
Chapter 379 Dark Omen

"What are you doing? What do you want to do? Use your hands to realize my dream? You have no idea what my level is and what level you are?"

Facing Xu Le's multiple questions, Bai Jing lowered her head in frustration.

"I thought you were going to do something big and needed help."

"The real big things in this world are not for you or me to do, do you understand?"


"Okay, pack up and get ready to go back."

Bai Jing felt a little weird when she heard Xu Le's instructions. When did she start to need to listen to his words to do things?

But when Bai Jing looked at Xu Le's leaving figure and the black cat standing on his shoulder.

When the words came to my lips, I couldn't say them again.

"The mission is not over yet, it will probably take another day."


The next day, Bai Jing led people to join another team.

After searching for members of Team 2 for a long time, a total of 5 bodies were found.

Including the previous body, the remains of 6 people were found in total, and the other 4 were missing.

Maybe it was not discovered, or maybe it was eaten by wild beasts and monsters.

In response, the team observed a few minutes of silence.

This is the life of a mercenary. You don't know who will come first, tomorrow or death.

Live the present moment and take care of the people around you is the best choice.

"I really have to go back this time."

Standing in the car, Bai Jing said calmly.

"Ah." Xu Le responded, not meaning to say more. The research on weird types is still going on, which may take a long time.

Then, there is the road to level 5.

Every promotion for a warlock is a complicated and difficult path.

The accumulation of strength, the choice of path, and ritual conditions.

The psychic pool freed him from the trouble of accumulating strength, but his choices on the path and promotion conditions were more difficult than those of ordinary warlocks.

But fortunately he has found a way, and...

Xu Le moved his eyes to Bai Jing, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Today, he somewhat understands why those big guys always spread some seeds.

Those seeds will grow on their own, become stronger, and become the mark of some big boss.

Just like Bai Jing today.

Will Bai Jing become his mark? Xu Le doesn't know it himself, but he is looking forward to it...

"Why are you looking at me with such strange eyes?" Bai Jing's intuition was very sharp and she immediately noticed that Xu Le was looking at her.

Of course, this also has something to do with Xu Le not hiding his gaze.

"Strange eyes? That's how I look at my son."

"You have a son?" Bai Jing expressed surprise.

"Not yet, but we have plans in this regard." Xu Le waved his hand.

"I feel like after one mission, my life trajectory has been disrupted by you." Bai Jing began to sigh.

"At least your strength has improved, right?"

"That's right. I feel like the improvement this time is faster than in previous years. It's time to say goodbye to the past."

"Just drive, I can't, and they probably can't either."

Xu Le pointed at the other people in the mercenary group, who were all looking at Bai Jing eagerly.

Bai Jing had no choice but to sit in the driver's seat.

"Okay, let's go home."

Return to Tianrui Lifeng to report the mission.

All procedures and procedures are carried out in accordance with the regulations.

The mission of the Pioneers was successfully completed. The 30+1 team lost a total of 13 people. The casualty rate of this mission was considered high even in Tianrui Lifeng.

The dead are dead, so the living are worthy of rejoicing.

"3,900 yuan? Is the normal commission that much?"

Xu Le looked at his mercenary commission with a confused expression.

Normally, such a pioneer mission, which lasts for more than a month, would cost around 1,500 at most, and it is rare to get more than 2,000.

He directly paid nearly 4,000 yuan, which was too much for an ordinary mercenary mission.

"Not only you have so much, but others also have a lot, and the reward for the mission is settled based on the battle report.

If we didn't have you in this mission, our team would have been wiped out, and it's completely reasonable for you to take this commission. "

Xu Le was slightly confused. Although he said so, the salary was indeed too high.

"Is there no other reason?"

"I applied for the highest level of pension, and your commission is also the highest level. I don't plan to do it anymore.

This is my last power. "

The final power...

Xu Le nodded and suddenly asked:

"Is the pension paid by the Tianrui Lifeng government?"

"No, it's paid by the mercenary guild. Behind it are the big gangs, the underworld in your imagination. Yes, don't look at me like this."

Xu Le knew that Tianrui Lifeng's gang was very powerful, but if it was so powerful that the pension was fully covered, that was really a bit too awesome.

"This kind of money... won't be hacked?"

“No one will hack this money, because it is the foundation of the entire Tianrui Lifeng mercenary group.

Moreover, the major gangs jointly pay compensation and supervise each other, so you can rest assured. "

"I understand, what will you do next?"

"Do what I'm supposed to do, what about you?"

"me too."

After everyone else got the money, they all expressed their gratitude to Bai Jing and then extended invitations.

"Xiao Bai, let's go have a drink together."

"No, you can go ahead."

Rejecting the invitations of those old mercenaries, Bai Jing followed Xu Le.

"Where will you go next?"

"Of course, back to where I live."

After coming out of the mercenary guild, Xu Le said goodbye to Bai Jing. He turned around and left without even saying hello.

Bai Jing stood at the door and watched Xu Le's leaving figure. She raised her hand and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't speak and turned around to walk to another road.

Bai Jing got on the familiar tricycle and returned to her home.

"Mom, I'm back."

"It's good to be back. Have you brought back any money? Your brother's marriage can't be delayed any longer. My family can't wait any longer."

Seeing her mother's expectant look, Bai Jing felt indescribably disgusted.

She didn't know what she was disgusting about, her disgusting brother?

Or is it the mother who has always shown love for her, but never stopped asking for it?

Or are you disgusted with this family?

Disgusting yourself?

If we go by the past situation, should I take out all the money at this time and subsidize this bottomless pit-like home?

Now that things have happened, do you really still want to do that?

She really... doesn't want to continue like that, she wants to live for herself.

"The mission failed, there was no money, and I was fired."

"You were fired? This can't be like this. If you don't have money, what will you do with your brother's marriage?

Ah Jing, please think of a way. "

"I'm not good at work, what else can I do?"

"Aren't you very capable at work? Why did you suddenly fail?"

"All the money was used to subsidize my brother. I don't have any money to buy training resources, so I can't keep up."

"This..." Bai Mu choked up immediately, not knowing what to say for a moment.

He could only lower his head and whisper some unpleasant words.

Bai Jing heard what she said. This kind of harm from a relative is the most hurtful and more terrifying than the curses of other people when they argue.

She suddenly felt that this family was terrible. How could she live in such a family for more than 20 years?

"I'm going for a walk."

"Are you going out now? You have to find a way to raise money for your brother."

Bai Jing suddenly laughed. This smile made herself angry.

But she did not restrain her smile, nor did she sneer at her mother. She just turned around gently and said softly:

"Mom, you also said that my brother wants to raise money. What can I do if I stay at home? Now that I have lost my job, I have to find a job, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes, you should go out and find a job, but..."

"There is no hope. If we can't find a job, everyone in our family will starve to death...including my younger brothers and sisters.

All the money I gave you was given to my brother. You should have no money at all at home, right? "

"Uh, no more." Bai Mu lowered her head again.

This kind of weak and pitiful look made Bai Jing feel soft every time she saw her in the past.

But this time, she really couldn't stand it anymore.

He turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

Walking on the road, Bai Jing wandered aimlessly.

The security environment in Tin Shui Lifeng is not very good, especially in the area where there are many gangs.

It is still very risky for a young girl like Bai Jing to wander alone in this border area.

When she walked to the door of a bustling pub, Bai Jing hesitated for a moment, but she still walked in.

She didn't know what she was doing here.

Although she has a lot of social experience, she has rarely been to such occasions.

But today, she just wanted to take a look.

"Boss, give me a glass of the strongest wine."


The owner of the tavern is not a religious man. Since Bai Jing wants wine, just give it to her.

There is no reason to turn away customers when you open the door for business.

As for whether you will be drunk, whether you will be taken away or drugged after being drunk, that is not something they can control.

As requested, the bartender mixed a glass of strong drink for Bai Jing.

The strong alcohol went into her throat, but Bai Jing's expression remained unchanged.

This surprised the bartender and the men who looked expectant after hearing the previous conversation.

"Lao Wen's bartending skills are not good. If someone wants a strong drink and you give them a glass of water, of course they won't respond."

"Get out of here, what do you know?"

The bartender said angrily, but he was also very strange. The strong drink he made was called Grumpy.

Generally speaking, ordinary people fall down after one cup.

Even a level 1 warrior would not be able to maintain a calm expression after drinking such a drink.

Could it be that the woman in front of me is a master?

"The wine is good, let's have another glass."

Bartender:? ? ?

After receiving a good review for the wine, the bartender Lao Wen didn’t know whether to cry or be happy.

However, seeing Bai Jing's expression unchanged, Old Wen was already somewhat confident that this woman was most likely a master.

Although they have encountered some mercenaries here, people of this level would generally not come to such a low-level tavern.

While mixing drinks, he asked tentatively:

"What do you call Miss?"


"Miss Bai shouldn't drink in bars often? Are you in a bad mood today?"

"No, I'm in a good mood, so I came here to drink."

Lao Wen shook his head slightly. His years of experience in looking at people made him feel that Bai Jing was telling lies.

"You must be a very strong warrior if you still keep your expression after drinking such a strong drink. Can such a big shot still have troubles?"

"Big shot?" Bai Jing suddenly wanted to laugh.

Can someone like her be considered a big shot? Isn’t it a bit funny?

Just when she was about to retort to the bartender, she saw the people drinking in the pub again.

Picking their feet and sweating profusely, migrant workers, and some homeless people who finally got money. Compared with them, maybe I am superior to others, right?

"He is right. People at every stage have different worries."

"Have you figured it out? Do you want more wine?" Seeing that Bai Jing seemed to have figured something out, Lao Wen thought that she would not drink again.

But Bai Jing laughed:

"Hahaha, are you worried that I won't pay? Bring it, I'm here to drink today."

"Oh well."

Bai Jing took the wine glass again and drank it in one gulp, then asked for another glass.

"Come again."

"Come again."

"Come again..."

In this way, Bai Jing drank nine glasses of spirits prepared by Lao Wen in a row. It was only then that her eyes became slightly blurred.

"The feeling of being tipsy is really good."

Tipsy? Is there something wrong with this person’s definition of tipsy?

Bai Jing put the money on the table and walked out directly.

As soon as she went out, several homeless people, mercenaries, and some unknown people followed her.

No matter where, there is no shortage of people looking for opportunities. No matter what kind of opportunity it is, there are people who will try it, just like now.

The slightly drunk Bai Jing was an opportunity for them.

After Bai Jing left, the bartender Lao Wen shook his head slightly.

"I feel like those guys are going to get a pretty good shake."

"Old Wen, you said that because you think that woman is very powerful?"

"Of course it's powerful. I made it go berserk, and ordinary people can't handle it. She drank nine cups and it didn't matter. This is a level that ordinary warriors can't reach."

"Just brag about it there."

"Tch, you just wait and see."

Bai Jing walked out of the tavern and felt the night breeze.

At her level, it was easy to sense the stalker behind her.

However, she did not drive them away or issue a warning. Instead, she walked towards the narrower and darker alley.

Several homeless men followed quietly into the alley and took out their daggers.


Meow! ~

A cat meow interrupted them, which also calmed down the excited emotions of these homeless people.

"Get out of here, you stinky black cat, you're so unlucky."

The dislike for black cats is similar in every city.

The black cat raised his eyebrows, showed a contemptuous look, then jumped up the high wall and shook his head.

Meow! ~

When these homeless people saw the black cat leaving, they rushed into the alley.

Then! ~

The alley became darker than before, even covering up the night.

The black cat's pupils reflected the darkness of the alley until Bai Jing walked out of the alley.

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