
Chapter 368 Teaching

Meow! ~

Ding Ke screamed in his arms, as if to remind Xu Le that he could take action, but Xu Le didn't move in a hurry. He stared at the inside of the building for a long time, as if there was something there that made him afraid.

"Xiao Liu, help." Bai Jing in front glanced at Xu Le, but she was not stupid enough to give an order at this time.

I can only remind Xiao Liu next to Xu Le, and use this obscure way to remind Xu Le, who seems to be still in a daze.

But Xu Le still didn't move. At this time, other mercenaries also reacted.

An experienced mercenary threw a grenade directly, hitting Licking Ghost's mouth accurately.


The grenade exploded directly in the mouth of the second licking ghost, and another mercenary threw a torch.

The mucus in the licking ghost's mouth burned instantly after encountering the flame.

Bai Jing also cooperated with a mercenary to find and kill the first licking ghost.

A short but brutal battle ended.

They killed two licking ghosts, and found some gems and other things from the belly of one of them, which must have been swallowed by the licking ghost before.

But Bai Jing didn't feel the slightest bit excited.

She looked at the female mercenary in front of her, her eyes gradually becoming colder.

Xu Le also withdrew his gaze at this time and looked at Bai Jing.

He was also curious about what he should do as a team leader when encountering such a thing.

"Ju Na, right?" Bai Jing walked up to the injured female mercenary and asked.

Ju Na seemed to know what was about to happen and what Bai Jing was going to say next. She said with some horror:

"Don't, don't give up on me, at least don't kill me, I will persevere."

Seeing such a scene, Xu Le shook his head slightly. How could he persevere with such an injury?

Bai Jing nodded:

"Don't worry, Ju Na, Tianrui Lifeng will not kill any of our own people, but I'm sorry, we can't take you with us for the next action.

Here's some water and food, just hold on to yourself if you want to survive.

Hope you can understand. "

"I, I know." This Ju Na didn't have a mental breakdown, nor did she say a few harsh words.

As a Tianrui Lifeng person, every mercenary is mentally prepared for this situation.

"I will persevere, I will persevere until you come back.

So... I hope that when you complete your mission, you will not forget me. "

"Okay, we will definitely not forget you." Bai Jing nodded.

She put down a lot of food and water, and then winked at the others accompanying her, indicating that everyone could go.

If injured people stay here, the mood and morale of the team will definitely be continuously affected.

Xu Le and the young man beside him had also followed the team and walked towards the building.

When passing by the injured Ju Na, the young man gave her an unspeakable look, but didn't say much and walked straight over.

"Thank you just now. My name is Chang Fengle. You can just call me Ale."

Ale? Nice name.

Xu Le nodded and said lightly:

"You're welcome."

Seeing that Xu Le had no desire to talk, Chang Fengle began to continue talking:

"Well, can that woman survive if she stays here? Sister Bai Jing left so much food and water for her, so she should be fine, right?"

"It's hard to survive." Xu Le directly denied his thoughts.

Chang Fengle's face turned red all of a sudden, and he wanted to refute, but there was no reason to refute.

"Isn't there a little chance?"

"In a wild environment, after suffering such an injury, the first thing you have to face is the smell of blood that attracts the strange beasts around you.

Then there is how to illuminate and save yourself in that dark environment when it gets dark.

Even if the first two points can be completed with equipment, there is still the last point, which is also the most difficult to make up for. "

"The last bit? What is it?"

"Anima, if a person is seriously injured and left alone in the wild, her anima level will definitely fluctuate strongly.

No one is an exception, no matter how strong a person is, his heart will also have ups and downs.

The anima she emits will directly attract weird things. After encountering a weird thing, the anima will become even stronger, eventually leading to the weird refresh of the anima..."

"Can the mind be refreshed in a weird way?"

"Night demons, angry demons, succubus, so weird."

"If something like that happened, wouldn't she be dead? Isn't there the possibility of a miracle?"

“The prerequisite for a miracle to occur is that the person is qualified to produce miracles, but in fact, most people do not have such qualifications.”

Xu Le had nothing to do, so he talked to Chang Fengle so much.

His voice was not deliberately lowered, so everyone else in the team heard it.

Xu Le could clearly feel the fluctuations in these human hearts. It seemed that his words had an impact on other people.

"Ding Ke, please stop saying a few words. There must be miracles in this world. At least the existence of Tianrui Lifeng is a miracle in itself."

Bai Jing interrupted Xu Le. The mission had just begun, and this guy was here to badmouth him. Is he cerebral palsy?

Xu Le looked at Bai Jing and immediately understood what she meant.

And this matter was indeed his fault, so he nodded and apologized:

"Sorry, it's my problem. I shouldn't bring such negative energy to everyone. Captain Bai Jing is right, Tianrui Lifeng is a city with miracles.

That's why I'm here. "

Hearing Xu Le say this, the pressure on others instantly eased a lot.

Bai Jing also felt it, which made her wonder, was Xu Le good at speaking before?

"Okay, let's continue the mission. We'll work in pairs to investigate."

The original team was 30+1, that is, 30 mercenaries + 1 team leader.

There are exactly 11 people in their team including Bai Jing, and now there is one less person, so there are exactly 5 teams.

Chang Fengle, who was next to Xu Le, tugged at him:

"Brother, are we together?"


Taking Chang Fengle with him, Xu Le walked directly towards the toilet in the building.

He really wanted to go to the toilet.

"Where are you going, brother?"

"Go to the bathroom."

"Do you know where the toilet is?"

"Yeah. I know."

Seeing that Xu Le was extremely familiar with the environment here, Chang Fengle always felt strange. Could it be that he was from ancient times?

Impossible, no one can live for thousands of years.

Chang Fengle followed Xu Le all the way to explore.

For a newcomer like him, everything he saw in the wild was novel and interesting, especially some of the products on the shelves of the mall here.

For example, calendar brands, various ornaments, metal buckles and so on.

Although they are all moldy and hairy, you can still see the exquisite craftsmanship they once had.

"Brother, if you take these things back and clean them up, you should be able to sell them for a lot of money, right? I heard that many merchants collect these ancient handicrafts.

Look at these small sculptures, interlocking and so on..."

boom! Bang bang!

While Chang Fengle was still talking, Xu Le suddenly drew his gun and fired three shots at a door.

Chang Fengle was stunned, looking at Xu Le with shock and surprise, and then glanced at the door Xu Le opened.

"Is there something inside?"

"You don't look stupid."


Xu Le winked at him, and Chang Fengle hesitated, but he still had the courage to walk over.

During this period, he also took out his gun and the knife in his hand.

Using a knife to open the door, a living corpse that looked completely decomposed had its head blown off by Xu Le.

Chang Fengle stared at the red and white scattered on the ground in front of him and suddenly vomited.

vomit! ~

"You're not a human and you can vomit?" Xu Le looked at him, a little confused.

"But this guy looks very much like a human. Brother, the living corpses should all be human."

"Yes, basically."

"Then why are there living corpses here?"

Xu Le glanced at the corpse:

"It should be the personnel who have conducted missions here before. After death, they turned into living corpses and wandered around this area."

"Has anyone been here before?"

"The body of this living corpse has rotted away, with exposed bones, and the body is in a very bad condition. It has been at least several months or even a year.

So it may be from other areas, so don’t worry too much. "

After hearing Xu Le's explanation, Chang Fengle nodded.

"Thank you, brother. You know so much, brother. You must be a senior mercenary, right?"

Hearing such words, Xu Le thought of Wang Shu again.

Wang Shu came to Tianrui Lifeng at that time. If he had behaved normally, he would have received such respect, right?

The night watchman's professional level is very high. If you compare it with these new mercenaries, it is definitely a professional level.

Even Xu Le, a night watchman with little mission experience, is the same.

"I have never been a mercenary, but I did have some similar field experience before."

"Have you never been a mercenary? Are you a night watchman? Or a Zion law enforcer? I have heard the names of these two professions, and I heard they are very powerful and professional.

But it requires an assessment. Unlike our Tianrui Lifeng, even if there is no assessment, as long as you have a brave heart, you can become a mercenary. "

Seeing Chang Fengle's yearning face, Xu Le smiled.

"If you don't know anything, you still have a lot to learn."

"For sure, I will keep studying until I become a great mercenary, for Tianrui Lifeng."

While talking, the two of them had already reached the toilet.

"Left 13, right 3."

"Huh? What?"

Xu Le's report did not receive a correct response from Chang Fengle, so he had no choice but to draw his own gun.

Bang bang bang...

Nine shots were fired in a row, and all the weirdos hidden in the toilet door were killed by Xu Le.

Using a firearm is a great way to disguise yourself without revealing your abilities at all.

But Chang Fengle on the side was already confused.

He was out of touch again, and before he had time to check what happened, Xu Le's side had already ended the battle.

"Brother is so awesome...I didn't even notice these weird existences."

"That's not the case. Everyone has something they are good at. My areas of expertise are perception and detection, so during the mission, I am usually the one reporting points."

Hearing Xu Le's explanation, Chang Fengle nodded dullly.

"Then what should I do?"

Looking at this truly newbie, Xu Le felt helpless, but he did not hesitate to teach him.

The process of teaching others also allowed him to review details that he had almost forgotten.

"When sensing and exploration teammates report points, as a combat role you should quickly enter the combat state, target the points reported by me, and attack."

"But what if your information is wrong?"

“In many cases, in complex or dark environments, intelligence personnel are the eyes, ears, and nose of the entire team.

Combatants need to trust the judgment of intelligence personnel. This is the trust between teammates and the beginning of tacit understanding. "

"Okay, okay."

Chang Fengle imitated Xu Le's actions just now and made another shooting move, but he didn't actually fire.

"That's it, right? Oh, by the way, why did you shoot three times?"

"Generally speaking, the main enemies we face in the wild are monsters, not humans.

As for the weird body structure, the fatal point is very likely to be different from that of humans, so we have three main attack points.

Blood center, thought center, bone center. "

"Three centers?"

“The center of thinking is the brain, which is something that humanoid weirdos have in common with humans. For example, zombies are more afraid of attacking their heads.

But some are weird and have no brain at all, so they need to attack their blood center and bone center. "

"Is that so...I understand."

While the two were talking, they went to the toilet to drain the water.

Chang Fengle lowered his head in shame after taking a secret look at Xu Le's grandeur.

"Virgin?" Xu Le suddenly asked.

"Uh, no, I'm not, I, I, I..."

Seeing Chang Fengle's helpless look, Xu Le shook his head slightly.

"When you go back, you must find a woman, whether it's a girlfriend or go to a nightclub to find one."

"Why?" Chang Fengle didn't understand.

“If you haven’t experienced the taste of a woman, you will have too many fantasies about lust. In a wild environment, if you have fantasies about lust, you will easily develop lust.

Lust is a very scary mental energy that many people, whether men or women, cannot control.

But if you have experienced the taste of a woman, your resistance to lust will be greatly improved.

At least it won't collapse at the first touch like it does now. "

"Am I that bad?" Chang Fengle looked sad.

"It's really bad."

After draining the water, the two continued to explore this area.

Chang Fengle collected some rags, and even Xu Le also picked up a small doll.

The workmanship is indeed very fine, and it has not decayed for more than 1,000 years. It is of great collection value.

"Brother, what should I call you?"

Chang Fengle felt that he had learned a lot from Xu Le, so he had the idea of ​​becoming a disciple.

But Xu Le's eyes have moved to the other side.

The area that Bai Jing and other team members explored.


A violent explosion swept through the far shelf, and Xu Le took out his pistol and walked over immediately.

Chang Fengle also hurriedly followed.

"Did the large army encounter the enemy?"

"Yes." Xu Le nodded.

When the two arrived, Bai Jing stabbed a two-legged lizard in the head.

[Skeleton lizard, level 2 weird, with many ancient sounds. 】

After killing this monster, Bai Jing looked at Xu Le and raised her head:

"I'm pretty good, right?"

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