
Chapter 345 Make it useful before the black tide

Xu Le slowly landed on the sky city frame, closing his eyes and panting.

It wasn't like the bleeding from the seven holes, but there was indeed blood spilling from the nostrils and mouth.

Xu Le felt as if his chest was burning like a flame. This was his first real overdraft of psychic energy.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"No wonder those warlocks are so wretched."

Xu Le wiped his nose to wipe away the remaining blood, then looked at the slowly rising metal frame and grinned.

"Has it been successful?" Chi Xiao floated over.

Her flight is much lighter than Xu Le's, at least she doesn't need to use her elemental ability.

"It's considered a success, even though it's just a scaffolding."

Chi Xiao nodded slightly and stared at Xu Le with a strange look when Xu Le couldn't see him.

She was indeed confused.

Because she created this metal frame, which consumed a huge amount of her spiritual energy, there is a spiritual energy belonging to her in every corner of this metal frame.

But after Xu Le accepted this framework just now, in addition to the impact of the shattered Sky Tribulation on the framework, she also felt a psychic invasion.

These psychic powers were very aggressive, eroding her original psychic powers at an extremely fast rate.

Chi Xiao can understand these situations.

But what she couldn't understand was why all the spiritual energy in such a large frame had been eroded?

She is not a weakling...

If you want to do this, you must be at least stronger than her.

If it was her teacher, there might be a slight chance.

But what others say...

How did Xu Le do it? Could it be that he has more spiritual energy than himself?

How can it be?

"Thank you, Master Chixiao."

"Humph." Chi Xiao turned his head slightly.

Xu Le:? ? A bit baffling.

Chi Xiao looked angry, but what was the reason for his anger? Is it because you didn’t give any money?

Xu Le was silent for a moment. Chi Xiao generally didn't have any requirements.

Most of her things he couldn't do much to help.

Should I continue to draw cakes?

If you draw a cake, it is not impossible.

"Well, Minister Li Wen and I have already started discussing the issue of Lord Chi Xiao becoming a permanent honorary citizen of Zion."

"Permanent Honorary Citizen of Zion? What's the use?"

"You can enjoy a 20% discount when shopping in Zion." Xu Le said seriously.

"Then thank you."

"You are welcome."

While the two chatted, Xu Le's condition improved a lot, his spiritual energy recovered quickly, and his dark power continued to flow.

Xu Le even felt that he could absorb power from the darkness.

However, the physical burden is not so easy to handle.

He was tired and at his limit.

But now, it is obvious that this kind of thing cannot be stopped, and the construction of Sky City is not over yet.

"Phew, my body feels better. Let me try it and let it fly."

"I'll see."

Xu Le closed his eyes again, and the power of Kong Zhijie began to transmit to each other between his soul tree.

Gravity is gradually disappearing, and this metal base begins to gradually break away from the original rules of this world.

It's getting lighter, lighter than air, so... it's really starting to rise.


Some staff below were watching this scene. A huge, empty iron frame slowly floated into the sky without any assistance.

This is something unbelievable to many people. It is not an exaggeration to say it is a miracle or even a miracle.

"This is unbelievable..." Xia Libo clenched his fists. He was already thinking about how to build a Sky City core research laboratory.

Li Wen was equally excited. Even though he was already very old, he was still excited.

"Perhaps this is what Xu Le calls the power of extraordinary technology, using the rules of extraordinary people to implement technological ideas and create more incredible creations."

Li Wen remembered what Xu Le said before about turning over the table.

Zion needs to have a table-turning ability.

Even if they don't have extremely high supernatural power, they still need to have the ability to destroy other cities.

As long as they possess this ability, at least the Red Moon Temple will no longer be able to bully Zion so easily.

There is no need to kill the top transcendent beings, they are too strong and there is no point in hitting mosquitoes with cannons.

It only needs to be able to destroy a city's infrastructure in an instant.

Such as huge cannons, or weapons such as bombs.

It's just powerful enough to kill enough ordinary people.

Because no leader would like a world without ethnic groups. If all the ordinary people are dead, what’s the point of leaving the top extraordinary people behind?

Turning the table over, this makes so much sense.

"Minister, are we here now?" Secretary Liu motioned to Li Wen to stand further away.

In his opinion, if the base frame fell, everyone around it would be killed.

But Li Wen waved his hand:

"Don't bother me. Although that guy looks very unreliable, every big thing he does is reliable."

"The minister's evaluation of Xu Le is still so high."

"Evaluation? He no longer needs my evaluation. His height has far surpassed mine."

"Uh." Secretary Liu was speechless for a moment. He didn't understand Li Wen's thoughts.

"Everything that Xu Le is able to do today is all because of your help, Minister. It's your discerning eye that makes the difference."

"No, that's not the case. Even without my help, he will get help from others, or develop slowly on his own."

"Why is the minister so sure?"

"His vision and structure are unmatched by any of us."

Li Wen felt that helping Xu Le was simply the most correct choice in his life.

Xu Le is often very stupid and has no scientific research level.

But his strong point is his thinking.

He seems to understand the most correct approach to technological development.

Different from Xia Libo, or even those alchemists in Lighthouse.

Those people study moon stones, biotechnology, and various weapons.

Are these things useful?

It does work, and Zion benefits from it.

But can it change the situation?

Absolutely not. There are huge problems in every aspect including cost, cost, and use. Trial and error costs money, and research and development takes time.

The scientific research team keeps trying, consuming a lot of money, manpower and material resources.

This is how technology progresses through constant attempts.

Like a pedestrian groping for his way in the dark.

After Kexule arrived, everything was different.

First, there's the Anima Shroud.

This thing brought Xu Le into his field of vision and made him feel that he had gained another excellent R\u0026D personnel.

But this is just the beginning of everything.

Next, Xu Le said directly, as if he knew the outcome of everything, that the so-called Red Moon weapon technology was useless and meaningless.

Red Moon weapons technology research is a waste of money.

If this idea had been announced at that time, Xu Le would have been attacked by all R\u0026D personnel.

Because Red Moon Technology was the mainstream at the time.

But Xu Le went completely in the opposite direction. He created the melting pot, which truly changed the pattern of Zion and completely reversed the entire research direction of Zion.

Since then...

Xu Le is right.

Therefore, when Xu Le proposed the Sky City plan, Li Wen gave him his full support without thinking for long.

Because he believes Xu Le is right.

Then there was the ancient god species plan. Although he didn't like weird creatures very much, because it was arranged by Xu Le, he didn't object and also had some silent support.

Now it's time to reap the first fruits of support.

"A city flying in the sky, do you think it is possible?"

Secretary Liu's mouth moved. If it were before, even 10 minutes ago, he would have said that this was impossible.

But now, he was speechless.

Perhaps as Li Wen said, Xu Le is really special.

"A city flying in the sky is indeed very desirable."

"It's not just desirable. According to Xu Le, it has no concept of power. Do you know what this means?"

"Please ask the minister to clarify his doubts." Secretary Liu did not pretend to understand.

“Because there is no concept of power, there is no such thing as a crash in this sky city.

According to what Xu Le said, it relies on rules. Unless the rules of the sky are broken, it will fall to the ground.

Therefore... this sky city will become an existence that cannot be shot down, but can only be destroyed. "


Secretary Liu was not stupid, he quickly understood the difference.

Flying in the sky is a huge space advantage in itself. Once this kind of flight cannot fall, this advantage will be magnified ten times or a hundred times.

To put it simply, if it is built, they can fly to the weird group and poop without worrying about the sky city being shot down.

Of course, defense is still necessary. If it is breached or destroyed, it will be over...

"I think this is another epoch-making thing...

A city flying in the sky, coupled with the endless energy of Guyinduo, and then developing a larger cannon, tsk..."

Secretary Liu's mouth twitched. He felt that the "bigger cannon" Li Wen mentioned must be very big.

And it's not as big as most people imagine.

"Minister, although I don't want to disappoint you at this time, judging from the reports and data, we no longer have enough steel."

"...? It's not enough. Has the iron ore stored in it been used up?"

"Everything is used up. The woman named Chi Xiao... is terrifying. She extracted all the metal substances at once."

"Hasn't the iron ore from the lighthouse been shipped yet?"

"A lot has been transported, but you know the distance between the two cities and it will take time."

"This is troublesome..."

At this time, the scaffolding floating in the sky slowly descended. After falling to a certain height, Xu Le shouted to Li Wen here:

"Uncle Li, prepare to build the house manually. Let's make do with cement and concrete first."

"Cover it directly?"

"Yes, let's build a big platform first, and temporarily add some turrets at the bottom. In short, it can fly, but it is useless. We need to make this thing useful before the Kuroshio."

Although Li Wen is not as good as Xu Le in terms of structure, that is because Xu Le has experience in his previous life and has the trajectory and route of technological development.

But when it comes to building a platform to hang "a few" cannons, then he knows very well. What do Zion Progressives do?

If it were any other city, they would be full-blown terrorists.

"Can we make it usable as soon as possible? I understand. Everyone, prepare ordinary building materials. Personnel, first build a simple concrete building platform."

Then, he looked at Secretary Liu again.

"What's today's date?"


"In other words, there are still 6 days until the Kuroshio..."

Secretary Liu has been cooperating with Li Wen for a long time. As soon as Li Wen takes off his pants, he knows what Li Wen wants to do.

This seems to be a problem with weapons and equipment.

"Yes, in 6 days, it will be too late for the engineers to build naval guns."

Li Wen pondered for a moment after hearing this.

"Let all the naval guns under construction have their frames removed and be replaced with pylons. In addition, half of the space-based cannons on the airships should be dismantled."

"Tear down the airship in half? In that case, the entire Zion's defense strength will be greatly reduced."

"No, if we can turn this iron lump into a usable thing in 6 days, then no airship can compare with it, because this thing will not fall."


In the next few days, Zion Progressives, a large number of engineers, migrant workers from various cities, and coolies were all dispatched out of the city.

They worked day and night, and I heard the price was as high as 40 yuan a day.

This is the price of migrant workers. This salary is already comparable to that of engineers...

In addition, the parliament also deployed a large number of guards and law enforcers, and each of them was issued the most advanced ancient Yinduo technology weapons.

If the weirdness is refreshed due to darkness and fear, just kill it by force.

People in the city don't know what's going on outside.

I just heard people say that they were building a floor somewhere in the wild. This sounds so stupid that no normal person would see the use of building a floor outside.

But they just give money, so the migrant workers and engineers are all happy.

Of course, there will be some criticism and discussion in Zion City.

However, with the existence of the social plan of the ancient gods, these voices of criticism and discussion were drowned out.

And as time goes by, the dark tide is coming.

Everyone in Zion is waiting silently. They hope that this time the black tide will be defeated by Zion's powerful force like last time.

Only strong force can give a city enough confidence and security.

When the city is truly safe.

The city's elite don't think about running away with buckets all day long.

Why can the Red Moon Temple attract so many top talents without raising a large number of civilians?

Because they are already supreme and powerful, that's the reason.

day 30th.

Xu Le sat in the middle of the construction site and stared at the sun in the sky.

[Countdown to the Red Moon Tribulation: 11 hours, 54 minutes and 56 seconds]

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