
Chapter 386 Chapter 379-7 All Women

Alley was not impressed by the name Red Beard.

Dante's name is very special, it is the name of Xu Lecat.

Ai Li knew very well how much Xu Le cared about that cat.

Xu Le often treats Ding Ke as an adult, pampering and caring for him in every possible way.

Sometimes she even gets a little jealous.

But Alley can carry it himself

After contact, Thirteenth Sister has learned that although Ai Li looks cold, he is resolute in his work and not sloppy at all.

In addition, during the contact between the two parties, she felt that although Alley was strong, he did not mean to bully her side, which was very comfortable.

So... isn't it a matter of course to sell the red-bearded Dingke who is difficult to negotiate with?

"Okay, I'll take you there right now. Come on, Sister Si Quan, please come this way."

Looking at the eldest sister who had no bottom line at all, several other subordinates also shook their heads.

The Thirteenth Sister didn't take it seriously. Being in a mixed society requires a bright head.

How can weak women like them, who fight and kill all day long, compare with those top warriors?

You need to be more diplomatic in order to survive in this chaotic world.

Ai Li is very keen and can clearly see the character of Thirteenth Sister.

She doesn't really care what the other person thinks of her. She just wants to find Xu Le as soon as possible.

"Let's go."

Followed Thirteenth Sister to the tavern where Xu Le lived before.

The owner of the tavern is also an old man, and he understands that Thirteenth Sister always asks the young lady to come to Xu Le and is entangled with her.

But when he saw the aggressive group of people today, especially the tall Alley in the crowd, he felt something was wrong.

"The person who came here is not a good person. Is he here to fight? I hope he won't damage anything in the store."

With this thought in mind, a smile still appeared on his face.

"How many of you want a drink?"

"The wine you have here is not interesting, and we have already drank it before." Thirteenth sister said, looking at Alley.

But he saw that Ai Li had closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

As a canine-type dual-fruit user, Alley's sense of smell has reached its peak.

The smell in the tavern was very mixed, filled with the smell of alcohol, sweat, men and women, and some strange smells.

But even so, she was still able to keenly capture the lingering scent of Xu Le from these scents.

And of course, there's the smell of dingco.

This made Alley feel relieved.

If the previous confirmation was just a judgment, then the current confirmation is affirmation.

Smell doesn't deceive.

At least most people don't have the means to deceive others with scent, and Xu Le is indeed here.

"Take me to that red-bearded man."

Ai Li's eyes were still cold. According to Li Wen's teachings, she hid her inner excitement, and even had some murderous intent in her eyes.

This murderous look made the Thirteenth Sister and the tavern owner on the side very convinced.

Alley is here to cause trouble.

Enemies are coming!

"Boss, where does that red-bearded guy live?"

Because of his status and habits, Alley remained polite when asking the tavern owner, but the Thirteenth Sister on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"Sister Si Quan, why are you taking care of this old man? I know where Red Beard lives, and I will take you there now."

"Hey, you careful." The tavern owner was worried that they would break his things in the fight, but he didn't dare to stop them.

As for Thirteenth Sister, she had already brought Alley to the second floor of the tavern.

Pointing to a familiar door, he said:

"This is it. Redbeard Dingke lives here. He also brings a cat with him on weekdays, and I even gave him cat food.

You don’t know how weird this person is on a daily basis. He often bullies the weak. Sister Si Quan will be more ruthless later..."

Thirteenth sister was like pouring beans, saying a lot of things about Xu Le.

Of course Ai Li won't take it seriously. Xu Le is a bit naughty, but he won't do things like bullying the weak.

The main thing is not to waste time on this kind of thing.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

After stopping Thirteenth Sister from continuing to complain, Alley put his hand on the doorknob.

Squeak! ~The door was opened.

Xu Le stared blankly at the person who opened the door, with a puzzled expression on his face. He had managed to hide here, but he could still be found?

Does this guy have a dog nose?

"Long time no see, Lord Chixiao..."

At this time, Xu Le had left the tavern for a long time and came to a luxury area in the north of Changfeng District, where he spent a lot of money to rent a small courtyard.

The environment here is relatively spacious, which is very suitable for planting trees and experiments.

It is also very suitable for Dinko’s play environment.

Although this lazy cat spends most of its time nestled in the bed or eating.

But occasionally there will be time for airing. If you plant a tree for it, you can also let it air on the tree.

Xu Le felt that his transfer was very timely.

Even if someone found his previous location through clues, his new place would be completely secret.

I didn't expect to be caught red-handed.

Chi Xiao moved towards the yard, glanced at the sapling of the Soul Tree that had been planted by Xu Le, and frowned slightly.

"This tree... is very similar to the Ancient Yinduo Tree, but it's not the same thing. Did you make it?"

"Um, yes, this is my recent research."

"Well, forbidden warlocks do like to make these weird things, but you should be careful and don't get yourself killed like someone else."

After saying that, Chi Xiao glanced at Ding Ke who was licking his paws.

Ding Ke was still in a lazy state, so if he was caught by Chi Xiao, he would be caught. Anyway, Chi Xiao wouldn't kill them.

At most, Chi Xiao would beat Xu Le and take him away.

What can a cat do?

Just lie down and that's it.

But it's different now. This guy Chi Xiao actually mocks it. Can you bear this?

Meow! ~

Xu Le quickly pulled Ding Ke back, who was about to go berserk. This silly cat always couldn't tell the difference.

It was indeed on equal footing with Chi Xiao before, but that was before.


Now you have to respect other people's strength to avoid being hung up and beaten.

"Xu Le has always kept Mr. Chixiao's reminder in mind."

"Didn't I say, just call me Chi Xiao."

"Well, I said it, but I'm still a little uncomfortable with it."

Chi Xiao's strength put too much pressure on Xu Le.

Except for Gu Yinduo's son, Chi Xiao should be the strongest person Xu Le has ever seen so far. This strength is not limited by age.

A really strong blast...a level that crushes all the old guys.

"I told you before that if you come to Tianrui Lifeng, you can come to me. It seems that you have not chosen to do so."

"Well, I just want to hide my whereabouts and conduct my next research in Tianrui Lifeng with peace of mind to prepare for my promotion breakthrough.

So I didn’t bother you. Oh, by the way, I didn’t tell anyone, not just you. "

I don't know if Xu Le's explanation worked, but Chi Xiao didn't look angry.

"Don't you want to know how I found you?"

Xu Le was silent for a moment, and then said dullly:

"How did you find it?"

Chi Xiao raised his head slightly, and a smile seemed to flash at the corner of his mouth, as if he was very satisfied that Xu Le would be embarrassed.

"We have a common trait, the favor of the ancient Yinduo Mother Tree. Although you have been deprived of that favor, your aura still remains.

Tianrui Lifeng is my territory again, so I can easily find you here. "

After hearing Chi Xiao's explanation, Xu Le nodded.

It turned out that it wasn't that his concealment was exposed, but that Chi Xiao was too familiar with his aura and his abilities were incredible.

In addition, this is someone else's territory, so exposure is natural.

Crimes other than war...

At least the exposure was accidental.

"I understand, Chi Xiao, your ability is really sharp."

"I just came to see how my two friends are doing. After all, the Red Moon Tribulation is coming soon. Tianrui Lifeng is different from the city you stayed in before, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

It was rare to see Chi Xiao showing such a caring attitude, although there was no extra expression on her face.

Maybe it's because of her facial paralysis.

"When the Red Moon Tribulation comes, will you be on the front line?"

"Yes." Chi Xiao replied with certainty.

This answer was not beyond Xu Le's expectations. Every time Chi Xiao's fruit rewards were outrageous.

This means that she kills a lot of weirdos every time she goes dark.

There are not many conditions for killing a large number of monsters, and guarding the city is one of them.

"You were in the Red Moon Temple before, and now you are staying in Tianrui Lifeng. So won't the Red Moon Temple look for you to come back?"

"Didn't I say that I was on duty at the time and had to stay in the Red Moon Temple.

Normally I stay at Tianrui Lifeng. "

" killed an evil god while on duty?"

"That's right." Chi Xiao nodded sincerely, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

"Okay." Xu Le also nodded.

The two sides fell into silence again, the kind of silence that often fell into between him and Chi Xiao.

Xu Le also understood that this was because of the difference in strength.

The gap in strength makes it impossible for the two of them to talk about anything like real friends. The greater the gap in strength, the stronger this feeling.

Even if the two of them wanted to talk about something daily, they would not be able to talk because of the difference in strength.

In fact, Ding Ke has the same problem here, but Ding Ke has a cat body, so he avoids this problem very well.

Meow! ~

Ding Ke seemed to feel the embarrassment between Xu Le and Chi Xiao. He shook his tail, walked gently to Xu Le's arms and lay down.

All this is so natural and natural.

When Chi Xiao saw this scene, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Succumbing to self-destruction."

Meow! ~Ding Ke even raised his tail, looked at Chi Xiao nonchalantly, and let out a cat meow.

This made Chi Xiao even more uncomfortable.

Xu Le also felt something was wrong in the atmosphere and quickly came to the rescue:

"Chixiao... um, Chixiao, why did you come to see me today?"

"You can't come if you have nothing to do?" Chi Xiao frowned and Xu Le's scalp went numb all of a sudden.

It won't lead to death, right?

"Well, of course, we are friends. You can come anytime. I just wanted to ask you what happened."

Hearing Xu Le say that everyone is friends, Chi Xiao's expression softened a little.

Then he brought up the business of today.

"The Tree Shepherd and the Polluter are the organizations you created?"

Hearing Chi Xiao ask this, Xu Le pondered for a moment.

"That's right, but I just guided it from behind. The organization was formed spontaneously by these people."

"Their behavior is a little weird, and someone below has started to report it."

"Report? Who is so free?"

"Tianrui Lifeng is very hostile to the people of the Red Moon Temple. The behavior of these two organizations is a bit like cults, so many people think they belong to the Red Moon Temple, so naturally many people will report them."

"I see, then, will the impact be great? If it is, then you can just deal with it casually."

Xu Le's attitude was very cooperative, with no intention of protecting the two organizations at all, and he seemed to let Chi Xiao handle it.

Nonsense, this is the territory of Tian Rui Lifeng and Chi Xiao after all.

Even though his strength was good, it was still completely unsatisfactory in front of Chi Xiao.

There is no point in being stubborn. The truth is lying flat and smashed.

Xu Le's performance naturally made Chi Xiao feel very comfortable.

Xu Le respects her, so she naturally has to take care of Xu Le, one of her few friends.

"It's nothing, just normal suspicion. Are they related to your research?"

"Well, yes, I am working on some alternatives to the Ancient Yinduo Tree. These two organizations... are actually my experimental subjects."

"How to replace the ancient Yinduo Tree? Can this kind of thing be studied?"

Chi Xiao was a little surprised until Xu Le pointed to the sapling in the yard and took out a thunder fruit.

The surprise on her face was even worse than before.


"I made it myself..." Xu Le nodded.

Chi Xiao felt even more incredible:

"Do you...have this level of ability now? How effective is it?"

"Although it cannot be elementalized, it does have the effect of enhancing strength and activating the body. The side effects are still unclear, so it needs to be tested on these mercenaries.

If this kind of thing is difficult to handle and explain, you must not give me face. I will investigate it when it needs to be investigated and strike hard. I personally can accept it. "

Xu Le's cooperative look was very helpful to Chi Xiao.

She had boasted about her awesomeness in front of Xu Le before, but now that Xu Le is so cooperative, she must take care of Xu Le's emotions.

So Chi Xiao said very calmly:

"This method is somewhat risky, but there are warlocks all over the world doing similar things, and you are not the least of them.

As long as it's not espionage, there's no problem.

Only when you experiment can you make progress. We are all friends. If I don't help you with this kind of thing, then I would be too meaningless. "

Look, this pattern has come up all of a sudden.

For outsiders, we must attack hard, but it is different for our own people.

In Chi Xiao's eyes, Xu Le currently focuses on his own people.

"Then...that's good. You've helped me so much. How about I treat you to a meal?"

Chi Xiao glanced at Xu Le and Ding Ke in his arms, and nodded mysteriously.


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