
Chapter 356 Decisive Battle

There was a huge contrast between the petite woman and the original appearance of the Dorn puppet. She was too short.

Xu Le estimated that it was only 1.4 meters? Maybe less than 1.4 meters.

Not only is he short, he is also very thin.

A puppet master with such a stature has made a puppet with a strong and huge body, which looks quite funny.

Dawn stroked her puppet with her slender arms, and the special gentle voice reappeared, at least this voice was real.

"I feel your pain. Let me share some of it with you, my sister."

Dawn's palm immediately burst into blood, and the blood mist scattered around the puppet.

The puppet's skin seemed to be aware of it. After touching the blood mist, it immediately absorbed it into its body.

The whole picture looked scarlet and evil, and compared to Xu Le's dark power, it was only half as good.

"What are you looking at? Hit me!"

The black staff in Xu Le's hand transformed into a black gun, and bullets that gathered various energies were fired instantly.

After he shot, other law enforcement officers also woke up belatedly.

With a formidable enemy in front of us, this is not the time to watch a show.

"Free Fire."

In an instant, Dawn's body was once again covered by various energy attacks.

She waved her hand gently, and red psychic shields spread around her body, blocking countless attacks for herself and the puppet.

Ordinary energy shots hitting it can only produce circles of ripples, which then spread to the surroundings.

Only Xu Le's mixed bullets can have a substantial impact on this psychic shield.

The power of darkness corroded Red Moon's spiritual energy, the lightning's thrust broke through the hard energy shield, and the final anima affected Dorn.

Xu Le's bullets can be said to have hit Duo En's heart.

Her expression became worse and worse, but her actions of repairing the puppet did not stop at all.

With the release of the blood mist, the puppet's injuries recovered quickly in a short period of time.

Dawn stroked the puppet's face and said affectionately:

"I feel your pain, sister, please fight for me."

The Dorn puppet's eyes emitted a burst of intense red light, and the gears on its body began to rotate again, like a fully powered clockwork machine that had regained its vitality.

"Fight for you, my sister." The puppet spoke in a rough voice.

This voice fits the rough look of the Dorn puppet.

There was a sharp contrast with Dawn's own soft voice.

Dawn hugged the puppet gently, and the puppet also carried her on its back.

Duo En, who was lying on the puppet, hugged the puppet's neck, and then turned his eyes to the group of people on Xu Le's side:

"Let's fight together."

"Of course, my sister."

Seeing Duo En and the puppet calling each other sisters, Xu Le suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Is it possible that this really Dorn's sister?

A real sister, after she died, her flesh and blood was retained by Dorn and turned into a puppet.

"He's coming, be careful!" the captain reminded everyone.

At this time, Xu Le felt a not too weak spiritual energy appearing behind him, which was Duo Xi's spiritual energy.

This guy has gathered together from the state of pieces of flesh and has returned to his original human appearance. Unfortunately, his clothes are gone and he only uses a few big tree leaves to cover his body.

"Ah!~Ah!~Looks like I came at the right time."

There are powerful enemies in front of them and scoundrels behind them. This is bad news for the enforcers of the convoy.

When Duo En rushed over, Dosi also rushed over.

Although the two of them had never fought together before, Xu Le would not naively think that they did not know how to cooperate.

Since they are team members, they must have fixed tactical routines.

As soon as Xu Le thought this, Duo Xi's actions confirmed this.

"Spell - Touch of Soft Ground."

A large wave of psychic energy emerged from Dosi's body, and the feet of the law enforcers suddenly became soft...


The soft ground made everyone lose their balance. Without balance, it would be difficult to shoot stably. Without stable shooting, it would be difficult to suppress Dorn reasonably.

The whole battle scene suddenly became chaotic.


Duo En was already jumping high. They had already witnessed the impact of this puppet.

But at this time, with Duo En personally taking action, the puppet was even more terrifying than before.

Dawn, who was behind the puppet, gently raised her hand, and dozens of red light spots began to float around her.

These light spots were not fast, and when they flickered and fell, they reminded the people in the convoy of the time when they rolled the dice just now.

"Your abilities are really interesting. I'll try them too."

Dawn actually imitated the dice, but she used red moon energy.

The ground under their feet was still soft. This was a change in alchemy. The team had no way to form a defensive formation, nor could they escape by car. They could only flee in all directions.

However, as a result, the team's formation was completely disorganized.

Boom boom boom!

The red light point began to explode, and Xu Le quickly transformed into an elemental body and flew off the ground, attacking Duo En with the power of thunder.

Dorn's puppet blocked the lightning bolts, and his hands were scorched black.

But this didn't stop Dorn from killing the people below.

The gap in strength between the two sides was still too big after all.

Duo En was exuding red dots, and the puppet was fighting with Xu Le. She was multitasking and completely suppressed Xu Le.


The puppet kicked the black staff with great force. Xu Le's arms tightened again. The difference in strength was too big.

If he were to get close, he would probably be beaten to death.

"Not tragic enough, not desperate enough." Xu Le whispered.

I don’t know who he said this to, or whether he said it to himself.

Seeing the team members being killed and injured, Xu Le exuded a sense of determination.

Darkness began to spread from his body, and even Duo En and Duo Xi looked at him sideways due to this aura.

"It was you at the lighthouse!"

Dawn had a battle with the Night Demon, and she felt this dark aura at that time, which was exactly the same as Xu Le's.

At that time, she was still surprised as to why the Night Demon appeared there for no reason, why he attacked her, and why he did such an unreasonable behavior as running away.

Now that she saw the darkness in Xu Le, she finally understood.

"Everyone leave here immediately, the current battle is no longer something you can control.

Go back and tell Li Wen and Alley to live well for Zion. "

"Spell - Gate to Transcendence."

Xu Le summoned the cross-border gate, and then took out a stack of teleportation scrolls, something that even he himself was reluctant to use.

At this time, they flew towards the injured team members one after another.

Each teleportation scroll contains Xu Le's spiritual energy, which is enough to send them back to Zion.

"Lord Xu Le!" An injured team member disappeared in exclamation, and then appeared in a corner of Zion City.

This situation is still going on, and Duo En will not let Xu Le save people like this.

Bringing too much news back would be detrimental to the reputation of the Red Moon Temple.


A red light shuttled through, Xu Le's body instantly turned black, and the diffuse black mist and thunder and lightning blocked Hongjiu.

But soon, Xu Le frowned.

This red spiritual energy made him feel the rotten smell on the lighthouse's golden tree.

"Is this"

Xu Le originally thought that the corruption of the golden tree was because the golden tree absorbed too much chaotic life and performance, which eventually led to self-destruction.

But now Dorn can actually use similar power. It seems that there are many secrets in it.

"Are you still distracted at this time?"

The puppet's fist had already struck, but Xu Le did not give in or dodge this time.

He actually also waved his fist to meet him.

Dorn, who was lying on the back of the puppet, was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed ferociously:

"It's just asking for death."


Fists and fists struck together, and to everyone's surprise, Xu Le didn't move at all.

His strength can actually be compared with the Dorn puppet, which is simply unbelievable.

You know, Xu Le has never been known for his strength.

"This power?"

When Duo En was confused, black mist began to condense on Xu Le's arm, and a night devil actually broke through the void and came out directly from above Xu Le's arm.

Looking at the Night Demon rushing towards him, Duo En also smiled contemptuously.

"Aren't you going to keep your bright and great side anymore?"

The puppet punched one at a time, killing all three night demons generated on Xu Le's body.

However, this does not affect the dark aura emanating from Xu Le.

The entire area is getting darker and darker, and the thick black mist can almost obscure the sight of a normal warrior.

The number of night demons also began to increase, and some of them rushed towards Dorn and fought with them.

Another part of them chased after Duoxi, chasing her until she cried for her father and mother.

The chaos of the scene also gave Xu Le a chance to save people.

He grabbed the captain of the convoy and said:

"Remember, if you want Zion to be preserved, Li Wen will understand what I say."

"Lord Xu Le..."

"Don't let your brothers' sacrifice be in vain."

"I see."

Xu Le sent people away one after another. They looked at Xu Le with tears of gratitude, and then disappeared into the dark mist.

Dawn continued to kill, and dozens of night demons were slaughtered by her in just 2-3 minutes.

As she killed, the dark aura gradually dimmed.

When she could see everything in front of her clearly, Xu Le was already standing on the toad's back again.

"Brother Gua, it's the two of us again."

"Huh, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Xu Le bowed slightly, and the black staff he held in his hand had turned into a black sword:

"Then let's go all out."

"Spell - Seal Evil."

"Water style - Ding Ling."

Familiar starting sealing technique, familiar combination fighting posture.

Xu Le's black sword was raised diagonally by him, and all the red evil spirits he had cultivated for so long began to condense on the black sword.

He is not a warrior, and does not have as strong a body as a warrior, so his concentration is slower.

But he also has his advantage, that is, his reservoir is almost unlimited.

[Black Card-Black Sheep Girl]

"Disaster Strike-Dark Slash!"

Xu Le imitated the movements of the warriors and swung his sword to the limit.

His elemental thunder was almost drained, his spiritual pool was completely drained, and the Red Fiend was completely sacrificed.

This is already his strongest attack.

But Dawn didn't take it seriously.

"This slow attack is easy to dodge."

Yes, she wasn't lying. Although Xu Le's attack power was powerful, it was too slow.

He is not a warrior and will not seize opportunities like a warrior.

But he is a warlock, so... he also has his own methods.

"The Art of Destiny - The Black Card - The Puppet."

Threads of control suddenly appeared from the earth. The surrounding trees, sand and gravel, and even particles in the air all formed threads at this time.

These threads wrapped around Dawn's body, making her unable to move for a while.

"A few moments, but that's all."

Duo En's body exudes a strong red light, and her total spiritual energy may not be as outrageous as Xu Le's, but the spiritual energy output ability of a senior warlock will never be comparable to Xu Le, a level 4 warlock.

Just like releasing water, even if you have a sea, but your water releasing speed is just a water pipe, there is no way to compare with other people's big rivers.

Looking at Duo En, who was dressed in red, Xu Le knew that even the skill of playing with fate and the dual techniques of fixing the spirit could not control the opponent.

So...he still has a trump card.

"I haven't used it for a long time, so I'm actually a little rusty."

The thread of destiny.

The body of Dorn's puppet suddenly ignited with black flames, and the thread of fate completely pulled it up.

This was the black flame that the Black Sword Family had hit on her body just now.

At this moment, the red moon and the ancient Yinduo tree descended together, covering the earth like the end of the world.

Dawn's body was finally unable to move. This time it was no longer her body that was being controlled, but her fate being strangled by the neck.

Unless she can tear the thread of fate, it will never be broken.


Xu Le struck at Duo En with a sword, and the puppet's solid body was cut in half.

Following closely behind, there were also the migrant workers on rainy days, the power of sunny days, and dozens of Guyinduo energy dice.

Cang, boom!

The explosion swept across the entire area, and Xu Le's fatal blow blasted a huge crater into the area.

The scope of the damage was so large that even Duo Xi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn't help but shake his head:

"This Xu Le is really terrifying. With a level 4 body that can exert such fighting power, even a level 5 warlock may not be his opponent."

Dorsey's hard power is not strong enough, but she is also well-informed.

Even though they were both at level 4, she had never seen anyone stronger than Xu Le.

Even Chi Xiao and Ding Ke back then probably couldn't compare with them.

If this Xu Le grew up in the Red Moon Temple, he might even become the future temple master.

This kind of talent is simply unimaginable.

"But that's it." Dosi shook his head slightly.

She knew her sister's strength very well, so... Xu Le didn't have any chance.

When the smoke cleared, Xu Le squatted on the ground panting, and Toad also looked exhausted.

"Let's go, brother Gua, you have to understand what I mean."


This time, the toad did not refuse and turned into white smoke with a bang and disappeared.

Not far away, the petite figure slowly stepped forward. Her height seemed to be a little taller, from 1.4 meters to more than 1.5 meters.

His body is no longer so thin.

Staring at Xu Le, Duo En said softly:

"After all these years, there is no level 5 person who can break my sister, but you are only level 4, what a genius..."

Xu Le stared at Duo En in front of him, thinking that this was just the subordinate combat power of the deputy master of the Red Moon Temple.

Is he already so strong...

"Same as Mo Chen, a puppet master!"

Despair reigned.

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