
Chapter 427 It doesn’t matter, I will take action

The flame attached to the ax began to burn violently, and the merciless flames began to spread around.

With Xu Le's spiritual energy as nourishment, everything here burned quickly, including the grassland, the wooden house, and the ancient Yin Duomu tree in front of Xu Le.


Xu Le chopped again, and the flames exploded instantly. The ancient Yin Duomu tree in front of him seemed unable to resist the burning of the fire.

Xu Le fell into a sea of ​​fire in just a few dozen seconds.

Guyinduo Mother Tree still didn't speak, which was completely different from Xu Le's original expectation...

He stared at the mother tree and couldn't hold his breath anymore.

"It's already this time, aren't you ready to say something?"

"Xu Le, since you have made your choice, nothing I say is meaningless."

"The tone of your words is really annoying."

There are too many spiritual energies on the Ancient Yinduo Mother Tree, and the Chixiao flames completely ignited these spiritual energies.

The burning of the mother tree could no longer be stopped, and the island was completely engulfed in flames.

All the leaves had been burned, and it looked like the mother tree would fall down soon. When it was about to be destroyed, it finally spoke:

"It doesn't matter if you refuse now, Gu Yinduo's will will never die, I will always be optimistic about you, Xu Le.

And in the end, you will definitely choose me, I always firmly believe this.

Maybe I was too hasty this time.

Looking forward to our next meeting. "

The flames burned away the ancient Yinduomu tree in front of me.

From the very beginning, Xu Le discovered that the tree in front of him did not make any active attacks.

It should be that it does not have such capabilities here...

Looking at the flames around him, Xu Le gradually calmed down.

Hunger and exhaustion were still with him, but under the burning of the flames, the island that trapped him was gradually disappearing.

The burning island eventually started to burn even the soil, and everything here began to melt, melting like chocolate.

Xu Le watched all this with some surprise until the island beneath his feet disappeared.

The disappearance of the island also made Xu Le feel that something in his body had disappeared.

The first is spiritual space!

The tree that contains the soul, the spiritual energy pool, and the spiritual space that can also breed fruits...

When the island disappears, so does the spiritual space.

This made Xu Le a little at a loss, but what made him even more at a loss was yet to come.

After the island disappeared, he fell straight down and finally managed to stand firm on the ice sheet.

It's that frozen ice field...

"Is the island fake too?"

At this time, the wind and snow around the ice field had stopped, and Xu Le stood alone in the middle of the ice field, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Isn't there still no other way out?"

But soon, Xu Le's eyes showed luster...

He saw a red figure at the end of the ice field.

It's Chi Xiao, walking on this ice field.

Until Chi Xiao walked in front of him.

"Is this your spiritual world?"

After these words, Xu Le's perception suddenly began to recover, and along with it, his spiritual energy.

Feeling his strength return to his body, Xu Le clenched his fists with enjoyment.

“It feels like this is the real thing, the experience of losing power is really not good.

Oh, I'm not sighing blindly, I really lost my strength just now. "

Xu Le explained what happened to him just now.

Chi Xiao waved his hand to express his understanding.

"It is true. After extraordinary people get used to powerful power, it will be difficult for them to adapt to the life of ordinary people."

"This time, thank you, Chi Xiao."

"No, what you told me about the betrayer before was also of great help to me. The help is mutual.

If your body has recovered, we can go back. Your companions are still waiting for you. "

Xu Le nodded, knowing that Chi Xiao was talking about Ai Li and Toad. Now that the matter has been resolved, he really needs to sort out his thoughts.

He has embarked on a completely different path than others.

It was not the path that Ding Ke had guided, nor was it the path that Night Fury expected.

With no one to turn to and being coveted by the Ancient Sound Tree, he needed to be extra careful.

If you accidentally take the wrong path, you may be in danger.

"Well, okay..."

As soon as Xu Le put his hands into his pockets, his words suddenly stopped when he reached his lips.

His expression became a little strange, and Chi Xiao, who had been looking at him, could naturally notice:

"What’s wrong with you?"

"I may have some important things that I need to deal with by myself. I'm sorry, Chi Xiao, please leave for a while."

To be honest, it is actually a very impolite behavior to drive Chi Xiao away at this time.

Xu Le knew it very well, and Chi Xiao certainly felt it too.

But according to Chi Xiao's character, she wouldn't ask any more questions.

And Xu Le would say this, which only meant that he really had something to do, so Chi Xiao just nodded and agreed:

"Okay, I will leave, please be careful."


After both parties nodded, Chi Xiao's consciousness immediately left this world.

And Xu Le also took out the contents of his pocket after Chi Xiao left.

[Eye of Vision-Brightness]

"Is it something left behind by the ancient Yin Duomu tree..., does this thing really exist?"

According to previous thoughts and judgments, after the Guyin Duomu Tree was burned down, this place should belong entirely to Xu Le himself...

The appearance of this fruit seemed a bit unexpected.

"never mind."

Xu Le placed the fruit on the ice sheet and put his hands together.

"Shu comes."

The spiritual ice field that had been frozen for an unknown length of time began to shake. The ice field was like a frozen ocean, and an unknown amount of spiritual energy was sealed underneath the ice field.

What he needs to do now is to carve a groove into this ice sheet.


The ice began to crack, and a branch of the Soul Tree broke through the ice.

This tree is far larger than the tree of soul in Xu Le's spiritual space.

And that tree is a spirit body, but the tree in front of him... gives Xu Le a real feeling.

The feeling of blood connection appeared again, this time the feeling was very strong, and Xu Le felt that he could control the tree at will.

The feeling of being able to do whatever you want and command like an arm is much stronger than before.

"This should be the effect of being promoted to LV5. The improvement of the essence of life has caused a complete change in the soul tree?

From an illusory spiritual projection, it becomes a real reality. "

Under the broken ice sheet, there were waves of spiritual energy. Xu Le just stepped on the waves of spiritual energy and slowly rose to the top of the tree.

He picked up the light fruit left by the ancient Yin Duo mother tree in his hand, and instead of eating it, he hung the light fruit on the soul tree.

Then, Xu Le stretched out his palm and faced the sky.


Under the gray sky, there was an explosion.

Endless spiritual energy began to gather toward the sky, all of which was formed after the ice sheets melted.

Although it is only a small part of the ice field, in terms of the spiritual energy that Xu Le has sensed, it has exceeded the previous spiritual energy pool.

"This is the real ocean..."

A white sun appeared in the sky.

Its existence consumes a lot of Xu Le's spiritual energy, but the existence of this white sun completely illuminates the ice field for Xu Le.

"If there is heat, can it slowly melt this ice sheet, so that I can truly possess the spiritual energy of this ice sheet..."

In Guyinduo's power of rules, there is no concept of flame.

Even the rules of light cast by light only have light and no concept of heat.

If you want to gain heat, you can only cultivate the abilities of other systems, such as fire disasters, or elemental flames...

Xu Le stood on the top of the tree, brewing various powers in his body.

His pupils were constantly changing, affecting the big tree under him and the bright sun in the sky.

"Just the power of darkness."

After making the decision, all the dark power in Xu Le's body began to converge towards his fingertips.

Xu Le gently tapped his index finger on the tree of soul in front of him. The black mist spread, eroding the darkness that entered the tree of soul, and began to gather on a branch.

Speckled particles gather in the treetops.

Later, the second fruit appeared on Xu Le's tree of soul.

In the process of brewing this fruit, Xu Le felt that his body was completely hollowed out.

He was very tired, and the fatigue made Xu Le subconsciously cover his waist...

Then he discovered that this fatigue had nothing to do with kidney deficiency.

" was all worth it."

Xu Le looked at the second fruit and smiled happily.

[Night Fury's Approval-Darkness]

The name of this fruit is somewhat unexpected and makes sense.

The darkness Xu Le saw at the Guyinduomu tree before was not like this.

It's called [Eternal-Darkness].

Xu Le didn't know if the moral meant that darkness was always eternal.

But he didn't care anymore, that ability didn't belong to him, the darkness in front of him belonged to him...

Although the source of this darkness comes from the Night Fury, the relationship between the Night Fury and the Night Fury is strong enough, so there is no problem.

"What will be born in the future? This is really something to look forward to..."

Looking at the two fruits hanging on the tree, Xu Le felt that he was indeed looking more and more like the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

He also mastered the tree as the foundation of everything, the same self-controlled world of different dimensions, the same spreading power, and the same fruit growth.

Now, even the fruit's ability to grow seems to be carved from the same mold.

"I wonder what this place will look like after the ice sheet melts."

Beside the bonfire, Chi Xiao woke up faintly, and she saw some traces of battle around her.

It seems that Alley and Toad had a battle with those night demons.

Realizing that Chi Xiao had woken up, Ai Li quickly said:

"Nearly 9 hours have passed. The Night Stalker has attacked us 4 times before, about once every 2 hours.

It has been more than an hour since they last retreated. According to the previous rules... it won't be long before they launch the next attack. "

As a combatant, as an assistant, Alley's way of doing things is really comfortable.

This is one of the reasons why Xu Le likes Alley very much.

If you are a normal person, after hearing such news, you will definitely be very happy to have such a helper.

But unfortunately... Chi Xiao is not a normal person.

Of course, she is no ordinary transcendent.

She looked at the darkness in front of her and said indifferently:

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

When Ai Li heard what she said, her face turned green. She suddenly felt that everything she had just done was in vain.

What's even more outrageous is...even she thinks Chi Xiao's words are correct.

Yes, after reaching this level of strength, they no longer need to consider the harm caused to them by conventional weirdness.

In most cases, the qualitative changes brought about by high-level extraordinary beings can already ignore the quantity.

A top powerhouse like Chi Xiao can turn into a sea of ​​fire with just a wave of his hand.

In a sea of ​​fire like this, the weird numbers mean basically nothing.

If you want to kill a transcendent like her through sheer numbers, you need to have a steady stream of weird shocks to consume all her spiritual energy for several days in a row.

Another premise is that Chi Xiao stays put and cannot escape.

If you include escape and the like...then it can be said to be basically unsolvable.

So facing Chi Xiao's remarks, Ai Li could only smile bitterly:

"That's right. So...where is Xu Le, can you wake him up?"

Chi Xiao glanced at Xu Le, and the situation just now was still vivid in his mind.

After saving him, he drove himself away instead.

Chi Xiao's temper is not very good...

"This guy has woken up. He is just squatting in his own world to do some evil research. Don't worry about him."

The corner of Ai Li's mouth twitched, was he angry?

She thought about what Xu Le did in daily life and nodded immediately. According to Xu Le's character, it was normal to make people angry.

"That's good."

As he spoke, the surrounding black shadows gathered again, and the speckled pupils represented the number of night demons here.

Looking around, these pupils are densely packed, and wherever the field of vision passes, there are almost no blind spots.

"There are so many...far more than the previous times, several times more."

"Fuck, should we run away?" Toad, who had been silent until now, couldn't help but speak.

Faced with such a quantity, even Chi Xiao himself was slightly shocked.

The number of monsters at the moment is truly astonishing. This is the first time she has seen such a large number of night demons.

Generally speaking, no more than 3-5 Night Stalkers can move together.

"Don't worry too much, it'll be fine."

After Chi Xiao finished speaking, he took a step forward and prepared to take action.

In fact, her current condition is not very good. She hasn't rested since the previous battle with Jidu.

Then he hurried over to help Xu Le.

"This sleeping like a dead man now."

Chi Xiao glared at Xu Le, and then Xu Le suddenly opened his eyes.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

"Look outside." Chi Xiao pointed outside, Xu Le looked in the direction she pointed, and the Night Demon army came into view.

He waved his hand very pretentiously:

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

Chi Xiao:......

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