
Chapter 444 The Tribulation of the Red Moon Temple

"Ice protection!" The old warlock reacted extremely quickly. The moment he saw the strange palm, he had already released the fastest and strongest defense method that could be created in a short period of time.

But the weirdness of the attack was obviously not an ordinary weirdness.

The thick finger joints, the almost blood-red skin, and the obvious muscles between the joints.

All clearly indicate this weird identity.

Angry demon!

A powerful monster that is contaminated by the power of Guinduo's son and guided by strong emotions of anger.

When the angry demon's palm passed through the gate of space, the twisted cracks had torn its skin.

At the moment when flesh and skin separated, blood dropped onto the old warlock's shield.


Just like a red-hot iron ball touching the ice surface of a body of water, a large amount of steam came out.

The ice protection constructed by psychic energy shattered at this moment.

The bloodthirsty palm seemed to be able to easily break through the ice protection, and the old warlock's powerful defensive effect had almost no effect in front of the angry demon.

Therefore, the old warlock's eyes were full of disbelief.

Because even if the Angry Demon is a special descendant of Gu Yin Duo, given his strength, there is not much pressure to deal with such a weird thing.

The current situation of breaking through the defense instantly is obviously not the ability that the angry demon should have originally.

"Space fluctuation?"

Tear! ~

The old warlock's surprise could not change his fate of being attacked.

The angry demon's thick fingers directly tore his clothes to pieces, and a large piece of skin and flesh under the clothes was torn off at this time.

His old and frail body was unable to withstand such an attack.

Most warlocks are like this. They have devoted their entire lives to their own research.

Contrast technical and spiritual development and research.

The physical improvement is too small.

Even if you train hard for several years, you can become an entry-level warrior or even a first-level warrior.

In the end, it was just a matter of knocking him down with one shot.

The improvement in a warrior's training is too small compared to the improvement brought about by a warlock's training.

Instead of thinking about refining the body, it is better to accumulate more psychic energy to make your defensive spells thicker and more effective.

Usually, this approach and this idea are correct.

But there are exceptions, like now.

The level 5 old warlock's defense was instantly broken by the level 4 angry demon, and he was almost dead on the spot.


The old warlock fell to the ground in pain. The angry demon had already broken through the space rift and stepped on him with one foot.


The angry demon roared at the crowd, and then attracted a large number of magical attacks.

"Spell - Freezing Light."

"Skill - water cutting."

None of the warlocks who can stand on the defense of the Red Moon Temple are simple characters.

Their attack methods were extremely powerful. This angry demon, which was a little complacent because of killing an old human warlock, was instantly smashed into a sieve by rows of rays.

Cut by water flow and freezing temperatures, its body couldn't even find a place to piece it together.

"What happened just now?"

"That space rift..."

"The spatial fissure is still crawling and shows no signs of closing and healing."

"Be careful, it's a night demon!"

As soon as a warlock finished speaking, black claws brushed his cheek.

If it hadn't been for the reminder from his companion just now, this young warlock would have been dead.

"How did it appear?"

"Da Zhou, there is a crack next to you."

The warlock known as Da Zhou glanced behind him, and there was indeed a narrow space crack there.

But this kind of crack is very small. If you try to get out of a crack of this caliber, the night devil will probably be seriously injured.

In a daze, the Night Demon had rushed towards him again.

At this time, it was too late to form the seal. At the critical moment, the female companion on the side pushed him away with a palm.

"Ice Crystal Shield."


The Night Demon's head and face hit the sorceress's ice shield together, and its entire body was squeezed together due to the impact.

But the sorceress's ice crystal shield didn't move at all, which shows how powerful it is.

"There is no problem with the defense of the technique, but how did the old man break through the defense just now?"

"Who knows."

Compared to the rage of the Angry Demon, the Night Demon's control of combat and space is much more precise.

It immediately began to run around the two warlocks, so that other warlocks would not be able to target and attack them at this time.

"Let me do it, Frosty."

Da Zhou raised his hand and performed a range of techniques. With himself as the center of the circle, the surrounding temperature began to drop rapidly.

The biting frost has covered the Night Demon's skin, and its speed is getting slower and slower.

Without the speed advantage, the two techniques immediately locked onto it.



A huge ice spike broke out of the ground, and Night Demon's chest was pierced almost at the same time, hanging on the icicle.

The attacks of the Red Moon Temple's magic are really sharp and violent.

Not even the Night Demon can withstand such an attack method.

Before dying, Night Demon waved his claws lightly at Da Zhou. No one would pay special attention to such an understatement, except for the two parties involved in the fight with Night Demon.

Da Zhou and the sorceress felt the danger at the same time. The sorceress raised her ice crystal shield and blocked Da Zhou.

This ice crystal shield that had perfectly defended the Night Demon before gave the sorceress absolute confidence.

But Da Zhou behind her felt something was wrong.

The warlock's intuition told him that he couldn't resist this move forcefully, and if he couldn't block it, he had to dodge it.

"Nana, stay away."


Da Yiyi grabbed Nana and pulled her back.

But Nana had some hesitation at this time. The ice shield's defense was already perfect before, so why should she run away now?

It was this brief hesitation that made Nana retract her hand a little slower.

The Night Demon's attack also arrived at this time.


The inexplicably sharp claw attack instantly cut open the ice crystal shield, and Warlock Nana's palm flew up.

While the blood was splattering, Nana's face was filled with disbelief and pain.


Screaming, Nana became angry with pain and embarrassment, and whipped the body of Night Demon again.

But the Night Demon had died long ago, and the attack at this time was meaningless.

"Calm down and take your hand back. If you can remove the contamination, you may be able to reconnect it."

"Are you mentally retarded? The hand injured by the Night Demon cannot be used even if it is boiled in boiling water."

The two people who had a good relationship had an argument at this time, but they also realized that the argument was meaningless at this time, and then lowered their heads.

"Feel sorry."

"never mind."

The warlock named Nana picked up her palm, sealed it with freezing air, and returned to the battle.

In the current black tide, all the warlocks present clearly felt the difference.

What's surprising is not just the number of monsters, but also their powerful ability to break through defenses.

Level 4 Guyin Duo Heir is very strong, but not that strong.

Especially in front of Red Moon Temple Warlocks like them, they have dealt with too many kinds of weirdness. Even the descendants of Gu Yinduo have seen it countless times.

This kind of ability to leapfrog breakthroughs definitely does not exist under normal circumstances, and it should not exist.

If level 4 weirdness can easily break through the defensive spells of a level 5 warlock, then it will be too much of a threat to the warlock itself.

Coupled with those strange space cracks, it can be said that these strange arrivals are not only extremely dangerous, but also traceless.

I am afraid that only their Red Moon Temple can block such an attack with such intensity and means.

"Okay, you two step back and take a short rest. It's not even 1 o'clock now, and the Kuroshio is still early."

The warlock defense rotation of the Red Moon Temple has begun. Warlocks like Nana and Da Zhou who have performed a round of defense and are injured will be promptly transferred to the next floor for training and care.

After all, warlocks are valuable assets, and this is no exception in the Red Moon Temple.

There is no shortage of warlocks in the Red Moon Temple, but they will never treat warlocks as cabbage.

Supporting Nana, Dazhou frowned while walking.

He felt something strange, which was the warlock's crisis intuition.

Da Zhou may not be very strong, but his warlock intuition has always been accurate. Just now, his quick intuitive reaction saved Nana's life.

Now he felt the same way again.

It was as if someone was staring at him from an unknown place. It was a dangerous gaze that could attack them at any time.

"Da Zhou? Why are you so absent-minded?"

"Nana, do you feel...that something is spying on us?"

"Peeping? Do you suffer from persecution delusions?"

Nana's palm was chopped off. She was obviously in a bad mood at this time, and her tone of voice was full of gunpowder.

Da Zhou opened his mouth, wanting to defend himself, saying that his intuition was always very accurate.

But he thought about it and let it go.

Now that Nana's hand has fallen off, her anger is too strong. If she can't calm down, communication will be completely meaningless.

"Forget it, I'll take you to heal first."

"Hmph, you finally did something sensible."

Da Zhou frowned again, Nana's character... normally shouldn't be so bad.

He glanced at the broken part of Nana's wrist. Although it was wrapped in freezing air, there was still some black and gray color on the broken wrist.

Da Zhou immediately realized that something was wrong, Nana might have been contaminated.

It was even said that...she had felt it herself.

"Did you notice?"

"Nana, you..."

"As expected, I still can't hide it from you, Da Zhou, we are too familiar.

Since we are good companions and friends, then die with me. "

Nana showed bloodshot eyes, and her expression suddenly became crazy:

"Hahahaha, the thing that corrodes this world is not just darkness...

Oh no, maybe there was only darkness before, but there will be more in the future..."

"What do you mean?" Da Zhou looked stunned, not understanding why his friend suddenly changed.

And Nana's limbs suddenly twisted, as if being pulled by some invisible thread.

As a warlock of the Red Moon Temple, Da Zhou was well-informed.

This scene made him immediately think of certain situations.

"The Thread of Destiny? No, that's not right, the Thread of Destiny shouldn't be like this... it's some other advanced creature."

Da Zhou's thoughts were spinning wildly, and he matched the scene in front of him with a guy who liked to play tricks on others and use conspiracy.

"Who are you……"

"Hehehehe, you don't need to know what I am, but you should know what you will face. This is called [something that cannot be changed - trajectory].

If you survive, tell them, I'm coming, we're coming, get ready. "


Da Zhou immediately realized that the other party was teasing and toying with him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

The gap between the two is too huge.

Just like the other party said, he had to survive first.

"Where will the attack be? Where?"


Nana in front of her broke her own neck, and then gave Da Zhou a grin that was very captivating before she died.

"Is it Nana's place?"

Dazhou just made a round of predictions and was immediately slapped in the face.

Some bubbles appeared in the surrounding air, and these bubbles made a "gurgling" sound, making Da Zhou think that it was some kind of aquatic creature that was transferred to the ground by the space rift.

He was preparing for battle in a serious manner, but he didn't know that in an invisible corner, a sinister guy was looking at him:

"I just like to see them preparing for the battle, thinking that they can survive, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

I don't know if the owner of the voice is crying or laughing.

On Dazhou's side, those water-like bubbles gradually solidified, and they were indeed all space cracks.

But it was different from some kind of aquatic weirdness he suspected.

These bubbles are actually the gas exhaled by a certain creature...

It's a giant! An oversized giant.

The giant's body gradually solidified in the air, exactly like the previous Night Demon and Angry Demon.

Its body also caused huge self-damage by passing through the space rift.

A large amount of flesh was missing, and even the entire stomach and abdomen had been completely hollowed out.

The intestines were leaking out, and no part of the skin on the body was intact.

Bloodstains everywhere.

Da Zhou originally thought that the space rift could only transmit the weird things of small individuals, but he didn't expect that even the weird things of giants and supermodels could be transmitted.

And it is completely different from the previous Night Demon and Angry Demon.

The current position of this giant has reached the inner area of ​​the city wall of the Red Moon Temple. What kind of dangerous situation is this?


The giant looked very painful. While roaring and wailing, it raised its palms to Da Zhou on the city wall.

The palm as huge as a hill smacked down towards Da Zhou, and Da Zhou couldn't avoid it at all.

And with an attack of this magnitude, defensive techniques are of no use? It's of no use.

"My day..."


In the dark place, Xu Le and Chi Xiao not far away were both practicing.

What's strange is that Xu Le also uses the immortal ash flame. His magic pupils rotate slightly, and his movements are exactly the same as those of Chi Xiao opposite him.

They are all working on new rules.

It's just that Chi Xiao is innovating, while Xu Le is integrating.

Being immortal in the dark land, Xu Le can now do it.

But that's just the beginning.

"Try to see if it is really immortal."

Xu Le took out the Fading Fire and gradually brought the two flames closer together.

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