
Chapter 437 Please eat

Night Fury's calm look made Chi Xiao feel very comfortable...

Like a quiet little girl next door who has to be liked.

But she was very aware of the terror of the other party, and she came here unscrupulously at this time. Apart from being powerful and not caring about the defensive power of the Red Moon Temple, Chi Xiao really couldn't find any other reason.

"Don't say that, Lord Night Fury. The strongest person in Gu Yinduo no longer needs anyone else's evaluation."

"Haha, that's right."

It goes without saying that Chi Xiao respects the strong, but she still feels that the Night Fury gives her a strange feeling.

Why can't we raise our fighting spirit?

Even when facing gods, she shouldn't be like this.

"Let's sit down somewhere and talk. I feel like you guys have something to say."

It was not the Night Fury who spoke, but the black goat beneath her.

Only then did Chi Xiao realize how powerful the aura of the black goat under Night Fury was.

I hadn't noticed it before, just because the Black Goat's aura had been completely absorbed and covered up by the Night Fury's aura.

Without the cover of the Night Fury's aura, the strength of the Black Goat was fully exposed.

When he saw it, Chi Xiao's fighting spirit quickly ignited.

An opponent to challenge!

"Stop staring, little girl, you're still far from there."

Chi Xiao slightly raised his eyes and whispered:

"Is it?"

"Is your brain sick? I am a sheep. I want to eat grass. How can I have time to fight with you? If you want to fight, go to her."

The Black Goat pouted at the Night Fury, and Chi Xiao stopped looking at him.

"Well, I was rude. Have you eaten, Lord Night Fury? If not, I'll treat you to a meal."

After saying these words, even Chi Xiao herself was surprised. Under normal circumstances, she would not be able to do such an operation as inviting people to dinner.

It was only after she had more contact with Xu Le that she gradually adopted this slightly more diplomatic approach.

Night Fury was also slightly startled after hearing Chi Xiao's request to treat him to a meal.

"Have a meal……"

How long had it been since she had eaten?

Perhaps when she first became the son of Guyin Duo, she would occasionally go hunting or something.

But as time went by, she realized that eating was meaningless to her.

Everything will be dyed black.

When the energy reaches her, it is just energy. Whether it is eaten or not has become unimportant.

She and Black Sheep also met at that time.

"Okay, I haven't eaten in a long time."

"Master Night Fury, is there anything you want to eat? Among humans, I should be considered quite wealthy, so I don't have to worry about money."

The problem of money... This definition has been mentioned many times in Xu Le's story.

However, in the eyes of Night Fury, Chi Xiao's current strength can completely ignore the money rules of the ordinary human world.

It was a bit difficult for her to understand that he was already so powerful and still needed to follow the ordinary currency.

Strength...shouldn't it be the guarantee of unimpeded passage?

Just like her, she can do whatever she wants and go wherever she wants.

I can’t figure it out, and I still don’t want to think about it anymore.

"I don't know much about it, just look at the arrangements." Night Fury remained calm, and Chi Xiao was also happy to see it like this.

"Then let's go here. I also want to try it. Lord Night Fury is here, and I just want to invite you to eat with me."


"Lord Black Sheep, please come in too."

"Of course, then I will go in."

"High and low... I have a friend who often uses this way of speaking."

Hearing what Chi Xiao said, Black Sheep's expression immediately became distorted.

In fact, every time Xu Le and Ye Sha talked, Black Sheep listened to the whole process, secretly and quietly.

Anyway, he didn't understand the meaning of the story, but he learned a lot of spoken language.

But it won't admit it, and it will be over if it insists.

"I'm definitely not familiar with the friend you mentioned."

"I see, let's go now." Chi Xiao also laughed.

Two very distinctive beauties, one large and one small, walked into the shop with a black goat.

The clerk in the store subconsciously tried to stop him, but he immediately recognized the red-haired woman walking aside.

One-eyed owl!

This woman is being denounced even within the Red Moon Temple.

Especially now that it is clear within the temple that the One-Eyed Owl is not loyal to the Red Moon Temple. She has her own ideas and does what she wants to do.

It may even be hostile to the Red Moon Temple.

Allowing such a mercenary leader to stay in the Red Moon Temple is itself a huge hidden danger.

Many people think that they should get rid of Chi Xiao.

The opposition's reasons are also clear.

Opposition: I know you are in a hurry, but don’t be anxious yet. It can be handled. Who will handle the problem?

This is what the opposition said.

Yes, today's Red Moon Temple is full of factions, and each position has its own unique and important role.

Today, Chi Xiao has reached the point where no one can deal with it.

"You two, please come inside and have something to eat?"

"Is there a private room?"

Chi Xiao stared into the man's eyes and saw his eyes shaking. In fact, she had already guessed his identity.

After all, he is still a spy.

This kind of snack bar opening in front of your home is indeed not normal.

But she didn't really care, so that was it.

"If you have a private room, come with me."

While guiding Chi Xiao, the man quickly thought about how to report to the superiors.

Oh, by the way, who is that little girl?

Chi Xiao’s friend? She grew up in a broken family, so she probably didn't have any brothers or sisters, and they didn't look alike.

"This is the private room."

Chi Xiao nodded to him, then led Ye Sha into the private room, closed the door, and then she shook her head slightly and said:

"Master Night Fury is here. I just hope these people are a little more sensible."

Because the Night Fury was here, Chi Xiao didn't want to cause too much fluctuation.

If a situation like high-level combat really arises, that's not what she wants to see.

Although this is a shop opened by spies, the work efficiency here is still very good, and the food is delicious.

Not long after, the things Chi Xiao ordered were brought out.

"Master Night Fury, you can have a taste."


Before the Night Fury could say anything, the black goat beside him started to move.

It actually bit into a piece of steamed pork ribs.

Chi Xiao was stunned, didn't it want to eat grass?

"What are you looking at?"

"Lord Black Sheep has a good appetite."

"That is required."

The meal started to be eaten happily. If you didn't know them, you would probably think that a certain elder sister was taking her younger sister out to eat.

It's just that their pets are special.

After all, black is not a very popular color, whether it is a black sheep or a black cat.

Night Furies have no concept of politeness, and eating is not considered polite.

She pinched a piece of pancake that the waiter had just brought and stuffed it into her mouth. The whole process was a bit like biting.

Chi Xiao saw the clumsiness of the Night Fury, although no one stipulated that food must be eaten in a certain way.

But what is certain is that if you eat like this, you will definitely not taste the joy of food.

"Master Night Fury, you can eat slowly, chew carefully, and taste the taste carefully."

"Taste it carefully?"

"Well, maybe Lord Night Fury no longer needs to eat with his current strength, but you can still experience the beauty of food.

There is not much fun in the world, even less than pain and sadness, so happiness is more precious than other emotions. "

Chi Xiao's words were actually said by Xu Le once.

Happiness is always short-lived, but pain and sadness are long-lasting. Cherishing short-lived happiness is the right choice.

Night Fury also heard similar words when listening to Xu Le's story.

She left the dark place this time, saying it was for fun, but in fact she was just wandering aimlessly.

She didn't know what she should do.

I don't know what I need to do.

She has no idea of ​​vying for supremacy like other sons of Guyinduo, nor does she have any thoughts of conquering the world.

Because these things are what she is doing passively.

The power of darkness will corrode the world, and she will pollute the world all the time.

Once she suppressed her darkness with fading fire.

But it is only a degree of suppression. In fact, there is no force that can stop the spread of darkness.

Faded Fire cannot stop the Night Stalkers from growing in number.

The entire dark place is wrapped in the faded fire, and the Night Fury understands that if it continues, the darkness will eventually pollute the faded fire.

That's why she decided to give the Fading Fire to Xu Le.

It's not because fate said Xu Le is hope or anything like that, it's just because she has a good relationship with Xu Le.

Since he is the younger brother he likes, he also considers him his elder brother.

Of course the eldest brother must take care of the younger brother's emotions. This is inevitable, otherwise the eldest brother is useless?

Without the Fading Fire, there is no need to continue to guard the dark place, nor to fight for hegemony.

Today's Night Fury is just like a homeless man, wandering around.

If she is considered a god, she should be the kind of person whom everyone is afraid of.

Just look at the attitude of the Red Moon Temple.

Those red moon gods have definitely discovered her, after all, this is their territory.

But even so, none of those red moon gods came, and she was all upset.

This kind of performance really made Night Fury feel boring.

It would be great if they could think like Lightcast who would rather die than surrender. This is what the Night Fury thought when he came.

Have a good fight and find the meaning of your existence.

It's a pity...they are all trash.

Unable to feel the meaning of her own existence, Night Fury began to wander around the Red Moon Temple. She was originally planning to look for the library of the Red Moon Temple.

After all, this is the oldest city in the entire human world.

Classics from many eras are also collected here.

But she didn't know the way.

It would be too showy if you took the initiative to call me.

According to Xu Le, it is not conducive to world peace.

The overlapping of various situations made Night Fury look very confused.

So now that she heard Chi Xiao say this, she felt a little enlightened.

"Taste the food of ordinary people, feel the fun that belongs to ordinary people, and bring it in..."

"Yes, extraordinary beings are very special, but in fact they are not that special.

Once something is completed, it is inevitable that you will fall into confusion, so I set a relatively high goal for myself. "

Night Fury looked at Chi Xiao, not expecting a junior to teach her a lesson.

Of course, this kind of class does not refer to guidance on strength, but a reminder of state of mind.

For the Night Fury's confused state at this time, it can open up the mind and prevent the Night Fury from making some strange actions.

With the Night Fury's current strength, some strange actions would be of great importance to many people, forces, and even the structure of the world, and could even be destructive.

"Taste gently."

The Night Fury did as she was told. She gently tasted the food in front of her, and the sweet and sour taste passed through her sensitive taste buds.

A feeling that she had not experienced for a long time flowed in her mouth.

"Sour and sweet, it tastes pretty good."

“There are also spicy, delicious, and bitter ones, every taste, texture, and variety.

It has to be said that although ordinary people cannot pursue extraordinary power, their pursuit and enjoyment of a happy life are absolutely excellent.

Many rich people live a very luxurious life because they find happiness in it. "

Chi Xiao rang the bell at hand, and the store clerk rushed over immediately.

"Boy, do you need anything?"

"Come to some bars, better ones."

The shop assistant glanced at the Night Fury hesitantly. Although the old laws in the Red Moon Temple have been abolished, there are some that everyone still follows.

For example... minors can't drink.

The little girl in front of me...

The Night Fury stared at the guy and suddenly said:

"I have survived for thousands of years."

Man... he held back his smile, then looked at Chi Xiao, and finally agreed.

"Um, okay, but the alcohol content in our store is relatively high, so we don't recommend drinking too much."

"Well, go get it quickly."

When the waiter got the drinks back, Night Fury was also a little curious.

Wine is mentioned in many of Xu Le's stories.

Even the warlocks she ate were mentioned, but those warlocks did not drink because drinking would affect the warlock's thinking.

So she has very few opportunities to come into contact with alcohol.

Looking at the transparent yellow liquid in front of him, the Night Fury drank it all in one gulp.

Slight throat burning and some aftertaste, a very strange feeling.

"This kind of thing is not delicious, but it is very strange..."

Black Goat drank a whole bottle without saying a word.

"Pfft, good luck."

"Alcohol affects a warlock's thinking, so most warlocks don't drink."

As soon as Chi Xiao explained this, Black Goat retorted:

"Warlocks have a certain mentality. They only seek death."

Chi Xiao wanted to retort to Black Goat, but saw Night Fury holding up a bottle of wine and started doing it.

Tons tons tons tons tons! ~

"The wine is good, please have some more."

"Okay, I still want to ask the previous question, Lord Night Fury, can you tell me the reason why you came to the Red Moon Temple."

This chapter was SH last night. I don’t know what words triggered the taboo. I didn’t modify it. I can’t figure it out.

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