
Chapter 371 The ability to spread

Boom! Ding! Bang bang! Clang!

In a confrontation, Bai Jing first stabbed Chang Fengle in the forehead with the handle of the knife, then pulled out his knife and nailed it into the ground.

Then he punched him in the stomach twice, and finally drew a knife and put it on Chang Fengle's neck.

Chang Fengle's mouth was still filled with electricity, but he had already lost.

"What a real dish! The food is so picky." Xu Le looked on and shook his head.

With the blessing of thunder and lightning enhancement, although Chang Fengle is not able to confront level 3 warriors head-on, he is level 2 himself, so he definitely has the ability to deal with it.

It's really not like being killed instantly in such a face-to-face encounter.

The fact that he was able to fight like this is really not because of Bai Jing's overwhelming strength or something, but because he is just a simple talent, showing off his skills to others.

"What is this?"

"Indeed, the effect of thunder and lightning is the same as nothing."

"Hey, it is indeed a garbage fruit."

Hearing everyone's comments, Xu Le's mouth twitched. In fact, he had high expectations for this fruit.

The reason is also very simple.

The birth of this kind of fruit can be controlled by him and can be mass-produced without consuming too much power.

It can even be said that... he can create this kind of fruit almost without consuming his own energy.

In terms of its principle, it has something in common with the Soul Torch and the Furnace.

Devour the energy of Guyinduo, generate new power, and give birth to fruits.

This was his experiment, and it was already bearing fruit.

Now, it is time to try the quality of these fruits. If Chang Fengle performs well, it will be very helpful to spread these fruits.

But it's a pity that he is too good.

There was no specific performance, and the others dispersed in a hurry and rested where they were.

"I'm sorry, brother, my level is too bad. Do you have any fighting skills that you can teach me?"

Chang Fengle walked up to Xu Le and lowered his head to ask for advice.

But it's a pity that Xu Le can't teach him in this regard, and he himself is not a warrior.

"I'm not very good at warrior stuff either, so... I'm sorry."

"I can teach him, but I have something to ask you."

While the two were chatting quietly, Bai Jing came over.

Xu Le spread his hands:

"That's good, let this kid have a free teacher."

"Before teaching him, I want to ask you something."

"You ask, I won't hide any questions I can answer." Xu Le kicked the ball back again.

Bai Jing also has a headache for a guy like Xu Le who is unreasonable and has nothing to do with him.

"You are doing an experiment? Right?"

"Experiment?" Chang Fengle was surprised and looked at Xu Le as well.

This word has a very bad reputation in Tianrui Lifeng.

Because in the eyes of the Tianrui Lifeng people, only those evil warlocks in the Red Moon Temple would conduct experiments again and again.

Many of them are conducting human experiments, weird experiments, and taboo experiments.

So even the word experiment has become a taboo.

"Why do you say that?" Xu Le did not respond directly.

"I have been thinking about what happened last night for a long time. There are too many doubts about your strength and identity. Are you really not from the Red Moon Temple?"

"Of course not. People from the Red Moon Temple will not show off like me." Xu Le waved his hand.

"Maybe they want to play a different trick this time?"

"You don't have to be so nervous. I haven't done anything harmful since I joined the mercenary group, right?

If I hadn't taken action, maybe more than one member of this team would have been reduced. "

What Xu Le said made sense, but Bai Jing had no intention of letting it go.

"Is that your ability?"

"What ability?"

"The fruit, the ability with thunder and lightning, can be given to others?"

The conversation between the two made Chang Fengle a little confused, but after hearing this, he gradually understood something.

"Did brother make those fruits?"

Seeing Chang Fengle's eyes comparable to Baoqiang's, Xu Le was helpless and could only nod:

"Well, that is indeed my ability."

"Brother, can you actually make fruits?"

"I have already said that this is not an ancient Yinduo fruit. Since it is not an ancient Yinduo fruit, it is just an ordinary fruit. Many people know how to plant trees, right?"

Xu Le's explanation probably wouldn't fool even a 3-year-old child.

However, out of trust, Chang Fengle still expressed his affirmation:

"That's what the elder brother said."

It’s not that easy for Bai Jing:

"You haven't answered my question directly yet. Is this an experiment?"

"Of course not. This is a kind of reinforcement. It is positive and affirmative. Haven't you felt that kind of power before?"

"That kind of power..."

Bai Jing recalled the feeling when the electric current suddenly flowed through her body.

Powerful and fast.

It is indeed a very obvious means of improvement.

"Does that kind of sudden thunder and lightning really have no side effects?"

Xu Le shook his head. In fact, he didn't know if the lightning blessing had any side effects. At least the toad had no side effects after using it for so long.

As for humans…

“So far, I haven’t encountered any side effects, but I can’t necessarily say there won’t be any side effects, I admit that.

But you should also know that using any power comes at a cost.

Even the strength of a warrior that he cultivated was obtained through injuries and overdraft of life.

This kind of ability can directly strengthen oneself. Even if there is a small price, I believe many people will choose it without hesitation. What do you think? "

Hearing what Xu Le said, Chang Fengle clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

"What the elder brother said is that compared to strength, those things are nothing at all.

Years of practicing will put a huge burden on the body. Cultivation is never without harm. "

Looking at Chang Fengle who looked like he had been injected with chicken blood, Bai Jing shook her head in disgust.

"I don't care about his affairs. I just want to know the consequences of eating this fruit."

"Pure strength."

"Are there really no other side effects?"

"At least I haven't seen any other side effects yet."

Bai Jing nodded, pondered for a while, and finally asked the question she wanted to ask the most.

"If I eat this fruit, can I still eat Guyinduo fruit?"

"Okay, I'm sure."

"Because you are also an ability user, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be so knowledgeable about the activation of Gu Yinduo's abilities."

"Yes, I am also an ancient sound multi-ability user, so I can be sure."

Bai Jing stared at Xu Le for a while, and then took out the fruit that Xu Le had given him on the lake.

"What kind of power does this fruit have?"

"That one is more complicated."


"There's a little bit of anima in it, a little bit of darkness, and a little bit of thunder and lightning, including a little bit of both Gu Yin Duo and Hong Yue."

"Can I eat it?"

"Of course they are edible. These fruits are very sweet and taste great."

"Ding Ke, you know that's not what I'm talking about..."

Meow! ~

Bai Jing didn't know why every time she called Ding Ke, the cat would respond, but her mind was not on that at all.

"Of course, that's not what I said."

"Strength needs to be earned through one's own abilities."

Seeing the two of them starting to guess riddles again, Chang Fengle simply walked aside and began to test his new abilities.

He took out his machete and recalled what Xu Le taught him before.

Then, Chang Fengle's eyes suddenly froze, and a fierce aura emerged from him.



The sword with thunder and lightning chopped into pieces the cement pillar in front of him.

You know, this is a load-bearing pillar in ancient society, and its strength is not comparable to the buildings of their era.


Chang Fengle looked at Xu Le in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that this was the power he could unleash.

But Xu Le didn't think it was anything strange.

“The power has been obtained, but in the end how to develop and use it is still up to you.

In addition, I would like to emphasize again that this fruit is not the Guyinduo fruit, and there is no conflict with the Guyinduo fruit, so feel free to eat it. "

Xu Le's words were all stated openly. In the group of 10 people, 3 people ate the fruit.

The 6 saved ones, including Bai Jing, were not eaten.

Some people still want to take it back to study, sell it, or use it for other purposes.

Bai Jing was hesitant.

Xu Le said that her fruit was different, so she was very hesitant. In fact, she really wanted to get the power of thunder and lightning.

Especially after experiencing that pleasurable feeling, she wanted it even more.

But he was embarrassed to speak directly to Xu Le.

Xu Le added that this fruit was a mixed fruit, so she hesitated until now.

Next to it was the kind of thunder and lightning fruit that Chang Fengle ate.

What she hesitated about was not whether to eat, but which kind to eat.

Thinking of Xu Le's bewitching expression, Bai Jing finally picked up the mixed fruit.

"Darkness, lightning, anima? It feels like some kind of evil compound experiment."

With that said, Bai Jing took a bite.

The break is over and the mission continues.

The group of people kept vigilant in their exploration, and only those who ate the fruit used lightning blessings from time to time to show off their new abilities.

Under the blessing of thunder and lightning, this man's combat effectiveness has indeed been improved, but the level is different.

The intensity of the improvement is about 10-30%. Some people have little improvement, and some people have a huge improvement.

This made other mercenaries a little envious, and many people began to waver whether they should eat these fruits.

Bai Jing saw everything, and she was secretly anxious.

Because after she ate the mixed fruit, her body had no reaction at all.

Not to mention darkness, anima, and even the lightning blessing that everyone else had, she was not able to awaken it.

Even a bastard like Chang Fengle could acquire the power of lightning blessing, but she didn't change at all, which made her feel tormented.

But she didn't want to ask Xu Le for advice.

Every time she went to talk to Xu Le, she always felt that her thoughts would be guided by him.

"An evil warlock who confuses people, it's better to stay away from him."

The strength of the team members has improved, and the entire day's mission went smoothly.

With Xu Le's guidance and guidance, Chang Fengle, a rookie, also began to possess preliminary combat effectiveness.

Xu Le may not understand the fighting and training of warriors, but he is very advanced in his thinking when dealing with enemies.

On this point, even if Wang Shuaili comes, he still has to learn from him.

Chang Fengle has been guided by Xu Le along the way and has made significant progress. He is called "Big Brother" more affectionately.

Bai Jing actually overheard part of it and kept it in mind.

She became more curious about Xu Le's identity.

"Normally speaking, the people in the Red Moon Temple don't have much fighting experience as warriors like this. They look down on warriors at all."

The advance was rapid, and by evening they had cleared three buildings.

Killed more than 100 level 1 monsters, 13 level 2 monsters, and 1 level 3 monster.

The overall team members did not suffer any injuries and did not need to take any obvious rest. This is simply a brilliant result.

And further ahead is a wide alley.

It looks like a snack street or pedestrian street in the past life.

Arriving at the intersection, Bai Jing gave the order:

"Everyone, keep going."

"It's so late, why don't you rest?" The person who asked was Chang Fengle.

But in fact, Xu Le also had the same idea. There are certain risks in continuing to explore so late.

But Bai Jing just glanced at him and said nothing.

Suddenly, Xu Le seemed to have thought of something and turned to look behind him.

At the end of the street corner, the female mercenary Ju was sitting there alone.

Standing in this position, you can clearly see the other person, although her thigh has been bandaged and the bleeding from the wound has stopped.

But the look of expectation on her face was still a bit unbearable.

Obviously, Bai Jing and other mercenaries also saw it, so they couldn't stay here.

If you stay here, you must consider the issue of female mercenaries.

Bring it? Don’t bring it? They are all wrong choices and there is no right option.

Because no matter which one it is, it has the potential to attract weirdness and cause the team to collapse, and it is also stupid.

So at this time, they could only move forward a certain distance, at least to distance themselves from the female mercenary.

"Being a mercenary is really cruel..."

Xu Le felt a little emotional. He had been in a similar situation before.

"There's no choice."

The group of people walked into the alley, each in silence.

As the team leader, Bai Jing must say something at this time, otherwise the team's morale will be very low.

"Old Wang, come with me to explore the road ahead. Cheer up, everyone, and don't overturn the car at this time."


After Bai Jing finished speaking, she took Lao Wang forward.

Xu Le and the others found a small, deserted courtyard and stopped at the entrance.

They did not enter the courtyard immediately, lest Bai Jing and the others would not be able to find the team.

Bai Jing, who was walking forward with Lao Wang, suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Old Wang, I feel something is wrong."

Lao Wang didn't respond to him, which made Bai Jing feel something was wrong. She turned her head and looked behind her on the right side. Lao Wang's figure disappeared at some point.

There was no trace of Xu Le or the others in the distance.

She stood alone in the alley, a single figure.

"Are you trapped in an illusion? Are you a ghost species?"

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