
Chapter 343 Able to carry the entire population of Zion

"Member Xu Le, this thing..." Duo Min suppressed her shock and acted like a young and curious girl in front of Xu Le.

Her inexperienced and hazy eyes make Duo Min look very attractive. Coupled with her excellent appearance, she is very lethal to ordinary men.

But unfortunately, Xu Le is not an ordinary man...

"Oh, this thing is the operation process of Guangming Soap Factory. Did they let you in?"

Xu Le pointed to the outside of the factory, his attitude was not very friendly, as if he was worried about research matters.

Seeing that her subtle temptation had no effect, Mindo felt a little dissatisfied.

Perhaps such researchers are just idiots, and seducing them may require some more explicit actions.

"We made an appointment for the interview yesterday. It was supposed to be an interview and promotion of the Ancient God Seed together, but then you didn't come, so I found this place."

"Did I say that yesterday? Sorry, I forgot."

Xu Le still frowned, looking a little absent-minded.

"Are Senator Xu Le confused about the research?"

"Yes, there is a problem with the energy conversion of the furnace, @#¥%!..." Xu Le began to talk about a series of strange formulas.

These formulas are very far-reaching and sound very profound.

Duo Min couldn't understand it at all.

In fact, it's normal for her not to understand, because Xu Le himself doesn't understand either, just chatting with Gacha.

Moreover, a lot of the content was made by Xu Le himself. If he was asked to repeat what he just said, he might not be able to say it again.

"Councilor Xu Le is so professional, and you are already a member of the assembly, and you are still so obsessed with research. You are really an amazing person."

"The status of Congressman is just to provide convenience. My ideal has never changed, which is to become a researcher who will be remembered by the entire history of Zion."

Xu Le's eyes were full of yearning.

Pure, too pure.

Duo Min looked at Xu Le and became more and more certain that he was a pure researcher.

It is difficult for such a person to be related to the lighthouse golden tree incident, but it is not completely certain now...

And as far as Xu Le himself is concerned, it would be easy to deal with it using rough means, but that would waste his value.

He gave the city a lot of surprises and was very loyal. It would be difficult for such a person to instigate rebellion.

However, this does not prevent the temple from taking some results from him.

For example, this weird device that transforms ancient sounds is worth a closer look.

"Member Xu Le, will my coming here have an impact on you, and the scene I just saw..." Duo Min hesitated.

"Oh, it's okay. These things have been developed for a long time, and the specific confidentiality level is not very high. They will be announced after a while.

However, there are still great hidden dangers in this device. Until these hidden dangers are dealt with, the announcement is still on hold.

In short, I have to give an explanation to the people of Zion. "

Seeing Xu Le's words of inseparability from the people of Zion, Duo Min nodded quietly, and unknowingly, the direction of the exploration changed.

"Well, Councilor Xu Le, if there is no confidentiality agreement, can I take some photos here?"

"Well, that's okay. There's nothing to keep secret here."

Xu Le did not lie. The construction of the furnace, the curse seal, and the runes that transmit energy are not very rare things.

It's not even as valuable as the several forbidden arts in the Red Moon Temple, and there's really no need to keep it secret.

There is really only one thing that needs to be kept secret, and that is the tree in the core room of the furnace.

The other stuff simply doesn't matter.

But Duo Min didn't know. Not only Duo Min, but even many people working in the furnace didn't understand what the core of the furnace was.

"Thank you, Councilor Xu Le, thank you very much."

"Well, it's okay. You can visit at will. I have to continue working. I'm afraid I don't have much time to entertain you."


After watching Xu Le leave, Duo Min began to take pictures of the furnace frantically.

Shoot this way, shoot that way.

She gave full play to a woman's passion for taking pictures and took a bunch of photos from various angles.

In her opinion, this was just frantic intelligence gathering.

After saying goodbye to Duo Min, Xu Le did not use the cross-border gate, mainly because he was afraid that the psychic fluctuation would attract the other party's attention.

Walking to the office, Li Wen has been waiting here for a long time.

He already knew something about Duo Min's arrival.

"Tomorrow, the ancient god seed plan will be announced and launched simultaneously. Doesn't this nail in the Red Moon Temple need to be dealt with?"

Facing Li Wen's question, Xu Le just shook his head:

"It's not that it's not necessary, it's that there's no way. Zion doesn't have enough power."

"Yes, Zion does not have enough power. It can even be said that the other three major city-states were established with the support of the Red Moon Temple."

"Lord Li Wen, just like the lighthouse, there are experts from the Red Moon Temple stationed in Zion, right? Have you seen them?"

At the lighthouse, Xu Le met Yu Long.

Yulong is the garrison left by the Red Moon Temple at the lighthouse. As a level 7 master, she already has the ability to guard the entire lighthouse.

According to the support policy, there should be such a person in Zion.

During the last furnace construction, the guy who fled and died was probably killed by the guardians of Zion.

But Xu Le is not sure whether such a resident figure can be regarded as the guardian of the city.

Maybe it's a monitor.

"Such a person does exist, and because of the relationship between Zion and the Red Moon Temple, there is more than one person sent to guard it. In my impression, there are two.

I haven't seen them specifically, but according to some information, they should be a man and a woman, both of whom are older. "

"Two, that would be more dangerous..."

"What are your thoughts now?"

"What is Uncle Li asking about?"

"I'm not interested in matters related to the Ancient God Seed. If you have any plans for Sky City, tell me about it. We're going to start construction soon.

As the chief designer, you should also reveal to us the order of goods and the overall direction. "

Li Wen looked at Xu Le, even though Xu Le told him about the plan for Sky City.

But there are only construction plans and no future urban planning.

We are now ready to start construction, so we still need to ask Xu Le, the chief designer, for his thoughts.

To put it bluntly, if you fart now, don’t look back. The house is half built and you say you want floor-to-ceiling windows. That’s not good.

"The master plan of Sky City has no specific requirements. If I have to mention some requirements, just one, don't fix the external frame."

"Don't fix the outer frame?" Li Wen was a little curious. This request sounded quite strange.

"The main idea is that if it needs to be built, Sky City can continue to be built based on its original main body and grow without limit."

Hearing what Xu Le said, Li Wen felt even more strange.

"What's the purpose of making a flying fortress so big?"

"If Zion was a safe city, it wouldn't need to be so big, but it's a pity that our safety is in the hands of others."

"Then according to your idea, how big should this sky city be?"

Xu Le pondered for a while and then slowly said:

"As long as it can carry the entire population of Zion."

"What? Are you kidding me?" Li Wen, who had always been calm, felt that Xu Le was having a whim.

What he understood was a large floating fortress in the sky.

A floating military fortress used for offense and defense.

This can give Zion a very strong military guarantee.

In fact, Xu Le's original idea was also like this, but as time went by, he felt that this was not enough.

A military fortress cannot protect Zion.

The people of Zion are valuable to him and Li Wen. Most of them support him and have long-term and subtle ideas of Zion.

So there is no way for people to abandon it.

If you don’t abandon or give up, you need protection.

The strongest power that Xu Le can support is the evil god-the Nail of Death stored by Chi Xiao in the Realm of the Mother Tree.

This level 7 creature could barely be summoned by Chixiao and the mother tree.

However, it is almost impossible to expect it to fight to the death.

The two masters of the Red Moon Temple stationed in Zion are like two knives hanging over their heads.

Without high-end combat power, it is impossible for Zion to compete head-on with the Red Moon Temple.

Only under certain conditions can Xu Le have the capital to deal with top players, and that is Beacon.

Use towering trees to protect the floating city flying into the sky.

A city that truly flies in the sky, rather than an aerial fortress, this is what Xu Le thinks now.

"I'm not joking, Uncle Li, this is a very serious idea."

"Then have you ever thought about how much steel, stone, and various building materials would be consumed to build such a city?

Once it is the size of a city, the city will definitely need greening, which will require soil and trees. There are too many things needed. "

"Uncle Li only needs to prepare soil, trees, and building materials. As for the steel construction, I will ask others to help."

"Xu Le? This kind of thing cannot be done by two people."

"No, under normal thinking, this kind of thing is really not something that one or two people can do. But for some special people, this kind of thing can actually be done, and it is not very difficult..."

Xu Le said very definitely and calmly.

Li Wen looked at Xu Le for a while and then nodded.

"It seems that many things in the extraordinary world are indeed beyond my imagination."

"Uncle Li, there is no need to belittle yourself. Your ability exceeds many people's imagination. Zion would not be so stable and prosperous without you."

"Oh, don't do this to me. I just do what I'm good at. Everyone has their own thing."

"It's all about making Zion greater."

"Yes, for Zion."

After Li Wen left, Xu Le stood at the window and observed Duo Min, and then ordered Ai Li to follow her.

Although he knew it well, there was still a certain risk for a person from the Red Moon Temple to be here.

After doing all this, Xu Le returned to his private lounge and then hesitated.

"If you want to build a giant sky city, Warlock Luo's decomposition technique is useless, and you must ask Chi Xiao to help.

But the problem now is that if you want to find Chi Xiao, it would be like entering the realm of the Mother Tree.

After what happened last time..."

Xu Le doesn't know what will happen if he enters the realm of the mother tree now. Will he still be recognized?

Are sacrifices still useful?

If you enter rashly, will you be attacked by the mother tree?

If the Mother Tree won't attack, is it possible that it could drive Death Nail to attack him?

Xu Le squatted on the ground and thought for a long time. Finally, he took out a black card - the black sheep girl, held it in his hand, and then held the black staff tightly in case of emergency.

Both the Black Rod and the Black Sheep Maiden can quickly turn him into a dark place.

If that didn't work, he would have no choice but to run away with the bucket.

"about there."

Xu Le entered the spiritual space, came to the tree of soul, touched the branches and felt the trembling of the soul.

Soon, his consciousness sank into the realm of the Mother Tree.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock!

The familiar sound of water drops came, and Xu Le took a look at the surrounding environment and breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, at least the Mother Tree Realm has not rejected him yet.

"Go over and have a look..."

Walking towards the direction of the mother tree, Xu Le's eyes brightened instantly.

Not only was he able to come here, but he also directly saw Chi Xiao here. She was squatting on the stone and holding her chin up as if she was thinking about the problem.

"I'm not buying equipment, it's a pity..."

"Is it really such a pity?" After Xu Le muttered, Chi Xiao's voice appeared directly behind him.

Xu Le was frightened and shivered.

"Well, Master Chixiao is so fast!"

"Ha." Chi Xiao sneered, and then walked in front of Xu Le.


Just after taking a few steps, the sound of something huge hitting steel appeared, and Xu Le took a few steps back without knowing why.

Then, he saw a crack in the air, as well as the iron plate controlled by Chi Xiao.

The figure of Death Nail gradually appeared from the cracks in the air. It stared at Xu Le with fierce eyes. This hostility was very obvious.

Xu Le thought secretly:

"It is indeed hostile."

After the Nail of Death was left here by Chi Xiao, his consciousness and spirit were placed on the Guyin Duomu Tree, and his state was actually similar to that of Yama.

Now that it has attacked itself, it is obvious that the mother tree should also be hostile to him.

Fortunately, judging from the attack of Death Nail, the mother tree itself should not be able to launch an attack.

This is a good thing for him.

"Get out of here." Chi Xiao glared at Nail of Death.

The fear of Chi Xiao was obviously greater than the loyalty to the mother tree, and Death Nail left in despair.

Without its threat, Xu Le's pressure suddenly dropped significantly.

"Thank you, Lord Chixiao."

"I put it back. It's my reason for attacking you now, so you don't have to thank me. But between you and the mother tree..."

"Hai, those things are not important. I came here today to ask Master Chixiao for a favor."

"Tell me what you are doing first." Chi Xiao did not agree immediately.

"Help me build a house."

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