
Chapter 376 Darkening

"Darkness...does it have a master?"

"Little girl, I'm going to tell you about this."

"What did you say?"

"Tell me a story about my eldest brother."

"Your elder brother?"

"Yes, I also hang out with others, but my boss is more powerful."

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, the dark will began to touch him.

Xu Le was slightly startled.

Is this... a warning given to him by the Night Fury?

Is it because he is not allowed to talk too much about the power of darkness to ordinary people like Bai Jing?

No, the power of darkness should be spread out, so that as the source of darkness, the Night Fury can become more powerful.

"It doesn't make sense?"

Just when Xu Le was confused, the power of darkness actually emerged from his own body.

The intensity of this dark power can simply be described as substantial.

The dark mist completely enveloped him, and at this time Xu Le...

Black mist, silence, full of majesty, like a king sitting on a throne of darkness, supported by darkness.

Xu Le's stunned expression at this time seemed cold and playful in Bai Jing's eyes.

Seeing the black fog rolling around, Xu Le surrounded by darkness in the center, Bai Jing felt a sense of subjugation for no reason.

"Lord of Darkness..."


Xu Le wanted to explain what happened to him just now. It was not his show's effect at all. It was all his fault!

But when he saw the admiration in Bai Jing's eyes, he suddenly felt that this seemed pretty good.

"Brother, what do you mean..."

Bai Jing didn't know the confusion in Xu Le's heart at this time. She had already determined a fact.

Even if Xu Le is not the Lord of Darkness, he still has a great relationship with the Lord of Darkness.

“So if you want to control the power of darkness, you must get the approval of the Lord of Darkness?

I kind of know what you're trying to do, evil warlock. "

Xu Le:......

I don’t even know what I’m going to do, so you know?

Xu Le was very puzzled, but he still kept a smile on his face.

"Oh? Then tell me, what do I want to do?"

"You want to spread, spread, I have already guessed your thoughts. Although you did not force it on me, various guidance has always brought me to the position you want."

Xu Le's mouth twitched. He knew very well that every woman is very good at thinking.

And they are convinced of what they have imagined.

So Xu Le was not ready to continue explaining.

"Then...what are you going to do to get the approval of the Lord of Darkness?"

"Then it depends on what you ask me to do."

"You are too weak, let's start by becoming stronger."

"How to use dark particles?"

"Haven't you not been recognized by the Lord of Darkness yet? So, don't be anxious..."


After the conversation ended, although Bai Jing felt like she was being coerced by Xu Le, she felt much more at ease after getting a positive answer.

At least she didn't go down the wrong path or lose herself.

The next thing is to get the approval of the darkness, or... the approval of Xu Le.

"Become stronger?"

Bai Jing clenched her fists.

The development work is proceeding step by step.

In the process, Xu Le learned a lot about the basic knowledge of mercenaries, weird types, regional alternation rules, etc.

Although there is a gap between his strength level and other members of the mercenary group, he is not ahead in terms of basic knowledge.

It was confirmed that there must be a teacher for us when we are together, Xu Le patiently learned these things.

Learn more about the weird varieties and study the birth of the fruit.

The rest of the team, with the increased power of the Thunder Fruit, undoubtedly made their mission progress much faster.

Especially Chang Fengle, he has made rapid progress and has advanced to master the power of thunder amplification.

It's only been a few days.

Of course, the ability to increase thunder and lightning is much simpler than elementalization, so it's nothing great.

Compared with the large army, the situation on Bai Jing's side was a bit erratic.

Sometimes she appears and sometimes disappears.

The whole person became mysterious, and everyone in the team felt strange.

The previous sunshine, enthusiasm, and generous Bai Jing disappeared.

At this time, Bai Jing had undergone earth-shaking changes in all aspects of her life in just two weeks.

The first is the character aspect.

Now Bai Jing has become taciturn. Unless it is an important mission, she basically does not speak, and she no longer chats with the mercenaries.

Then her makeup also changed.

Originally, Bai Jing only knew how to put on some light makeup, and she looked like a normal sunny girl.

But now she is different.

There are many embellishments on the makeup, the first of which is the addition of eye shadow.

Originally, Bai Jing didn't have eyeshadow at all, but now she has it. Xu Le doesn't know where she got it. Maybe it was always in her bag? And then take it out at this time?

Then there is the short hair that has been cut before and has undergone some trimming.

The whole person looks very cold, making people feel that she is difficult to get along with.

In fact, this is also the appearance that Bai Jing deliberately created.

She didn't want other people to know too much about her and just let their impressions stay in the past.

As for Bai Jing's current strength, it has become unpredictable.

She often runs out to kill weirdos alone.

This was a very risky move, but in this case, no one could stop her.

As the days passed, and the mission lasted for nearly a month, the team finally encountered a situation.

They found the body of another team member.

Bai Jing stared at the corpse in front of her with an unreadable expression.

When other mercenaries saw the body, they immediately made some analysis.

"Their planned route should not be here. Why does the body appear here?"

"Maybe a weird or wild animal dragging it?"

"Did you suffer any attack?"

Bai Jing touched the body with her hand, based on her inference and the condition of the body.

The time of death should be within 2-3 days, which means that they have been attacked a few days ago.

"Their bodies have no bite marks. They look like they died of suffocation. I don't know what kind of abilities they have."


"It was suffocated. It didn't eat the body. It dragged the body for a distance. This weird behavior of this one is a bit special."

Bai Jing rubbed her chin, this action was a bit like Xu Le.

She suddenly realized this while thinking, and quickly put her hand down.

He turned to look at Xu Le, wanting to see if the guy was looking at him.

But when I looked over, I realized that Xu Le had been teasing his cat and had no intention of paying attention to her at all.

"Huh, playing with things makes you lose your mind."

After Bai Jing inspected the body, she and others cremated the person.

If the corpse is placed outside, if the conditions for spawning monsters are met, it will become a living corpse.

They don't want to kill their former teammates.

"Is he the only one?"

"Yes, just one."

Bai Jing nodded. The deceased was a member of the nine-member team and an old member.

That 9-person team was very reliable in their tasks, but it was unexpected that they overturned here.

"From now on, everyone remains vigilant and keeps moving forward to see what else is discovered."


The team moved on again and explored for another half day. At 2-3 pm, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

The sky became a little darker.

"Is it cloudy? Is it going to rain?"

"It doesn't feel like it."

At this time, not only these mercenaries, but also Xu Le himself felt something strange.

"Water vapor."

"Ah? What did brother say? I didn't hear clearly just now." Chang Fengle asked quickly.

He knew very well that as long as Xu Le spoke, it would be important information.

"I said, there's a lot of water vapor here."

"Water vapor? Is it fog?"

"It's a bit similar, but it's not something that normally appears. There should be someone here who can control water vapor, or something weird."

Chang Fengle nodded.

"I see, oh, I have to tell Sister Bai quickly!"

After getting Xu Le's information, Chang Fengle quickly ran to Bai Jing, acted as a microphone, and told Bai Jing Xu Le's discovery about water vapor.

"It's not fog, but water vapor?"

Bai Jing waved the air with her hand a few times, and sure enough, she could see some fine water droplets.

This concentration is much higher than fog.

"Water vapor, suffocation..."

Bai Jing suddenly remembered the mercenary who died before.

He died of suffocation.

"Is it possible that if there is a lot of water vapor around us, it will become more and more difficult for us to breathe, and after reaching a certain level, we will suffocate?"

Bai Jing looked at Chang Fengle, but Chang Fengle didn't understand this.

"Um, I don't understand what Sister Bai said at all. How about I help you ask Big Brother?"

"Forget it, don't ask him, everyone, listen, we may be in danger now, and this water vapor may be the cause of suffocation.

So...back off. "


When it comes to reminders about their lives, these people respond directly and honestly.

They didn't even mean to argue with Bai Jing.

"Then, let's leave quickly."


The team retreated slowly, each proceeding in an orderly manner.

But after about 10 minutes, everyone felt something was wrong.

The surrounding water vapor showed no sign of dissipating, but instead became thicker.

At this time, their line of sight had been affected to some extent, and the visibility had dropped from the previous several hundred meters to about 100 meters.

Everyone's clothes were soaked. The men were better off, but the women were more transparent.

There were three women in the team, including Bai Jing, and none of them looked very good-looking.

But except for Xu Le, no one paid attention to this.

They had bigger problems.


There was a lot of water vapor in the air, and it became difficult for them to breathe.

Even if a warrior can hold his breath for a long time, he cannot withstand such an environment.

"Xiao Bai? What should I do now? If this continues, I will really suffocate to death."

Mercenaries are not afraid of facing the enemy, but they are afraid of facing the unknown.

Now they have fallen into a situation where they may be wiped out without even seeing the enemy. This is unacceptable to everyone.

"Yes, Xiaobai, think of a solution quickly."

"Why are you arguing? If there was any way, I would have said it."

Bai Jing had a headache. There were no warlocks in their team, except for Xu Le.

The warrior's ability to deal with this kind of special situation is really incomparable to that of a warlock.

Not only the mercenaries, but even she herself couldn't do anything about it.

Right seems that only one person can break the situation.

"Ding Ke, what should we do now?"

Meow? ~

Bai Jing ignored Ding Ke's dissatisfaction and stared at Xu Le closely, waiting for Xu Le's answer.

"You want to preserve this team, right?"

Xu Le's question made Bai Jing feel cold.

"Has the situation gotten so bad... to protect the team?"

"The situation is really bad, because even I didn't find out what the weirdness was, and I didn't even know if the other party was weird.

Is the situation here a natural disaster, or is there really something weird happening? "

Hearing Xu Ledu say this, Bai Jing's face turned even darker.

"Will you give up on us?"

"Isn't it too heavy to give up this rhetoric?"

Bai Jing shook her head slightly:

"I know you must have a way to escape. Even if you are in danger, you will not die. That's why you can be so unscrupulous in the wild.

You can go out at night, swim in dangerous lakes, kill a level 4 ancient god, and plant a tree.

But this is different for us. We are mercenaries, and this is our job. We must pay with our lives. "

Seeing Bai Jing's excitement, Xu Le was a little confused:

"What specifically do you want to express when you tell me this?"

"I want to express...I just don't want them to die."

Xu Le looked at Bai Jing, who had turned "black" in front of him, and suddenly laughed.

This woman’s previous “blackening”.

In addition to actually coming into contact with the power of darkness, more... In fact, it is just a disguise to hide his mastery of darkness.

When she encounters a real crisis, she will still stand up, still speak for these mercenaries, and still think about the safety of these mercenaries.

She still hasn't changed, she's still the same guide as before.

This pretty good.

"At times like this, you still can't help but think about other people. This doesn't seem to fit in with your definition of darkness. Shouldn't the darkness in your eyes before be associated with evil?"

"I just, I just feel like there's no point in dying like this."

"No death means anything. Death is death."

Bai Jing didn't want to discuss the definition of death with Xu Le, she just wanted to take these people out alive.

"I'm sorry, please help me." Bai Jing suddenly lowered her head.

Before this, whether Bai Jing asked for power or threatened to become a black man for her own growth, she never bowed to Xu Le.

But faced with real death, she finally chose to surrender.

"I didn't say to give up on them, let them gather some firewood and prepare to light a fire."

"Flame dispersion? Won't it cause more water vapor to be released, and then suffocate yourself to death?"

"Of course not, this is the flame that determines your fate."

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