
Chapter 384 Chapter 379-5 Blessing Ceremony

Everyone's eyes focused on the mercenary who got the fruit.

Complexity, envy, but also excitement and anticipation.

In addition to hoping that they can also get a real fruit, they are also looking forward to whether this level 3 mercenary can gain abilities.

Fruit is not an important thing. Apples and pears are also fruits.

The really important stuff is the special abilities.

Even if it is the ability of a fixed system, as long as you are sure that you have it, the situation will be different, and the entire Tree Shepherd organization will be sublimated because of this.

With capabilities, the nature and concept of an organization will change in an instant.

So...this is what people are looking forward to.

"Brother Zhang, do you have any special feelings?"

The person who spoke was the one who just said that he was just here to mix a fruit. In fact, he was looking forward to whether the fruit's ability would work more than anyone else.

The middle-aged mercenary known as Brother Zhang did not answer him immediately.

He didn't pay attention to other things at this time, he just stared at his palms.

His fists clenched suddenly, and a ray of electricity appeared.

"Is this Thunder and Lightning... I have been around for so many years, but I never thought that I, Zhang Laosan, would one day be able to obtain the fruit."

Zhang Laosan's body suddenly accelerated and he came to Chang Fengle from his original position.

There is a clear gap between his tall and strong figure and Chang Fengle.

This posture looks like he is going to hit someone.

However, Chang Fengle, who was standing in front of Zhang Laosan, had no intention of retreating and said calmly:

"How do you feel, Brother Zhang? We can give them some reassurance."

Looking at Chang Fengle who was calm and composed in front of him, Zhang Laosan nodded slightly.

He turned to look at the others with expectant eyes and said solemnly:

"The fruit is real, and so is the ability. From today on, I, Zhang Laosan, am a member of the Tree Shepherds."

Seeing Zhang Laosan's sudden statement, the people below were in an uproar.

Some were thoughtful, others doubtful.

In this case, some people even speculated whether Chang Fengle and Zhang Laosan were singing a double act, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to make no sense.

Zhang Laosan has already eaten the fruit, and it seems that it will be others' turn to eat the fruit soon.

At this time, the double act will be exposed quickly, which makes no sense.

So more people are still full of expectations.

Their thinking has changed from just taking a piece of fruit and leaving, to the attitude of "if the fruit is real, maybe this organization can really stay and take a look."

"Next, I will rank them according to their level of contribution. After Brother Zhang, the second place is Zhou Fu."

Zhou Fu is a fat man. Although he is only a level 2 warrior, he has been working really hard these days.

Like other ordinary mercenaries, Zhou Fu is usually a person with little hope.

He has a wife and children to support at home, and there are 5 children, which is really outrageous.

The huge pressure of life made him a little tired and desperate.

He has thought about immigrating to other cities and heard that those places would be better.

But soon I heard the news about the tree burning in the lighthouse, and Zion mainly recruits high-tech talents, and I also need someone to take care of my family, so I haven't taken any action.

Joining the Tree Shepherd this time was an attempt, after he saw that Chang Fengle and the others all had lightning abilities.

Then he had a thought.

If he also had that ability...

Strength + ability is equivalent to reaching the threshold of level 3 warriors. The benefits will be greatly increased, and the risks will be quickly reduced.

All he needs to do is put in the hard work these days.

It is precisely because he saw this that he worked so hard these days.

Now is his chance, it's his time to get rewarded!

"Shu, can I...really do it?"

Standing in front of the Soul Tree, Zhou Fu asked in confusion.

His ignorant look will only make the old mercenaries below laugh.

This kind of ridicule among peers is always the most straightforward and the most hurtful.

"Look at his bearish look."

"Can such a person also get the fruit?"

"Let's take a look first and then talk."

The voices of these people were not quiet, so Zhou Fu standing above could also hear them.

He lowered his head, looking even more vulgar, and hiding some of the anger deep in his heart. A weak person has no reason to be angry, as that would only bring trouble to himself.

The expression can be concealed, but the inner energy cannot be concealed.

Zhou Fu's heart energy began to spread to the surroundings.

Xu Le's Soul Tree itself has the effect of absorbing mental energy.

The little soul tree in front of him seemed to sense the anima energy emanating from Zhou Fu, as well as his thoughts and anger.

Then, a branch stretched out.

This sight made everyone else step back, startled.

"The tree is moving, but there is no fruit on it."

Some people had already drawn their weapons, and even if they hadn't drawn their weapons, they were still on alert.

Only Zhou Fu himself raised his head somewhat belatedly.

When he saw the branches, they were already wrapped around him...

"Um..." Zhou Fu's pupils shrank, and to be honest, he was a little scared.

After all, a tree that can actively move can be associated with weirdness no matter how you look at it.

For a mercenary, standing so close to a strange creature is no different than committing suicide.

But soon, Zhou Fu felt something was different.

After the branches wrapped around his body, they gently soothed his back.

This branch looks like a human arm, and the stroking movement is very comfortable.

After being comforted by the tree, Zhou Fu's inner anger suddenly calmed down.

Everything that happened before disappeared.

Not relief, but a kind of sublimation.

Zhou Fu didn't give up his hatred and rage, he just felt that he had more important things than what he was going to do next.

"Shu, do you recognize me?"

Zhou Fu raised his head a little higher, and when he stared at the Soul Tree, he seemed to see a layer of brilliance.

This was the brilliance of soul power, and he seemed to see something different.

After the heart energy was absorbed by the tree of soul, another branch extended down.

Others also exclaimed at this time.

"His fruit?"

"Why is it different from Zhang Laosan?"

At this time, there were two fruits on the branch, and they were both handed to Zhou Fu.

One is the thunder fruit that I, Zhou Fu, ate before, and the other is an unknown red fruit.

Looking at the two fruits in front of him, Zhou Fu suddenly felt an enlightenment in his heart.

"Is this... asking me to make a choice?"

Zhou Fu was excited. His previous efforts had indeed paid off.

Although he did not kill as many as Zhang Laosan, his dedication was seen by the Soul Tree, so the Soul Tree gave him an extra reward. This must be the case.

The question now is, what to choose?

"Zhou Fu choose the red one and see what it is."

"Yes, help the brothers grow their eyes."

Some mercenaries also saw the situation at this time, and they started to make noises. Zhou Fu ignored them and chose the thunder fruit according to his own ideas.

Then he ate it directly.

The power of thunder and lightning immediately began to spread in his body. The increase in speed and strength brought about by the activation of lightning was the most intuitive.

This is also something Chang Fengle has said before, so there is nothing wrong with Zhou Fu choosing Thunder in order to directly improve his strength.

After he ate the fruit, the branches wrapped around him loosened.

The branch lightly tapped Zhou Fu's broad forehead, like a final reminder and care.

"Thank you Lord for your blessing, Zhou Fu will continue to work hard." Zhou Fu suddenly knelt down and prostrated on the ground piously.

Thunder and lightning are still spreading on his body. This kind of power seems to be greater than the improvement obtained by level 3 warrior Zhang Laosan.

This scene also made many people think deeply.

The favor of the tree?

Chang Fengle was also a little surprised. The tree in front of him... was indeed no ordinary thing.

This ability is already a miracle.

Will Xu Le really not punish him for swallowing the other two seeds?

"Forget it, after today's things are over, I have to get acquainted with my eldest brother, treat him to a meal, take a bath, call a girl and so on."

With Zhang Laosan and Zhou Fu as examples, the next fruit collection went much more smoothly.

Anyone who contributed during this period and reached a certain level of contribution will receive a fruit.

These fruits were obtained by the Soul Tree itself.

So it's more of a gift than a take.

As for Zhou Fu's situation of choosing between fruits, it has not appeared again, which also makes many people who are curious about red fruits a little regretful.

Some bastards did not get the fruit, but after seeing that others had obtained the power of lightning, their doubts had long since disappeared.

This intuitive improvement is far ten times more attractive than money.

After everyone had finished receiving the fruits, Chang Fengle stood in the center of the venue, raised his arms and shouted.

"I know you all had a lot of doubts before, but now, your doubts should have disappeared."

"Yes, the power of the fruit... has been greatly improved. I feel that I have directly increased my strength by at least 20% and my speed by 20%."

"Then I have more than you! You loser."

"go away."

The conversation between the mercenaries was so vulgar, but this was something Chang Fengle was happy to see.

These people don't need to be smart. As mercenaries, they just need to be smart.

The big head must be with him, and he also needs to have close contact with Xu Le.

"Okay, in the next few days, the dedication ceremony will be suspended. After you receive the fruits, don't be complacent.

Take advantage of these last few days to get familiar with your fruit abilities as soon as possible and improve your strength.

The most important thing is to survive safely in the black tide, am I right? "

"That's the truth." Others agreed.

At this time, Chang Fengle was speaking, which was recognized by most people.

In addition to Zhang Laosan, who is particularly strong, there is also Zhou Fu, who is a little different.

"Those who have not received the fruits do not need to be discouraged. They will also survive this black tide.

Only those who survive will have a future.

The tree has always been here, and as mercenaries, we are no longer a group of people without a future.

Everyone, please support us as tree shepherds and come on! "

"For the tree shepherd!"

It is actually very simple to evolve a loose organization into a tight organization.

It’s just a relatively fair heavy-duty benefit reward mechanism.

The rewards of the Soul Tree have firmly grasped these people.

Even if we want to separate in the future, it will be very difficult.

Xu Le, floating in the sky, had a panoramic view of this scene. Today's gift ceremony was a bit crude.

But as the owner of the tree, he was very satisfied.

These people are tempted by the fruit and will become very solid believers in the future, becoming the cornerstone of the shepherds and shining brightly.

And he just needs to keep planting trees.

Tree shepherd...Only those who shepherd trees can be called tree shepherds.

These people at your feet are actually just tree shepherds.

Xu Le turned his attention to Chang Fengle, who was creating atmosphere. This guy's performance was indeed good.

But his greed is also shared by mercenaries.

"I'm greedy for two seeds. This guy is really big-hearted..."

Xu Le's original idea of ​​giving Chang Fengle three seeds was to let him take out two seeds and greedy one for himself.

He never thought that some people would not be greedy or that some people would be noble.

But the problem is, he really didn't expect Chang Fengle to be so dark... He actually went out two-thirds dark, which is really outrageous.

"Forget it, one tree is enough for these people, as for the others."

"Did that little fat guy get your approval?" Ding Ke suddenly spoke.

"You are older than me, how can you call me fat?"

"Were you fooled into it by the tree in the same way?" Ding Ke knew something about the Guyin Duomu Tree, so he asked.

"No, when I entered the realm of the mother tree, the process was much more rigorous than here."

Xu Le recalled the time when he first entered the realm of the Mother Tree. At that time, he also met Chi Xiao...

Chi Xiao is indeed a guy who is both a teacher and a friend.

“I don’t know what kind of organization Chixiao’s Xiao and Tianrui Lifeng are.

It seems quite chaotic here right now. What did they do during the Black Tide? "

"The strong man is in front, fuck me hard, meow."

"Well, we can see it in a few days anyway."

While Xu Le was observing the growth of his soul tree, Bai Jing also began to gather an army of polluters.

Even the lights in the basement where they were located were very dim. This level of lighting seemed to be possible to create a new level of weirdness at any time.

As Bai Jing herself used the power of darkness to contaminate, the number of people who were eroded by darkness and survived has reached 11.

These have all changed from the bastards and youzi before to elite forces.

The dark aura eroded their original desires and mental energy, turning them into fighting machines, but they did not turn into night demons due to the erosion.

"There are still a few days left in the black tide. Next, it is time for you to wash away your sins and darkness."

Early the next morning.

The airship from the lighthouse stopped at the airship pad in Changfeng District.

Alley came here with Zion's negotiation team.

After simply arranging for the negotiation team to stay here, Alley slipped away and gave a very good reason.

"Tianrui Lifeng is in chaos. I want to go get some information first."

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