
Chapter 460 Information provided by Xu Le

Rabbi's mood was a little turbulent, and the time was now very close to 12 o'clock.

He was a little excited and a little unable to control himself.

"Do you really want to try it? Maybe it's the temptation of the thread of fate...

What is the relationship between Xu Le and Master Duo En? Is it true that he thinks about Lord Dorn day and night as he said? "

The rabbi looked at the time again, and it was not yet 12 o'clock...

"How about divination for Xu Le first? Well, there's nothing else to do anyway."

Out of curiosity, the rabbi began to perform divination on Xu Le.

"Does this Xu Le think about Lord Dorn day and night?"

【Red Card-Angel】

"Affirmative? In other words, is what Xu Le said true? Does he really think about Lord Dorn day and night?

They met in Zion... Could it be that Xu Le had seen Lord Dorn's true face?

I don’t know what he looks like to be able to charm this person into looking like this. "

After getting a positive answer through divination, Rabbi's mood became even more exciting.

The time has come to 12 o'clock.

A dark cloud in the sky just covered the moon, making the night scene a little more mysterious.

Reflecting in the dark night, Rabbi took out the ancient Yinduo cards that he had prepared before.

[Black Card-Black Sheep Girl]

"When the midnight bell rings, use the Black Card - Black Sheep Girl, and the power of darkness will follow..."

As a warlock of the Red Moon Temple, Dorn's tool man, a diviner with no hope of breakthrough.

The rabbi felt that his life was bad enough.

In such a terrible life, it doesn't matter even if he fails. He has no family, no lover, no relatives and friends.

Even as colleagues, their relationship is not very good.

"No one cares about me, no one expects me... I have nothing left to lose."

A burst of spiritual energy was then injected into the Black Card - the Black Sheep Girl.

Dark particles immediately invaded between Rabbi's fingers, and the spreading dark energy made him seem to be trapped in a fog.

"The feeling of being surrounded by dark particles seems pretty good?"

The rabbi reached out to the darkness, and the power of darkness took hold of him.

"Anything, anything can betray you and give up on you, except darkness.

When you embrace the darkness, the darkness will embrace you. "

The rabbi embraced the darkness, and...he gained strength, new strength.

An unprecedented sense of fulfillment appeared in his heart, and that special spiritual power made him sublime.

" I need to do?"

"Do what you're supposed to do."

"What exactly?"

Rabbi didn't get a response, and he didn't know if the other party was deceiving him. In short... after embracing the darkness, he did get some dark particles.

There is also the ability to incorporate dark particles into spells.

Tired and sleepy, the rabbi returned to his residence with doubts and fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, he was awakened by the calls of his colleagues.

"Rabbi, Rabbi, get up quickly. Lord Dorn is back. We have to go over and report."


Rabbi still got up step by step, washed up, and then prepared to go to work at Dawn's place.

While on the way, my companion began to talk about what happened last night vividly.

"You know, Rabbi, we did something big last night.

The bloodline army led by Deputy Palace Master Melis destroyed a lair of the Sons of Guinduo to the west of the Red Moon Temple.

He killed nearly 500 heirs, and I heard that Lord Melis also fought off the phantom of Spider Queen Rose.

This is unprecedented good news, I'm afraid we will all be rewarded, Rabbi! "

"Huh? Oh..."

If it were in the past, Rabbi would probably have gotten excited too, but today he didn't know what was going on. He didn't react at all after hearing these things, and his lack of interest made his colleagues a little worried.

"Rabbi, what's wrong with you? Are you angry because Lord Dorn didn't take you with him last night?

In fact, you don’t have to do this. The situation last night was very dangerous. If you were at your level, you would probably die there..."

"I know, so I didn't say anything. Don't worry about me. Congratulations."

"Rabbi...are you okay?"

"I am fine."

The rabbi really felt good about himself, instead of forcing a smile.

After getting up this morning, he felt more powerful than before.

In addition to the obvious increase in spiritual power, his ability to control Guyinduo cards also seems to have improved, which is a feeling he has not experienced in a long time.

This feeling is really wonderful.

"Hurry and report to Lord Dorn."

"Well, you go first, I'll go to the toilet."

The rabbi came to the toilet and dug into his pocket while defecating.

Then his brows furrowed...

There is something in the pocket.

The rabbi took it out and unfolded it in his palm, only to find several black and gray seeds.

"Seed? This thing needs to be planted, right? Where should it be planted?"

After walking out of the toilet, Rabbi looked at the office where Dawn was.

Duone and the others should be celebrating their victory now, right?

The rabbi took out a seed, walked to a corner of the courtyard, and dug out a small hole with a small wooden stick in an inconspicuous place.

Then threw the seeds in and stepped on them.

“I don’t know what kind of trees they will grow into.”

After planting the seeds, the rabbi walked towards Dawn's office.

On weekdays, he is very active at work, but today he is always a little uninterested, and he doesn't know what's wrong.

"Lord Dorn, I'm here. Congratulations on your great achievement and repelling Rose..."

At this time, Dawn was quite high-spirited. She waved to the rabbi and said harmoniously:

"Okay Rabbi, this time we were able to successfully destroy Rose's lair, and it's all thanks to you. If it weren't for your divination that gave us information about Rose, we wouldn't have been able to do so smoothly.

The reward this time will not be small, I hope you can feel my joy. "

"Ah, thank you Lord Dorn for the commendation."

Dawn nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"This negotiation with Xu Le is very important. Although he is not a good person, he gave us very important and accurate information.

Apart from you, I am afraid that no one else is qualified for this matter. I am very optimistic about you, Rabbi..."

Hearing what Dawn said, Rabbi felt a sneer in his heart.

What is very promising about him, and what others are not up to.

In all likelihood, Dorn had already found other Red Moon Warlocks and tried to use other Red Moon Warlocks to contact Xu Le, but the final result failed.

Only such a possibility would allow Duo En to say these words to him. Normally, Duo En would not use such a slow and whispering tone.

It must be that no one else can do it, and he has something to do, so he adopts this attitude.

It's really ridiculous. Wait, why does he think Lord Dorn is ridiculous?

This is not the attitude and thought a subordinate should have...

"Thank you Lord Dorn for your cultivation. If there is anything you need me to do, just ask, Rabbi will do his best."

"Hahahaha, very good, Rabbi, I just like your diligent attitude.

I tried to contact Xu Le before, but nothing came of it. You have experience in negotiating with Xu Le before, through Gu Yin Duo Card..."

Although he already knew it, the rabbi still pretended to be ignorant and asked:

"Xu Le, is that the guy who admires Lord Dorn very much? He is really discerning. He can hand over such important news to Lord Dorn. It seems that he must admire Lord Dorn very much."

The rabbi's words made Dawn slightly startled.

Xu Le admires her? How could it be possible? She killed Xu Le with her own hands, although she didn't know how he survived.

Perhaps through the art of substitution?

How could such a person have a crush on her?

However, the information Xu Le left before was indeed true.

The reason why Duo En wanted to continue to contact Xu Le was because of the true news. She also wanted more news.

To be precise, Melis needed more information.

Duo En did not continue to explain the relationship between Xu Le and herself.

Since the rabbi has misunderstood, let him continue to misunderstand. As long as it does not affect his work, he can do whatever he wants.

"The relationship between me and this Xu Le...don't make any assumptions, it means nothing to you.

Do your job well, and the Red Moon Temple will never treat a warlock who works hard badly. "

Seeing Dawn drawing cakes for himself again, Rabbi also smiled slightly.

"Rabbi is always ready to give his all for the Red Moon Temple."

"Very good, let's go and try it. Try to contact the guy from before, Xu Le, through the Guyinduo card."


Today's rabbi was not submissive, his tone was very steady, and his mood seemed stable.

This couldn't help but make Duo En glance at him.

"let's start."

Taking out the Guyinduo card, Rabi began to try to use the card to contact Xu Le.

The black energy flashed away, and Dawn noticed something abnormal, but she didn't say much.

Maybe this is what Xu Le needs to communicate?

That black energy?

Soon, black mist overflowed from Rabbi's ancient Yin Duo card.

The diffuse black fog enveloped the room, making the atmosphere in the entire room strange.

"Isn't it time for the mysterious guy to show up?"

As the master of this summoning spell, Rabbi fell into a state of confusion.

He stood in front of Dawn, slowly turned around and lowered his head.

After the rabbi lowered his head, the aura on his body also changed, and a strange feeling appeared in the room.

"Long time no see, Lord Dorn."

Xu Le's voice began to echo in the room, but Duo En clenched his fists.

Her tall body took a step forward, and her joints made a "creaking" sound.

"Xu Le, is it really Xu Le? Did you escape through the art of substitution?"

"Yes, I really almost died at that time, Lord Dorn."

"What is your purpose in coming to the Red Moon Temple?" Dorn stepped closer.

As long as she's close enough, she might kill someone at any time.

Although Xu Le had provided valid information before, and although the rabbi might die as a result, she would still take action without hesitation.

It depends on how Xu Le answers his question next.

Xu Le, who was relying on Rabbi, also felt hostility, but Xu Le just smiled and said in a lower attitude:

"Lord Dorn, you don't have to be so hostile to me. This time, I came with good intentions."

"If you really have good intentions, you can walk in openly and openly. There is no need to engage in such obscure methods."

"If I come in openly, I will most likely end up being arrested by the Red Moon Temple. That is not my wish. Lord Dorn, you should understand."

Duo En narrowed his eyes slightly, Xu Le was actually right.

"Then what do you want to express? Can you say it?"

"I will provide the Red Moon Temple with the information I can without asking for anything in return."

"You don't ask for anything in return? I didn't expect that a great person like you could appear in Zion. It's really amazing. No wonder Zion is developing so fast."

"Lord Dorn, there is no need to laugh at me like this, and there is no need to laugh at Zion. This is meaningless for our future cooperation."

"Cooperation? Do you think I will cooperate with you?"

"Of course, there are never eternal enemies, only eternal interests."

Duo En raised his eyebrows again. The conversation with Xu Le was indeed very relaxed.

But she still has no way to judge where Xu Le's interests lie?

"I agree with this statement, and I also feel the benefits, but the question is, where are your benefits?

I would feel uneasy if there was no way to figure this out. "

At this time, bubbles appeared on Rabbi's face, and Xu Le's appearance became blurry.

It seems that it won't be long before Xu Le disappears.

Duo En didn't stop her, she was just waiting for Xu Le's answer.

"Master Dorn, don't worry too much. Our interests are actually the same. Humanity needs a bridgehead.

Except for the Red Moon Temple, no one can adapt to the identity of the bridgehead.

If the Red Moon Temple is defeated, then everything in the human race will be destroyed. This is the reason why I help you, and it is also the source of all benefits. "

"Do you think our Red Moon Temple will fail?"

“I’m not the only one who thinks so, but they don’t see it as far as I do.

Many people are in a wait-and-see state, but they don't understand that waiting and watching will only accelerate their own demise.

That’s why I took action decisively and provided as much information as possible to the Red Moon Temple.

This is not only my personal benefit, but also my expectation for the future. "

Gulu! ~

There were more and more black bubbles, and Xu Le's appearance became blurry. Rabbi returned and looked at Duo En in front of him with a blank expression.

"Lord Dorn, I just...I didn't know what happened just now."

Seeing the bewildered look on Rabbi's face, Dawn felt helpless.

Xu Le talked to her through the rabbi twice. He probably felt that the person in front of him was of no use.

"Sure enough, waste will also have the existence value of waste."

Dawn felt a little bored, but the rabbi screamed.

"Lord Dorn, that Xu Le left a new letter."

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