
Chapter 298 Hello, my name is Xiong Zemo (6K)

Jin Mingzhu smiled slightly when she heard Xiong Zemo say this:

"There are clues but no evidence? It seems that you have already made some guesses about the identity of the murderer. I am very curious. You are usually so low-key. Who would be in trouble with you?"

There was a sharp contrast between Xiong Zemo's tall body and the petite Jin Mingzhu in front of him, and their eyes were a little incomprehensible.

Xiong Zemo didn't speak for a long time until Jin Mingzhu became impatient:

"What? Don't you want to tell me? Or do you want to hide it and take revenge?"

This time, Xiong Zemo did not ponder for too long:

"I feel that I should not affect the interests of the entire lighthouse because of personal issues."

"A personal issue that affects the interests of the entire lighthouse? This person's identity seems very unusual. Who is it? Could it be other members of Congress who can make you so vigilant?"

Jin Mingzhu turned to look at Xiong Zemo. Although Xiong Zemo's eyes looked bright, Jin Mingzhu knew very well that these were just disguises.

"It's really a congressman, Zhang Mozhi? Lottie?"

After asking two questions in a row, Xiong Zemo didn't respond, which made Jin Mingzhu feel a little strange.

"Except for the two of them, no one else has any reason to attack you. You don't want to say it's Zhou Bi, do you? That guy..."

"Not Senator Zhoubi."


"None of them." Xiong Zemo shook his head.

"Okay, okay, after all that, are you still going to tell me?"

Jin Mingzhu showed an expression of impatience, but Xiong Zemo was already very familiar with her. If she was really impatient, she would not be able to become a council member as a lower-income person.

Moreover, there is a huge difference between Jin Mingzhu himself and Zhou Bi.

"A councilor, but not a councilor from our lighthouse."

Jin Mingzhu:......

Her brain reacted quickly and she immediately understood who Xiong Zemo was talking about.

"No wonder you say you have clues but no evidence. For such a person, even if there is evidence, the others probably won't let you do anything to him."

Jin Mingzhu's words made Xiong Zemo narrow his eyes.

"Don't you think you can do anything, sir?"

Jin Mingzhu thought for a long time at this time, and after about a few minutes, he nodded.

"If he can really bring huge benefits to the lighthouse, then those in the uptown area will never allow anything to happen to him. He is a member of Zion, which is a symbol of the city.

In order to maintain the most basic stability and order of the four major city-states, there is no way to change the identity of the members no matter what. "

Xiong Zemo actually already knew the answer, but he still wanted to confirm it with Jin Mingzhu.

"This is my problem. I didn't expect that he could become a parliamentarian."

"Is there any dispute between you?" Jin Mingzhu asked.

Xiong Zemo took out some dusty information, which belonged to the Night Watch Team 6. Of course, it was not the current Night Watch Team 6, but the one in the past.

Jin Mingzhu took the information from Xiong Zemo's hand and turned to the first page, which was Bai Jing, Gan and others.

She was just confused, but when she turned another page, she saw Gu Beichen.

"This person is..."

After realizing a certain situation, Jin Mingzhu flipped through a few more pages, and then Wang Shu and Xu Le also appeared on the information one by one.

"The international student from Zion who went to the lighthouse was originally a law major. Later, because of his outstanding performance in the dark tide night, he was called by Bai Jing into the Lower City Night Watch Team 6, and he was in a group with Wang Shu and Gu Beichen..."

Xu Le's information is very detailed, and the photos on the information have not changed, just those few people.

This made Jin Mingzhu curious:

"This... is a talent! It is said that this Xu Le is the person who created the core of Guyinduo technology, although it may also be a target launched by Li Wen's team and Zion's progressives.

But no matter what, a person who can become a target has some ability.

Why are such talents flowing out? And Gu Beichen and Wang Shu, shouldn't they be good members of the Night Watch? "

Because the information does not record the detailed destruction process of Team 6.

It just marked that they died in the dark night, so Jin Mingzhu knew that there must be other stories in it.

"Something did happen."

"whats the matter?"

"I killed them."

"Oh?" Jin Mingzhu's expression became richer, and she showed a listening look.

"Tell me."

In the venue, Xu Le started to talk nonsense. At the beginning, several members of the Lighthouse didn't take him seriously.

Trade transactions have been going on for decades. Normally there won't be any special changes, let alone just a few words.

Especially a young boy like Xu Le who doesn't seem to be very sensible.

Researchers? hehe.

In the eyes of the lighthouse people, this kind of nerd becoming a member of Zion is just an attitude expressed by Zion politicians towards the common people.

It means... you see, researchers like Xu Le can become members of parliament, and so can you.

Rather than being a researcher who became a congressman, it is better to say that he was a problem solver in a small town who was given charity by the real big guys.

Moreover, does Xu Le think that he can do whatever he wants as a member of Parliament?

"Young people always imagine some unrealistic things, such as changing the world and driving out darkness, but I still want to tell you that it is best not to have such unrealistic ideas.

As a person and work, you should be down-to-earth and seek some benefits for the people instead of having delusions. Do you understand? "

Faced with such rhetoric, Xu Le was actually already prepared.

“Congressman Zhang Mo is right, and I am well aware of my own shortcomings, but I am indeed doing something about seeking welfare for the people down to earth.

Well, when I took office, I announced that I would completely exempt all people in Zion from a basic energy consumption fee, and a second-stage energy tiered price that is 1.5 times more than before and only 5% of the previous price.


After Xu Le said this, these noisy members of Congress had lost their voices.

They all looked at Xu Le with strange eyes, free energy? 1.5x Phase 2 fee is only 5%?

Even if it is basic, it is still the consumption of a city.

Has this person been kicked in the head?

"Member Xu Le, it is better to think carefully before speaking. After all, it is a bit ridiculous to say such words on this occasion."

Xu Le tilted his head slightly and showed a strange expression:

"Why can't you say it? These are all facts. Zion has already begun to implement it. Although the second phase of energy deployment has not been completed yet, the first phase of free energy has been implemented, so why can't you say it?"

Other MPs from Beacon:…

Zhou Bi swallowed his saliva, Zion's population has also grown explosively in recent years, such energy consumption.

"Are you really not joking, Senator Xu Le?"

"This is my policy when I took office. How could I joke about something like this? Isn't it about seeking welfare? If you don't believe me, ask them."

Xu Le pointed at the negotiators over there who were integrating information. After being focused on, these people also realized that they could not pretend to be dead at this time.

Now that Xu Le has spoken, they must listen. This is Li Wen's order.

And what Xu Le said is also true.

“Yes, we currently have free use of basic energy in Zion, all thanks to Mr. Xu Le’s generosity.

He could have used this technology to make a lot of money, but he did not do so. Instead, he donated it for free to benefit the entire Zion. He is a truly great man. "

Hearing these negotiators' praise of Xu Le, the lighthouse councilors fell silent again.

They originally thought Xu Le was a fool, but now it seems that Xu Le is actually a fool...

Yes, if you don’t make money without making money, what are you not a fool?

This is an opportunity to control a city's energy. To give such an opportunity away for nothing is really a fool.

"Councilor Xu Le's idea is really unique. Such huge resources can be given away for free. He cares about Zion."

Zhang Mozhi's tone was a bit strange, more or less expressing his hatred for iron.

But Xu Le waved his hand indifferently:

"No, no, I'm not that great. The main reason is that the energy output is a lot, and the daily consumption is not much. People's lives are not very easy, so it is open to them for free."

End of chapter:...

Several other congressmen also twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Your Zion's basic salary is already 70-80, while Beacon's basic salary is only 20-30.

This kind of economic gap and social welfare gap will cause the talent of Lighthouse to continue to drain to Zion.

Using money to attract urban talents is simply despicable!

Although they all had this idea in their hearts, they were also aware of a problem.

What Xu Le calls energy output!

Has this kind of output reached the point where it can provide free energy to the people of Zion without straining their muscles and bones...

"Have you ever thought, Councilor Xu Le, that excessively high welfare benefits are not conducive to the continued efforts of the people in the city? That the people's lives are so good that they are lying on the spot?

I think sometimes such a policy cannot be considered a good thing. "

"Excessively high welfare? No, no, Zion's current welfare cannot be said to be too high. The lives of ordinary people are still very difficult. They can't even eat beef every day, so how can we talk about good welfare?"

Eat beef every day? These lighthouse councilors no longer wanted to talk.

Xu Le slapped them in the face again and again, making their bodies and faces feel very uncomfortable.

The leader, Zhang Mozhi, knew that he could no longer be led by Xu Le and it was time to change the topic, at least from people's livelihood to the negotiation.

"Hahaha, it seems that Councilor Xu Le does have some ideas of his own. He is young and promising, but let's go back to the topic just now.

In what way does Councilor Hui Lok talk about using energy to change the world?

If we rely solely on energy, we may not be able to change the world, right? "

"Of course, energy alone cannot change the world. There will be a black tide every three months, and a lot of weirdness will impact our cities.

So after we have energy, we need to develop weapons and equipment.

For example, the former moonstone energy weapon..."

"Moonstone is a very expensive item." Lottie said quickly.

Xu Le pouted, that's it?

Still want to rescue the market?

When the Guyinduo technology core came out, Yue Shi was already a corpse in a smelly ditch, unable to turn over, and it would never turn over.

“I know that moonstones are very expensive items, so we in Zion have completely given up on moonstone technology and instead invested in the embrace of Guyinduo core technology.

Nowadays, we have produced some ancient sound multi-core weapons, such as this one. "

Xu Le took out a pistol from his arms, and the guards around him immediately raised their guns and aimed at him.

"Don't be nervous. When facing customers, I always need to show some sincerity and samples, right?"

"Sincerity and samples?"

Under the confused looks of several people, Xu Le raised the pistol and pointed it out the window, which was facing the sky that connected to the outer wall of the tower.


The trigger was pulled, but nothing happened. The others looked curious, anticipating something big that might happen.

But after about a minute, the gun still didn't respond.

Xu Le, who couldn't bear to lose face, whispered:

"Sorry, forgot to reload."


A group of lighthouse people cursed Xu Le secretly in their hearts, their rhythm was distorted by this guy, but they were still full of expectations for the weapons Xu Le mentioned...

what's up?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, including the guards, Xu Le put the small blue crystal he had just taken out into his pistol.

Just like a normal pistol, open the safety and pull the trigger.

Then... launch!

call out!

An arm-thick beam of energy light shot out and penetrated the clouds on the skyline.

Because it was shot upward, no one present could see the impact and explosive power of this blow.

But the almost straight-line strike method and the range of this weapon were enough to leave them speechless.

"Is the gun of Councilor Xu Le... the ancient Yinduo technological weapon produced by Zion during this period?"

Xu Le tilted his head again. He liked this posture now because it allowed him to look cute.

But this time when he did this move, he was kicked from behind by Alley.

Xu Le coughed twice and then became serious.

"Of course not. Before answering this question, I am a little curious. Doesn't your lighthouse have its own intelligence department?"

"Well, of course our lighthouse has its own intelligence department, why do you ask?"

"If you have your own intelligence department, then you should know something about Zion's performance in the last Red Moon Tribulation, right? Why do you still ask such strange questions?"

The last Red Moon disaster...

What does Zion's intelligence say?

The Zion airship used some kind of energy beam cannon to carry out ultra-wide dimensionality reduction strikes on the ground like a super weapon.

This kind of information doesn’t look real at all, right?

Moreover, intelligence and seeing it with your own eyes are two completely different concepts.

"Congressman Xu Le, let's talk about the weapon in your hand. What's its origin?"

"Oh, this is our new city defense pistol produced by Zion."

"City defense...standard pistol?"

Did your mother-in-law turn the pistol into a cluster hand cannon? Or is it a standard pistol for ordinary people?

That kind of people……

"Councillor Xu Le's idea is really crazy."

Xu Le shook his head again. In fact, he had also thought about the issue of collision of ideas. This was normal. It was always difficult for the old interest system to accept new ideas.

"This is not crazy, this is called martial virtue."

"Plenty of martial virtue?"

"The truth is only within the range of the cannon. All fear stems from our lack of firepower. As long as there is strong enough firepower, strong enough to eliminate all weird firepower, then the weirdness in the black tide will not be so scary. ”

Xu Le's words were simple and impassioned.

The eyes of the lighthouse guards present flickered. Even if they were of extremely high quality, they couldn't help but think of the concepts proposed by Xu Le at this time.

If there were really powerful weapons, the lighthouse's defense wouldn't be what it is now.

As for several other congressmen, they also wanted to refute Xu Le at this time.

But when they were asked to speak, some didn't know what to say.

Xu Le's philosophy is simple and crude, but it is true.

Force is truth.

Why is the Red Moon Temple so stable? It's not because they have enough warlocks, so many that they can almost compare with the number of warriors in other cities.

Not just a lot, but a lot of quality.

Because almost every warlock in the Red Moon Temple made their fortune by studying the forbidden art of ancient Yinduo.

Each of them masters several forbidden arts, and their combat effectiveness is superior to the warlocks in other cities.

Extreme, large population, obvious advantages in spells, numerous masters, and the atmosphere of the Red Moon Temple, this created the glory of the Red Moon Temple.

The glory of the Red Moon Temple is cultural, but more importantly, it is military.

They have the force to resist the black tide, and then we'll talk about the rest.

This is exactly what lighthouses cannot do today.

"If what Councilor Hui Le said is true, then what kind of cooperation do you want?"

"Of course it is a deep-seated, close cooperation with substantial interaction of interests."

Zhang Mozhi stood up and said:

"We may need to have some discussions on this matter. Councilor Xu Le can take a break here. After all, their trade verification will take a long time."

Xu Le knew very well that this kind of negotiation between city-states would not be accomplished overnight. He had plenty of time and did not start any investigation here.

So Xu Le is not in a hurry at all, he even wants to stay here for a while.

Because as long as he stayed here, he would have the opportunity to understand the structure of this golden tree of light.

"Of course there is no problem. Can I visit here?"

"It's natural."

Both sides stood up and nodded to each other.

After leaving the conference room, Xu Le walked out, and as soon as he took two steps, he realized that there was one person missing behind him.

Looking at Wang Man who was standing behind him, Xu Le asked:

"Don't you want to go out with me?"

"If I stay here, I should be able to play a better role."

Hearing this answer, Xu Le nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, then I'll go out for a walk. If anything happens, let me know in time."


In any case, Wang Man now belongs to their camp, and here she is, she should be very close to the top of the tower.

Maybe there will be more gains.

Leaving Wang Man in the lounge, Xu Le walked out.

As soon as they went out, they saw their old acquaintance from the lighthouse.

Xiong Zemo.

When we met again, he was still so tall, over 2 meters tall, with an absurdly strong body, and his vivid eyes and facial expressions. It was really hard to imagine that he was a puppet.

If Xu Le hadn't personally killed this puppet once...

Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly, walked up enthusiastically and asked:

"Congressman Jin Mingzhu is actually here. Our discussion just now was very lively. Doesn't Congressman Jin Mingzhu even need to participate?"

"Oh, that's not necessary. My personal responsibility is the welfare of the extraordinary people in Xiacheng District, and there are also specific guidance directions and so on.

Oh, by the way, I am often responsible for the training and teaching of warriors in the entire lighthouse, as well as the modification of specific exercises, etc.

I don't know much about things related to trade. After all, I'm just an ordinary city dweller. "

Xu Le looked at the slim golden pearl, and it was hard to imagine that this delicate woman was actually an extraordinary person at work, or was she more of a warrior?

Comparing her with Alley, this golden pearl looks much thinner.

It's hard to imagine that such a woman is actually the coach of the entire Lighthouse Warriors. This status is equivalent to the head coach of 800,000 Forbidden Army?

No, she also participated in the modification of the exercises, the welfare system, etc., and she was also a member of parliament.

People should not be judged by their appearance!

"I didn't expect that Councilor Jin Mingzhu is actually the head coach of the entire lighthouse. It's really amazing."

"Councillor Xu Le, don't say that. Scientific researchers like you are the future of the entire city. People like me... are just warriors."

Hearing Jin Mingzhu's self-effacement, the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Xu Le and Gu Beichen thought in unison:

"Indeed, he is just a vulgar martial artist."

However, Xu Le still complimented:

"You can't say that. Everyone has a role. This society is indispensable for researchers and warriors. Even workers who work in factories to make screws are indispensable. Everyone has a role."

"Congressman Xu Le is really good at talking."

"What I said is true." Xu Le said, while turning his gaze to Xiong Zemo.

"This gentleman is so tall, he must be a subordinate of Congressman Jin Mingzhu. The warrior's body is really strong!"

Xiong Zemo could recognize Xu Le and the others at a glance, and he naturally knew that Xu Le and the others would definitely not forget him.

After all, no one can forget his or her murderous enemy, and moreover, he killed more than a dozen at once.

Jin Mingzhu raised her eyebrows slightly. According to Xiong Zemo, the hatred between the two parties was irreconcilable.

Do you want to do whatever you want in the lighthouse by virtue of your status as a congressman? It's somewhat naive.

If he wanted to attack Xiong Zemo, what kind of reason would he find? Opportunity is also a problem, and Xiong Zemo himself is not a vegetarian.

Jin Mingzhu looked at Xiong Zemo, and Xiong Zemo naturally extended his hand to Xu Le:

"Hello, Congressman Xu Le, my name is Xiong Zemo, and I am the mayor of District B of Xiacheng District. Nice to meet you."

The VIP group has been blocked, everyone should keep a low profile

Originally, this book was often reported, and I felt uncomfortable when I tried to revise it. I was counting on this book to support my family, so I was very careful when I wrote it, so as not to get into trouble.

low profile.

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