
Chapter 323 Under the Red Moon

"Is it anima? If it is collecting anima, what is its function?"

In fact, Xu Le can really guess that the essence of the Golden Light Tree is an imitation of the Ancient Yinduo Tree, so its effect of collecting anima is very likely to be the same as the Ancient Yinduo Tree.

That is making fruit.

Anima itself is polluting, and too much anima will change a person's mind.

I don’t know if there are any of these reasons for the rot on the tree.

But these questions cannot be told to Duo Lei, at least not now.

"I don't know!"

"Then let's keep going up." Duo Lei nodded and didn't ask Xu Le any more.

Continuing to walk upward, the ascetic cultivators here have begun to look at them inadvertently, especially the higher-level ascetic cultivators. If Xu Le and the others did not look at these ascetic cultivators, then these ascetic cultivators would Will keep an eye on them quietly.

And while staring at them, the corners of his mouth would inadvertently raise.

"What are they laughing at?" Xu Le was a little confused.

"Leave them alone for now, and don't look at them."

"It doesn't feel good to be stared at like this."

In any case, many people have been staring at you and smiling maliciously behind your back. This situation makes people feel a little numb no matter how they think about it.

In the process, Xu Le also discovered something special.

That is, low-level ascetics have no mental energy.

Not at all, they were like emotionless machines, sitting there repeating their prayers.

As for the more advanced ones, such as level 4 or above, their bodies contain mental energy. It was also these hard exercises that secretly stared at Xu Le and the others.

At this time, an ascetic monk came towards Xu Le and others with a wooden lamp in his hand.

There is light flowing in the wooden lamp, but it is not burning.

As the two sides gradually approached, he suddenly grinned and even licked his tongue.

This state does not look like a normal person.

"Didn't you see what that guy did just now?"


"Don't you think there's something wrong with his expression and state?"

"It's because there's a problem that we're here to investigate the problem here."

The conversation between Xu Le and Duo Lei ended again. They had reached the circular platform that Xu Le had seen before.

Looking up, the ring-shaped buildings as white as jade are stacked up one after another regularly. The height here makes it difficult to imagine how these things were transported up and how they were built.

"The building made of white jade is really luxurious."

Xu Le had also seen this place in his soul state, but only after seeing the situation here with his naked eyes did he realize how big the gap between the two was.

"Brother Xu Le, these jade steps have no support."

Wang Man's reminder made Xu Le discover that these white jade steps were all suspended in the air.

This reminded Xu Le immediately of an ability, the dragon in the sky.

Dragons have the ability to levitate buildings, as did previous Sky Fortresses.

"Is this a characteristic a golden tree should have?"

Stepping onto the last step of the jade steps, a monster holding a door panel sword was kneeling there. That posture, shape, and aura all pointed to Xu Le's most stable guardian of the furnace, Yama.

[Golden Yama, Level 5 Weird, Red Moon Lord, God-Glory. 】

This is indeed a Yama, but its hair and body have turned into light gold, which is completely different from Xu Le's Yama which was all red.

After sensing the arrival of Xu Le and the others, the golden Yama slowly turned around.

Its eyes were locked directly on Xu Le, as if it was not interested in anyone else here except Xu Le.

"I didn't expect that I could meet someone from Gu Yinduo Huangquan here."

Yama raised his door panel sword and already made a fighting posture.

Without saying a word, Yu Long pushed Xu Le aside who was still in a daze. Yama's giant sword on the door panel had already released a golden sword energy and rushed over.


The shock wave was blocked by a layer of moonlight, and Xu Le, Duo Lei, and Wang Man all fell down because of the sudden attack.

Duo Lei looked at Xu Le in surprise:

"Why did it suddenly attack you?"

"I don't know?"

"I don't know, I don't know, you don't know anything." Duo Lei was a little annoyed. Such an unexpected incident interrupting their original plan was the last thing she wanted to see.

"Chi Xiao!" Duo Lei looked at Chi Xiao again.

But Chi Xiao just shook his head slightly:

"Now is not the time for me to take action."

Duo Lei pursed her lips, but did not refute Chi Xiao. This made Xu Le realize a little bit. If Chi Xiao took action here, would there be any restrictions?

Self-limitation, or external limitations?

"Let's go." Yu Long shouted to Xu Le and others, and then he formed a seal, and the three restraints immediately fell on Yama Luo.

"Forbidden Technique-Mingxin Seal."

The desire hidden in Golden Yama's heart was instantly detonated. It howled crazily and rushed towards Xu Le, opening its mouth cruelly and roaring:

"Underworld, underworld, the land of underworld where you can't go back. Do you know how long I've been waiting? Hahahahaha..."

It howled to the end and began to tear its own throat and hair. With such a crazy look, even Yu Long began to frown slightly.

"Its situation is somewhat special, so it can only be killed."

Yu Long pointed at Yan Luo's chest:

"Spell - Im - Soldier - Fight - Behead and Heart Explode."


The powerful level 5 lord exploded into a ball of blood mist in front of several people and slowly dispersed.

Old Mrs. Yulong didn't blush and was out of breath. This move could basically be regarded as an instant kill.

At this level, I am afraid that I have the top level 6 or level 7 strength.

The battle here caused some commotion, and groups of ascetic cultivators were already looking this way. Except for those level 3 ascetic cultivators who were still in an emotionless state, some of the more advanced ascetic cultivators had already stood up. Walked towards Xu Le and the others.

"They're coming, what do you say?"

"Let's go, keep going up."

"Still improving." Xu Le was a little surprised.

"The mission of the Red Moon Temple must be completed." Duo Lei looked a little ugly. Xu Le was responsible for the incident, but the subsequent investigation would still need to rely on Xu Le, so she couldn't say anything to Xu Le now.

With Yu Long in front and Chi Xiao behind, the group began to run upward quickly.

The ascetics who were catching up below were very slow and Xu Le and the others could easily get rid of them, but the oncoming ascetics were not so easy to deal with.


A sparkling golden bubble appeared above Xu Le and the others. Yulong waved his hand to block it, setting up a red moon energy shield for Xu Le and the others.

Then she pulled out the Guyinduo card, and the card in her hand was divided into two, and then divided into four. It continued to split in front of her, and in the end, it was like a storm of cards, strangling all the ascetics in front of them.

Unknowingly, their operational status has changed from the initial visit and investigation to today's armed raid, and it is a feat such as breaking into the Golden Light Tree.

"Spell - Thousand Souls Dance."

The flying cards opened the way in front, while Xu Le and the others ran all the way behind.

From the first jade platform, he jumped to the second, third, and at the fourth jade platform, Xu Le suddenly stopped, pointed upward and said:

"Above, you can already see clear decay, and we need to go to that location."

Duo Lei looked in the direction Xu Le was pointing. Sure enough, the tree trunk there had gradually changed from the state of a golden tree to dark red. This was a clear state of decay.

"Very good, Lord Yulong."

"I know."

After confirming the location of the rot, Yulong turned his head and shouted to the front:

"The Red Moon Temple is temporarily investigating, and all members of the Lighthouse Golden Light Tree are not allowed to stop it."

When Yu Long shouted these words, several ascetic cultivators looked at each other, as if they were questioning or mocking.

Then they no longer hid, they opened up their red ascetic robes, revealing their completely rotten bodies and ugly faces, and attacked Xu Le and the others.


The throats of these ascetics emitted beastly and weird roars. After they took off their ascetic robes, their bodies became faster and faster, as if some kind of seal had been lifted.

"They have become completely weird." Xu Le reminded.

"You don't need to think about this, just keep walking." Duo Lei said solemnly.

"I don't need to think about it? With this amount, and it's on the golden tree, we..."

"You can't even imagine the level 7 strength." Duo Lei looked at Yu Long.

I saw Yu Long's ten fingers facing each other, and huge ocean-like spiritual energy emerged from her body. Xu Le felt that even if he drained his own spiritual energy pool, he could not reach this volume of spiritual energy.

In the surrounding environment, except for the golden light tree in front of him, the spiritual energy erupted from Yulong simply exceeded the sum of other creatures.

"What the hell is this?"

"Yu Long's legendary secret skill." Chi Xiao reminded in a low voice.

Yu Long took out two cards in his hand, one black and one white, namely [Black Card - Black Sheep Girl] and [White Card - Angel].

These two cards were mixed with the spiritual energy in Yulong's body and squeezed together.

It's like a ray of light squeezing on top of the darkness, and then constantly squeezing and rubbing.

A hybrid tornado was formed that overlapped in the hand.


Yulong suddenly clenched her palm, and all the creatures in front of her were crushed by some powerful force in an instant.

Dozens or hundreds of level 4-5 monsters were instantly killed and exploded into blood mist in the air.

"No one can stop the investigation of the Red Moon Temple. Please cooperate obediently."

Yulong showed her strength as a level 7 master. After a chaotic oppression, all the golden tree creatures that still retained some sense stopped.

The consciousness of survival still overwhelmed the will that drove them, and they did not dare to rush over to die.

"Let's continue." Yu Long said calmly.

Xu Le was already a little confused at this time. He didn't know why he was exploring things calmly before and now he was about to start a fight head-on. This was not in line with his original expectations.

"Okay, Mr. Xu Le, we are almost at the place of decay. I will give you time, but be quick."

"I see."

When Duo Lei said these words, Xu Le had already started thinking about how to deceive the other party.

At this point, I'm afraid there's no way to fool Duo Lei without coming up with something substantial.

And he also needs to consider Yulong.

As for Chi Xiao, Chi Xiao has been messing around, and I don’t know what she is messing around with...

Quickly reaching a higher level, Xu Le looked at the gradually decaying trunk of the golden tree in front of him.

He slowly stretched out his fingers.

"Hey, Brother Xu Le, be careful." Wang Man reminded.

Although she had no research on golden trees, she could instinctively feel that this thing had certain risks.

Xu Le also knew that this thing was risky, but he had to do it. One of the requirements of the mother tree rhizomes for him was to understand the essence of the entire golden light tree.

He needed to use his own limbs to analyze what was going on with the rotten Golden Light Tree.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Xu Le stretched out his finger, and a branch of Gu Yin Duo Shi, disguised as a golden tree of light, emerged from his fingertip.

"You can actually control the Golden Light Tree?" Duo Lei asked in surprise.

"Duolei, don't interrupt him." Chixiao stopped Duolei, and Yulong stared at Chixiao. Their small group also had many problems.

Xu Le's camouflaged branch quickly penetrated the main body of the Golden Light Tree. The destructive power of the Guyinduoshi branch rarely appeared. The only few times it was shown was that it could easily strangle level 4 monsters.

This is the power of Solid Branch.

At this time, the solid branch in Xu Le's hands was like a mosquito bite on human skin, easily breaking through the defense of the golden tree of light and entering a deeper place.

Soon, the rotten interior of the Golden Light Tree appeared in Xu Le's conscious world.

Massive animas circle around the Golden Light Tree. These animas are full of desire, lust, anger, sadness, pain, and fear.

They are entangled and integrated with each other, and some things have become substantial liquids, invading the stems and leaves of the Golden Light Tree, but there is still no answer to what the Golden Light Tree wants.

That is the fruit!

The third function of the Golden Light Tree, in addition to releasing light and dispelling mental energy, is to create the real Red Moon Fruit.

But judging from the current situation, this is a failure.

The Golden Light Tree failed, or in other words, its owner failed.

There is no limit to the exploration of consciousness. When Xu Le was soaring here searching for information, suddenly, an irresistible will appeared in his spiritual world.

Trembling was the only feeling Xu Le had left at this time.

Even the Tree of Souls can't absorb this breath of fear.

Xu Le slowly looked up and saw a huge red moon appearing above his head.

Something was looming in the darkness around the red moon, swinging like the tentacles of something.

Then, the center of the moon slowly opened, and a single eye stared at Xu Le.

Nervousness and fear prevented Xu Le from moving until he felt a huge white figure suddenly rise under his feet, and he stood on the figure's head.

The floating hair made Xu Le feel itchy.

The familiar voice of the Night Fury finally appeared:

"What are you afraid of?"

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