
Chapter 374 The Birth of the First Polluter

"The effect of controlling psychic energy is to spread fear? It sounds a bit evil."

Spreading a kind of anima is actually something that many sons of Gu Yinduo are doing, and Xu Le discovered it a long time ago.

For example, most of the Sons of Ancient Yinduo spread fear and recycle these fear animas.

There are also some who spread lust, such as Ross and his ilk.

There are also puppets who play with people's hearts and create sadness.

In short, Bai Jing understood quickly, but Xu Le definitely couldn't let her get to this point so quickly. She needed to be taught diligently.

"Letting you control your anima is not about spreading fear. I don't know how you connected these two things. You need to restrain yourself."

"Um, I'm sorry, I was just imagining things."

Although he admits his mistakes verbally, it is hard not to be curious about his ability to affect other people with just one thought...

Especially when fighting in the illusion before, the angry thought she spread could actually destroy those shadow beasts.

This made Bai Jing even more curious and determined to study the effects of anima.

"It's okay to have random thoughts, just don't go astray. Anima is a powerful ability.

But at the same time, it is also a very dangerous ability. "

Xu Le naturally saw what Bai Jing was thinking. People who longed for power would find it difficult to resist this kind of ability that could even surpass a warlock.

Bai Jing is a warrior and wants to become stronger. Naturally, she cannot give up this opportunity to become stronger.

All this is what Xu Le wants to see.

"I understand, I will be careful. How far can this fruit's ability be developed?"

"I don't know that either." Xu Le shook his head.

The fruit was indeed made by him, made from the tree of soul mixed with a lot of energy.

But when it comes to the limits of abilities and side effects, he actually doesn't know much about them.

Just like he didn't know whether Guyinduo Fruit had any side effects.

"Didn't you make this thing? How could you not know its specific effects?"

“Uncle farmers don’t know whether the seeds they plant this year will yield a good harvest, whether they will be sweet or sour, and whether they will be infested with insects.

What's more, it's me, I'm just a mortal, and things about growth are never so easy to explain clearly. "

"In other words, the result of trying to understand or cultivate the power of this fruit is unknown?"

"That's right, so you have to think carefully. If you're afraid of death, you'd better not use it in the future."

Xu Le dumped the blame first to avoid any trouble in the future.

And he was sure that Bai Jing would not refuse at all.

Sure enough, after Xu Le said this, Bai Jing raised her eyebrows:

"Hmph, no one who lives in Tianrui Lifeng is afraid of death. We Tianrui Lifeng people have always had no choice but to die in battle."

Seeing the solemn look on Bai Jing's face, Xu Le started to talk softly again.

"The limit of ability does not lie in one's body, or even in one's cultivation, but in one's own thoughts and cognition."

"Thought and cognition?"

Bai Jing never liked others preaching to her, but Xu Le was a little different.

The statement he brought was different from the thoughts of most people in Tianrui Lifeng.

If I want to use a metaphor, most people in Tianrui Lifeng are muscular men, and their brains are all about muscles.

Even a warlock, as long as he is from Tianrui Lifeng, is also a muscle warlock.

Many of Xu Le's practices and ideas are much more mellow than those of Tianrui Lifeng.

Maybe you shouldn’t adopt them all, but you can still take the essence, at least that’s what Bai Jing thinks.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

“Power, real power, never comes to those who are naturally strong, quick, or smart.

It will only belong to those who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. "


“When you want to be strong at all costs, you can become strong.

This is the source of power, this is the boundary of cognition and thought. "

If she had said these words in the past, Bai Jing would have thought them nonsense, but she gained new power today, so many of her thoughts have changed.

"As long as I want to become stronger, can I become stronger?"

"Yes, the road to becoming stronger has always been in my heart."

When Xu Le said this, Bai Jing was silent for a long time. Xu Le thought she was going to end the conversation, so he stood up.

But as soon as he turned around, Bai Jing's voice came from behind.

"I will definitely become stronger."

"Oh, I'll wait and see."

After ending the conversation, Bai Jing returned alone.

The words Xu Le said before were constantly swirling in her mind.

The way for a person to become stronger lies in his own cognition and thinking.

In the past, she may have been constrained by her own cognition and thinking. In fact, she had many, many choices.

But she followed something called her heart.

Does the original intention make sense?

It may be meaningful, but it is unclear how significant this significance is.

And... if she can't grow up quickly, then her original intention will soon be unable to persist.

To stick to your heart, you need to have strength and background.

How can a female mercenary with no roots or background stick to her true intentions?


Bai Jing called softly, her eyes showing sadness, and she unconsciously began to stir up her inner strength.

Anima is a reflection of the inner heart.

The control and release of mental energy are exactly the reflection of mental energy.

So when Bai Jing feels sadness and activates the power of the fruit at the same time, the sadness will spread.

Several mercenaries who had not yet fallen asleep were immediately affected.

It's not enough to cry, Bai Jing's sadness is not that strong, but everyone has a feeling of loss in their hearts.

"Why do I feel homesick..."

"Indeed, I miss my mother too."

"I miss my mother-in-law and daughter."

"Hey, let's go back and have a good rest this time."

The whispers of the mercenaries naturally attracted the attention of many people, including Bai Jing herself.

She first wondered why others were also sad when she was sad.

But she soon realized something was wrong and quickly covered her mouth.

Xu Le's words are in my ears.

"Anima is a powerful ability, but it is also a very dangerous ability."

In the short contact, Bai Jing had already felt the danger of this ability.

Just like she discovered at the beginning, there is such a thing as anima...

Perhaps the most terrifying thing is not its direct power, but its spread and pollution.

Everyone's anima becomes contaminated.

Pollution is a terrible force.

Bai Jing lay in a corner where no one was paying attention, and slowly stretched out her fingers.

First the electricity, then the anima...

“I need to have this power, I need to control this power.

He didn't let me practice, so I practiced quietly. I persisted through so many hardships, and I will definitely be able to do it this time. "

Bai Jing's eyes burned brightly, and her heart began to strengthen.

"Starting from tomorrow... I will truly become the owner of this fruit."

The next day, the smile on Bai Jing's face as a guide was much less.

Many mercenaries felt something was wrong in the atmosphere, and they all turned their eyes to Xu Le and cast questioning glances.

These mercenaries are very gossipy, so if there is something going on between Xu Le and Bai Jing, they would also like to take a bite.

Even the relatively honest Chang Fengle said one more thing at this time:

"Brother, did something happen between you and the guide?"

"Who asked you to ask?"

"Um, Lao Wang, Lao Zhou... there are a few others I don't recognize."

“In the future, if it’s not something you particularly want to know, don’t speak out because of other people’s inquiries, especially if you ask others.

It's easy to offend people. "

"Oh, I know, but I also want to know."

"Why are you so gossiping at such a young age?"

"I feel like you are very similar in age. If we can get together..."

"You are overthinking, I already have a lover."

"Isn't it okay to have three wives and four concubines?"

Xu Le was stunned for a moment:

“Does Tianrui Lifeng still have such a law?”

"Of course."

Xu Le stared at the cat in his arms for a while, then nodded heavily:

"Well, it's a pretty good law."

Chang Fengle looked strange, and Xu Le looked at his cat strangely. Could it be that he had some special hobby?

"I saw that eldest brother and Sister Bai Jing are very close, so I thought you might have a chance."

"If you think about these things, it's better to practice hard."

"But you said yesterday that the boundary of cognition does not lie in cultivation..."

"You brat, it's very rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversations."

Xu Le hammered Chang Fengle as a warning.

After Chang Fengle got familiar with Xu Le, he also knew that Xu Le was not a very violent character, and he was smiling all over.

“It’s an honor to be able to learn from my elder brother.”

"It will be great if your level of cultivation can catch up with your bragging in the future."

The two were chatting, but the team suddenly stopped.

"Uh? Why did you stop?"

Xu Le glanced at the front, and it seemed that Bai Jing had taken the initiative to ask the team to stop.

"I don't know. Maybe the guide discovered something."

At this time, at the front of the team, Bai Jing stood sternly, holding a handful of weird feces in his hand, putting it in front of his nose and smelling it.

This excrement is so huge that a person can lie down in it.

The people in the team have gathered around to watch.

"What kind of breed is it? It's so exaggerated."

"I do not know."

Bai Jing stopped these people from talking and reminded:

"Such a large creature shouldn't appear in the city. Now that it appears in this location, it's a bit strange."

"Xiaobai, what do you say now?"

"You stay here, I'll go over and take a look."

"you alone?"

Many people are questioning that in this environment, it is either a small team operation or a combination of 2233 people to investigate.

Now that Bai Jing wants to go over and investigate alone, they all feel a little strange.

This way of doing things is not like Bai Jing at all, and she wouldn't be so reckless normally.

"Yes, I can do it alone, you don't need to come over."

"Then, be careful."

Although he was confused, seeing that Bai Jing was determined to do this, the other mercenaries did not stop him.

It's hard to persuade a ghost seeking death with good words. I don't know if Bai Jing is crazy now. She should say something but not say it.

Seeing Bai Jingzhen leaving the team alone, Xu Le was thoughtful.

"Did you conduct an experiment quietly last night?"

Although he had already guessed that Bai Jing could not resist the temptation of the fruit's ability, he was still surprised to make a decision so quickly.

"It's really urgent. It seems like there is something she has to do that is urging her."

Bai Jing stayed away from the team alone, and she also knew that doing so did pose certain safety risks.

But compared with this risk, her ability is completely exposed in public. That is the real crisis.

"let's start."

Bai Jing's pace was very fast. She was very professional. She looked for traces of strange feces and quickly found her target.

A mountain monster.

This giant creature that is very similar to humans has many habits and characteristics similar to humans.

Even pooping is similar.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that Bai Jing is able to trace the characteristics of the mountain demon very well.

The mountain monster has a family.

So they place their droppings far away from home so they don’t attract other weird attention.

After all, weirdos will fight each other.

Especially the devouring between deformed species is extremely intense.

Looking at the ancient building in front of her, Bai Jing said with great certainty.

"It should be here."

An entire wall of the building was missing and looked like it had caved in, but there were still some smash marks on it.

In addition, the missing wall is covered with wood by some kind of creature, which is like taking off your pants and farting, which is superfluous.

But because of this, this shows the humanoid characteristics of the mountain demon.

Of course, they only have human-like characteristics, but no intelligence.

Bai Jing stared at the hole in front of her and took a deep breath.

"Anger brings impulse!"

She felt the power in her body, vigorous and full of vitality.

This belongs to her.

Whether it is spreading fear or spreading anger, it is wrong behavior.

So she didn't want her abilities that she couldn't control to affect others.

But it's different when it comes to weirdness.

The weirdos are not the same kind, they are enemies, pure enemies.

In Tianrui Lifeng's dogma, one must never be merciful when facing the enemy.

Just kill and that's it.

Bai Jing's eyes suddenly widened. She couldn't control those abilities, so... she could only use the simplest method.

Recalling the things that made her most angry.

Those unbearable pasts, discrimination from peers, and broken families.

The angry anima gradually floated away from Bai Jing, and then she condensed it into a red thread and flowed into the cave.

10 seconds, 20 seconds, 1 minute.

The sound of heavy breathing gradually became clearer, and then there was a thundering roar.

Roar! ~

This roar was so loud that Bai Jing was sure that even other mercenaries in the camp would be able to hear it at this time.

The body of the mountain demon has come out and looks down at Bai Jing.

Bai Jing also looked calm.

"Let's start with you."

The dark particles quickly condensed, and Bai Jing knew that the power of darkness was the most powerful force.

So when she takes action, it is her strongest attack.

"Feel the darkness."

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