
Chapter 326 Let the flame purify everything

The petals reunited, and Xu Le finally locked the other party's information with Gu Yin Duo Vision and confirmed the other party's appearance.

She looked like a sleepwalking girl with no clothes on her body. It could also be said that those floating petals were the clothes on her body.

Whenever the petals fell, she looked like a girl taking off her clothes absentmindedly.

First he took off his scarf, then his skirt, and finally...

He thrust out the red sword in his hand.

[Silent Blade-Andy, level 7 legendary creature, Red Moon, God-Glory, Awakening-Silent Blade, Awakening-Flower of Life. 】


Gu Yinduo's vision was very clear. The flower girl in front of him was a level 7 legendary creature, and it was not weird like other ascetic cultivators.

The Silent Blade is both her legendary title and her awakened ability.

Judging from the performance of the ability just now, just like the name of the awakening ability, there is no sound and may appear anywhere at any time. It is a very powerful and practical ability.

After falling into a trance, Xu Le spoke to Yu Long quickly with his mouth like a machine gun:

"Lord Yulong, the creature attacking you is a flower girl, a level 7 legendary creature. Her ability is silent..."


Before Xu Le finished speaking, flower girl Andy took action again.

Her steps were light, like dancing on flowers, and she easily passed through Yulong's defense.

After piercing Yu Long's thigh, the red dagger in his hand spun in the air and stabbed Yu Long's back.


A scale suddenly grew on Yu Long's back, blocking the blow that pierced Yu Long's heart.


Yu Long wanted to take a few steps forward to distance himself from Andy, but the opponent's speed was unreasonable at this time.

When Yu Long moved quickly, Andy had already scattered into petals, and then appeared behind Yu Long.

Guyinduo cards began to fly around her, forming a defensive net covering the surrounding area.

But Andy didn't care at all about this level of defense.

She held out her hand, holding her red sword.

The arms scattered into petals one by one, and then began to lengthen, easily passing through the card protective net, and appeared in front of Yu Long again.


This was the third time Yulong was injured. The battle with Andy was too frustrating, and the other party didn't give her any chance to form a seal.

The technique cannot be released either.

It felt like a mage was slapped in the face by an assassin.

If he really stood still and fought against the bombardment, Yu Long felt that he would not be so passive, but the current situation was indeed too bad.

I was always being slapped, and the ones who were beaten couldn't stop me.

"Her ability should not be to move quickly, but to flash directly." Xu Le shouted from the side.

Then he was stared at by Andy, and then Xu Le stopped talking.

However, this reminder also made Yu Long understand a little. Facing Andy's attack, speed and dodge may have no effect.

The only option seems to be to resist, just like the previous scene where she used her scales to resist Andy's attack.

Andy's petals flickered and appeared, and Yulong knew that the next round of attacks was coming.

This time she did not dodge or try the flying defense of the cards, but instead covered her skin with a thick layer of scales.

"Scale armor."

Ding ding ding!

The scattered petals were like sword energy, hitting Yulong's body, making a clanging sound.

Yulong still didn't lock Andy's whereabouts, but at least he was able to defend against this round of attacks.

The petals did not disperse, and Andy's slender fingers appeared on Yulong's neck.

Those petals are constantly forming her delicate body, and they may disperse at any time.

Andy's fighting mood was not very high. She even laid down on Yu Long's shoulder leisurely and whispered:

"Lord Yulong, I always regarded you as a great being when I was a child. As the guardian of the key, you have done a very good job.

Guarding and teaching me every day and night, I often wonder if we would have become friends when I grew up if we had not taken different paths.

But unfortunately, as I grow up, the treetops are gradually closed.

Neither the Golden Light Tree nor the lighthouse itself will allow a flower of corruption to bloom, let alone the birth of fruit.

I have been trapped here. "

Only Xu Le could hear Andy's voice, and Yu Long under her could only hear some tiny sounds.

It's like the whisper of a ghost, or the whisper of death.

Yu Long felt a little uncomfortable in her body, and she couldn't tell what was wrong. She felt that her body seemed heavier than before.

But this guy's ability is too weird.

Generally speaking, as the strength level increases, the abilities of each legendary strongman will develop in a violent and grand direction.

But Andy's current abilities are completely different. Her abilities are too suitable for fighting alone and for assassination.

"Master Yulong, she is lying on top of you." Xu Le couldn't help but remind him.

Yu Long didn't question Xu Le. She had already sensed something was wrong, but there was nothing she could do.

If Andy doesn't take the initiative to show up, there is no way she can find Andy with her current methods.

"Now I can only use my scales to resist the attack. I hope it can last."

"I know what you are thinking, Lord Yulong."

Andy's voice finally appeared, and this time, it was a voice that everyone could hear.

Yu Long was suddenly startled, and the red moon spiritual energy in his body vibrated.


The petals flew away, but she didn't attack anything.

A petal has fallen on Yulong's scales. This petal gradually blended into Yulong's blue-gray scales, and then began to change the color of the scales.

From blue-grey, it gradually turned into red.

This is not an isolated case, as more and more scales begin to change color as the floating flowers bloom.

Yu Long's body was already a bright red.

Xu Le, a level 7 master, did not dare to intervene at will. He rushed over at this time. If he was killed instantly, he would die without knowing how.

"Master Yulong seems to be unable to bear it anymore."

"Isn't there still scale defense?"

Xu Le did not continue to speak, but the red scales on Yu Long's body were obviously different from the original scales and were not in a healthy state.

The scales are getting bigger, and there are even signs of blooming outwards.

As these scales expanded, they began to squeeze other surrounding scales. Those hard blue-gray scales gradually could not withstand the squeeze of these red scales and began to fall off.

"Yu Long's scales are falling off." Duo Lei also saw it at this time, and she pushed Xu Le.

Xu Le immediately rolled his eyes and looked at her:

"I know, but there is nothing I can do now. I can't get involved in this level of battle. I would have died in the past."

Looking at the red mist-like petals, flickering and appearing, Xu Le knew that he was out of luck and it was better not to touch the porcelain.

"Is there no way to intervene?"

"Level 7 master, how can I intervene?"

When Duo Lei heard what Xu Le said, she narrowed her eyes slightly and stared in Yu Long's direction for a while.

"Okay, Xu Le, let Yulong break up here and then we continue going up. I have a feeling there is something we are looking forward to up there."

Duo Lei hooked her fingers at Xu Le and no longer guided Xu Le to intervene in the battle between Yu Long and Andy.

Xu Le suddenly felt something was wrong when he heard what she said.

She didn't seem particularly worried about the current situation.

Seeing Duo Lei showing such a calm attitude, Xu Le already understood that this guy definitely had his own means of saving his life and escaping, and there might even be more than one.

She doesn't care about other people's lives.

Whether it was Chi Xiao, Yu Long, or Xu Le and Wang Man, Duo Lei never cared.

She only cares about her own goal. As long as her goal is achieved, others can be abandoned or even killed.

"If Master Yulong is defeated here, will we all die?"

"Master Yulong is very powerful. You will only affect her here. Since we can't interfere in the battle here, let's leave first."


"No but, let's go."

Duo Lei's attitude was a little bad, and Xu Le knew very well that she had lost her patience.

Xu Le glanced at Wang Man beside him, his eyes seemed to be asking.

Wang Man also nodded to him.


Xu Le knew that although Duo Lei's behavior was very disgusting, what she said was also true. Since there was no way to intervene, then don't waste time here.


With an explosion of energy, Yulong's scales were finally shattered and he fell heavily in front of several people.

When looking at Xu Le, Yu Long suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fate cannot be disobeyed, this is the eternal truth."

"What is Lord Yulong talking about?" Xu Le felt a little confused.

"It's nothing. You should leave here quickly. The next battle may affect you."

Looking at the injured Yu Long, Xu Le always had a strange feeling. Someone had given him guidance and criticism.

Although the two parties did not meet again for a long time, Yu Long was polite to him along the way.

Xu Le didn't know the reason for this politeness, but at least on the surface, Yu Long was kind to him and not hostile.

"Senior, is this really okay?"

"Don't worry, I already knew my ending when I became the Red Moon Warlock. At least I won't die in her hands. Go ahead."

What kind of answer is this? Xu Le didn't know how to respond, so he could only nod.

"Understood, let's take the first step."

As soon as he took a step forward, the entire platform garden was shaken by a huge impact.

The entire platform of the sky garden began to tilt at this time.

Xu Le and others looked in the direction of the impact. Seven gargoyles were chained and fell one by one on the platform of the sky garden.

The hanging garden itself is not particularly large. With seven gargoyles standing on it, the platform is tilted even more.

"Only legends can fight against legends." Yu Long suddenly said.

"Only legends?"

Xu Le was stunned. He remembered that Chi Xiao and Duo Lei had made it clear that Yu Long himself was a level 7 warlock.

Isn't she a legendary warlock?


Yu Long pushed Xu Le, and after her scales were broken, she looked extremely weak.

Duo Lei, who was above, had already grabbed the hanging ladder to climb up. When she got here, there were no steps. If she wanted to continue going up, there was only a long hanging ladder with no end in sight.

Duo Lei shouted loudly from above:

"Xu Le, come up quickly."


Xu Le did not hesitate any longer. He dragged Wang Man and climbed towards a higher point in the tree.

Today, only Chi Xiao, Yu Long, and Andy are left on the platform.

Andy glanced at the three people who were climbing up, and immediately turned into petals and chased upwards.

This method of elementalization is very difficult for Yulong, but for Chixiao, it is much easier to deal with.

"Spell-Dragon Roar."

hold head high!

A huge dragon roar exploded below Xu Le and the others.

The fire ignited all the flowers of decay, even setting fire to the sides of the golden tree of light.

The flames didn't burn very fast, but this blow was enough to stop Andy's pursuit.

Under the flames, the petals gradually appeared. Andy stared at the red sky in front of him and said slowly:

"You are stronger than them all, and your heart is firmer than them all."

"Don't speculate on other people's hearts. What others think has nothing to do with you.

Technique-Dragon Breath Technique. "

Chixiao spurted out a burst of flames, and Xu Le could see clearly from above.

The impact and range felt as exaggerated as a heavy flamethrower*50. Her flames were countless times stronger than Gu Beichen's.

This was also the first time he saw Chi Xiao fighting in a real sense, and he was an evenly matched opponent.

Andy on the other side had to avoid the edge of Dragon Breath Technique.

She transformed into flower petals and quickly moved to Chi Xiao's side, wanting to deal with Chi Xiao the same way she dealt with Yu Long.

But before she could stick to Chi Xiao, Chi Xiao himself ignited a flame.

Chi Xiao's hair slowly stood up, and her clothes had been completely burned.

The armor and prosthetics covering his entire body were revealed.

But it wasn't over yet. The flames on Chi Xiao's body were still burning, and they continued to burn until the armor on her body was completely burned red, making a "sizzling" sound.

"The remains of the flames?"

"The flame will burn in the incompleteness."

Chi Xiao threw out a piece of metal, which was quickly melted while flying in the air, turning into a pool of molten iron and spreading forward.

Andy dodged the molten iron and let out another dragon roar.

In the flames, Andy finally revealed his true identity.

The moment she appeared, the seven gargoyles threw their weapons.

These giant weapons rotated and returned in mid-air, and behind each weapon was a chain of Chi Xiao.

Chixiao not only controls the gargoyles with chains, but also controls their weapons.

"Your fighting skills are truly amazing."

"This is just the beginning!" Chi Xiao's red hair floated, controlling the gargoyle with one hand and raising the other hand high.

After a brief fight, and just observing the battle between Andy and Yu Long, Chi Xiao already understood Andy's characteristics.

Her ability is indeed difficult to deal with, but it is definitely not impossible to deal with.

Fireballs like the sun gathered in her hands and continued to expand.

"Let the fire purify everything."

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