that others don’t want.

Taking out the black stick, Xu Le took a look at the black stick's information.

There is even a light-forged mark on this weapon, but Xu Le has never used it.

After understanding the information about Gu Yin Duo's son, Xu Le knew one thing: he didn't have enough strength, so it was best not to trespass into Gu Yin Duo's son's domain.

Especially now that he has taken away Guangzhu's heart.

"Alright, turn on the puppet's beacon."


The bell rang, and Xu Le wearing a mask also appeared in the colorful land.

The atmosphere here is very harmonious. Everyone is discussing about yesterday's Red Moon Tribulation. Because Xu Le did not arrive, they all wanted to select the fruits, so no one went to select them in advance.

Everyone was waiting for Xu Le intentionally or unintentionally.

This is the same as the place of darkness.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

"People always have emergencies. Everyone can understand this kind of thing..." Wang Qing's voice appeared in Xu Le's ears, and he already knew Xu Le's identity.

Moreover, he has already prepared the posture of Ma Zi.

Because he got a message.

Wang Xi is dead.

[During the Black Tide, Mr. Wang Xi fought bravely and helped Dr. Xu Le defeat the Ghost Ferryman head-on. Let us mourn for Mr. Wang Xi]

Wang Qingxin?

Of course he believed it, and after hearing the news, he cried all morning.

That's his big brother! Siblings.

His friends were worried that he was too sad and advised him to take a good rest for two days.

All this is thanks to Mr. Xu Le.

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