
Chapter 44 Black Cat-Ding Ke

At around 7:50, Xu Le walked into the Night Watch branch in Area B2.

"Hello, hello, good morning, Brother Shu."

Along the way, he would greet everyone seriously whether they were guards or night watchmen.

Regardless of whether they knew each other or not, and regardless of their position, even if they were sweeping the floor, he would treat everyone equally and politely.

In terms of enthusiasm and politeness, Xu Le's level is basically that of a seal!

The reason for doing this is also very simple, like it, look forward to it, and be familiar with it.

"Good morning." Wang Shu also greeted Xu Le.

Wang Shu was still so calm and unruffled, as if nothing could cause his mood swings.

"Brother Shu, where should I report now?"

Xu Le knew that Wang Shu should be regarded as Bai Jing's confidant, which could be seen from the previous contacts.

Bai Jing deliberately cultivated Wang Shu.

Moreover, Wang Shu is a very good person. If he hangs out with Brother Shu, he will most likely not be bullied.

"Come with me."

Wang Shu took Xu Le to the men's locker room and took out a black night watch uniform from the cloakroom next door.

Looking at this black uniform, Xu Le asked weakly:

"I've always wanted to ask before, but I felt a little offended. Now that I'm a night watchman myself, I just want to ask, Brother Shu.

Isn’t it hot to wear such thick clothes in summer? "

Wang Shu originally subconsciously wanted to say it was not hot, but when he saw Xu Le's serious expression, he loosened his collar for no reason.

"Actually... this dress is already very breathable."

Xu Le blinked a few times and said seriously:

"I see."

Xu Le is very sensible. This kind of question is just like when he commented on XXX singer's inability to sing well in his previous life.

Then a bunch of idiot fans will respond to him, XXX has worked very hard, why do you say that to him.

In the same way, if you say that the clothes are very hot when you put them on, he will say that the clothes are already very breathable.

Yes, the clothes are so breathable, why do you keep worrying about whether they are hot or not?

So Xu Le didn't plan to continue asking.

After changing into this hot black uniform, Wang Shu took Xu Le to the administrative office to apply for employment status.

[Night Watch-B2 Area 6 Detachment-Logistics Department-Xu Le]

Looking at his dog tag, oh no, it was a work tag, Xu Le chuckled.

From now on, my brother is also a public servant, just like a civil servant!

"Brother Shu, I work in the logistics department. What do I do mainly?"

"I am not responsible for your work. Gu Beichen and I belong to the execution department. Your work content will be arranged by others."

"That's right!" Xu Le nodded.

Next, he was taken to a room particularly close to the branch.

【Consulting room】

Wang Shu knocked on the door, and a very magnetic voice came from the room.

"Please come in."

"Who are the people inside?"

Xu Lezheng was surprised when Wang Shu opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Gan, I have brought you the person."

Gan, who was reading, raised his head and looked at Xu Le:

"Destiny has brought us together again, classmate Xu Le."

Xu Le looked at Gan and was stunned for a moment.

Not to mention anything else, during the two encounters with Gan, the other party gave him real help.

Although it wasn't a particularly big help, it did save Xu Le a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Gan."

Gan, who was sitting in the consulting room, put down the information in his hand and took off his black-rimmed glasses.

Slowly stood up and stretched out his hand towards Xu Le:

"Classmate Xu Le, we are colleagues from today on."

"It is an honor to work with Mr. Gan."

Xu Le and Gan shook hands, while Wang Shu on the side knocked on the door:

"Okay, let's talk about it next. I'm going to the execution department."

"Brother Shu, walk slowly."

After watching Wang Shu leave, Xu Le looked at Gan slightly cautiously:

"Mr. Gan, what should we do next?"

Gan smiled and pointed at the seat:

"Sit down first. Captain Bai Jing said that you have become a psychic, and you were promoted through ritual methods. This is really amazing!"

"Mr. Gan, you are honored. There was some luck in getting promoted that day. In fact, I don't understand anything."

Xu Le is not being self-effacing, he really doesn't understand anything.

"There is no need to belittle oneself, for warlocks, luck itself is a kind of strength.

The captain has explained before that you came out by a wild path and have not experienced systematic warlock learning.

Well, starting from today, we will conduct a month-long basic knowledge training.

Let’s start with the basics of Warlock. Do you think it’s feasible? "

Xu Le was a little excited when he heard that Gan wanted to teach him basic warlock knowledge. This was a real teaching.

As a time traveler, he knows well that knowledge is power.

Although he can control his emotions with the Soul Tree, Xu Le feels that he should not let himself be too calm at this time.

Young people should look like young people, otherwise people will wonder if you are contaminated by Gu Yinduo.

"Mr. Gan!" Xu Le looked excited and hesitated to speak.

"What? If you have any questions, you can tell me."

"Either... I come to your house to clean the toilet for a few days, otherwise I won't be able to learn well."

Gan was stunned at first, and then he realized it belatedly:

"Eh? Hahahaha, Xu Le, don't think too much. Even if I don't teach you these things, you can check them in the Night Watch database yourself after you join the Night Watch."

"Searching on your own and being taught by others are completely different things. Thank you, Mr. Gan. I really appreciate it."

Listening to Xu Le's sincere thanks, Gan just shook his head:

“Every day I do a good deed, every month I avoid a calamity, I do this without any gain.

If you have nothing else to do, let's get started, shall we? "

Gan's straightforwardness made Xu Le very comfortable. Working with such a person would make people happy both physically and mentally.


Xu Le followed Gan out of the branch, took the Night Watchman's exclusive steam locomotive, and came to the Night Watchman headquarters in Shangcheng District.

The office is indeed located in Xiacheng District on weekdays, but important information, especially study materials, can only be found in the Shangcheng District headquarters.

Gan took Xu Le to the Night Watch Reference Room, and skillfully took out a slightly old book from the bookshelf, but it was obvious that it was often read.

"Starting from the Red Moon-Understanding the World"

"Xu Le, do you know the extraordinary divisions of this world?"

"I'm not very sure. I probably only know about the extraordinary systems in this world, including the Ancient Sound System and the Red Moon System."

"Well, extraordinary power is actually much more complicated than this. In addition to Gu Yinduo and Hong Yue, there are also three systems: gods, outer gods, and ancient gods.

Hongyue and Guyinduo themselves include some ancient gods and gods.

So it may take some time to explain it thoroughly. "

Xu Le listened carefully, even turning on his ethereal state to digest Gan's every word.

There are many ancient sounds, red moon, gods, ancient gods, and foreign gods.

Xu Le already knew the power of Gu Yinduo and Hongyue, as for the other three.

The only one Xu Le has an impression of is Jin Chan.

The ancient god who is greedy for everything, Ancient God level 3, it should belong to the Ancient God system.

Seeing Xu Le's listening look, Gan continued:

"The power of warlocks comes from the red moon. Since you and I are both red moon warlocks, let's start with the red moon."


"The moon seen by ordinary people has always been white. Only during the dark tide of Guyinduo, the moon will turn red.

This has to mention something very important to warlocks, the spirit of the red moon.

The spirit of the red moon is the tidal energy of the red moon. Whenever the black tide night, the spirits of the red moon gather, the moon will turn red.

The warlock absorbs the power of the Red Moon Spirit for his own use, arranges incantations, and releases spells..."

Gan spoke very carefully, and Xu Le listened very carefully.

Regarding knowledge, I don’t know if it’s appropriate to use the word “hungry”. Anyway, Xu Le is a voracious learner.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, give yourself some cramming education first.

Before I knew it, nearly a day had passed.

Gan left at 1 p.m., leaving Xu Le to study alone.

Now that Xu Le also had a night watchman ID, Gan didn't ask him to do any other work, so he just stayed here and read books.

Just as Xu Le was flipping through the last book, a dark figure suddenly came to him.

"How did you come?"


"Are you hungry? After reading this book, I will take you out to eat."


The black cat obediently lay down in front of Xu Le, with no intention of disturbing Xu Le's reading.

Xu Le continued to flip through the book and turned to the last page of "Light and Darkness".

[Summary of light and dark levels]

The light and darkness levels are divided into 10 levels, from level 0 to level 9. Each number represents the corresponding level of light and darkness.

Level 0: Absolute darkness, a state of no light. In a state of absolute darkness, there is a high possibility of night demons appearing.

The Night Stalker is born with the energy of the heart and targets the heart. It will attack any human being with emotions, and may even attack those with weird emotions.

Level 1-3: Relatively dark, monsters will be spawned according to the darkness of the inner space and the outer space. The darker, the faster the spawn of monsters will be!

The initial level of monster spawning is level 1, which will increase with time, flesh, blood, emotion and mental energy.

When the anima emotions accumulate to 50, which is anima alert level 1, humans will attract weirdness.

When the anima emotions accumulate to 100, which is the anima alert level 2, humans will enter a state of mental pollution.

When polluted emotions and Gu Yinduo's energy converge, patrol level and polluter level weirdness will be refreshed!

Level 4-6: Relatively bright. Brightness can keep you safe and avoid the spawning of monsters, but brightness cannot dispel weirdness.

Level 7-9: Light. The warlock injects his own energy into the light source and creates light through special spells.

It has a certain effect of dispelling weirdness and purifying ancient sounds and pollution. The intensity changes with the brightness and warlock energy.

"Books are indeed the most effective means of improvement."

After reading this book, Xu Le took a deep breath.

Even the most basic things are extremely valuable to him now.

Direct reading of this kind of knowledge is much faster than trying it bit by bit on your own.

Turning to look at the black cat:

"Okay, let's go eat."


The black cat nimbly jumped onto Xu Le's shoulders.

Xu Le glanced at the black cat and remembered that it never had a name:

"Or, let me give you a name. How about Xiao Hei?"

Meow! ~

The black cat bared its teeth and grabbed Xu Le's hair. This attitude was obvious.

If you dare to use the name Xiaohei, I will kill you tonight!

"Let go first, you have something to say."

The black cat released its paws, and Xu Le carefully smoothed his hair.

He looked at the black cat with a guilty conscience. The cat's hands were so strong that it was ridiculous.

"So, what name do you want?"

The black cat's eyes purred a few times, as if he was thinking of something.

It actually started to pick up the books on the table, as if it was looking for something.

After turning to one of the pages, it stretched out a cat's paw and pointed to a text on it, and then turned another page and pointed to another text.

Xu Le just watched it flipping through the book, and asked slightly puzzled:

"Ding... can?"

Suddenly there are so many good reviews! It feels a bit unreal, are you really reviewing my book. . .

I'm so scared. Could it be that someone bought a fake to paralyze my mind?

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