
Chapter 334 Lighthouse under the Flame

"The furnace of souls? Was it made by people from the Red Moon Temple? Which spy? Dora?"

Zhou Bi picked his nostrils and then smeared his boogers on the sofa.

Jin Mingzhu glared at him disgustingly. Zhou Bi had not improved on this skillful technique of the gangsters in the lower city after so many years.

"You are really disgusting. You are called Dole, not Dora."

"What do I call her? The golden tree has been burned anyway."

"I don't think this matter is that simple. That Duo Lei is obviously here to investigate the golden tree. I'm afraid the reason for this matter is still unclear."

Zhou Bi nodded. At this time, his eyes were no longer as arrogant as before, but instead showed more nostalgia and regret:

"The golden tree is gone, where should we people go?"

Jin Mingzhu took out a lot of information and placed it in front of Zhou Bi.

"The next time is the time when we are really busy, and it is also the time when we truly determine the status of the lighthouse. This is a big gamble. It depends on whether you dare to follow it."

Staring into Jin Mingzhu's eyes, Zhou Bi grinned.

"I think I was in the dark alley more than before, earning 25 million for 20 yuan, just by gambling. There is nothing in this world that I dare not gamble on, even if it is my own life.

Tell me, what do you want to do next? "

Jin Mingzhu did not answer Zhou Bi immediately. She just stretched out her arm. The golden glow before had dimmed a lot now.

Her situation was actually exactly the same as Wang Shu's situation when he was contaminated by the Golden Light Tree.

And her condition was far more serious than Wang Shu's.

"The Golden Tree is indeed dead, at least he is separated from his original power, so the next time is a reckoning.

The three above are all brats of the Red Moon Temple. They are just toys and puppets, and they are also pure businessmen. When this happens, they will definitely run away. "

"Run? You mean to assassinate those three?"

When Zhou Bi said this, he suddenly became excited. The idea of ​​killing the other three Shangcheng District Councilors had been deduced 10,000 times in his mind.

Jin Mingzhu pouted:

"Stop your madness. Aren't you pretty good at pretending on weekdays? What's going on these two days?"

"Aren't I excited?" Zhou Bi calmed down again after hearing what Jin Mingzhu said.

"Of course not to kill them, but to ensure that they are sent away." Jin Mingzhu said the word "send away" very emphatically.

"What do you mean? Isn't this a good time to take action?"

Zhou Bi was a little confused at this time.

"Do you think the lighthouse will still exist after the golden tree is gone?"

"Uh..." Zhou Bi was speechless for a moment.

"After this incident, those high-level people will be panicked. Not only the three congressmen, but also other wealthy businessmen will definitely be upset.

These people will try their best to escape from the current lighthouse. They will transfer their property as much as possible, even if they give up part of it, they will find a way to leave. "

Jin Mingzhu said slowly, she felt that she was in control of the current situation.

"So what do we do next?"

"The next thing to do is to first make a fortune from the airship. With so many people wanting to leave, airship tickets must be very expensive."

When Jin Mingzhu mentioned this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

But Zhou Bi knew that she was not a money-grubbing person, and she was a little confused:

"Making money at this time?"

“Of course, after these wealthy people, legislators, and those who have the means leave, the original government system will completely fall apart.

A large amount of resources will be taken away, and the original order will collapse.

Those who stayed were either in a wait-and-see state, or were unable to leave the lighthouse.

And this money is used to temporarily stabilize the remaining people. "

"Will the lighthouse collapse?"

"Of course, the collapse of the lighthouse is inevitable."

"If the order of the lighthouse collapses, the resources and strength will be greatly weakened, and we don't have enough money. When the black tide comes, destruction is almost inevitable."

Zhou Bi's analysis is quite correct. In fact, Jin Mingzhu thinks so too.

"So it's a gamble, a big gamble, and it's not impossible for us to win."

"Where are the odds?"

"Remember Councilor Xu Le? His original idea was to provide energy for our lighthouse at a very low price. I can probably guess his ambitions and ideas.

It is inevitable that the three old guys rejected him, but after this incident, all three old guys will definitely leave.

The cooperation with Xu Le is our opportunity.

If Senator Hui Le can provide us with energy and weapons assistance, then the lighthouse will have hope of rebirth. "

Zhou Bi roughly understood Jin Mingzhu's thoughts.

“Zion’s energy and technology?

However, Xu Le has been here for some time. Even if they cooperate, it may be too late to return to the lighthouse, transport weapons and equipment, and re-plan the army.

The Kuroshio will not wait for us. The intensity of these Kuroshioes..."

"If nothing else happens, the intensity of the black tide at the lighthouse will be reduced this time."


“Because so many people in the upper area have left, their hearts are very strong, and the entire uptown area is a melting pot of desire.

After the Golden Tree burns, the things that gathered these desires will dissipate, and their anima will leave with them.

So what we have to do is give the remaining people the confidence and courage to overcome the next black tide. "

"I see. I didn't expect you to see it so clearly. They said I would hide it, but you hid it deeper than me."

Zhou Bi expressed his affirmation of Jin Mingzhu’s analysis.

They are now in the same boat, and they are all betting big.

The lighthouse that makes a big bet can survive, and the lighthouse that survives will be completely changed. The people in the lower city are no longer slaves, and they have a chance to start over.

"For the lighthouse!"

"For the lighthouse!"

After the two toasted, Jin Mingzhu walked to the window and stared at the burning soul torch, dazed.

In fact, she was able to make such a certain judgment not only through self-analysis, but also because there was some other information that she did not tell Zhou Bi.

She was connected to the golden tree, and the burning of the golden tree also brought her pain.

But Jin Mingzhu would never talk about these feelings, and it was impossible to tell Zhou Bi.

It had always felt like this before, but since the blue flame began to burn, Jin Mingzhu actually felt a sense of relief.

It is a kind of sublimation of the soul.

And the connection between her and the golden tree has not been broken, and has become even closer because of the burning of the blue flame.

If the golden tree will not be destroyed, it will exist in another way.

So what will its final form of existence be like?

Will this blue flame keep burning?

Jin Mingzhu didn't know that all they could do now was maintain stability, and then find Xu Le to negotiate a new two-city cooperation agreement.

"Cheap energy... I don't know if it can be negotiated."

Zhou Bi and Xu Le have been playing together for a few days, and they still have a certain understanding of Xu Le's situation.

"Don't worry, that Xu Le has great ambitions, and he won't let go of such an opportunity.

He is a careerist disguised as a researcher. I feel that his purpose is not as simple as selling energy. He wants to win people's hearts. "

"Buying people's hearts? What's the point?"

"Who can know this..."

Over the next two days, the burning golden tree began to grow brighter and brighter.

The original golden light now turned into a dark blue.

The name of the Golden Tree was changed to Soul Torch by Xu Le, but ordinary people didn't know that. They were also confused about the situation of the Golden Tree at this time.

But just as Jin Mingzhu deduced, the lighthouse airship pad had already exploded at this time.

The price of a third-class seat has ranged from a few dollars to several hundred dollars a ticket.

That's a third-class seat... where the lowest workers, mercenaries, and some criminals sit.

But I still can’t bear the difficulty of getting a vote now.

As for second-class and first-class seats, these areas are no longer something ordinary people can consider. Not only do you have to have money, you also have to have channels.

In two days, the lighthouse had sent four times more airships than usual, but it still couldn't bear the huge crowds.

The news of the accident at the lighthouse also spread as these people left.

The other three major city-states will also send airships over at this time to transfer their people.

After a few days, Jin Mingzhu and Zhou Bi had made a lot of money.

Jin Mingzhu is in charge and handles internal affairs.

Zhou Bi, on the other hand, started to give some readings and speeches.

Just as Jin Mingzhu guessed, the three Shangcheng District councilors ran away directly, one went to Zion and the other two went to the Red Moon Temple.

After they left, Zhoubi immediately took over the original guard team and political system.

If someone resists by force, Jin Mingzhu, as the head coach of the Night Watch warrior system, can suppress it in a short time.

The two cooperated very well, maintaining the lighthouse that was already on the verge of collapse in a situation that happened to not collapse.

The only thing they couldn't confirm now was the big tree above their heads.

What will happen to this big tree that has been burned by the blue soul flame?

Will it burn for a while and then collapse, destroying the entire lighthouse?

Or will the flames gradually extinguish and the entire lighthouse fall silent?

Or... will it keep burning?

Jin Mingzhu didn't know, but both she and Zhou Bi knew that the top priority was to find Xu Le.

In addition to discussing cooperation issues with Xu Le, Jin Mingzhu felt that the burning tree might also have something to do with him.

At this time, in the small red building in Chixiao, Inner Ring Road.

Xu Le was looking at the information brought back by Ai Li, Wang Shu, and Gu Beichen.

All these materials are from Beacon University, covering alchemy, life science research, materials science, and many of the research results that Beacon has preserved for hundreds of years.

In the past few days, the three of them were sent by Xu Le to collect these things.

Some of them were bought, some were exchanged, and of course some were robbed...

Especially after the chaos in the lighthouse, there was actually quite a lot to grab.

But today's lighthouse people don't care much about these things.

These must be brought back to Zion and can well fill in the research materials of Zion’s progressives.

Regarding Wang Man's matter, several people tacitly agreed not to mention it.

Xu Le seems to be in a good mood these days. In addition to daily practice, he just plays with the cat and has sex with Ai Li...

The times were so frequent that Chi Xiao even had some opinions.

A few days passed, and the entire lighthouse was in chaos.

Some thugs even attacked the Little Red Building twice, but the results were obviously obvious.

The piles of ashes at the door were the result.

Of course it wasn't Chixiao's fault. Her level didn't allow her to be like this. It was all the fault of Gu Beichen, the brat.

"The Dragon Breath Technique is so powerful!"

Others have always heard Gu Beichen say this these days.

That afternoon, Chi Xiao found Xu Le and Ding Ke and said that he was leaving.

"Okay, things about the lighthouse are almost done. I'm going back to the Red Moon Temple. What about you? When are you going to go back to Zion?"

After getting along for a period of time, Chi Xiao no longer persuaded Ding Ke to return to the Red Moon Temple with her.

She has accepted Xu Le as Ding Ke's partner and master.

And there is no way around it.

"Okay, Lord Chixiao, thank you for your help this time. If it weren't for you, this trip to the tower would not have been so smooth."

"That's it, meow!~" Ding Ke also echoed.

Chi Xiao's mouth always twitches when he hears the way she speaks. Is she considered a human being now? Or a cat?

"Xu Le, I always feel..." Chi Xiao hesitated to speak.

"What do you feel?" Xu Le looked up at Chi Xiao, his eyes clear and his face calm.

"No, it's nothing. I just feel that you have changed a lot and you look more mature than before."

"Yes, people always have to become mature." Xu Le smiled and nodded.

"Okay, when you leave, remember to lock the door. I don't want my house to be in a mess again." Chi Xiao instructed.

"Don't worry, Master Chixiao, the future lighthouse won't be so bad."

Xu Le's words seemed to be confirming with Chi Xiao, and also seemed to be speaking to himself.

He also has vague expectations for the future of the lighthouse.


"I'll give it to you."

Chi Xiao finally left, and Xu Le and Ding Ke watched her leave.

After Chi Xiao left, Xu Le turned his attention to the Soul Torch, and Ding Ke also asked curiously at this time:

"What are you keeping from her, Meow?"

"A lot of things have been preserved, mainly the tree..."

"Didn't you and her work together to save the tree? Don't you need to tell the current lighthouse government about this news? They are probably quite anxious, especially since the situation in the lighthouse is very chaotic now, meow!"

"Don't worry, I still have some things to confirm, but it feels pretty good to be able to talk to you normally, Ding Ke."


When Xu Le smiled, he suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly and clenched his fists.

It's like crushing a few ants.

At the same time, under the soul torch, some thugs who were not afraid of death sneaked into the tower.

There are no guards here anymore, and the burning soul flame is also terrifying.

But they still want to make a fortune here.

So I sneaked in.

"Boss, there are good things here."


As a group of thugs searched for property, the trunk of the tree twisted slightly.



Blood flowed down the stairs...

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