
Chapter 366 The Birth of a Tree

Seeing that he was not the only one who was cheated, Xu Le felt much better.

Although Ding Ke grabbed his hair and punched him several times, he had eaten all the food and the smell could never come back.

Bai Jing looked at Xu Le, whose hair was grabbed by the black cat, with a complicated expression.

Her thoughts were also in a daze.

Xu Le's state really made it impossible for her to correspond to the person the old mercenary mentioned before.

But the old mercenary had no reason to lie to her. As long as she bought a newspaper after returning, everything would be clear.

"Someone just told me..."

"tell you what?"

"Some people say that you killed many people at the guard hall. Is it true?"

"Ah, that's what you're talking about. It can be said to be true."

"...How is this possible for a newbie like you?"

"I've told you that I'm not a newbie, and what you see may not be true. Many people can pretend, and many people also have many sides. Don't think that you are very accurate in judging people, in case you are not accurate. Woolen cloth?"

In front of Xu Le, Bai Jing had always played the role of teacher.

Now that she has been educated by Xu Le, she is still not used to it.

"Don't act like you are a senior in front of me. I have more experience than you."

Although she heard that Xu Le was a very scary character, after getting in touch with him, she still felt that the Xu Le in front of her was more real.

So I wasn't too afraid of him.

Xu Le smiled, saying something like preaching seemed to be something everyone liked to do.

He actually started to have these symptoms too.

"I used to have a very good friend, also named Bai Jing."

"Hey, man, if you want to pick up girls, this kind of rhetoric is too cliche. I used to have a friend or something..."

Seeing the disdain on Bai Jing's face, Xu Le was not angry, but he did not stop talking.

"Are you thinking too much? The Bai Jing I'm talking about is quite old. She should have been 40-50 at that time? Thinking about it this way, Brother Shu's taste is really unique."

Hearing what Xu Le said, Bai Jing's face suddenly turned ugly.

No one likes to be called old, even if it's a little bit metaphorical.

"I look a lot like that friend of yours?"

"Yes, she is also a person who likes to preach, and she is also my mission guide."

"Have you really done any field missions? What about her?"


"Died in battle?"

"It should be considered that he died of old age."

Xu Le is not ridiculous in this regard. Bai Jing's life was already overdrawn at that time, and the last move that bloomed consumed all her life.

So it is true that he died of old age.

"Will you die of old age at the age of 40-50?"

"Martial artist, injuries and battles must have overdrawn your life."

"Although that's what I say, it would be a pity to die of old age at this age."

"Yeah, it's a pity that her death had a great impact on my former team, and it was eventually disbanded because of this."

"So, what kind of person is she?"

"If I had to describe her in detail, it would probably be smooth. She always upholds smooth justice and is a very capable and special friend."

When Bai Jing heard the word smooth, she nodded approvingly.

"Smooth justice? This is in line with my style. You should be more diplomatic in life and work, so that it will be easier to develop, don't you think?"

Xu Le narrowed his eyes, then shook his head:


"Isn't it right? Is it wrong to be smooth? What's wrong?" Xiao Baijing was a little unconvinced. She felt that smooth justice was good.

Xu Le touched Ding Ke to calm him down.

"I used to think that smooth justice was right, but later I discovered that the so-called smooth justice is actually just a helpless choice.

Precisely because there is no absolute strength and power, compromise and tact are needed. "

“If you do something too absolute, it will only lead to conflict.”

"Then have you seen the Red Moon Temple's smoothness?" Xu Le suddenly asked.


“The Red Moon Temple has not yet allowed experts above level 4 to appear in Zion and Beacon. This is their suppression of other cities.

They have never had the concept of tact. Their absolute strength gives them absolute suppression, so they can control other cities as they wish. "

"What you said is too far away." Bai Jing suddenly felt guilty.

Xu Le nodded. These questions were indeed too far away for Bai Jing.

But for him, it's not far away.

He was one of the councilors of Zion and a level 4 warlock. He was assassinated by the Red Moon Temple, more than once.

In this case, tact has become meaningless.

Because he couldn't resist the power of the Red Moon Temple, he wanted to change.

"I just said it casually."

"What did you do in the past?"

"It's a secret."

"Tch, forget it if you don't say it."

After the chat between the two ended, Bai Jing returned to the team to have dinner with the others.

Xu Le didn't go there. Except for Bai Jing, he didn't want to have too much contact with other mercenaries. Too much contact would easily expose him.

But he had no intention of leaving the camp. Looking at the huge moon in the sky, Xu Le began to try to absorb the moon spirit.

"Why can you still be a meow when it comes to things like Mu Yue?" Ding Ke looked at Mu Yue's Xu Le with a confused expression.

"Yeah, why can we still do things like Mu Yue?"

Xu Le himself was confused. According to his current state, he should be rejected by both Hongyue and Gu Yinduo.

He no longer belongs to any system.

I wonder if the Night Fury is like me and will never be recognized by the Ancient Yinduo Mother Tree again.

But if you think about it carefully, the attitude of Guyinduo's mother tree towards the other sons of Guyinduo doesn't seem to be very good.

"Anyway, just suck it and that's it."

Time passed by, and without the constraints of trivial matters, Xu Le was completely immersed in the joy of cultivation.

Is it fun to practice this kind of thing?

Of course there is, especially if you absorb the power that exists in the world.

The spirit of the red moon, or the power of Gu Yinduo.

Even if his psychic pool is full, this process will strengthen his body, albeit only a little.

But the joy that growth brings is unparalleled.

After practicing for about 5 hours, it was already 12 o'clock. Even though Tianrui Lifeng mercenaries had a rich nightlife, they had already started to rest at this time.

Only a few mercenaries were left standing vigil, each on guard.

The fire illuminated the surroundings, and there were some sounds of wild beasts in the wild environment.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a beast.

Bai Jing didn't have to keep vigil, but she kept thinking about the scene of Xu Le killing people in the guard hall, which made her unable to sleep.

Turning her head, Bai Jing found that Xu Le hadn't rested yet. She curled her lips:

"This guy, even though he doesn't have a night watch duty, he still doesn't take a rest. A rookie is a rookie."

He closed his eyes and squinted for a while, but when he opened them again, Xu Le had disappeared again.

"He left the team? At this point in time."

Bai Jing looked at her watch and squinted. More than an hour had passed and it was almost 2 o'clock now.

If Xu Le goes out at this time, isn't that asking for death?

"No, we have to find him."

Picking up the lantern, Bai Jing was about to go out. The mercenary on guard at night asked:

"Xiaobai, why are you going?"

"I'm going to use the bathroom."

"At this point, let's just solve it on the spot. It would be bad if something weird happens."

"Shut up, you."


Walking to where Xu Le was, Bai Jing followed Xu Le's footprints and walked out.

She discovered that Xu Le had really gone out, and it was after 12 o'clock.

"This guy really doesn't know how to live or die."

After walking for a long time, we came to a lake.

The lake reflected the light of the moon, and the entire lake surface was shining brightly, and the surrounding area did not look dark.

This is where the previous team got water, Bai Jing knew.

But because of this, she was even more anxious.

In the wild, never get too close to a lake under any circumstances, especially when camping.

Because no one knows what is under the lake, people need to breathe in the water, and their ability to move is greatly reduced, and their combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened.

Moreover, lakes are particularly suitable for the survival of giant creatures. Such places often indicate danger.

"This footprint..."

Looking at the footprints by the lake, Bai Jing's expression became more and more uneasy.

"Is this guy going to the lake? Is he mentally retarded?"

It was quiet all around. Bai Jing's many years of experience made her feel that there was danger here. She really didn't want Xu Le to die, but she didn't want to get into trouble herself.

After seeing Xu Le's footprints disappear by the lake, she had already retreated.

"Forget it, let him fend for himself."

As soon as she turned around, Bai Jing felt a little unwilling. She lowered her voice and shouted:

"Ding Ke! Ding Ke!"


There really was a creature responding to her, but unfortunately it was a cat, Ding Ke's black cat.

Bai Jing stared at the black cat walking towards her under the moonlight and asked cautiously:

"Hey, little kitten, where is your master?"

Ding Ke tilted his head and thought for a moment, then pointed at the lake.


"Really in the water? That would be too dangerous..." Bai Jing didn't know how to communicate with a cat.

But looking at Ding Ke sitting there licking his paws, she felt inexplicably relieved.

"Can you ask your master to come up? The mission hasn't started yet, and I don't want to reduce the number of people at this time."

Meow! ~

Ding Ke spread his hands and said that he was helpless.

Its behavior was very humane, which made Bai Jing sure that this cat could indeed understand her own words.

So Bai Jing thought for a while, took out a small snack from her pocket and threw it away.

"Be good, let your master come up quickly."

Ding Ke glanced at the snacks with disgust.

Are you kidding me? It is a noble and powerful whisperer, the murmuring owl.

Thinking back then, it was possible to go from the disaster area of ​​the Red Moon Temple to Red Moon East Road without blinking an eye for three days and three nights. How could it be bribed with a little snack?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.


It walked over and ate the snack, it was quite delicious...

"Kitten, you've eaten my snacks, can you help me?"

Ding Ke was a little helpless and soft-spoken. At this time, it was almost time for Xu Le to come back.

So, Ding Ke slowly walked to the lake and buried his head in the water.

Grrrrrrrrrr! ~

Bai Jing didn't know what it was doing, but she didn't bother this intelligent cat at this time.

"Is it summoning Dingke? A pet summons its owner? It looks weird..."

After Ding Kegulu for a while, the lake started to vibrate, as if something huge was about to break out of the water.

They were not the only creatures that felt this vibration. Several stray monsters that had been eyeing Bai Jing and Ding Ke also escaped at this time.

Seems to be afraid of things in the water.


A huge wave hit, and Bai Jing quickly stepped back.

I saw Xu Le standing on a strange head like a giant water snake, breaking out of the water.

[Black Spirit Serpent, level 4 weird, ancient god species. 】

Xu Le grasped the suppression of the Black Spirit Serpent with one hand and let it pierce into his body.

And the soul tree in his body is also frantically absorbing these toxins.

At the beginning, the Black Spirit Snake still had the idea of ​​​​showing some color to Xu Le, an ignorant human being.

But with the injection of toxins, Xu Le was fine, and its spiritual energy was almost exhausted.

If this continues, it may even die of spiritual exhaustion.

So it started to twist its body in the water, trying to get rid of Xu Le.

But Xu Le wouldn't let it go so easily. He didn't take the initiative to attack the Black Spirit Snake when he entered the water. It was the Black Spirit Snake that sought its own death.

Staring at the black spirit snake's huge eyeballs, Xu Le also had a fierce look on his face.

"I can't produce toxins, so when I need to use toxins, I have to ask others for them. The others here can be people, plants, or weird ones.

If it doesn't give...then I'll grab it, do you understand? "


The Black Spirit Snake roared again, but it couldn't get rid of Xu Le.

It felt like something like a tentacle came in from the venom mouth of its fangs and pierced into its body.

This is crazy...

"I heard that venom is essentially protein? It's quite magical."

The branches of the tree of soul pierced the black snake's body.

Then, it began to take root and sprout, growing crazily in the black snake's body.

The power of the Soul Tree cannot be described as a treasure or artifact.

This thing, it makes no sense.

No matter what kind of weirdo you are, Red Moon, Gu Yinduo, Ancient God, Outer God.

As long as the tree of soul finds your core position, it can be absorbed.

The black spirit snake felt like something strange was growing inside its body... It was afraid and angry of the human in front of it, and it couldn't beat it.

I have already felt the urge to retreat.


"There are no more choices. Every living thing is responsible for its own actions."

Xu Le said lightly.

Then, Bai Jing saw an astonishing scene below.

The thick roots and branches suddenly broke through the body of the Black Spirit Serpent, part of it went deep into the lake, and part of it grew upward.

The tree grew bigger and bigger, faster and faster.

The speed of its growth is equal to the speed of the decline of the Black Spirit Serpent.

It didn't take long for the Black Spirit Snake to become completely shriveled and corrupt.

But there is an extra tree in the middle of the lake.

A tree of ancient sounds?

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