
Chapter 331 Xu Le, the mother tree is very disappointed in you!

This red demon's slash mixed with the power of darkness only caused damage to Wang Man. It was completely impossible to kill her with one sword.

Xu Le looked at these scattered souls and suddenly felt like they were familiar.

And the number of times I saw it... was more than once.

River of Souls and Huangquan Land have experienced similar situations.

However, this is indeed the first time that Xu Le has seen such a large number of ghosts emitting from an individual.

"Perhaps creatures like the Son of Guyinduo cannot be compared with normal human individuals..."

"Alas, Xu Le, what's going on with her now?"

"I don't know!"

Xu Le looked at Wang Man from a distance. The wound he made was still leaking souls out. However, compared with the situation where a big lump exploded at once, the speed of souls leaking out was much slower now. .

It was like an explosion and bleeding a moment ago, but now it's just a small hole at most.


Wang Man covered her wound with both hands and roared in an unfeminine voice. Spots of light appeared on her body again.

That is the energy state of light casting.

"Take this opportunity!"


Seeing that Wang Man was in very bad condition, Xu Le and Toad immediately made preparations for battle.

But when one person and one clam rushed over, a long white strip emerged from Wang Man's wound.


Xu Le and Toad immediately covered their buttocks and ran back as if they had been struck by a whip.

Because there is now more than one strip.

As Wang Man roared, the second and third white strips also appeared at her wound.

The long strip was covered in light, which was slightly dazzling, so Xu Le couldn't tell what it was.

Maybe tentacles?

It may also be a branch like Guyinduoshizhi.

"Her current situation is a bit strange."

"Try a long-range attack."


The water cannon and thunder gun started again. The attack range of this technique was of course further than the flying slash.

The risk is also less.

"Spell - Leifer."

"Water-type water cannon."

The lightning water cannon sprayed one after another, but they were all swept away by the long white strips spreading from Wang Man's body.

These long strips were constantly entangled in the air, as if they were actively protecting Wang Man's body, but they were not actively attacking Xu Le and the others.

Wang Man, who was covering his head, suddenly knelt on the ground.

Her mouth and nose began to erupt with light, and the light-forged voice appeared again.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Doing what you want to do."

Her original lively and soft voice came from Wang Man's mouth, but when she heard it now, it seemed that it didn't have the same taste as before.

"What do I want to do?"

"You also said that all my power comes from Gu Yinduo's son, that is, 伱, Lord Light Zhu.

As the son of Guinduo - Lightcast, you can take back my power, abilities, and rules at will, because this is what belongs to you.

The condition for retrieval is perfect contact.

The perfect contact and integration between Guyinduo's son and his descendant gave him a chance to regain his original power, rules, and order.

When order is re-established, the world will gradually return to normal. "

Wang Man's voice did not change, but Xu Le always felt that her voice became much more majestic and lofty.

Is it an illusion?

Xu Le glanced at the toad on the side, and the toad spread its hands:

"I don't know. Anyway, there's a good chance he's a guy you can't afford to offend."

"It makes sense."

Xu Le very sensibly summoned a few living corpses and walked over, wanting to test Wang Man's situation at this time.

The expected situation of the living corpses being killed by those white bars did not appear.

These living corpses walked very close to Wang Man, so close that they were only about 7-8 meters away, and they were not attacked.

This is already Xu Le's attack range.

" it."

Xu Le is a nostalgic person, but he is not ambiguous at all when he hits women.

With Xu Le's order, these living corpses immediately rushed towards Wang Man.

But these living corpses only took a few steps, and when they reached a position about 5 meters away from Wang Man, they automatically stopped again.

The spiritual connection between the living corpse and Xu Le began to break.

Their expressions at this time were like the ascetic worshipers before on the golden tree, and they knelt down in front of Wang Man.

He prayed devoutly, seeming to want Wang Man's forgiveness.

But the problem is... these living corpses were summoned by Xu Le using Gu Yinduo's spiritual power.

What's happening here?

Wang Man, who was standing there, looked back at Xu Le with an incomprehensible look, but Xu Le could feel that the person looking at him at this time was Wang Man, not Guang Zhu.

In Wang Man's body, a new round of dialogue began again.

"There is only one creature in this world who wants to restore the original order..." Light Cast's voice became much weaker.

"Yes, there is only one creature in this world that wants to restore the original order, and that is Guyinduo himself.

The mother tree created you, hoping that you would have your own rules and create a new order to kill the red moon.

This was something that was about to succeed, but you chose to betray, which is unforgivable.

After you have independent rules, you begin to let yourself go. Your greed and desire produce anima like humans.

When the will of the world produces selfish desires, the order will collapse. "

Wang Man slowly stretched out her hands, and the white strips made her gradually float and wander in the air.



All these white strips were pierced into Wang Man's body.

"No..." Guangzhu's panic and screams seemed a bit funny, but Wang Man's movements showed no intention of stopping at all.

"Have you forgotten, Lightcast, just like you said, you gave me everything.

But in fact... Guyinduo has given you everything. Now, it is time for Guyinduo to take back its original power. "

The light-cast part of Wang Man's body was decomposed again. This time, the white stripes on Wang Man's body gradually revealed their true appearance.

It was different from Xu Le’s initial judgment.

It's not a tentacle, nor a branch of a golden tree, but a root from the land of ancient Yinduo's underworld.

That kind of rotten state reminded Xu Le immediately of Huangquan rhizome.

These rhizomes have the power to absorb the sons of Gu Yinduo, Xu Le can be sure.

Because of the last light-forged heart, the energy was eaten by him, but in terms of rules, the roots and stems of the ancient Yin Duomu tree were fully recovered.

That situation was exactly the same as the current situation.

"The Mother Tree is reclaiming the power of Lightforge."

"Mother tree?" Toad was stunned for a moment.

"Guyinduomu tree."

The white rhizomes gradually subsided, and the living corpses staying in front of Wang Man had turned into the most primitive ancient Yinduo spiritual energy and floated towards Wang Man.

Wang Man's eyes reopened. She looked at Xu Le not far away and smiled slightly:

"Xu Le, I'm back."

Xu Le:......

Xu Le did not give a clear response, he still maintained a fighting state.

Because he doesn't know now, is Wang Man still the little singer he once was?

But at this moment, Xu Le finally understood why Wang Man had to see Guangzhu.

She wasn't trying to save the Lightcast at all, but to recycle it...

"Have you achieved your goal? Wang Man."

"We have achieved it. The power of Guyin Duo's son is so powerful. This is part of the original rules of this world."

Wang Man slowly walked towards the corner of the tree, pointed to the sun in the sky and said:

"The next step is to recycle the sun."

Xu Le touched the toad calmly, and the toad also made a fighting posture.

In fact, Xu Le was ready to run away, but there were some things he hadn't figured out yet.

"Your original purpose... was to cast your head with light?"

"Yes, this was originally the task assigned to me by my Lord, Xu Le."

Wang Man has said the word "my lord" many times before, but this time the meaning has obviously changed.

My Lord here has changed from Light Casting to Gu Yinduo.

"Xu Le, you shouldn't be afraid at this time. After all, we are two people on the same road."

Wang Man walked towards Xu Le while talking.

Xu Le said nothing, but Wang Man continued:

"We are both childhood sweethearts. Ever since we were young, you have chosen Li Qingcheng instead of me.

Later, when you grew up, you separated, and Ai Li appeared by your side again. Xu Le, why can't you see me? "

"It's hard to talk about feelings." Xu Le curled his lips.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, doesn't it mean that we are finally going down the same path?"

"Same road?"

"Remember Wang Xi? I left him specially for you that night. Should Brother Xu Le thank me?"

Xu Le was a little stunned when he suddenly heard this from Wang Man.

"So early, you have already..."

"Gu Yinduo needs to realize his wish, and I also want to realize my wish, so it found you and found me.

Xu Le, we have always been the same kind of people. "

Xu Le shook his head slightly:

"I have never felt that we are the same kind of people. I am a person who lives in darkness but has a heart for light."

When Xu Le said this, the toad on the side turned to look at him.

Well, there are outsiders here, so it’s better not to dismantle Xu Letai at this time.

"Hahaha..." Wang Man laughed again, and the distance between her and Xu Le became closer and closer.

The flames under my feet gradually burned, and I could already feel the temperature below.

It is estimated that before long, the entire Golden Light Tree will burn.

However, Wang Man didn't seem to care about this. She just said with a slight regret:

"The Guyinduo Mother Tree once gave you a choice. Why did you reject it at that time? I am very anxious for you. This incident was originally an opportunity for you to reach the sky in one step. I have always wanted to leave it to you. "

Xu Le was shocked.

The last time he entered the Land of Underworld, he sensed several things that were wrong.

First of all, the answer given by the rhizome of the mother tree was completely contrary to Xu Le's original idea.

Then there was the humane expression when he was communicating with the mother tree rhizome. He was indeed too eager and looking forward to it.

"If you ask me to abandon all darkness and devote myself to the light, will the final result be to completely absorb the light cast and become a new container of light rules?

At that time in the land of hell, the person I was talking to was actually you? "

"Your reactions and thoughts are the same as before. Yes, as long as you give up the darkness you contain, you can actually directly absorb the rules of light casting.

You will become the new son of Guyin Duo. I know your ambitions are very ambitious, but this is actually just the beginning.

Recycling Lightcast is just the first step in our plan. As the Mother Tree plan progresses, you will get more and more power, rules, and order.

You will become the embodiment of the new rules of this world, and when the time comes, I will still stay by your side.

What a pity, I still don’t understand why you refused. "

Wang Man took a few steps closer, and the distance between the two was already less than 10 meters.

This distance already made Xu Le feel dangerous.

"Brother Gua!"

"I know, I got away."

With a bang, the toad disappeared in place, and Xu Le had no intention of staying here. The opponent's energy intensity was really high, and this was no longer a role he could handle.

Holding the black staff, the vortex of the dark land also appears.

But what happened next caught Xu Le off guard.

The dark vortex rotates very slowly, and it even feels like it is frozen in mid-air.

A large number of light spots appeared around the vortex, and these light spots were squeezed together with the darkness. This was the reason why the portal became sticky.

"Have you misunderstood the rules of Gu Yin Duo's son? Or maybe you don't understand Gu Yin Duo's rules well enough.

Both are sons of Guyin Duo, and all rules originate from the mother tree. For the mother tree, light and darkness are the same rules.

Maybe the Night Fury is powerful enough, and can even be said to be the most powerful existence under the Red Moon and the Mother Tree, but so what?

At the level of rules, she and I are already equal. "

Under Xu Le's stunned eyes, Wang Man came to him, and then... grabbed Xu Le's collar.

This seems to be an unbreakable force.


Xu Le, unable to move, was pushed against the wall. His eyes were wide open and his expression became a little embarrassed.

What's going on now? He was actually raped by a woman... The key question is, Ding Ke is still watching over there!


Ding Ke meowed far away, then tilted his head and licked his paws, as if he was used to this situation.

"What do you want to do?" Xu Le looked a little strange.

Because he felt Wang Man's fingers had penetrated into his clothes.

No, it’s not just the clothes, it’s the body!


The fingers of light-forged energy pierced his body and were swimming toward his soul.

Xu Le was in some pain. Someone had penetrated his spiritual world. When was the last time there were other creatures in the spiritual space?

Yama born on the tree of souls?

Xu Le immersed his consciousness in the spiritual world and stood in front of Wang Man.

"What on earth are you going to do?"

"Xu Le, the mother tree has always given you the best things, but it is very disappointed with your current choice!"

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