
Chapter 339 Golden Toad Miaomiao House

The next day, a pushcart shop called Jinchan Miaomiaowu appeared next to the largest tourist square in Zion.

Although it looks like a Sanwu product store, the carts are large and the decoration style is very cute, which is very popular with children passing by.

Of course, the most distinctive thing is the owner of this store, a toad...

[The owner of this store has been guaranteed by Zion Councilor Xu Le. He is absolutely friendly, harmless to humans and animals, and the food safety is guaranteed. Please feel free to eat]

[Guarantor: Xu Le]

Yes, it’s a snack bar, and it’s a snack spot for kids.

The toad is sitting here. Although it is the owner of the shop, it does not do most of the work. It is just a toad, how can it possibly make snacks?

However, as the owner of the shop, Toad still put on his white top hat and sat there as the Toad chef.

It had its arms folded and a cigarette in its mouth. It looked very uncomfortable to deal with.

"Master Jin Chan, smoking is prohibited in places where children play."

The average female law enforcer carefully reminded that although she would get five times the overtime pay for working here for one day, she was still a little scared to stand next to such a huge ancient god making snacks for children.

"Humph, you're not even allowed to smoke. You humans are really going too far."

Although he said so, Jin Chan still cooperated and put out the cigarette.

Its ferocious expression made the female law enforcer even more frightened.

"Lord Golden Toad..."

"What are you looking at? I'll eat you again."


At this moment, a little girl with two sky-high cannons came over, carefully poked the toad's toes, and asked curiously:

"Are you really weird?"

"Hmph, I am an ancient god." Toad crossed his arms again, looking very cold.

"If you are weird, why are you selling things here?"

The toad really wanted to show off the child, but when it saw that the child was so small, its frown suddenly relaxed.

"Kid, what do you want to buy?"

"I want one of these." The little girl pointed to a toad-shaped lollipop.

The toad raised its eyebrows slightly. It was impossible for its thick fingers to pick up such a small candy, but it was not completely helpless.

"Water Style - Undercurrent."

Seeing the toad seal and feeling the fluctuations of spiritual energy, the two law enforcers on the side became nervous.

"Are you going to kill people here? Then Councilor Xu Le's reputation will be ruined..."

As soon as they thought this, the two law enforcers' jaws dropped.

The water flow released by the toad caught the lollipop and then delivered it to the little girl.

Toad still folded his hands, maintaining a cold attitude:

"Kid, have you brought any money?"

"Um, no..."

As soon as the little girl got the candy, she became entangled. Zion's education level was very high, so even if the little girl wanted the lollipop, she knew she couldn't take it without paying for it.

Just now she was just curious whether Jin Chan was really weird.

Now, do you want to put the lollipop back?

Seeing the little girl's tangled look, Toad's eyebrows relaxed a little, and the two law enforcers on the side did not dare to speak.

According to Xu Le's order, they did not dare to make decisions for Jin Chan.

Jin Chan was about to speak and give the lollipop to the little girl, when the little girl's mother suddenly ran over.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my child is not very sensible, I, I, I..."

Seeing the mother's helpless look, the toad immediately lost interest and raised his head again to look at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

"Pay the money and let's go."

"Okay, okay."

Everyone thought the episode would end like this, but after a while, the little girl actually ran over again.

"Master Toad, this is for you."

"Huh?" Toad raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then it saw that the little girl had put a sticker on its thigh. It was originally intended to be placed on its belly, but unfortunately the little girl was too short and couldn't reach it.

"Humph, a child's trick."

"Then I'll see you later, Master Toad."

"I know." The toad was still cold, but he still answered the little girl's words.

The two law enforcers around them looked at the toad at this time, and its behavior was somewhat different from what they imagined.

However, Toad seemed to sense the strange looks from the two men, and immediately said fiercely:

"What are you looking at? Don't you have to do anything? You should be paid, right? I don't have a fucking salary!"

"Yes, yes, let's do something right now."

After explaining to the two law enforcers, Toad crossed his arms again.

In fact, it is also thinking. According to Toad's previous thoughts, it is only level 4, a level 4 weirdo. What reason does it have to consider the affairs of the entire group?

This is very normal thinking, and it is also a kind of inertial thinking.

Thinking about it on the other hand, Xu Le is also at level 4, and he is a guy who has just broken through level 4. Why should he consider the affairs of the entire ethnic group?

Is he special?

Yes, he is very special, a very, very special human being, so Xu Le can consider the problems of the entire ethnic group.

What about yourself?

Are you special as an ancient god?

It seems to be very special. He was promoted to level 4 as a level 3 golden toad. He has eaten a lot of fruits recently, and there is a faint tendency to make a breakthrough.

Moreover, it followed Xu Le and was blessed by so many special places.

Then it should be understandable for a level 4 ancient god to consider the problems of the entire ethnic group, right?

If this matter is to be seriously considered, then what is the future of the entire ancient god species?

Relying on that narrow place in the Ancient God Realm?

Food is scarce, fighting continues, being squeezed by Gu Yinduo and Hongyue, or is it just a matter of survival in troubled times?

Crawling in the dark? Whenever there is a black tide, you have to hide in some safe places to survive...

If the ancient gods and humans accept each other, can the life of the ancient gods be a little better than before?

I won’t go hungry every day or something…

Thinking of this, some fire appeared in Toad's eyes, as if he had made some important decision, he suddenly picked up the small sales flag on the pushcart.

He shouted loudly to the people coming and going in front of him:

"Come and take a look, Jin Chan Miaomiao House, with unique taste and a sense of innocence..."

In the following two days, people in Zion gradually learned that an Ancient God Golden Toad Snack Shop had opened near Zion's Tourist Plaza.

This caused a great stir throughout Zion.

After all, a food store opened by a strange ancient god sounds very unique.

The people of Zion are not afraid of big things. Whether you buy it or not is another matter. It is true that you first go and take a look around.

So in the past two days, the browsing square has been packed with people, and many people are wandering around the toad.

Many people maintained a wait-and-see attitude, but some brave people began to contact and take photos with the toads.

The work of integrating the ancient gods into society has officially begun.

While Toad was actively working, Xu Le was not idle either, just as he expected.

After Li Wen learned the news, he neither expressed support nor objection.

But Xu Le knew very well that Li Wen's failure to support him was a kind of opposition in itself.

His reason was to speed up the progress of Sky City, so he had no energy to interfere with the recruitment and fusion of ancient gods.

Therefore, this matter was basically completed by Xu Le's team alone.

And today is the time for him to submit his policy to members.

"Congressman Xu Le, are you kidding me about the recruitment plan of ancient gods?"

"Yes, although the ancient gods are not powerful, they are also weird. Weirdness is dangerous. You cannot let down your guard against them just because Red Moon Warlocks can communicate with weirdness. This is not safe."

"Also, Councilor Xu Le, have you ever learned about the weird history of the ancient gods?"

Not surprisingly, as soon as Xu Le submitted his policy proposal, he encountered almost unanimous opposition from other council members.

This was something Xu Le expected.

There were several silent council members with similar expressions and attitudes.

These people all expressed their vigilance towards the use of ancient gods.

Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly. He was very clear about the great value of the ancient god seed.

There is no need to consider too many dark monster spawning factors, and there is no need to consider anima factors. With a stable area, you can live peacefully.

It can be said that compared to greedy people, there are too many places where the ancient gods can be used.

Perhaps it could be said to be use, but this use did not bring peace to the ancient gods.

Now that we are facing such opposition, then... we can only use the power that belongs to the members.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I must implement the recruitment policy of the ancient gods. If you don't agree, then I can only implement the terms of the new members and implement this policy myself."

When Xu Le said this, the silent council members could no longer sit still. One of them stood up and persuaded Xu Le:

"It's not that we disagree, Councilman Xu Le, have you ever thought about the risks we take on this matter? We need to be responsible for the safety of the people of Zion."

"Of course I know that I need to be responsible for the safety of the people of Zion, so the initial positioning of the ancient god species area is near the furnace.

I will personally be responsible for these ancient gods, and the security issues will be solved by Zion Progressives. I will conduct a strict review of the security issues of the ancient gods. You can rest assured on this. "

Xu Le did not reveal the Sky City plan, it was not the time yet.

In fact, the Sky City Plan and the Ancient God Seed Plan are complementary to each other, but he currently does not have enough resources or conditions.

Therefore, we can only proceed step by step.

"Member Xu Le, it seems that you are determined to have your own way."

"If you continue to persist like this, you are likely to encounter unanimous opposition from us..."

While the congressman was speaking, Xu Le had already stood up and turned his eyes to these congressmen.

When these congressmen looked at Xu Le, they all avoided it.

They didn't have the courage to look Xu Le in the eye. They didn't have the courage before, and they were unlikely to have it in the future.

"What if I insist on carrying out this policy? How are you going to deal with me?"

"Member Hui Le, this is not in line with unity and should not be said here."

"Do you think Zion is a pretty good city? It has very good economic conditions, cultural environment, and the people's lives are also good?"

"Is not it?"

Xu Le stared at the person who spoke, trying his best to restrain the dark aura emanating from him.

“Then let me tell you now, whether it’s the economy, the human environment, or the peace you advocate, it’s all bullshit.

Without sufficient military support, Zion was destroyed in the last black tide.

Without the Guyinduo technology core, you would probably be digested by those weird things, and then become a piece of weird shit and be dragged on the ruins of Zion. "

"Xu Le, you are so presumptuous."

"Presumptuous? You probably don't know what Zion is in the eyes of the Red Moon Temple, right? It's just a chicken laying eggs, a cow for milking, and a lamb waiting to be slaughtered at any time.

Oh, I forgot, Representative Mindo’s family seems to have immigrated to the Red Moon Temple, is that right?

That was really enlightening. He knew that one day Zion would be unable to withstand it, so he moved his family early.

Well, visionary. "

"Xu Le, you are arrogant and deceiving others too much. My children are just going to the Red Moon Temple to learn warlocks..."

"Your son is as stupid as a pig, but he can also become a warlock?

Although I haven't read many books, I am also a warlock. Don't lie to me. "

"you you……"

Councilor Mindo was speechless, suddenly foaming at the mouth, lying on his chair and convulsing.

"Stop pretending. I used this way of pretending when I first joined the lighthouse night watchman."

After bullying Wan Minduo, Xu Le turned his attention to others.

He didn't have much time. He was not the only one who couldn't wait, but also the Red Moon Temple, and even Hong Yue and Gu Yinduo.

He had to speed up the process.

"Today's Zion is not very good. The parliamentary system has led to the decentralization of power. Don't think that these things have nothing to do with you.

The Red Moon Temple will soon take action against Zion. If you still consider yourself a Zionist, you should be prepared at this time. "

"Be prepared, prepare for what?"

"In preparation for the battle, everything I did was to make Zion stronger and have the power to truly compete with the Red Moon Temple and Tianrui Lifeng.

We don't have a lot of time, nor do we have enough strength. The ancient gods are what we need. They are important productivity and important companions.

If anyone disagrees, you can leave now..."

"Xu Le, do you want the Zion Council to become a one-word hall?"

The speaker was a female congressman whom I didn’t recognize. She must be a new congressman like myself.

Xu Le did not deny it at this time.

"This is not a one-word meeting, this is called a community of shared future."

"Huh, that's ridiculous."

The congresswoman, whose name Xu Le didn't even know, walked out, but the others didn't move at this time.

In this situation, not only the congresswoman was a little surprised, but Xu Le himself was also shocked.

"Are you going to collude with Xu Le?" The female congressman was still shouting, but no one paid attention to her.

She glanced at Mindo who was lying on the chair again. Mindo immediately understood and started twitching again.

"Uh..." He also made a very six plus seven gesture with his hand.

But even so, Mindo had no intention of leaving and stayed, which seemed very strange.

The congresswoman walked out angrily, but she was the only one who walked out.

After she left, Xu Le hosted the meeting again.

"We, Zion, need to become stronger."

Parliament building.

Li Wen, who had been pretending to be dead in front of Xu Le these days, held the teapot and looked at the female congresswoman Wang Anna walking out of the parliament hall, shaking his head slightly.

"It's still a bit soft-hearted."

Secretary Liu bowed his head slightly towards Li Wen:


"Just deal with it."

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