
Chapter 328 Regaining Freedom

"Xu Le, what's wrong with you? Hurry up."

Xu Le was distracted because there was a flower growing on the tree of soul. After all, the tree of soul was his foundation and the key point of his anima. There was also a spiritual pool under the tree.

Developing the soul pool and connecting it to the soul river can be said to be his most important thing.

So of course he was particularly worried about the flowers growing on the trees.

In the past, he only produced fruits but not flowers. He had released so much anima just now, and the tree of soul was already bare. There was an extra red flower, which was really obvious.

"Well, I was feeling a little uncomfortable just now and I'm trying to overcome the difficulty."

Xu Le elementalized his body and prepared to fly upward for a certain distance, but as soon as he got off the ladder, rotten red branches wrapped around him.

It's like there is some kind of feeling.

When Xu Le saw this scene, he immediately lay down on the ladder and continued to climb up.

"Damn it, it's burning down there."

After climbing a few steps, Xu Le felt something was wrong. Although the upper part of the golden tree was also red, the red color was a rotten red.

At this time, the Golden Light Tree looked a little prosperous. From time to time, you could see some sparks and some burning buttocks.

Duo Lei glanced down and frowned slightly.

"Could it be caused by the battle between Chi Xiao and the flower girl? With a flame of this scale, the entire golden tree may be burned. I have to get the evidence as soon as possible."

Duo Lei turned around and pulled Wang Man, and continued to urge Xu Le:

"The fire below should have been set by Chi Xiao. Let's hurry up, otherwise we will die if the fire breaks out."

Xu Le pouted, wouldn't he die if he ran to the top of the tree?

This woman is a little anxious.

"It's very close." Wang Man said suddenly.

Xu Le also nodded, and then looked at Ding Ke in his arms.

Different from the sleepy appearance many times before, Ding Ke was in high spirits and looked particularly energetic at this time.

Meow! ~

Xu Le touched Ding Ke's head with a doting expression.

This scene was also seen by Duo Lei from above. She curled her lips, said nothing, and continued to climb up.

Xu Le put Ding Ke on his shoulders again and sped up.

"Hold on, I'm going to speed up."


Ding Ke responded, and after Xu Le turned his head, he moved his gaze to Duo Lei.

As he got closer and closer to the top of the tree, Ding Ke's standing posture continued to change.

Because Xu Le was at the end of the three, he didn't even notice that Ding Ke was already floating at this time.

And it was not affected by the rotting branches of the Golden Light Tree.

"I see light, up there." Dore shouted to the two people below.

Xu Le and Wang Man looked at each other, then nodded at the same time and quickly climbed up.

When Xu Le turned over, a dazzling light pierced the three of them.

This scene is the one Wang Man saw in his dream, except that the situation here is more real, and the damage caused by the light to them is more severe than before.

Under the illumination of the light, the three of them could not open their eyes at all, and the feeling of being lost once appeared in the hearts of the three of them.

"It's the ancient music that's so polluted!" Xu Le reminded.

Duo Lei was shocked and quickly opened a defensive item. Xu Le also used Gu Yinduo's psychic energy to protect himself. Only Wang Man had no defense. She almost let herself blend into this light and became a part of it.

"Wang Man, are you okay?" Xu Le asked worriedly. No matter what, he didn't want anything to happen to Wang Man.

After all, Wang Man was one of the first people he met in this world.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

The light gradually dissipated, and the dimmed tree crown made it possible for several people to continue moving forward. Duo Lei turned to look at Xu Le.

"Xu Le, do you know what the light was just now?"

"Ah? I don't know." Xu Le started to pretend.

"It is the head of Guyin Duo's son, a head made of light."

"Ah, is the Golden Tree so powerful? It can even capture legendary creatures like Gu Yinduo's son. It's so powerful!"

Xu Le's acting skills are also very exaggerated, but Duo Lei seems to be quite satisfied with this.

"Follow me, I'm afraid we'll have to see the real secret on the Golden Light Tree next."


Xu Le followed behind him obediently.

The three of them walked carefully on the tree canopy, stopping whenever the light appeared, and continuing to move forward when the light disappeared.

There was already some heat under his feet, and the flames spread quickly.

After walking for about a few minutes, Wang Man suddenly said:

"Here we are, right in front."

Duo Lei glanced at Wang Man. At this time, she also understood that the little girl Xu Le was bringing was probably more than just an assistant.

The light dissipated again, and Duo Lei gradually saw the scene in front of her clearly.

A head with numerous branches piercing its mouth, nose, ears, and even eyeballs.

From a distance, the size of the head could not be felt, but as they got closer, the head gradually revealed its astonishing size.

"The light-forged head, the son of Gu Yinduo, this thing has always been recorded in the Red Moon Classics. I didn't expect it to be sealed here."

"Yeah, it's incredible. That's the thing that shines."

Although Xu Le had known about the existence of this thing for a long time, he was more or less shocked when he actually saw such a big luminous head.

This is different from the light-forged heart he dug out. This head has obvious signs of life, features, and can even move!

When Xu Le and the three of them appeared, Guangzhu's eyeballs had already begun to squeeze against the branches of the golden tree.

It's an eye-rolling motion, but lightcasting is very difficult to do.

But he didn't care about the physical pain at all. Perhaps these physical pains were nothing compared to the pain he endured.

After locking his gaze on the three of them, Lightcast lengthened his voice.

"Oh... I didn't expect there would be new guests here. I'm really desperate! Hahahaha."

Duo Lei failed to understand the meaning of Light Cast's words.

But Xu Le already understood here.

It's pollution.

Gu Yin Duo has the ability to pollute everything, and the same goes for Gu Yin Duo's son. The pollution cast by light is light.

Xu Le glanced at Wang Man beside him and found that her hands had some signs of actinization. This was a sign of pollution.

However, Xu Le did not remind Duo Lei or Wang Man.

Wang Man's pollution was her initiative. Xu Le knew that as for Duo Lei, it was none of his business.

"Light Cast? Did you pollute the Golden Light Tree?" Duo Lei stared at the Light Cast in front of her and asked.

While questioning Guangzhu, she winked at Xu Le and signaled Xu Le to investigate the root cause of the rot as soon as possible.

She needs clear evidence to bring back to the Red Moon Temple, and she doesn't care much about other things.

"A person from Hongyue? You are such a ignorant little girl. Not even Hongyue herself can speak to me in such a tone."

Xu Le curled his lips, this Guangzhu was so cool.

He has fully felt the power of Red Moon before. Even if it is just the collision of soul and spirit, the power cannot be described in words.

If Night Fury hadn't been standing behind him as a backing, Xu Le would have been directly subdued by Hong Yue's oppressive feeling.

In Night Fury's description, Red Moon is something that can compete with Gu Yinduo.

It just failed, not died.

Even the Night Fury itself can only confront the defeated Hongyue, which is already a powerful enough performance.

What about Lightcast?

The light cast was torn apart by the Night Fury's hands, chopped into pieces, and then its various parts were transferred and sealed to every corner.

If it weren't for the immortality of Gu Yin Duo's son, Lightcast would have died long ago.

"Stop bragging. If you were really that powerful, you wouldn't be treated like a candied haws of sugar." Xu Le curled his lips and walked towards the head under the strong pollution of the light cast.


What Xu Le said was particularly heart-wrenching. Wang Man glanced at Xu Le in a funny way, then linked his eyes to Light Forge again and started doing things quietly.

Duo Lei also continued chatting with the light-cast head to prevent it from disturbing Xu Le.

Xu Le's purpose is to find what Night Evil said, the light in the darkness, and complete his promotion.

Several people have their own thoughts and are doing their own things, but they are hiding from each other, which is very strange.

Xu Le has no idea what the so-called light in the darkness is.

There is always light here, there is light everywhere, where does the darkness come from?

According to the normal thinking, looking for light in the darkness, isn't it just to go to the dark place of the Night Fury and get a piece of firewood from her?

Xu Le also proposed this statement to Ye Sha at that time, but he was glared at by Ye Sha and said nothing further.

Then the Night Fury asked him to come to the tower to find a light-forged head and find a way to break through.

How to find it?

Xu Le spread his hands and squatted down in front of the light cast head with some helplessness.

Then, he unceremoniously extended the branch of Gu Yin Duo Shi.

The branches of Guyinduo can pierce the skin of all advanced creatures. Even the light-cast head, which is indestructible to the entire lighthouse, cannot withstand it.

"Huh? Oh!" Guang Zhu was startled, and then let out a comfortable moan.

Was it comfortable to be bled? This is probably how Lightcast behaves at this time.

After the skin and bones were punctured by Xu Le, a large amount of dark red blood flowed out from the holes. This blood was full of the smell of corruption.

When it falls into the golden tree, it will even directly corrupt an area.

When Xu Le saw this scene, he immediately understood why the golden tree rotted.

"When the Golden Light Tree absorbs the energy of Light Forging, it will inevitably be contaminated with the blood of Light Forging. The blood of Light Forging flows into the interior of the golden tree along with the sap of the golden tree, and begins to perform an indiscriminate process on the entire golden tree. pollute.

This pollution corroded the entire upper layer of the Golden Light Tree, and may even have guided the plans for the Golden Light Fruit.

Hong Yue was deceived by the power of Light Forge and tried to transform Light Forge's head, but ultimately failed.

Finally, the corrupt flower girl Andy was born. "

Xu Le's thinking was very accurate. Just when he had these thoughts, the flower on the tree of soul actually began to grow uncontrollably.

Xu Le's body stiffened for a while, and then he knelt on one knee.


Ding Ke also jumped off Xu Le's body at this time and began to lick Xu Le's hand, seeming to comfort him.

Duo Lei on the side saw Xu Le's sudden pain and thought it was Guang Zhu's trick. She cautiously took a few steps back and kept some distance from Guang Zhu.

Then she actually took out a Zion standard camera and took some photos of Light Cast.

"Sure enough, it's still unreliable. Some things still have to be done by myself."

After taking the photo and putting away the camera, Dole stretched out an iron pipe, which looked like some kind of special alchemical equipment, and quickly extended it, piercing the light-cast head.

The corrupted blood immediately flowed down the pipe and was placed in a test tube by Duo Lei.

"Although there is no specific research report, these things are enough. As long as we take it back, the temple can recycle the lighthouse."

Dole completely ignored the contamination of the corrupted blood.

There was a glistening red halo around her body, and this red light seemed to be able to isolate the pollution of Gu Yinduo's son.

However, her behavior was ridiculed by Lightcast:

"Innocent thing, you think everything is under control, but in fact you don't know at all, you don't know what the flower girl below is doing.

I don’t know what the fortune teller is doing, let alone what the fire-breathing girl is doing.

After reaching the top, you still don’t know what this dark boy is doing. Finally, you still don’t know what I am doing. Do you think you are ridiculous? "

Guangzhu's words made Duo Lei frown slightly, and suddenly, she felt a strong crisis.


A light-forged arm pierced her chest, scratched Duo Lei's right lung, then broke her spine and threw her aside.


Duo Lei, who was thrown to the ground, gasped in pain and looked at the person who made the move in horror.

It is Wang Man who has been transformed into light.

She slowly floated up in a holy posture, and the original hem of her skirt had turned into a little halo, clinging to her body.

Wang Man walked up to Guangzhu and bowed slowly.

"My lord, here I come."

"I feel your presence, my son."

"My Lord, let me cut off the shackles of time, space, and fate for you."

"I look forward to it."

Guangzhu's voice was old and hoarse, and the look he was looking at Wang Man wasn't that kind.

But Wang Man turned a blind eye to all this. She just raised her right arm calmly. The light blade became brighter and brighter, and the light aura on her body became stronger and stronger.

"When the light reappears, with a sharp blade in hand, we can punish all directions."

Wang Man, who didn't understand martial arts at all, swung eight light blades in an instant. These light blades struck the eyeballs, nose, ears, mouth, and neck of the light-cast head.

The unrivaled slash collided with the hardest branch of the Golden Light Tree.

The original golden tree of light was powerful enough to control the light-forged head.

But now there is no red moon to supplement the power.

Wang Man's light blade broke in one slash.

All golden branches were immediately contaminated and corrupted after being separated from the golden tree, turning into fly ash.

The light-forged skull closed its eyes.

"This is the breath of freedom"


Something stabbed in.

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