
Chapter 434 The Flame of the Faded One

"To say that fate is meaningless from his mouth is a complete self-denial?

The collapse of the worldview caused by self-denial? Is self-denial so harmful...

Or is it because the time has come? "

Xu Le put down the remnants of the destiny projection. These remnants, like ashes, dissipated in Xu Le's hands as the cracks in the void surged.

The power left by the destiny projection gradually integrated into his body, and Xu Le suddenly felt bad.

Originally, the seven energies stayed in the ice lake and were barely able to maintain a balance, but with the integration of the power of fate.

This fragile balance was immediately broken.

The turbulence made Xu Le unable to balance his body, let alone control the Soul-Eating Tree.

Xu Le used the last stand-in doll to fix his figure, and then stretched out his hand to summon the black staff...

But the black staff didn't appear!


Xu Le was stunned. The weapon of the black staff... has never fallen off the chain, not at any time.

"what happened?"

In shock, Xu Le felt the flow of dark power.

He suddenly realized that the black staff did not disappear, but merged into it when the Soul-Eating Tree absorbed the projection.

The Night Fury's projection power is Eternal Darkness, as is the Black Staff.

After the two same forces came into contact, they naturally merged together.

"I see……"

Xu Le loosened his fingers, and when he opened them again, the dark vortex between them also appeared.

At this point, he no longer needs to use the black staff to open the dark vortex.

This is a great enhancement to Xu Le's ability to escape.

Run away, anytime, anywhere.

Escape is never out of date.

"No, I can't hold my body any longer..."

The energy in his body was too violent, and Xu Le had to find a safe place to adjust as soon as possible.

Compared to the ice field that was about to burst, Xu Le felt that the Night Fury would be a better choice.

Later, in the collapsed seal land, Xu Le got into the dark vortex.

Dark place.

The surrounding night demons lay prostrate on the ground, as if welcoming their monarch.

Not long after, a dark vortex opened.

Xu Le fell straight from the whirlpool crossing.

It hit the ground with a thud, raising dust.

The night demons didn't know the situation and didn't dare to move.

Rule the land.

The dark particles in Xu Le's body have completed their evolution again. Today, he is in a very similar state to that of the Night Demon. As a Night Demon, one must be humble and respectful to the Lord of Darkness. This is the root of their survival. .

So... Xu Le has been lying on the ground for almost a minute and no one is paying attention.

He still has some consciousness now, but will soon lose consciousness. He is dying of anxiety.

"Well, can someone come and save me?"

The chaotic energy exploded several times in Xu Le's body, and the banging and banging sounds made the surrounding night demons even more frightened, and they all took a few steps back.

Some familiar night demons have begun to think, and the messenger is becoming more and more mysterious...

However, as a Night Fury who had just experienced the incident in the Sealed Land, he still knew about Xu Le's situation.

Her voice passed directly through the darkness and into the minds of all night demons.

"Bring him here."

Hearing the Night Demon's voice, the Night Demon couldn't help but become fanatical, but behind the fanaticism, there was also some kind of panic hidden.

It's as if they are about to face something that makes them yearn for, but is also very scary.

Several of the more powerful Night Demons looked at each other, then walked to Xu Le together, held Xu Le on their heads, and walked towards the Night Demon's bonfire.

It was as if walking to the campfire was something unusual for them.

After they lifted Xu Le, the night demons around them also made way for them.

It's like practicing for a fallen hero.

But what is strange is that Xu Le is not dead yet...

Gradually, several night demons carrying Xu Le gradually approached the bonfire.

But as the bonfire got closer, the colors on these night demons actually began to fade.

The skin that was originally as black as ink had begun to turn gray, brown, or bronze.

When the darkness recedes, these night demons reveal their original colors.

Yes, Night Stalkers come in color too.

They were born out of fear, sadness, and anger, and they also reflect different colors here.

It's just that their original colors are obscured by the darkness attached to the dark place.

Under the light of the campfire, even the darkness of the night demon has to recede.

I just don't know if the Night Fury, who has been sitting in front of the bright light of the bonfire, will be affected by the bonfire.

Regarding the bonfire in front of her, she was just like a conscientious caretaker, adding a handful of firewood to the bonfire from time to time, that's all.

Several night demons held Xu Le and slowly walked to the front of the night demon.

Under the illumination of the close campfire, the eyes of these night demons were filled with enthusiasm, and even the last trace of fear had disappeared.

They looked directly at the Night Fury, as if expecting something.

Maybe it was just a shout of approval from the Night Fury.

After all, the approval of the Lord of Darkness is the noble wish of all dark people.

But unfortunately, the Night Fury didn't pay attention, and she didn't even make an extra sound.

Except for Xu Le, Night Fury didn't seem to care much about the things around him.

She just looked at the bonfire silently, as if she was worried that it would escape.

The night demons can no longer bear such light.

Their bodies began to continue to fade, and even the original color began to recede. Finally, the four night demons disappeared in front of the night demons.

Xu Le also fell to the ground.

After Night Demon disappeared, Night Demon's eyes finally changed. She glanced at Xu Le, who was on the ground, and frowned slightly.

It's like he's thinking about something difficult to decide.

"Originally it was just an unintentional compliment, but I didn't expect it to reach this point..."

The Night Fury, who had been sitting in front of the bonfire for a long time, suddenly stood up. He noticed the Night Fury's strange movement, and the Black Sheep that had been guarding the place of darkness suddenly made a sound.

"Night Fury, what are you going to do?"

The Night Fury was silent for a moment, and then she suddenly repeated what Destiny had said before.

"Destiny's destiny, the end of the world..."

"What the hell, can you believe what a fortune teller says?"

"Is there any difference between belief and disbelief?"

"Hmph, none of Guyinduo's sons is good."

"It is not the son of Guyin Duo, I am."

Black Sheep:……

Knowing that he could not convince the Night Fury, Black Sheep glanced at Xu Le and became unhappy:

"You have guarded this flame for so long, and you have taken advantage of him..."

"I can't absorb it if I stay here. The seal has been lifted. Staying here... is just too boring."

Night Fury looked at the sky. Although it was pitch black, her little eyes were full of yearning.

"It's all Xu Le's stupid stories that deceived you. How can the world be so beautiful? Darkness and decay are the ultimate eternity."

"Yes, darkness and decay are the ultimate eternity, but what about the process... I want to see what my process is..."

Seeing that the Night Fury still had no intention of changing his mind, Black Sheep's voice became much softer.

"But this flame can help you, you are too dark."

Hearing Black Sheep saying that she was too dark, Night Fury smiled. If it were before, she would definitely be angry.

But she didn't know when she started hearing many interesting stories.

The longing for the process has exceeded the fear of the end.

Yes, even the son of Gu Yinduo will be afraid.

"Yeah, I'm too dark. Even if I correspond to the fading fire, even if I give out so much power, it won't help.

The power I branched out has begun to cause pollution to this world, very serious pollution.

The number of night demons is increasing..."

Having said this, Night Demon finally took a look at those Night Demons, his expression still indifferent.

The black sheep knew what the Night Fury was referring to. It hesitated for a while before saying:

"Actually, I think...a world with only darkness would be nice, when everything comes to an end."

"Is there only a dark world... This was originally my idea, but now I think that would be too monotonous.

Everything comes to one point, no life, no hope, no emotion.

There are no more stories about those. "

"Sure enough, it's all this bitch Xu Le's fault... the stories he tells are all deceptive."

"I'm not human."

Black Sheep:……

"You have been communicating with this bitch Xu Le for a long time, and the way you speak has begun to change."

The Night Fury didn't refute, just stared at the bonfire in front of him in a daze.

"Isn't it good for me to be like this?"

"Actually, it's not that bad. That guy is really good at telling stories."

"Did you listen too?"

"You should understand my insight."


"But you still shouldn't give up your original ideas because of his influence. That would be unfair to you."

The black sheep was a little excited as he spoke. Its huge body began to shrink and turned into a small-looking black lamb. It slowly walked to the Night Fury.

The Night Fury gently stroked the black sheep's neck and rested his head on it.

She had never shown such a tender side in front of anyone else, except Black Sheep.

They had grown up together for so long that they knew each other well enough that they could guess some words even if they were not said out loud.

If Xu Le is the favor of the Night Fury.

The black sheep is the support of the Night Fury.

The Night Fury gently rubbed the black sheep's hair and whispered:

"Eternal Darkness, do you think this fate is fair for me?"

"At least it becomes eternity..."

"Even you will die, everything will return to darkness, and such eternity is meaningless.

Today, I have become a mistake in this world. The mistake should be corrected. Now... is the opportunity to correct the mistake. "

"Damn it, I can't persuade you anymore. It's up to you. Anyway... I will always stay by your side."

Black Sheep said so.

Seeing that Black Sheep finally stopped objecting, Night Fury actually smiled sweetly, just like the original little wolfdog, very sweet.

The wolf and the sheep were warm for a while, and the Night Fury's eyes gradually returned to their former indifference.

She stood up and suddenly reached into the fire.

He pinched a tinder.

The Night Fury holding the fire in his hand began to fade rapidly, and even the most basic blood color and the white color of his clothes could no longer be maintained.

She seemed to become transparent, everything was passing away, except for her heart, which was still pure black.

That kind of black can absorb all light, and no light can penetrate it.

The Night Fury held the fire and hesitated for a while, then suddenly swallowed it.

Then she squatted next to Xu Le, gently lifted Xu Le's chin, pressed her lips to her, and turned away the fading fire.

As soon as the faded fire entered Xu Le's mouth, it immediately invaded every corner of Xu Le's body.

The light of the fire made all the power in Xu Le's body begin to eclipse.

Those forces that were still in a state of chaos and struggle before felt the strong crisis brought by the fading fire, and actually reunited together.

Re-condensed into the true power of ancient sounds.

And Xu Le's soul-eating tree did not stay in a daze at this time, relying on the almost unlimited spiritual power of the ice field.

The soul-eating tree grew again, getting bigger and bigger. In Xu Le's alien space, it had grown into a towering giant tree in a short period of time.

The huge canopy of trees greeted the falling faded flames.


Like the light of a Night Fury bonfire, it suddenly ignited on Xu Le's soul-eating tree.

The soul-eating tree burned.

Under the illumination of this fading light, the regular fruits on the Soul-Eating Tree began to fade.

But they were unwilling to fade away, so they continued to release their respective power of rules, activating the soul-eating tree and absorbing more ice spiritual energy to fight against it.

And what dropped after the Fading Fire burned turned out to be new psychic ice.

The power of Guyinduo and the faded fire gradually entered a delicate state of balance.

One side freezes, the other melts.

Stranger still, the frozen stuff is fire.

And it is the soul-eating tree that melts the ice.

After taking out the fire, the bonfire in front of the Night Fury became much darker.

Xu Le, who had re-entered a state of balance, also faintly woke up at this time.

As soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was the face of the black sheep and its goatee.

"What the hell?"

"I am your uncle." Black Sheep would not spoil Xu Le and stepped on him with one step.

Xu Le was stepped on by the sheep and quickly got up.

He looked around and then at the Night Fury who was still beside the fire, and suddenly he felt relieved.

If the Night Fury is around, many things will become easier.

Just like now, he felt that he couldn't do it by himself, but as long as he came to Night Fury, Night Fury would help him solve it.

The big brother is the big brother and is trustworthy.

"Lord Night Fury, I didn't disturb you too much, did I?"

Looking at Xu Le with a naive smile on his face, Ye Sha also smiled.

This smile completely stunned Xu Le.

The eldest brother smiled, is it going to be the end of the world?

"Uh, why are you laughing, Lord Night Fury? Do I have any questions?"

"Big brother is actually a pretty good title."

Xu Le was surprised.

He screams in his heart every time! Could the Night Fury be able to read minds?

"Don't worry, only fate and puppets can read minds, not me.

I just feel your expectation and the word big brother.

Let’s call him big brother from now on. "

"Uh, okay."

"Xu Le..."

"Huh? Brother, what's the matter?"

"Tell me another story."

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