
Chapter 294 Tombstone in the Rainy Night

"The Night Watch Monument stores the spirits of many ancestors. District Chief Xiong and I were also night watchmen, so the night watchmen who stay here and have their names engraved on them also have our ancestors."

In front of the largest monument, Luo Juya bowed deeply.

She has never concealed anything about her identity as a night watchman. Instead of becoming a disadvantage for her going uptown, it has become an advantage.

Being from a lower city night watchman background makes it easier for other entry-level night watchmen to gain recognition.

They all recognized Luo Juya's ability and strength.

Of course, there were some people who had doubts, but those who had doubts basically died in the mission. What a pity!

"Senior, I'm back." Luo Juya murmured.

Here are indeed buried the people she misses, her seniors, her mentors, and the teammates and friends she cares about.

But people will always change, and she is also changing. The past will always pass. In this chaotic era, if you can't keep moving forward, you will only be greeted by failure and death.

"You guys should worship here, I'll give you 20 minutes."


The night watchmen behind them dispersed one after another, looking for and worshiping their ancestors and friends.

If there are no friends buried here, these night watchmen will often pay homage in front of the tombstone, pray for good luck on the next mission, and hope that these ancestors can bless them a safe journey.

This is a normal thought that everyone has.

After Luo Juya ordered the night watchmen to disperse, she herself began to surround the monument.

She saw a name on a monument that was not very big.

[Xiacheng District-B6-Bai Jing]

There is no doubt about Bai Jing's ability, but unfortunately, her talent is too poor.

In order to improve her strength, she has reached the extreme of an ordinary warrior, and she has even reached the highest point of an ordinary warrior.

But that’s where it ends.

"Bai Jing... I remember she was Xu Le's guide."

Luo Juya unknowingly always thinks of Xu Le, and she is not sure why she always thinks of the dead person.

Is it just because the other person left a deep impression on me?

After all, such a talent is indeed worthy of being remembered, but it is a pity that he should have become a good subordinate or even a collaborator...

"Haha, when did I become so sentimental? I'm just a passerby."

Luo Juya waved her hand. Both Bai Jing and Xu Le were just passers-by, as she said.

There may not be many such shining stars, but she will always meet a few in her life.

She herself was once such a rising star, but only those who survive in the end will become the crown jewels.

"Let's go see those old friends."

Luo Juya was about to leave when her footsteps suddenly stopped. What did it feel like?

The throbbing of life?

No, it’s the throbbing of fate!

Is Gu Yin a person with many fates?

Luo Juya sensed the other party everywhere, but the other party seemed to arrive suddenly, then suddenly go away, and disappeared.

"Is it an illusion?"

Luo Juya has not experienced the throbbing of fate many times. The more obvious ones were the first two times when she met Xu Le and when Chi Xiao came to the lighthouse.

The feeling is indescribable, and I don't know if it's pleasure or something else.

In short, once the person with the same fate appears, her anima will become excited.

Emotions also become less easily controlled.

So Luo Juya really wants to meet that person. Who is it among the 7 people? Is it those old guys or that Xiong Nuoan? Or that newcomer, Duo Lei?


Luo Juya lowered her head and passed a tall, thin man in black.

At first she was still immersed in her own thoughts and didn't realize it, but after a few seconds she suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Why are there still people coming to the monument at this hour?"

The reason why she and this team of night watchmen appeared here was because they were going to perform a mission later, so they came to pay their respects in advance.

It's already past 11 o'clock, how could a normal person appear here?

Luo Juya looked back, only the tall and thin man was left in the background.

Luo Juya subconsciously thought of Xu Le, but there were still differences between the two sides.

Although he is about the same height, Xu Le is definitely not as strong as the man in front of him. The muscles on his arms are clearly visible. He must be a warrior.

"Maybe he's a retired night watchman." Luo Juya had a vague impression of the person's back, but she couldn't remember who it was.

Returning to the original path, Luo Juya continued to walk towards his former teammates.

She walked slowly, her fingertips brushed the side of the monument, rubbed the dust on her fingertips, put it in front of her nose and smelled it.

The smell of dust mixed with burning paper has become very faint.

Luo Juya shook her head slightly:

"Recently, fewer people come here to visit graves."

He came to the monument of several of his former teammates and the deceased captain, and bowed lightly.

"Captain, I'm here again."

Luo Juya's expression was very serious, and it was obvious that she still had memories of her former teammates.

Just like Xu Le and the others, this is a time worth remembering.

Gently touching the stone tablet, Luo Juya remembered his old friend.

But at some point, the surroundings seemed to become quieter.

There was an inexplicable rustling sound from the stone tablet, like a ladybug or a large mosquito flapping its wings near the ears, and the air seemed to become thicker and thicker.

Luo Juya held on to the stone tablet and covered her head.

She didn't know what was going on in this situation. Is she sick? Or some kind of warlock's special attack?

It seems that there is no threat, but in this case, why can I hear my breathing clearly and it is very heavy?

Time seemed to be stretched out.

Luo Juya turned her head, and she could even see the night watchmen she had brought with her, worshiping.

This person seemed to feel Luo Juya's gaze, and quickly turned his head to say hello:

"Mrs. Ju Ya, what's the matter?"

"Um, it's okay, you're busy."

Luo Juya seemed very kind. Everything today was hard-won. When working outside, you need to carefully manage your personality.

Originally these were not her character, but once time passed and she persisted, she could no longer remember what her original character was like.

The human heart is inherently complex.

"I feel a little uncomfortable."

Luo Juya rubbed his forehead again, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of the words on the stone tablet.

The names recorded on the stone tablet suddenly began to twist at this moment.

They were like little tadpoles, starting to move around on the monument.

Luo Juya took a step back suddenly. She subconsciously felt that this was some kind of magical attack, but why couldn't she feel the energy fluctuation of the magical technique at all?

In a panic, Luo Juya shook his head, and the stone tablet in front of him had returned to normal.

"No, it can't be an illusion, and illusions can't appear continuously like this."

Every strong person will trust his own intuition, which makes no sense.

Luo Juya's intuition told her that something might be wrong.

It's just that she still hasn't found the problem.

"Gather." Luo Juya interrupted the worship and called others to prepare to gather.


Although the night watchmen didn't know why Luo Juya suddenly interrupted the worship, no one could disobey Mrs. Juya's order.

Soon, a group of night watchmen gathered in front of the monument gate.

"The mission is ahead of schedule. Night Watch Team 6 is ready to go."


Their mission today was to deal with a defector from a wealthy area in the lower city. It was said that this family was a spy colluding with the Red Moon Temple.

To ordinary Night Watchmen, the identity of a Red Moon Temple spy is the most abhorrent.

So tonight, it will be a massacre.

The new Night Watch Team 6 was ready to get on the bus, but when he saw that Luo Juya was about to follow, the leader of Team 6 quickly dissuaded him:

"Mrs. Ju Ya, leave this kind of matter to us. You don't have to go. After all, it's not something that can be discussed openly.

You need to protect your identity, there are more important things waiting for you to do. "

"Yes, ma'am, just stay here and we can do a good job."


The reason why Night Watch Team 6 refused Luo Juya to get on the bus was reasonable. It was impossible to do such a dirty task with the district chief's wife.

If something happens, they can claim to be acting privately and will never expose Luo Juya.

But the problem now is...Luo Juya wants to go up.

She felt that it was unsafe for her to stay here, although she didn't know where the unsafe point was.

That slight sense of uneasiness gave Luo Juya, who had been in a high position for a long time, a sense of panic. These panics were not fear, but panic that he might lose his composure.

She couldn't lose her composure in front of her subordinates, absolutely not. All these were his achievements, and she had to maintain these achievements.

There is nothing to fear and nothing that can stop them.

She is a level 4 warlock.

"Very good. You have shown me the self-confidence that belongs to the Night Watch. Then I wish you immediate success."


The night watchman's vehicle finally left, and they went to carry out Luo Juya's mission.

But Luo Juya stayed.

Suddenly it started to rain, very hard.

Standing in the rain, Luo Juya did not move her steps, nor did she plan to find a place to hide from the rain.

The sound of breathing was still heavy, and she could still hear her own breathing.

Buzz! ~

A strong tinnitus made Luo Juya feel dizzy, and her vision began to overlap, mixed with the surrounding rain, and it became as if she had myopia and astigmatism.

Luo Juya felt as if she was floating. This was an inexplicable sense of gravity. Did she feel lighter?

The surrounding water droplets actually stagnated in the air. The appearance of these water droplets was very strange. From the initial droplet shape, they gradually turned into a spherical state.

Luo Juya reached out to grab it, only to find that the water droplets began to vibrate and spread.

The dizziness became stronger and stronger, to the point where she could no longer feel the balance of the earth.

Then, her body began to float naturally and floated into the air!

Luo Juya knew very well that it was definitely not her who flew up by herself, but some kind of special power...

"If it's not an illusion, it can only be the influence of the anima on me. When did it start?"

As a senior night watchman and old warlock, Luo Juya, who had rich combat experience and successfully survived, knew it very well.

If the other party can bring himself into such a strange spell, he must not be an ordinary character.

But I have never been a vegetarian. If the other party was absolutely sure, he should have taken action long ago. There is no need to wait until now.

The other party is waiting for the spell to take effect, but he wants to find a breakthrough point at this time.

Luo Juya spread her legs slightly to keep herself balanced and adjust her mental energy.

"While Shadow Dance is protecting her body, the possibility of interfering with me on the physical level is very small. If the other party can really suppress Shadow Dance on the physical level, they can just kill me directly.

Therefore... I should have developed a mental flaw at a certain moment, which caused the anima defense to fail. "

Luo Juya has very rich experience. After a short period of thinking, she roughly analyzed the cause of the situation at hand.

Looking back on the past, what were the moments when you lost your mind?

"Meet the Destiny from the Dark Mother Tree Realm."

All situations, guidance, and errors in self-judgment all start from meeting that person!

Luo Juya had just woken up when a black ball mixed in the light and rain appeared above her head.

The black ball gradually began to emit light, and the light brought an absolute sense of danger. Luo Juya wanted to get out of the way, but her body was floating in the air and there was no way to control it.


【A wage earner on a rainy day】

This is an ancient Yinduo relic with extremely powerful destructive power. Its only drawback is that it is slow.

"Shadow binding! Shadow escape."

Luo Juya first wrapped the black ball in shadow, and then completely escaped into the darkness.



The violent explosion almost shattered the gate of Monument Square.

The strong shock wave and airflow brought about a brief cessation of rain. Luo Juya emerged from the shadows and fell heavily to the ground.

Her neatly styled hair and elegant ladies' clothes were all consumed by the flames, and the top of her head became half bald and half black.

Her clothes and fair skin were also completely burned, revealing a body covered with scars under the clothes.

These scars were not caused by flames, but injuries caused by Luo Juya's numerous battles in the past.

She has never been a weakling!

Luo Juya touched her hair and felt that she was bald. The anger in her eyes had nowhere to vent, and she suddenly clenched her fists.

Darkness and shadow actually became something like a sail in her hands.

Just as Luo Juya was about to wave the sail in his hand, a foot suddenly stuck out from the rain.


Kick her out.

"Who?" Luo Juya tugged at the shadow canvas and said hoarsely.

"Night watchman."

I ate too much melon today, which delayed my coding time. After all, it was a big day and there were only 4,000 left.

Let's see who the hero is tomorrow.

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