
Chapter 280 Death Nail Fruit (Major Change)

"Death spike? It sounds pretty awesome, but I don't know what the specific effect is. Do you know?"

"I know, although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, many people at the scene were struck by its death spikes, and the result was rapid death in just a few seconds to minutes.

As far as I know, this ability is somewhat unsolvable. There may be a way to relieve it, but I don't know. "

Next, Sean told others a lot of information about the evil god, and even drew a sketch for Xu Le and others to see.

However, this guy's painting skills were really not very good. Xu Le could only barely tell from the picture that the nail of death should be some kind of centipede or multi-legged insect-like creature.

It can constantly float in the air and release spikes of special energy to kill opponents. It is huge and moves quickly.

Although I haven't actually met him, judging from what Xu Lexiao said, the Red Moon Temple is under a certain amount of pressure to deal with something like the evil god.

Whether the evil god is considered a weirdo or not is controversial in the warlock community.

If it is considered weird, can it be put into the furnace?

After Sean described the situation of the Red Moon Temple, several other people also described the information about their respective city-states.

Just like the Mother Realm of Darkness, everyone boasted about the awesomeness of Zion, the miserable state of the lighthouse, and the boringness of Tianrui Lifeng.

After the conversation, Xu Le became a patient listener.

Carefully distinguishing the useful parts of the information, the entire communication process was harmonious and stable, lasting about 40 minutes.

But at the end, Wang Qing raised a question.

"If our ancient Yinduo technology core in Zion is exported, will your other cities accept it? Will the price of moonstone collapse?"

This question was actually asked by Xu Le, who handed the note to Wang Qing.

Wang Qing was also very sensible and found a more harmonious opportunity to ask this pointed question.

Several other people looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"I don't know much about economic matters either."

"I don't really understand either."

"Me too."

Several other people have their own thoughts. If Zion's energy is really released as an outlet, the impact on the moonstone will be unimaginable.

They have begun to think about whether to sell some of the moon stones they have kept.

Take advantage of it before the price drops.

After some discussion, everyone returned to the state of going back to their respective homes and looking for their own mothers.

Although the Red Moon Tribulation is full of dangers, it is also full of opportunities.

No one knows what will happen to the next Red Moon Tribulation, but at least they have survived it safely this time.

What follows is a 3-month stabilization period.

Whether to indulge in extravagance and enjoy life in time, or to develop steadily and fight against the next black tide, everyone has their own ideas.

Xu Le's idea is not unique.

Because he didn't know how strong the next black tide would be, and whether the ancient Yinduo technological weapons developed during the three-month precipitation period could cope with it.

If he can, that's fine, but if he can't, will he die? Will everyone around me die?

These are things that Xu Le had no way of predicting.

All he can do is try his best to develop himself and develop Guyin's multi-tech weapons to deal with the next crisis.

Of course, I have to go to Xiaobei a few more times in my spare time to make my spare time more fulfilling. If I die, it will make my life less regretful.

After saying goodbye to the people in Colorful Land, Xu Le knew that things about the core of Guyinduo's technology would inevitably spread quickly.

It depends on the reaction of other cities.

Especially the reaction of the Red Moon Temple.

"Okay, I can almost take a good rest this time." Looking at Wang Shu and the others, Xu Le smiled.

After letting others go back to rest, Xu Le returned to the dark place by himself.

He had already taken off his mask, but the moment he stepped into the realm of the Mother Tree, he noticed the existence of two animas.

One is from Chi Xiao, so needless to say, and the other is that unfamiliar aura.


"Who does Chi Xiao know?"

Xu Le paused here, hiding in the dark water and branches without going out.

Chi Xiao may have noticed him, but Duo Lei did not. He could even hear some sounds of conversations between the two parties.

"Master Chixiao, why haven't you chosen the fruit yet? Are you waiting for something?"


"I want to go back with Lord Chi Xiao. After all, I am really lucky to be able to come to a place like this."

"You are indeed very lucky."

"Why does Master Chixiao want to stay here? There seems to be nothing here."

"I like to stay here and think about things."

The conversation between the two continued, with Duo Lei usually asking and Chi Xiao answering.

However, Chi Xiao's answers were not nutritious, and it seemed that he was really annoyed by Duo Lei.

What surprised Xu Le was that even though Chi Xiao seemed a little annoyed, he still didn't lose his temper with Duo Lei. Although there was a hint of impatience in his tone, he always maintained restraint.

This was very inconsistent with Chi Xiao's character, and Duo Lei didn't seem to realize that Chi Xiao was already annoying her.

After Xu Le arrived, this conversation continued for more than ten minutes. Duo Lei seemed to really feel bored, and then she said goodbye to Chi Xiao.

"In that case, should I leave first?"


Seeing Duo Lei and Chi Xiao saying goodbye, Xu Le came out of the shadows.

He could faintly see Chi Xiao sighing. It seemed that Duo Lei was putting a lot of pressure on her.

"It's really surprising that you can talk to someone so patiently. Is he someone you know?"

"I am also very patient when I talk to you. If it weren't for my patience, I would have killed you at the lighthouse."

Chi Xiao didn't seem to be in a good mood today and spoke very hastily. Xu Le got into trouble and could only touch his nose in embarrassment, but he still persevered.

The cooperation between him and Chi Xiao is also very important, because Chi Xiao itself is related to the stability here.

After all, the characters in the Mother Tree Realm are very unruly and unruly. They are not as easy to talk to as in the Colorful Land. Without the guarantee of strength, Xu Le does not feel very stable.

"It's because of her existence that you didn't choose the fruit? What is this woman's identity? It makes you taboo, but at the same time, you can't say bad things to her?"

Xu Le's guess was already very accurate. Chi Xiao's eyebrows flashed slightly and he sighed again:

"She is a newcomer to tissue culture, so we can't just kill her."

Chi Xiao looked a little tired. When there was no one else around, she took off her blindfold.

With this movement of raising her hand, Xu Le discovered that her prosthetic limb was already covered with uneven marks, as well as some blood stains and dirt.

In the past, Chi Xiao was very neat and tidy, but today, she looked more or less embarrassed.

Even when Xu Le came here for the first time, she had never been so embarrassed.

"The battle was fierce last night?"

"Well, it's a bit stressful."

After saying that, Chi Xiao unbuttoned his clothes. This action shocked Xu Le.

"What are you doing? I have a family."

Chi Xiao glanced at him, thinking he was talking about Ding Ke, and frowned immediately.

"Then you should treat her well in the future."

Xu Le:......

Taking off his bloody and damaged coat, Chi Xiao placed his hand on his prosthetic shoulder.


There was a clear sound from the position of the prosthetic shoulder, like the sound of a password unlocking and the friction of a clockwork wheel.

Afterwards, Chi Xiao removed his arm.

Unlike Xu Le's fake prosthetics, after Chi Xiao took off his arm, he really had nothing.

Moreover, Xu Le also took a sneak look at the prosthetic limb she placed on the stone. It was solid and had no empty parts. In other words, this thing was made of pure iron?

Well, maybe not iron, but an alloy or something.

But wouldn’t it be tiring to live and fight wearing something like this?

This thing looks heavy after all.

"Why don't you start choosing fruits? I don't know if there is a time limit for this choice. It would be bad if it times out."

Xu Le said and rubbed his hands, looking a little stern.

Chi Xiao's brows furrowed slightly:

"Are you busy? If you have anything, you can leave. There is no time limit for the rewards here. You can do it before the next Red Moon Tribulation.

Even if I miss it, it’s still considered a successful transaction between you and me, okay? "

Chi Xiao seemed to be in a bad mood. After this period of practice, Xu Le was still somewhat confident in coaxing people.

He covered his lips with one hand, took two steps back, and his voice trembled slightly:

"I didn't know that a human's 36-degree 5-degree mouth could actually say such cold words. Hey...then you'd better rest first."

Xu Le is still thinking about his trade-in.

The person sitting in front of him is Chi Xiao!

Can Chi Xiao's fruit be the same as others? It's definitely different.

Chi Xiao is the only person who Xu Le has seen two high-level fruits appear at the same time. If she produces two more high-level fruits this time, wouldn't she be able to steal the sky and change the day?


So Xu Le is prepared to be a patient person.

Chi Xiao also seemed to realize that her attitude today was not very good. She sighed for the third time. She knew that Xu Le's tone just now was fake, but he still apologized to Xu Le:

"Sorry, I'm... not in a good state today."

Xu Le was slightly startled. These words seemed a bit familiar. He and Gouzi had said it at night.

So Xu Le waved his hand:

"It's okay, it's okay. Things like this happen to me when I'm not in good condition. After all, we are warlocks, not like warriors who are as strong as cattle."

Chi Xiao felt that Xu Le and she were talking about different things, but she couldn't understand what Xu Le meant.

"Forget it, I know you're waiting to leave, let's get started."


Xu Le stood up suddenly. He was very excited when he heard about the fruit selection.

Chi Xiao did not put on his prosthetic limb, so he walked to the mother tree with one arm:

"Mother Tree...please answer my call."

Chi Xiao summoned his own fruit reward.

Exactly as Xu Le expected, five Guyinduo fruits with strong reactions appeared in front of Xu Le and Chi Xiao.

It's strong, just like the previous one, and there's definitely good stuff.

Xu Le opened up multiple horizons of ancient music and quietly paid attention to these fruits.


[Elemental Superior - Karmic Fire]

[Biological Superior - Nail of Death]

【Longevity Fruit】

[Anima Fruit-Anger]

When he saw this result, Xu Le was slightly shocked.

Nail of death?

Isn't this the evil god who was killed just last night? Why did he turn around and turn into a fruit?

Compared with the awe that those people have for Xu Le, Chi Xiao, as the first person to know Xu Le's ability, has no sense of distance from Xu Le.

And her powers of observation are much sharper than others.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my fruit?"

"No, it's no problem. Your fruit reward is very powerful, very good."

Xu Le waved his hand, he couldn't help himself at this time.

He hesitated for a moment and then spoke:

"But I want to touch these fruits, is that okay?"

"Touch? This is an act not allowed by the mother tree. What do you want to do?" It could be seen that Chi Xiao was still very wary.

"No, this is my ability. I will not be rejected by the mother tree, and I can understand the ancient Yinduo fruit in more detail."

Xu Le didn't lie in this regard, so Chi Xiao didn't notice anything wrong.

"Okay, you do it."

Xu Le first put his finger on the first fruit.


[The ability to burn oneself to emit light and heat, burning life, emitting power. 】

[Elemental Superior - Karmic Fire]

[The fire of sinful karma that can burn away the mental energy, whether it is fear, lust, or anger, will become the nourishment of the karmic fire. 】

[Biological Superior - Nail of Death]

[The Death Nail of the Evil God, a powerful special outside creature, possesses power that does not belong to this world. 】

Among these three fruits, the most valuable fruit is undoubtedly the Nail of Death, but the most suitable fruit for Chi Xiao is definitely the Karmic Fire.

Chixiao is a fire disaster warlock. In addition to Guyinduo's destiny, his second fruit ability is advanced elemental metal.

After obtaining the metal, she often uses her own flames to forge equipment for herself.

Just like the prosthesis she gave herself, it greatly enhanced her defense...

"Uh..." Thinking of this, Xu Le hesitated again.

How does Chi Xiao treat himself?

"It seems that I have prepaid a few fruits, taught myself about the method of elementalization, introduced to myself the functions of the Mother Tree Realm, the ancient secrets of ancient sound and multi-power, integrated the Mother Tree Realm, forged prosthetic limbs, ice bear fruits, and …”

Xu Le:......

Well, that's nothing.

Xu Le:? ?

"If this is nothing, then who am I? Xu Le, Xu Le, what the hell are you thinking?"

Xu Le subconsciously bit his finger, causing it to bleed, letting the pain erode and force him to calm down.

However, in the Realm of the Mother Tree, any injuries or even deaths will be recovered within a very short period of time.

Because Xu Le was too immersed in his own world, Chi Xiao actually heard him talking to himself, and she felt that something was not right with Xu Le. She was just looking at the fruit, how could he act like a dancing master.

"It's just a fruit, you don't have to be so excited."

Xu Le turned to look at Chi Xiao, and then at the fruit in front of him.

Is Chi Xiao a friend? Hi.

"Actually, my ability..." Xu Le suddenly stopped mid-sentence, and stopped completely when he reached his lips.

Chi Xiao felt more and more that something was not right with Xu Le today.

He's overly positive, an added bonus?

Because of his knowledge of various mysterious abilities and Gu Yinduo, Chi Xiao immediately realized that something might have happened to Xu Le.

"Xu Le? Are you... okay?"

Xu Le had just decided to tell Chi Xiao about the fruit, but suddenly he didn't want to say it anymore.

He felt that he could not accept the loss of this easily obtained benefit. He wanted it very much...

Wait, why do you think so?

"Wait, please let me slow down for three seconds."

Xu Le was about to use the ethereal state to deal with it, but suddenly found that the ethereal state was useless. All he could think about was taking advantage of Chi Xiao.

"Three seconds have passed." At this time, Chi Xiao said faintly.

"Okay, give me a little more time." Xu Le covered his head. He couldn't think of one thing.

Why do you think so?

Shouldn’t desire be absorbed by the tree of soul?

"There seems to be something wrong with me."

"I feel it." Seeing that Xu Le had calmed down, Chi Xiao didn't seem to be in a hurry anymore. He sat cross-legged on the stone again, and wanted to raise his hand to arrange his hair, but suddenly found that he was missing a hand, so he gave up again.

Xu Le took a deep breath and said very quickly:

"I can see the fruit details and replace. There is something wrong with my body right now. I want these fruits so much that I can't control it."

After saying 40 words in 2 seconds, Xu Le let out a long breath.

Although there are no punctuation marks, Chi Xiao still understands it easily. Check the specific information of the fruit and replace the fruit? This sounds like a very powerful ability.

And directly asserted:

"Your mind is dominated by desire."

"Desire? How could I have desire?" Xu Le waved his hand. He had the existence of the Soul Tree, and any mental energy could be absorbed and digested by himself.

"I know that you are very good at controlling your own anima, but anima and desire itself are two different things. Anima is generated only when desire exists, but anima is not desire itself.

Any creature will have desires, which are biological instincts. If you really don’t have desires, then think about how you behave when you see a beautiful girl. "

Xu Le was startled, how did he behave when he saw a beautiful girl?

Yep, I have a dog, and I see a hammer woman.

After thinking about it, I glanced at Chixiao's broken cuffs, okay, it's hard.

Obviously the lustful mental energy has disappeared, but it is still stiff and there is no concrete improvement.

"Feel sorry……"

"Are you relying too much on some method of suppressing anima?"

"What will happen if you rely too much?" Xu Le asked uncertainly.

"Anima is the embodiment of desire, but if you suppress it too much, you will not be able to accurately judge your own desires. If you cannot think clearly about what you want, you will easily lose yourself."

Xu Le closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and then took the initiative to prevent the Soul Tree from absorbing the heart energy.

Then, he began to emit some normal human anima energy.

Lust, fear, and greed.

Chi Xiao had already attached his arm at this time, and suddenly smiled when he looked at Xu Le:

"You look much more normal now."

Chi Xiao's beautiful smile made Xu Le stunned for a moment. Although Chi Xiao was severely disabled, Xu Le still thought she was beautiful.

But Xu Le feels that his heart energy is about to exceed the standard. Is this normal?

I don't know if it's because Xiao Qian has already found Xiao Bei, but the once swollen lust has calmed down a lot now.

But other animas are still restless, especially...


Taking a deep breath, Xu Le stopped absorbing the mental energy, tried his best to restrain himself, and said reluctantly:

"I can see your fruit information, very specific information, and after getting the previous fruit, I have the ability to replace the fruit."

When Chi Xiao heard this, he frowned instantly.

"The ability to replace fruits? Does it only refer to this, or are there no other restrictions?"

Xu Le:?

"I don't know!"

Xu Le really didn't know. He didn't even consider replacing the fruits in reality. Sure enough, if we are a threesome, we must be our master!

"If you can see the information and replace it, doesn't it mean that the reward of the fruit is in your hands?"

Chi Xiao's thoughts were very clear, and she clearly knew what this meant.

Xu Le can express the content of the fruit to other destinyrs arbitrarily. After replacement, he only needs to leave one valuable one and there will be no problem.

Because even if someone chooses another one, the other replaced fruits will be real and accurate.

In a sense, Xu Le is invincible.

"Show me your performance."

"Now?" Xu Le hesitated.

"Stop talking nonsense and show your abilities."


With Chi Xiao's affirmation, Xu Le put his finger on the Nail of Death fruit.

The tree of soul stretched out its branches and began to exchange power and pheromones with the fruits on the mother tree.

The Nail of Death fruit gradually began to grow on the tree of soul, and then the fruit in front of him was replaced by lust.

Well, Xu Le also picked the biggest one.

Behind Xu Le, Chi Xiao kept staring at Xu Le's fingers, and gradually narrowed his eyes, full of doubts.

Until Xu Le reached out to touch the Nail of Death fruit and began to replace the fruit, Chi Xiao's eyes gradually became sharper.

"Guyinduo's energy is very balanced, but I feel like you exchanged something."

"Well, rules?" Xu Le himself was not sure.

"What do you call this ability?"

Although he had shown many things to Chi Xiao, Xu Le still had to hide things about Huang Quan.

This matter concerns the Night Fury, Yama and the others, and even the Mother Tree, so...

"This ability is probably called...replacing the old with the new?"

Chi Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Old fruit for new fruit? A very simple name."

"Thank you for the compliment." Xu Le nodded.

"So...what fruit did you exchange for?"

"Well, I exchanged it for a ripe and plump fruit of lust."

Chi Xiao:......

What is the adjective for the ripe and full fruit of lust?

"What did you change?"

"I changed it to a biological fruit - Nail of Death."

Hearing this, Chi Xiao's eyes suddenly narrowed:

"The Nail of Death? The one in the Red Moon Temple?"

"Yes, Evil God, a great group." Xu Le gave a thumbs up.

"That Nail of Death... was killed by me."

Xu Le:......

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