
Chapter 35 The Realm of the Mother Tree


Xu Le didn't know the purpose of this voice telling him to go to sleep.

But now he is full of joy and wants to get Zhang Zhe's inheritance. At this time, he is told to go to bed. Can he sleep?

To be more precise, this kind of reminder is not actually a sound, but some kind of subconscious reminder.

It's like the ability that a forbidden warlock should have naturally.

His subconscious was reminding him that he should go to sleep now.

Go to sleep and something important will happen.

"So, I really should go to bed now?"

After a series of checks, the time is now almost 7 o'clock.

Although he really wanted to receive the inheritance.

But a night of intense fighting, the joy of surviving the disaster, and the excitement of becoming a warlock all made Xu Le feel a little bit tired.

So going to bed now doesn't seem like an outrageous choice.

The problem now is that Xu Le doesn't know what will happen when he sleeps.

He could feel that something was bound to happen this time he slept.

But he couldn't be sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing!

This was where he struggled.

"Forget it, let's go back to the dormitory first."

As Xu Le walked, he looked at the center of the square in various areas of the school.

A large number of night watchmen and guards were cleaning up corpses, human, weird, and some unknown things that were still alive.

Occasionally any living creature that jumps out will be killed directly by the night watchman.

Xu Le knew that these creatures were probably living people, but they had been contaminated.

The Night Watch has the conditions for purification, but they cannot purify so many people.

Time is running out, the equipment to purify the body, and the warlocks, are far unable to keep up with the number of polluters.

These people who are polluted by Guyinduo can only be given up.

Most corpses are disposed of by burning and destroying.

If there is a disaster warlock.

A few fireballs can burn it, or freeze it with ice, and then blow it into powder to completely clean up the body.

If there is no disaster warlock, most of the time it will be burned by the guards adding fire oil.

The burning temperature of kerosene can exceed 1500 degrees.

Only temperatures exceeding 1,500 degrees can completely burn human bones, thus eliminating the possibility of bone deformation.

Along the way, Xu Le heard students crying from time to time.

They either hug each other or grieve alone.

These emotions also diluted Xu Le's previous joy.

Maybe everyone's joys and sorrows are not the same, but the emotions in this world are connected.

The pain caused by the Kuyinduo Kuroshio to Beacon University has never been seen in decades.

"I don't know what's going on outside."

Xu Le somewhat hoped that everything would be okay outside Lighthouse University.

But if you think about it carefully, you will realize that this is impossible.

It took the Night Watchmen so long to come to support, so they must have an important mission.

This also means that the outside world may be even worse than Beacon University!

After walking for a while, Xu Le suddenly stopped in front of a dark classroom.

There are only night watchmen here, no students, not even anyone crying, just wordless silence.

The roof of the classroom had collapsed, and the night watchmen and guards carried out corpses that were either charred or broken.

Xu Le couldn't count the number of these corpses, so he could only describe them as "many".

"Are they all wiped out... 400 lives!"

Although these people have nothing to do with him, as a person, Xu Le still feels a little psychologically uncomfortable.

He took a deep breath and stopped looking at the final burning.

When he first traveled through time, he still couldn't quite understand why the entire lighthouse and the entire Deep Blue Star were determined to find the true light and end this dark era.

Now, he understands a little better.

Back in the boys' dormitory area, a guard stopped Xu Le:

"Wait, have you checked?"

"Yes, this is the inspection certificate."

Xu Le handed the inspection sign to the guard. The guard looked at it briefly and returned the inspection sign to him.

"Okay, let's go back. If there's nothing else to do, don't run around for the next two days.

Parliament will make some announcements by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. "

"Got it, thank you."

Xu Le nodded towards the guard.

He didn't say that he had become a warlock. Before he had enough confidence, it was better to do less than to do more.

After going up to the second floor, Xu Le came to his dormitory.

As expected, he was the first to come back from inspection, and there was no one else in the dormitory yet.

Even if his roommate comes back, it won't be that fast.

"Haha, I don't even know if those roommates can come back, and how many of them can come back."

Xu Le shook his head, lay on his bed and slowly closed his eyes, but couldn't fall asleep.

After touching the bed where he was alone, Xu Le began to mutter:

"Hey, it's probably time to find a girl.

Although it was June or July, it was extremely cold lying on the bed alone, especially in my heart.

My thin body was a little unable to cope with the provocation of darkness and weirdness.

Maybe only by finding a girl I like and fighting the darkness with me in this quilt can I keep my body warm. "

Xu Le muttered as he fell into a deep sleep for who knows how long.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

The sound of water rang in Xu Le's ears, and when he opened his eyes, it was the dark world again.

The last time this scene appeared was when he saw Guyinduo's Soul Tree for the first time.

"Is it really here? In fact, I should have guessed...

Um? Damn it, is there someone? How could there be anyone here? "

Xu Le's eyes suddenly opened wide because he could clearly see someone walking slowly towards him.

When the two sides were close enough, Xu Le finally saw each other's face clearly.

Bald head, an indifferent horse face.

Narrow eyes, an almost curved aquiline nose, a goatee, and thin purple lips.

This man's appearance gave Xu Le a strong sensory impact.

Facing him, Xu Le did not dare to act rashly. The aura emanating from the other person's body, just the aura, gave him an unprecedented sense of oppression.

This person can kill him instantly!

No, this person... can kill white cicadas, black cicadas, and toads in an instant!

The bald man paused next to Xu Le, sniffed with his aquiline nose, and then glanced at Xu Le:

"Oh, another one died, haha."

With that he walked away, farther and farther away, until finally he disappeared into the darkness.

When he completely disappeared, Xu Le began to breathe heavily.

The sense of oppression this person gave him was too strong!

Is this feeling really human?

“Isn’t this the location of Guyinduo’s Soul Tree?”

Xu Le was a little confused, although everything here was very similar to his previous spiritual world.

But if it is your own spiritual world, how can outsiders appear? Or someone he doesn’t know at all.

"Let's go and have a look."

Xu Le looked forward, there was still a faint blue light, exactly the same as the previous scene.

He walked slowly over, the sound of water drops echoing in his ears.

Xu Le felt that his feet were wet, but when he looked over, except for his toes, nothing under his feet could be seen, only completely black.

As he got closer to the blue light, Xu Le gradually saw clearly what was ahead.

A huge tree, you can't even see the top of the tree, the bottom of the tree.


And there's more than one.

Arranged from left to right, these people are...

An old man, a young man, a fat middle-aged man, an ordinary middle-aged woman, and a woman in red sitting on a rock.

Because these people had their backs to him, Xu Le could only judge the age of these people from three aspects: their body shape, voice, and clothing.

"Old man, your performance today was pretty good, right? What was it?"

It was the young man who spoke. From his tone, he seemed to be very interested in the things of the old man on the left.

"Do you want the mysterious fruit?"

"Are you giving it? Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Xu Le's scalp was numb. He wasn't sure how this child could laugh so outrageously.

But when he recalled his original owner before time travel, Xu Le felt relieved.

The original owner's laughter before was similar to this kid's.

"I'll give it to you, just reach out and take it."

"I'm afraid you'll bite me!"

The two of them talked with a smile on their faces.

As they talked, Xu Le gradually got closer.

As Xu Le approached, these people gradually became silent.

The old man on the left got up first, glanced at Xu Le, grinned, and then left.

After the old man stood up, the young man also stood up.

But when he turned around, Xu Le discovered that he was not a boy, but a short, wretched-looking young man.

With this figure, it would be a bit too much to call him a dwarf, but to say he is a normal person, he is not at all.

He should be about the same age as me!

The dwarf didn't speak when he passed by Xu Le, but the next moment, he suddenly turned back, tilted his head and said to Xu Le:

"You are the seventh child. If someone else dies, you will be the sixth child."

"What's the meaning?"

"You came too late, come earlier next time, Jie Jie Jie..."

He didn't answer Xu Le, and left here after another burst of weird laughter.

Xu Le turned to look at him, without questioning, just silently watching him disappear into the darkness.

"excuse me."


Then, the middle-aged woman also came over, and Xu Le made way for him honestly.

After all, the dwarf said before that he is the seventh, and this ranking should be based on the order of entry here.

He wasn't sure what the function was, but what was certain was that these people were more experienced than him.

You should remain humble in areas you are unfamiliar with.

This middle-aged woman is the fourth person Xu Le has seen.

There are two left.

Xu Le slowly walked under the tree. The fat man glanced at the woman on the other side and then looked at Xu Le.



"Then you probably aren't familiar with the rules here."


Xu Le nodded honestly. When he arrived at a place he was unfamiliar with, it would be a good thing if a senior could give him guidance, right?

The premise is...this senior is a good person, and he doesn't want to cheat your good person.

The fat man didn't notice the flash in Xu Le's eyes and continued:

“To put it simply, there is no fixed name here, but later we decided to give it an exclusive name.

With everyone's unanimous opinion, we call this place the boundary of the ancient Yinduomu tree. "

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