
Chapter 472 Go to the red moon

Perhaps because they talked about Ding Ke and Chi Xiao, the atmosphere between Xu Le and Bai Ya gradually became harmonious.

"You haven't heard my story?" Xu Le looked surprised.

"No, I rarely go out and have little contact with the outside world."

"That's really a pity. In fact, I'm quite awesome." Xu Le admitted that he was embarrassed to brag, but in fact he didn't brag too hard.

He's really awesome.

Bai Ya smiled contemptuously, maybe in her eyes, Xu Le was just bragging.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are still just like Gu Yinduo. This is the Red Moon Holy Land. You have to figure it out."

"Uh, do you want to kill me?"

"..." Bai Ya was speechless.

"Since you have no intention of killing me, what does it matter if this is the Holy Land of Red Moon? There is no one else."

Xu Le smiled, and then received a pitiful look from Bai Ya.

The confusion behind Xu Le was still indifferent, and he had no intention of laughing at all. Of course, he did not give any more instructions because of the conversation between the two.

"You are really innocent... maybe that's why they like it?"

"Innocent? Haha, this is the first time I heard someone describe me like this. People I meet usually don't have a good evaluation of me."

Regarding outsiders' evaluation of him, Xu Le highlights one polarization.

His enemies all think that he is cheap and unscrupulous in doing things, with almost no lower limit. He often joins forces with people like Li Wen to make some over-the-top actions.

But his friends all think that he is very good, his ideas are mature and effective, he is rigorous in doing things, he basically leaves no flaws, he is efficient, he dares to fight hard, etc.

The two sides have different perspectives, so their evaluations are also very different, but what is certain is that no matter which side they are on, they will not think that Xu Le is an innocent guy.

A naive guy cannot survive the black tide in the lighthouse, the coup in Zion, the disaster in Tianrui Lifeng, and the assassination in the Red Moon Temple.

To be able to survive to this day, Xu Le has experienced too many things. In terms of survival, he is far more experienced than Bai Ya.

"You do seem to be quite innocent, and you speak very naively. I really don't understand how someone like Chi Xiao can be so cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

"Hey, what you said is an insult.

Am I stupid? Why don't you think I'm pretending to be like this? "

"Sorry, I really didn't see that you were pretending, I just thought you were stupid."

"This is your problem. You think I'm stupid. It's a matter of your personal vision. Do you know who I'm hanging out with?"

Bai Ya glanced up and down at Xu Le. He could see the rich power of darkness in his body and the almost unconcealed ancient Yin Duo spiritual power.

Is this still necessary? you still need to ask?

"No need to show off here, I know you are following the Night Fury, and I also know she is a very powerful being.

But so what? This is the Red Moon Holy Land. Is it possible that your Lord Night Fury can really come here? "

Xu Le wanted to say, yes, yes, the Night Fury came just now.

However, looking at Bai Ya's growing confidence, he felt that if he attacked her at this time, the conversation between the two parties would probably not be able to continue, so he stopped the idea in time.

"Don't think that squatting at home is enough. If you are in the wild, you will know how powerful Lord Night Fury is..."

Bai Ya narrowed his eyes and smiled, Xu Le's look was indeed interesting.

She can now fully understand Chi Xiao's thoughts. Being able to become friends with such an interesting person will definitely bring a lot more color to her life.

So even a cold and dull person like Chi Xiao will be changed by the presence of Xu Le.

Becoming cold on the outside and hot on the inside...

Moreover, what Xu Le said here is not wrong.

Night Furies are really, really powerful.

It is so powerful that the entire Red Moon Temple system is afraid of it.

Ever since the seal of the Son of Ancient Yin Duo was lifted and the Night Fury handed over the Fading Fire to Xu Le, she herself has been wandering around the area of ​​the Red Moon Temple.

For several months, the Night Fury's route and location were almost completely exposed to the red moon.

All existences above level 7 in the Red Moon System, and even some level 6 personnel, all know about the existence of Night Furies.

But there was no way, not even a single person who ran over to provoke the Night Fury showed up.

The entire Red Moon Temple just acquiesced to the existence of Night Fury.

As the nominal master of the Red Moon Temple, Bai Ya has not asked Hong Yue and the three major gods, but she has not received any response.

This matter was handled so coldly.

This was one of the reasons why she became increasingly dissatisfied with Hongyue.

In her opinion, the appearance of Night Fury was Gu Yinduo's provocation. They could be defeated, but they could not be so cowardly.

Unexpectedly, Hongyue itself actually gave in.

"The existence of Night Fury is indeed terrifying..."

"Do you know how powerful it is?"

Bai Ya did not answer, but frowned and emphasized again:

"So? This is the Red Moon Holy Land, and you are not a Night Fury.

What you are doing now is no different from those people in Tianrui Lifeng who point their fingers at other people's noses and say, "My eldest brother is very powerful..." "

Xu Le touched his nose in embarrassment. If nothing else, he at least succeeded in changing the subject.

"Forget it, let's talk about your affairs..."

After feeling that the time was gradually becoming mature, Xu Le began to conduct some simple experiments.

We still know too little about Bai Ya. Now that the two sides are more familiar with each other, it's time to do some intelligence gathering.

If Bai Ya refuses to answer, it actually doesn't matter. He has nothing to lose.

According to his observation, the Bai Ya in front of him seemed to enjoy communicating with him.

This level of information disclosure should not arouse her hostility.

"My thing? What do you want to know?"

"As the master of the Red Moon Temple, what do you do every day? Correct official documents?"

It seemed like an unintentional inquiry, but it caused Bai Ya to feel uncomfortable.

Bai Ya's life is actually very boring. To a certain extent, she is no different from being imprisoned.

Maybe a beautiful canary?

This is why she really wants Chi Xiao and Ding Ke to stay.

Maybe there are some other factors involved, but also a big part is that she really wants to keep some people, at least one person.

I can have a good communication with her so that she doesn't stay here like a puppet.

She didn't know many people, and even fewer people she could talk to regardless of her identity.

If it were in the past, Bai Ya would never have thought that he would have a happy conversation with Gu Yinduo.

But when the truth happened, it was far more outrageous than she imagined.

"Why are you asking so many questions? What does this have to do with you?"

Bai Ya's attitude suddenly became bad, which made Xu Le look confused.

We were having a good chat just now, but suddenly our attitude changed. A woman’s heart is like a needle in the sea!

"I'm just asking casually. If you don't want to say anything, just don't say it."

It only took 2 minutes for the two of them to go from talking happily to being silent now.

To be honest, Bai Ya felt a little regretful. It was not easy for her to meet someone who could truly chat with her without any scruples.

The previous conversation was also very pleasant, but because of my own sensitivity, I suddenly interrupted the conversation...

This made her a little annoyed.

"Really, why are you so sensitive..."

Bai Ya was very irritated. It was impossible for her to take the initiative to apologize to Xu Le.

Years of living alone in the Holy Land have left her completely incapable of bowing to others, especially when the other person is Gu Yinduo.

This is even more impossible in the face of confusion.

With such silence, the two walked to a circular white jade staircase whose top could not be seen.

"This is the final road. After passing here, you can see what you want to see."

"You probably don't know what I want to see."

"We're all here, don't you want to see the red moon?"

"What's so good about the red moon? Isn't it just a big red ball?"

"Big red ball..." This description made Bai Ya feel that Xu Le somewhat disrespected Hong Yue.

Seeing that something was wrong in Bai Ya's eyes, Xu Le quickly explained:

"I don't mean any disrespect to Hong Yue, but I have nothing to be curious about. I know it is very powerful and one of the most powerful existences in the world.

But for me, it's nothing special because I've seen a lot of ancient sounds.

And I have also seen many powerful beings, I hope you can understand. "

Xu Le's expression was calm, neither humble nor arrogant. Bai Ya nodded slightly:

"I understand, that makes sense. For you, there is really nothing strange about Red Moon.

But let’s go, after all, you know..."

"I'm here now, I understand..."

Xu Le was very honest and continued walking behind Bai Ya.

In short, the woman in white seemed quite easy to talk to, so he didn't resist her that much.

"After I became the master of the Red Moon Temple, I was actually very free every day. Apart from practicing and showing up when it was time to show up, there was almost nothing else to do on weekdays.

Most of the time, I just practice and then think..."

Is she a home girl again?

When Bai Ya explained, although he did not apologize, his tone already contained the intention of explaining and apologizing for what he had just said.

Xu Le understood that at this time, it was natural to follow the hair and borrow the donkey to go downhill.

"It seems that the daily life of the master of the Red Moon Temple is quite boring."

"It's really boring."

"How did you become the master of the Red Moon Temple? I remember the name of the master at that time..."

Xu Le pretended to be awkward, but Bai Ya took over the words smoothly.


"Oh, yes, the previous palace master's name was Cangming. How did you replace Cangming as the palace master?"

There was a cautious look in Xu Le's eyes. If he hadn't looked so naive, Bai Ya would definitely have thought that Xu Le was spying on information...

But this matter is not very important.

For the Red Moon Temple, the replacement of the temple master was a scandal, but for her, it was just a past event.

“There is actually only one reason why I became the master of the Red Moon Temple, and that is that the Red Moon Temple needs a master.

Then they need to choose a well-behaved and obedient person to become the new palace master, which will be easier to control.

So... in the end they chose me.

As a relatively easy-to-control puppet, I naturally became the master of the Red Moon Palace. "

Bai Ya looked relaxed when he said this, but Xu Le could hear a somewhat heavy meaning...

She has been emphasizing that she is a puppet. Is it because she is unwilling to live like this?

"Your life is regrettable, but unfortunately, my ability is limited and I can't help you."

"Haha, you don't think I want you to help me escape, do you? You are really naive."

Seeing Bai Ya laughing, Xu Le looked serious and said in a slightly slow tone:

"If I had the ability, maybe I would help you."

Xu Le's tone was a little uncertain and hesitant.

He didn't have that kind of determination and unstoppable courage, but to Bai Ya's ears, it seemed extraordinarily real.

This is the true expression of a helper.

There are many things that are beyond our control, and even if there are ways to help others, hesitation and worry will definitely arise.

That kind of indomitable determination is false, but the hesitation and hesitation in front of you is sincere.

Bai Ya turned to look at Xu Le, his eyes even more complicated.

Is this why Chi Xiao and Ding Ke are willing to be friends with Xu Le? It seems a little bit trustworthy.

But Xu Le himself is right, his current ability is not enough.

"Thank you, I appreciate your kindness."

"Well, I actually didn't do anything, so there's no need to thank me."

"No, you at least made me understand why Chi Xiao and Ding Ke are willing to follow you."

"Harm, I haven't done anything at all. Do you think I have the ability? In short, if you know each other, you have a good relationship. If you can help, it will be a big deal."

Can you help me? Really simple logic.

The two of them continued walking upwards, and unconsciously, the confusion behind Xu Le got closer.

His eyes staring at Xu Le became a little sharp, which made Bai Ya think that he was trying to kill Xu Le, so he quickly said:

"Hey, Xu Le..."

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"It's coming soon. Facing the Red Moon, we need to maintain enough awe. Even if you are Gu Yinduo and there is absolute hostility between you and the Red Moon, you are still a human being.

This is my kind reminder, do you understand? "

Bai Ya's reminder may sound a bit trivial, but in fact it is completely meaningless.

Based on Xu Le's character, it is absolutely impossible for him to do anything rash and excessive after seeing the red moon.

Therefore, Bai Ya's reminder seemed a bit redundant.

"Okay, I know."

"Then, let's go." Bai Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now I was reminding Xu Le, but I was also reminding Mian Wan that we were almost in front of Hongyue...

Although Xu Le was Gu Yinduo, she didn't want the other party to die simply like that.

Just like Xu Le himself said, if you can help, it's worth it.

Soon, the steps in front of the two people became hazy and unreal.

The road also disappeared.

"Here we are, Xu Le, this is the final entrance. Without orders, I cannot enter the territory.

Just be careful. "


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