
Chapter 441 Let the flame purify everything?

Chi Xiao is still very down-to-earth and will help whenever he says he wants.

When it comes to cultivation, she will never make any extra excuses or shirk.

"How do you need me to help you?"

"Fire, I need your fire."

"My flame?"

"The strongest kind."

"This is not easy to learn. My flames have been cultivated bit by bit, and there are almost no shortcuts.

If you want to learn fire disasters, you must first start with the basics of disaster spells. You should understand this, right? "

Seeing Chi Xiao's face ready to teach seriously, Xu Le waved his hand directly.

"I don't need to learn Fire Disaster Magic. You just need to practice well and then show me the entire evolution of the Fire Disaster Magic."

Chi Xiao frowned slightly when he heard Xu Le's somewhat arrogant and even arrogant tone.

"You don't think you can learn my abilities just by watching me, do you? That would be looking down on me too much, Xu Le."

"No, no, no, I definitely don't mean to look down on you. Your fire ability is so powerful that I have never seen it before.

Even those supreme beings may not be as good as you when it comes to flames, really. "

Xu Le's bragging made Chi Xiao feel a little happy, but his mention of "those supreme beings" also made Chi Xiao a little enlightened.

Xu Le has seen those now?

Judging from the familiarity between him and Night Fury, perhaps Night Fury is one of those supreme beings.

The son of Gu Yin Duo... Xu Le has had clear contact with the son of Gu Yin Duo. This is exactly what she has been pursuing.

It is also the last existence that wants to challenge.

"Xu Le, your progress is really fast. I didn't expect that you are already ahead of me in some aspects."

“It’s not that I progressed fast enough, but because I stood on the shoulders of giants and received some lucky blessings.

Compared with hard-working people like you, I am really nothing. "

"But you said you can learn it after reading it once, are you serious? After all... this is an ability I have studied for many years."

Hearing Xu Le say that you can learn your abilities by seeing them once, even if Chi Xiao's mentality is very calm, he can't help but have some fluctuations.

It's like the skills you have studied for many years are not worth mentioning in front of the other party.

This kind of thing is a blow to everyone, and Chi Xiao is no exception.

However, at this time, Xu Le had no intention of hiding anything. He nodded directly and said:

“It’s true that you can learn something once you see it, but it’s not about seeing it, it’s about eating it.”

"Eat?" Chi Xiao's expression changed again.

"How to eat flames? It will burn you to death."

"Even the richest darkness can be swallowed up, let alone flames. The higher you go, the more obvious the rules become.

Once one rule prevails over another, all problems will be solved.

Chi Xiao, your future route should also be on this. "

Xu Le actually only went through a short period of change from following Chi Xiao's advice to now starting to give advice to Chi Xiao.

In this short period of time, in addition to his growth in strength, his vision has surpassed Chi Xiao's to a certain extent.

This feeling is like someone who has experienced modern society and returned to primitive society...

Simply telling primitive society that they needed to drill wood to make fire and make tools would be a huge improvement for primitive society.

Of course, the difference in vision between him and Chi Xiao was not that big, but it was still big enough.

Xu Le has seen the manifestation of rules, and has even touched and mastered them.

As for Chi Xiao, there are only signs of entry.

"Are there rules..."

"Yes, every son of Guyinduo has his own rules. These rules are powerful and independent. Unless you completely break or suppress these rules in a certain sense, otherwise, the son of Guyinduo will be undefeated. .

Even if your overall strength and spiritual power completely suppress your opponents, they will remain invincible because of the independence of their own rules. "

Xu Le's explanation made Chi Xiao feel a little confused. The independence of the rules, the invincible position...

"What kind of situation is called an invincible place?"

"For example, forests, life, and corruption. Even if your fire burns out all the trees, the remaining roots they leave behind will continue to grow, or die, and continue to decay.

In the process of corruption, new life will always appear, leading to a new cycle of reincarnation.

Wild fire, in spring.

This is the independence of the rules. If you can't completely eradicate them, you can't defeat them. "

Xu Le's Soul-Eating Tree actually has the ability to break the rules, just like the Soul-Eating Tree can absorb those projections.

The current gap between Xu Le and Gu Yinduo's son is mainly reflected in his spiritual energy body and his mastery of rules.

The soul-eating tree is derived from Gu Yin Duo, and its superiority is at the same level as Gu Yin Duo.

In the case that the sons of Guyin Duo have not undergone special evolution, Xu Le's rules should be higher than theirs.

Except for the Night Fury, a complete monster that is no longer under control.

The other sons of Gu Yinduo, after Xu Le reaches a certain level, should have ways to check and balance them.

After saying this, Xu Le did not continue.

He knew that Chi Xiao needed to digest this information. For a legendary master, such advice was a bit rash.

But this is indeed the right path, at least until level 8, it is the right path.

Chi Xiao stood there in a daze, thinking a lot.

After a long time, she suddenly looked at Xu Le:

"What about the Night Fury? What kind of rules can defeat a strong man like the Night Fury?"

"Master Night Fury's words... there is no solution."

"No solution?" Chi Xiao was a little surprised. According to what Xu Le said before, every son of Gu Yinduo should have a way to deal with it.

Why does it become unsolvable when we get to Night Fury?

"Why is the Night Fury invincible? Are the other sons of Guinduo the same? Invincible?"

"No, as far as I know, only Lord Night Fury is special. The other sons of Gu Yinduo... currently do not possess this specialness."

"How special."

"She is very special. She can be said to be the most special one in the world. She is different from the ordinary sons of Gu Yinduo."

"Although it's a bit offensive, I still want to get to know her, okay?"

"It seems you really don't want to give up."

"For me, there is no way around this kind of thing."

Chi Xiao looked very stubborn, and it was hard for her to accept the fact that she was defeated by the Night Fury with just one look.

But Xu Le can also understand her thoughts. If the previous tricks were obstacles that Chixiao couldn't overcome, now this obstacle has become a Night Fury.

After meeting the Night Fury and feeling the Night Fury's strength, Chi Xiao had already transformed his target into the shape of the Night Fury.

I believe that for a long time to come, or even at all times, Chi Xiao will aim to defeat the Night Fury.

She always likes to set such high goals for herself...

But Xu Le feels that this is an almost impossible goal.

"How special Lord Night Fury is, let me tell you this...

She alone is the best in the world, the best here. "

Chi Xiao:? ? ?

She understood what Xu Le meant, but she continued to ask:

"Don't you even have a chance to catch up?"

"Chi Xiao, I know you are a genius, a genius among geniuses, a gift that is unprecedented.

But the Night Fury is different from normal creatures..."

"Can you be more specific?"

"To be more specific, it means that all Guyinduo creatures and Red Moon humans were still chasing the realm of gods, that is, the realm of Guyinduo's son, she had long ago not cared about all this.

And the most powerful sons of Gu Yinduo, under current circumstances, have not even reached the level of the Night Fury a thousand years ago.

If other strong men just grow, then Night Fury... just expands.

Unlimited expansion.

You need to gain power, and she... needs to hold back to gain power. "

"To gain strength, and to restrain oneself to gain strength..."

Chi Xiao murmured to himself, Xu Le knew that it would take a while for this guy to think about this matter clearly.

Don’t waste time, keep planting trees here.

Thinking about it, he left Chi Xiao and continued to plant trees around the bonfire, as if everything was back to the time before Chi Xiao woke up.

Xu Le looked at these soul-eating saplings that could not develop.

Here they can absorb the purest dark energy. Although they will be suppressed and restrained by the darkness here, without the Night Fury, he can eat away at this place bit by bit.

But it's a very slow process...very slow.

There is no day or night in the dark land, and Xu Le stayed here for nearly a day before Chi Xiao walked to him faintly.

"let us start."

"Figured out?"

"No, I just feel that there is no point in thinking through these things before you have enough strength."

Enough strength...

Facing the Night Fury, I'm afraid it would be difficult to have enough strength.

Xu Le didn't say anything more because he didn't really see Yasha's strength.

He had only "heard" about the Night Fury's strength.

For example, kill "Lightcast" of the same level.

And now he is wandering around the territory of the Red Moon Temple, showing that he doesn't take the Red Moon God seriously at all. This can be regarded as a display of strength.

In short, normal people should not mess with Night Furies.

For a guy like Chi Xiao, he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, if you're ready, let's get started."

"Okay, what do I need to do?"

"Let's start with the most basic level 1 fire disaster spell."


Chi Xiao's ability to master fire disaster spells is unparalleled. For today's Chi Xiao, this level 1 fire disaster spell doesn't even require a seal.

"Spell - Fireball."

The bright fireball was thrown by Chi Xiao in the shape of his thumb, and Xu Le also stretched out his finger lightly.

The soul-eating branches immediately extended out and entangled themselves in Chi Xiao's fireball.

The black branches made Chi Xiao feel a little uncomfortable. Is this kind of ability... normal?

This was not the first time she had seen branches, but after seeing them several times, Chi Xiao always felt that Xu Le's branches were growing too fast.

Every time I see his branches, it seems that the shape of the branches will change, and the power of the branches will become more and more powerful.

This is Xu Le's ability.

"The flame...was absorbed by you?"

Seeing the fireball dissipate among the branches, Chi Xiao felt that the spiritual energy he controlled also dissipated.

It was a feeling of being robbed, which was very bad.

The fireball did not go out normally, but was robbed by something.

This is what Xu Le calls...eating?

"Is it true that people are afraid of the ability to devour other people's attributes?"

"Doesn't that sound a little evil?"

"It doesn't sound evil, but swallowing this kind of thing is evil in itself, just like those bugs and void predators that swallow up stars."

Chi Xiao's words made Xu Le slightly stunned.

There are indeed similarities between the two. He has never thought about it in this direction before. Is there a relationship between the two?

"There is no point in thinking about these issues now... Let's go ahead and start the level 2 flames."

"That'll be fine?"

"It's not that simple. If I can't master it quickly, I probably have to repeat it several times."

Chi Xiao hesitated to speak, just repeat it a few times...

"Okay, let's continue.

Technique - Wildfire. "

Afterwards, Chi Xiao began to release level 2-6 flame spells. Just as Xu Le said, he needed to absorb the essential rules of these fire disaster spells several times before he could fully master them.

But this in itself was enough to shock Chi Xiao.

Because of these techniques, how many years has she practiced?

"Magic Eye-Wildfire."

This process continued for several days.

On the afternoon of the fifth day, Xu Le had mastered all the first six levels of spells.

Level 6 spells are still a little difficult to release at his current level, but other levels of spells are no longer stressful for him.

As for the curse seal of the spell...Xu Le can also skip it perfectly.

"Magic Eye-Wildfire."

"Demon Eye-Dragon Breath."

"Demon Eye - Boundary of Flame."

Based on the power of darkness, black flames erupted from Xu Le's mouth. These techniques are all commonly used fire techniques by Chi Xiao.

After being absorbed by the Soul-Eating Tree, all these fire spells turned into darkness, which shocked Chi Xiao.

"In just a few days, I have learned it all. This is the power of rules..."

"Yes, this is actually a rather tricky way of practice. It's not really true, but the advantages are indeed very strong."

Xu Le was not humble at this time.

"What about the legendary technique? Can it also be absorbed and imitated?"

"Wait until I reach level 6."

Chi Xiao's pupils shrank. She remembered that Xu Le had just reached level 5. Now, judging from his tone, it seemed that level 6 was not far away.

"What are the rules? Is it why the fire burns?"

Xu Le shook his head slightly:

"Rules are not rules, rules are something that belongs entirely to you. It is not why your flame burns, but what your flame can burn.

Just like the darkness of the Night Fury, it is eternal and can swallow everything. "

What can fire burn? Chi Xiao seemed to have some enlightenment.

"Let the fire purify everything?"

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