
Chapter 296 Entering the Tower(6K)

The sirens kept sounding. Because the battle affected a large area and the situation was serious, the night watchman soon sent alchemists over.

After extracting the fragmented tissue from the corpse, the alchemist conducted a series of magic verifications.

In the end, they got information that was accurate but that they couldn't believe.

"The deceased is the wife of the district mayor of Xiacheng District, District B, Ms. Luo Juya."

At the gate of the Night Watch Monument Square in Lower City District B, their district chief's wife was killed.

And it was not long after the mission was released, which made the night watchmen present unable to accept it for a while.

After all, Luo Juya takes good care of them on weekdays, and is also very helpful to the warriors, civilians, and warlocks in Xiacheng District.

Such a leader was actually killed?

"Check, check for me, no matter who is digging the ground for me, I have to find him."

A captain of the Night's Watch began to yell, and his men sprang into action.

As regular combat troops under normal circumstances, these night watchmen actually have other tasks, but at this time, no one will stop them.

"Captain, have you informed Mr. Xiong Zemo? If not, what will we say now?"

When the captain heard his subordinate's question, he almost slapped him in the face.

Xiong Zemo...

"The district chief must notify you and organize the language."

"Organizing language? Shall I go?"

"Nonsense, who will go if you don't?"

After some discussions, the night watchman who asked the question was finally sent to inform Xiong Zemo.

Other night watchmen began to explore the scene, collect information, and find as many clues as possible left by the murderer.

Soon, they had some gains.

However, the scope of the battle is too large, so their chain of evidence and information is also very confusing and fragmented.

Until the tall and mighty Xiong Zemo arrived.

"Lord District Chief..." The captain of the first night watchman team lowered his head in front of Xiong Zemo.

"Where is she?"

"In front, the scene has not been damaged, but Mr. District Chief, I need to continue investigating the situation here, so..."

"I know what to do, I used to be a night watchman."

Xiong Zemo's strong body of over 2 meters trembled slightly, and his eyes flashed as if to hide his inner sadness.

He slowly walked towards Luo Juya, his tears could no longer be stopped.

Then, a 2-meter strong man began to sob silently in the rainy night.

There is a very beautiful love story between Xiong Zemo and Luo Juya. This is something that many people in District B of Xiacheng already know.

Therefore, no night watchman would laugh at Xiong Zemo at this time.

"My lord, my condolences."

The captain of the night watchman touched Xiong Zemo's body, as if he wanted to comfort his district chief.

However, after Xiong Zemo sobbed for a while, he slowly turned his head and asked in a deep voice:

"Do you have any clues about the murderer?"

"As for the identity of the murderer, we still have no accurate judgment..."

"I'm not talking about the identity, but the traces here, the battle traces, the scope, and the energy that may have appeared."

The captain of the night watchman frowned slightly. Xiong Zemo's question sounded a bit strange.

He looked up at the other person, and when their eyes met, the captain of the night watchman was in a trance for a moment.

Then his eyes immediately averted, as if he saw something he shouldn't have seen.

“There are very obvious traces of battle here. There are two types of physical volume damage, both are claw marks, one is larger and one is smaller, and there are also traces of flame burning.

But the last place doesn’t look like it was caused by flames. It looks like..."

This person looked at the alchemists. As warriors, their judgment of energy is still not as accurate as that of warlocks.

The alchemist has completed the extraction of energy traces from the scene.

Although the continuous rain washed away many traces, the fluctuations of the previous battle were too great, so it was difficult to truly clean the scene.

"There are three types of energy traces at the scene, one of which is shadow energy. This should be the energy left by Mrs. Luo Juya, because she is a shadow warlock.

There is also a kind of energy called flame, which should be left by a level 3 fire disaster warlock.

Finally, there is another one, which should be thunder. This energy remnant has the aura of Gu Yinduo, so it is very likely that it is a person with fruit abilities. "

The alchemist spoke clearly and logically. After receiving her report, Xiong Zemo also raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced high.

The girl in front of her wears glasses and has an outstanding figure. Although she looks submissive, her eyes are full of confidence.

That is a warlock's confidence in his own power.

This made Xiong Zemo couldn't help but think of his former disciple, Gu Jianuo.

Although the two people's bodies are very different, Xiong Zemo always has the feeling that the two people are very similar.

"I once had a very outstanding disciple, a young and capable alchemist like you, but you seem to be younger than her.

Oh, by the way, what's your name? "

"My name is Duo Lei." Duo Lei smiled and bowed, neither humble nor overbearing.

Xiong Zemo nodded again. The girl named Duo Lei in front of him seemed not simple.

"Thank you, Miss Dole. Your ability has saved me a lot of things. If you have any other information, please inform me and I will express my gratitude."

"No, these are what I should do, District Chief Bear."

Duo Lei rejected Xiong Zemo's overtures. She felt that the person in front of her was a bit complicated and gave people an indescribable feeling.

Very dangerous, far more dangerous than the teachers in the temple.

When Xiong Zemo saw that Duo Lei kept distance from him intentionally or unintentionally, he was not angry and simply asked:

"I didn't realize before that there is an outstanding alchemist like you in the lower city of the lighthouse. When did you join the Night Watch?"

"Not long ago."

"You're not a lighthouse person, are you?"

"Yes, I am from Tianrui Lifeng, but I have already obtained the residence permit for the lighthouse. Don't worry, Mr. Xiong Zemo."

Duo Lei said with a smile. At this point, she already seemed to be ending the topic.

Xiong Zemo looked at her deeply, then turned around and said to the night watchmen again:

"When your investigation and evidence collection are over, can you hand her body over to me? I will take care of it."

Although it was a pleading tone, at this time, no one could refuse him.

After all, it is reasonable for a husband to ask for the body of his dead wife.

The captain of the night watchman said quickly:

"Don't worry, Mayor Xiong, I will do my best."

"Just try your best, just try your best."

Xiong Zemo looked very tired. He held on to the wall next to him. The other night watchmen quickly stepped forward to persuade him:

"Chief Xiong, please go back quickly and have a good rest. Area B can be without us, but it can't be without you."

"Okay, then I'll leave this place to you."

After Xiong Zemo left, the on-site investigation began again.

Duo Lei watched Xiong Zemo leave and pinched her shoulders:

"Gulu, how do you feel about this person?"

Gu Gu! ~

In the air, there was a cry that sounded like a dove or an owl. The cry seemed to be talking to Duo Lei.

But soon, Duo Lei frowned.

"You said...he is not human? Impossible."

During the close observation just now, Duo Lei could clearly feel Xiong Zemo's aura.

Heartbeat, pulse, blood flow, breathing, and even the trembling of pores are all common to normal humans.

If such people are not considered human beings, then all alchemists probably cannot be called human beings.

After all, alchemists will more or less "optimize" their bodies.

Optimization is necessary. In the alchemist's philosophy, the human body is really not suitable for surviving in such a dark age.

Afraid of cold and heat, unable to withstand impacts, blows, and slashes, short lifespan, and susceptible to disease.

In the eyes of alchemists, these are all shortcomings. The only advantage may be the extremely powerful growth potential of human beings.

Therefore, alchemists often optimize their bodies to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Including Dole herself.

"If it's not a human being, is it a puppet? I heard that this Xiong Zemo is a very famous puppet master.

If he can really make the puppet look like this, then his ability is quite interesting. "

Gu Gu! ~

"Let's go to work."

Gu Gu!

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

While Duo Lei was talking, the nameless creature on her shoulder handed her a branch.

This branch was sparkling, and the golden light was very dazzling. Although it would not blind Duo Lei's eyes, at such a close distance, this branch already had the effect of lighting.

"The golden light tree... actually appeared in a place like this.

Logically speaking, this Luo Juya also belonged to the internal faction of Lighthouse. Was he killed by his own people?

It's really ridiculous that such a city, which is already on the verge of destruction at any time, is still fighting among itself at this time. "

Dore seemed very disdainful of the situation at the lighthouse.

At this time, she showed the pride of a member of the Red Moon Temple. This kind of pride is not innate.

But it was cultivated day and night by the Red Moon Temple.

"Okay, I've gained quite a lot, let's go back."

Xu Le, on his part, became extremely honest after returning to the hotel.

The other three saw that Xu Le had no intention of making a tactical summary and that his condition seemed not right, so they did not come to disturb him.

Xu Le was sitting cross-legged on the bed. Ding Ke seemed to be aware of Xu Le's physical discomfort and walked over and took the initiative to lean into Xu Le's arms.

From time to time, he would lick his fingers to comfort Xu Le.

Xu Le became immersed and entered the Soul Tree. After confirming that nothing had changed here, he entered the realm of the Mother Tree.

But it is a pity that Chi Xiao did not stay here.

Xu Le's original idea of ​​questioning her was no longer possible.

He also didn't figure out what happened to him after killing Luo Juya, and he couldn't notice it.

Click, click, click! ~

At this time, the Death Nail came out from behind the mother tree and looked at Xu Le with a look of resentment.

It seems that Death Nail was seriously injured because Xu Le had summoned it to fight the invisible Sora before.

All the carapace on its body was damaged, and purple blood flowed from many places, making it look quite miserable.

Xu Le looked at its resentful eyes and suddenly felt dumbfounded.

However, he still took the initiative to wave to the Nail of Death.

"Lord Guardian, thank you very much for your help last time. Thank you very much."


The nail of death began to surround Xu Le. Compared with its previous contempt, its attitude towards Xu Le was much better at this time.

Although it has a humanoid head, it looks very scary when it acts coquettishly in front of Xu Le.

But Xu Le still endured his inner discomfort and took the initiative to touch Death Nail's head.

"It seems that Master Chixiao is no longer here. In this case, I will leave.

But if Master Chi Xiao comes here, you can notify me through my ancient Yinduo summoning technique - Forbidden Summoning. "


"Thank you then, Lord Guardian."

Xu Le ended the conversation and was suddenly startled. The communication between him and Death Nail seemed to have become smoother.

It is no longer driven by thoughts, but a true verbal communication.

Did he understand the evil god's language?

Try to recall the scene just now, but if you think about it with your brain, what Death Nail said was just a "click" sound.

But when I listened to it, I clearly understood its meaning.

what happened?

"Okay, maybe it's another situation that I don't know much about. Let's go, Lord Guardian."

Click, click, click!

After Xu Le left the realm of the mother tree, the nail of death flew towards the mother tree again.

The mother tree also extended a branch to it and gently rubbed it against the nail of death, as if an adult was comforting a puppy.

Returning to the real world, Xu Le let out a long sigh of relief.

In any case, Luo Juya was truly killed after all, as a shadow warlock.

Although she has shown a variety of powerful escape abilities, such as shadow escape, shadow dance, and shadow shuttle.

But these abilities were basically cracked one by one by Xu Le and the others. Judging from the situation at the time, she should be completely dead.

This is undoubtedly a very good result for Xu Le and the others.

However, the battle with Luo Juya also reminded Xu Le and the others.

The oppressive power of level 4 warlocks is much higher than that of level 3 warlocks. Their combat mode and flexibility have undergone a qualitative change to some extent.

If a third-level warlock like Gu Beichen were to face Luo Juya, I'm afraid 10 of him wouldn't be enough for Luo Juya to kill.

"Okay, this is the first step."


Ding could see that Xu Le was okay, so he simply jumped out of his arms.

Walking towards the canned meat that was not finished just now.

Xu Le bought these for her when she went to the night market. She hasn't eaten lighthouse food for a long time. It's such a nostalgic taste.

"Hey, Ding Ke, weren't you able to speak just now?"

Meow? ~

Ding Ke turned to look at Xu Le strangely, but had no intention of speaking.

Xu Le's expression also began to change. He remembered what Ding Ke said at that time?

[Have I stolen anything from it? 】

"Have you been to the tower? Have you stolen something up there? What?"

Meow meow meow?

Ding Ke stared at Xu Le as if looking at an idiot.

Xu Le stared at it for a while, and finally determined that he might not be able to get the answer from Ding Ke, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"Hey, I don't know how you became a stray cat."

Xu Le is still very curious about Ding Ke's situation, although he will be delirious when he turns into a cat.

But the power of its body should still be hidden, right?

Why did Ding Ke become a stray cat and pick up garbage? Why did it happen to Ding Ke?

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much. If you hadn't turned into a stray cat, I'm afraid we wouldn't have met."

Meow meow!

Touching Ding Ke's head, Xu Le took a deep breath.

Disgust and hopelessness appeared on Ding Ke's face, and it seemed that his evaluation of Xu Le became... worse than canned food.

Early the next morning, Xu Le woke up leisurely.

Wang Shu was guarding the door. As personal guards, he and Ai Li needed to take turns guarding Xu Le during this time.

Although Xu Le was very strong and didn't even need their protection most of the time, he also protested against their behavior.

But the presence of warriors can give warlocks more safe distance, so Xu Le's protest was invalid under the combined efforts of Wang Shu and Ai Li.

After breakfast, Xiacheng District Councilor Zhou Bi had already come to see Xu Le.

After a brief wash, Xu Le changed into a suit, and Ai Li helped him with his tie.

Although Xu Le doesn't like wearing ties, the situation today is different. They should be going to the tower.

He took everyone, including Wang Man, to the hotel lobby to meet Zhou Bi.

As soon as they met, the kind-hearted Xiacheng District councilor came over and gave Xu Le a hug.

"Congressman Xu Le, did you have a good rest yesterday?"

"Of course, the environment of the lighthouse is still very good, but I heard that there is also a lower city area here. I don't know what the environment in the lower city area is like."

Seeing Xu Le mention Xiacheng District, Zhou Bi smiled slightly, not sure if it was because of embarrassment or incomprehensibleness.

"There is a chance, but I'm afraid it won't be possible today. We have to go to the tower to have this meeting, and the lower city area has not been very peaceful recently.

With Councilor Xu Le's status, I'm afraid he needs to arrange tighter security. "

"Is that so?" Xu Le looked curious and nodded after a while.

"It's understandable, because we have a similar place in Zion, where we can't zone."

"Hahaha, don't say that, our Lighthouse is a society ruled by law."

When Zhou Bi mentioned the rule of law, he emphasized it.

"Of course, of course, we in Zion are also a society governed by the rule of law."

The two talked and laughed and had a very harmonious relationship.

After simply eating some hotel breakfast, Xu Le and the others boarded the car heading to the tower.

Xu Le and the others were in the same car.

So while heading to the tower, Wang Shu couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Brother Shu, are you worried?"

Wang Shu pondered for a moment, and then said:

"I'm afraid that I might have some special reaction within the confines of the tower."

As for Wang Shu, everyone here basically knows that he has the genes of the Golden Light Tree, which is a special aggregation of red moon energy, ancient sound energy, and heart energy.

According to Xu Le's previous inference, the Golden Light Tree itself is a special aberration, which is likely to affect the King Tree.

But then Wang Man brought new information, saying that light was cast on the top of the tower.

So now they can't say what will happen to Wang Shu in the past.

"Keep a peaceful mind and you will not be affected by the light, but be careful of the guidance of the Illuminati."

Just when Wang Shu and Xu Le didn't know what to do, Wang Man actually put forward an opinion.

Xu Le looked a little confused. Wang Man probably didn't know about Wang Shu, right?

"Wang Man, you may not know much about Wang Shu's situation."

"I know, I can feel the condition on him, just like those branches." Wang Man said with great certainty.

"Like those branches?" Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly.

Dominate the branches of the light-forged head?

"Who does the Bright Tree belong to?" Xu Le asked.

"To whom the Illuminati belongs, the Tree of Light belongs to him."

Wang Man's answer was very clear. Xu Le recalled the Gu Yin Duo vision prompt when he met the Illuminati Bishop.

[Bishop, level 3 weird, red moon, god...]

The Illuminati is of the Red Moon system, and the Light Tree is also of the Red Moon system, but the Lightcast itself is not.

So the purpose of this Wangman operation...

"Your ideas are very dangerous, Wang Man."

"Did you get into my head?" Wang Man teased.

"No, I just think young people should be down-to-earth."

"You're right, but Brother Xu Le is actually just a little bit older than me, just a little bit."

Wang Man pinched her fingernails with an exaggerated expression.

Xu Le was helpless. He needed Wang Man to open a way for him. After all, he knew nothing about Guangming.

But he didn't want Wang Man's purpose to interfere with their actions. The cooperative relationship between the two parties was really complicated!

With that said, the car stopped in front of the tower.

"Mr. Xu Le, we have arrived."


After getting out of the car, Xu Le adjusted his suit a little, and there were many people coming towards him.

They applauded Xu Le and said with a smile:

"Welcome, Councilor Xu Le."


"What a young lad."

"As handsome as when I was young."

Zhou Bi pulled Xu Le and began to introduce:

"This is Councilor Loti, Councilor Zhang Mozhi, Councilor Fang Xuan from the Upper City District. This is Councilor Jin Mingzhu from the Lower City District. As for me, I won't introduce you."

"Hello, fellow congressmen."

Xu Le looked very humble, nodding slightly as he walked.

"Since you're here, let's go up. This is Mr. Xu Le's first time coming to the lighthouse. The scenery from the top of the tower is pretty good."

Jin Mingzhu, a female congresswoman from Xiacheng District, said to Xu Le with a smile.

Her attitude is also very friendly, without the arrogance hidden in the bones of those in the uptown area.

But this woman had a scent that was covered by perfume.

Xu Le glanced at Ai Li, who was frowning slightly behind him. It seemed that Ai Li had also smelled it and would ask her later.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Approaching the tower, it was different from what Xu Le had imagined. There was no elevator, only a very long circular staircase, winding up against the inner wall of the tower.

"Mr. Xu Le, go upstairs."


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